I recently asked for my newsletter readers this question: to improve your game, what product do you feel the need?
They were more than 60% to need a product explaining how to sexualize their interactions and how not to fall into the Friendzone. This seems to be a widespread problem!
So I hope to help many people with my new ebook…
Most girls you date stop answering you after?
Have you given up sleeping with a woman and claimed to be a respectful, gallant or “hard to get” man… while you were in reality just too nervous to make the first move?
Have you ruined your chances with a woman because you did not dare to take action (eg, kissing her) at the right time?
Has a girl you would have liked to fuck already said :
“You know, I love you much… but just as a friend…”
“You’re a great guy, you deserve a great girl… but it will not be me…”
“I do not want to spoil this beautiful friendship between us…”
“You’re like a brother to me…”
Or other crap like that?
First, know that, me too, I’ve liked several girls who just saw me as a friend, I know how frustrating this is. Besides, I tell you dandy personal anecdotes in this book.
Before, women did not consider me as a future potential boyfriend but as a nice guy, just like the many others they meet every day.
Before, when I met a girl who was interested in me, when I felt there was a way to go further with her, I was wasting it, because of my lack of confidence and because I did not dare sexualization (I did not even know how to do that).
The good news is that all this stuff can be learned through the game… and that learning is fun!
Now I waste no time and fuck more than 45 girls per year while many of my fellow unfortunately live a hard sexual frustration (I knew this feeling).
I wish to communicate my experience and my knowledge through my book.

With this ebook (135 pages), you will:
Understand why girls often consider you as « just » a buddy (and how not to end up in this kind of situation);
understand how to be manly and sexual without being thought of as a pervert;
how you can sexualize without being vulgar or needy;
discover the verbal and non-verbal sexualization;
discover how I start my kinesthetic escalation when I’m alone with a girl (at my place or her home) to sleep with her (works about 9 times out of 10);
discover the concept of sexual humor;
understand how to avoid falling into the Friendzone;
understand that there is no need to hide your intentions to sleep with a girl;
learn how to seduce a girl who is in your social circle without having to tell her your feelings;
beef up your game of seduction;
and many other things…
This guide is an immediately downloadable ebook and your investment is only $29.
You can order without any apprehension or embarrassment. Your personal information will never be given (nor sold) to anyone. This purchase is completely confidential… and your credit card statement will state “SM Conseil”. 100% discreet!
Just after ordering on the secure form of 1TPE (my partner for several years, this platform is 100% reliable), you will have access to a private interface and will be able to immediately download the English version and the French version of the ebook and then start reading !
The advantage of digital products is that you do not have to pay abusive transport costs (plus it is environmentally friendly)…
« I want to learn sexualization, overcome my sexual anxieties, learn how to assume and let express my manhood to finally become that confident man who attracts women… »

It’s your turn !
Fabrice Julien