Looking for how to be a good lover? How to be a good woman ? How to be good in bed? The best mistress ?
Hi everyone,
Who am I to write this book on how to be a good lover?
I am Fabrice Julien, coach and author, expert in sexuality since 2010.
I have a successful YouTube channel about sexuality.
I have slept with more than 350 women whose desires and pleasures I have listened to.
And I’m already the author of The awesome lover’s manual (sex guide for men) and Tuto X (video training for men and women with porn actress).
The guide to be good in bed is a training course that will give you advice on how to get to know a woman’s body better, how to finger her better, how to lick her better, how to fuck her better, etc. Thanks to this training, you will give many more orgasms!
Through this eBook, you will discover my best techniques to make a woman come. Women will be much more satisfied in bed and you will ask for more!
The Tuto X is a huge project shot with two X actresses (Emma Klein and Natacha Guapa) and two actors (James Klein and Joss Lescaf) and with the participation of a sexuality expert.
It tells you how to have good sex in real life, for two (mostly for two but also for more)… it’s a video training with real demonstrations and everything.
With this book, I wanted to make the guide of the good leg for women.
The purpose of the Good Lover’s Guide
My goal in writing this eBook is for you to have amazing sexual experiences and for you to allow your lover(s) to have them too.
Are you looking for how to be a good mistress in bed? How to become that woman who makes men fantasize? The one who makes guys go crazy with pleasure? The one they want to call back as soon as she leaves after a good sex ? The one they will never cheat on because she fulfills them perfectly?
With this reading, you will become a sex bomb! A great lover! No matter how good you look or how shy you are now.
Many women have incredible sexual potential but don’t dare to reveal it because they don’t know what to do about it. That’s a shame!
Knowing what to do with a man will make it easier for you to get started! You will dare to let go more too. You’ll give your partners more pleasure (you’ll give them pleasure) and you’ll get more pleasure too! Unleash your potential to be the best in bed!
The content of the good lover’s guide
Do you want to be the best in bed? Do you want to be confident in bed?
Here I will reveal the mindset that leads to good sex. We will also talk about the preparations for good sex. Then I’ll talk about the actual sexual practices. Finally, I’ll talk about more advanced topics like getting a good male booty call or having a threesome with two guys.
It is a complete program that awaits us in this book. I really felt I had to write this book because the sex education we get in high school doesn’t really help us to cum more and make us cum. It teaches us to put a condom on a banana but that’s about it…
It’s not always by listening to your girlfriends that you find good advice on sexuality. In fact, if they themselves are not great lovers, it is difficult for them to inform you correctly. Besides, some of them also like to pretend that they don’t know that much about sex… And there are so many false beliefs about sex…
Why the Good Lover’s Guide?
How to be a pro in bed? How to be successful in bed? What is a good fuck for a woman? I don’t like to talk too much in terms of performance, the idea is not to perform or anything but to be so natural and enjoy it so much, while knowing exactly what to do, that you will be a woman who makes good love and maybe even become the best fuck of her life…
Do you realize what it is to be the best sex of his life? He will think about you often, he will jerk off thinking about you, etc.
And you don’t have to be a tigress or a beast that bites and scratches! Too many guides are written by women who haven’t bothered to ask men.
I swear, while researching for this book, I read some amazing stuff (and watched some amazing YouTube videos). There are a lot of pseudo-experts who think they are in a romantic comedy and give advice that is useless or even counterproductive in real life.
There are a lot of misconceptions about male psychology out there… and the worst part is that women sometimes pay to hear the dumbest shit (I think the worst part is the women’s magazines)! This only reinforces them. I’m sick of it! So I’m trying to make you better understand men, the society that surrounds you and… yourself. We will also talk a lot about how you can have more pleasure and better orgasms.
Of course, this is not about giving a selfish male opinion that would force you to do things you don’t want to do, because of the patriarchal obligation. It’s about teaching you how to give more pleasure in bed, but also how to receive pleasure better and how to communicate better with your man to create a real deep bond.
And, no, you don’t have to be super thin, with huge breasts and a squat buttock to be a great sex machine. You don’t have to be a magazine figure to give pleasure to a man and to deserve to receive it. Let’s be clear, being pretty is cool but it’s not a prerequisite: every woman is entitled to it!
With The Good Lover’s Guide, I tried to make the book that I would like all my lovers to have read. But I also interviewed several other men and the best lovers in my life so that the content would not be too subjective.
This is a guide that I want to be simple and effective on how to have good sex. Good for yourself, and good for the other person.
So if you’re the kind of person who compensates for your sexual despair with excessive shopping, food, chocolate, or alcohol, or by overworking, know that this will revolutionize your sex life. You don’t need female viagra, chances are you’re not sick, frigid or anorgasmic… I think you just need someone to tell you the truth. And to help you get rid of all that pent-up sexual energy, all that desire that’s clogging you up!
