How to get hard? How to get a big boner? So, how to have a good hard-on? How to get it very hard? How to get a stronger erection? Here, I’m going to talk to you, first, about how to have a hard-on. How to get hard to the maximum? How to get a better boner ? And how to get a harder erection? How to get a big powerful erection? How to fix erection problems?
In a second part, I will talk to you about how to last longer in bed. How to last longer in bed? How not ejaculating too quickly? So, how not to come too quickly? How to stop being a premature ejaculator and put an end to rapid ejaculation? How to fix ejaculation problems? And how to say stop to premature ejaculation? What to do to fight against premature ejaculation? How to put an end to sexual precocity? How to fix premature ejaculation? And how to delay ejaculation?
In a third part, I will talk to you about ejaculatory control and how you can control your ejaculation. If you are interested in the subject of controlling your cock and getting a hard on command, the following should please you immensely! Say goodbye to male impotence (also known as erectile dysfunction)…you’ll no longer be an impotent man with these 20 tips, tricks and techniques.
How to get it hard and keep it long?
Ejaculation disorders are a