I want you to know that I’m going to avoid intellectual masturbation and only talk about things that you can apply in real life and that will make a real difference. Things that very few people dare to talk about. We suffer, I think, from a pleasure deficit in our country. And it’s essentially a cultural problem.
If you are a woman who is hungry for sex, pleasure and orgasms, the following should delight you.
How the guide benefits you
Through good sex, you can connect more with each other.
Through good sex, you can get a man addicted to you. Yes, here you will find tips on how to keep a man through sex. So this guide can help you KEEP but also FIND a man.
With good sex, you will feel good about yourself! You will be in better mental and physical health! Good sex is good for your health.
Knowing that you are a good lover will increase your confidence level! This will affect all areas of your life (work life, personal life, etc.)
Many girls are afraid to sleep with a guy they like because they are afraid of not being good enough or because they are afraid of being judged. Others are tired of faking it. If you’ve been doing it before, that’s about to change!
Besides… your partner will thank you!
Through good sex and the exploration it entails, you’ll get to know yourself better too.
Are you skeptical? What do you have to lose? A few dollars and hours of reading… In fact, you have nothing to lose, everything to gain, I tell you honestly. Do you want to spend your whole life missing out on good sex? Never really get properly laid? Do you want to deprive yourself of all those opportunities for deep enjoyment that life offers to those who know how to seize them? Do you want to miss out on making that powerful connection with a man?
Change your mindset
The truth is that very few women are really good in bed. I know this is very hard to hear but most girls are pretty bad in bed anyway.
I know you haven’t been told this often because we men are all about protecting the female ego (besides, I’m sure you rarely tell a guy when he’s bad in bed, right?).
But the reality of my experiences and those of my coaches is that very few women are really good in bed. What’s worse is that many are convinced they are great lovers… but they’re not!
I’ve seen too many girls who have never had an orgasm or for whom having an orgasm with a guy was the event of the year.
A lot of girls think that it’s good enough to let a man come inside of them, that they’re already lucky that they let themselves be penetrated, and that they don’t need to make any extra effort.
There are also women who have read some bullshit advice and do weird practices thinking that we like it or that it makes them look cool… when it doesn’t. Or who think they’re in a porno and are surprised they don’t cum like the actresses (who often overdo it).
This is a very bad mindset. That’s not how you’re going to be the best sex of his life! Besides, (coincidence?), for many girls, sex is mostly average. They tell themselves that “that’s life” or that it’s necessarily the guy’s fault. Hmm, wrong!
From a male point of view, there are many women who are pleasant to fuck because they are sexy, but it stops there. But being sexy is not everything (especially once the “new body effect” is over). And, for the record, these are not the most beautiful girls in my life who left me with the strongest sexual memories either.
I will, of course, reveal here what makes me remember some women more than others.
Benefits for your relationship
If you think that just being ” decent ” in bed is a noble goal, if you think that the quality of sex is not your responsibility, think twice! We live in a competitive environment! And we are in the age of gender equality and female sexual liberation.
56% of men who have extramarital affairs say they are in love with their wives. 40% of married men have had or will have extramarital affairs. 54% of people will never know that their partner has cheated on them. 30% of users on dating sites are not single, and 38% of people on these sites are looking for a one-night stand (source: IFOP).
Do you know the number 1 reason why people cheat on their spouse? It’s chronic dissatisfaction in bed.
If you’ve been cheated on or dumped, if your boyfriend hasn’t been fucking you for a long time, if you’re not sexually active anymore, it’s probably because you’ve got some things to learn in this area. I’m sorry, but I’ve decided to speak frankly to you, not to take the gloves off and to reveal all the truths.
If you’re more interested in being talked down to, or bullshitted, go read a women’s magazine or watch some of the chicks who act all smart on YouTube but have no real experience! If you want the hard truth, read on.
Let’s get started!
Yes, you will make him go crazy with desire. Yes, you can make him tremble with pleasure. Yes, you can be the lover he secretly dreams of without daring to ask you. Yes, you can be the best lover of his life, enterprising, daring and sensual…
What about oral sex? How do you put a cock in your mouth? Does it hurt to suck? Is there a risk of choking? Of having jaw cramps? We’ll talk about this in detail, of course. As well as hand jobs, penetration, female ejaculation, etc.
This guide will be really comprehensive. I’m going to give you lots of tips and tricks, sex tips, etc.
Let’s go for the good lover’s guide!
I sincerely hope you enjoy these sex tips… because I put a lot of effort into writing this book for you. I contacted the best sex partners I’ve ever had, I asked my buddies about their best sex partners, I synthesized hours and hours of coaching, I had to read a lot of crap about female sexuality (very few books are good), I interviewed sex experts, porn actors and actresses, etc. I really wanted to write THE book for you. I really wanted to write THE best book on female sexuality. So I gave myself the means to do it. Will you take the steps to become this incredible lover?
Click here and become THE BEST version of yourself in bed
Your sexuality coach who wishes you to become a queen of sex,
Fabrice Julien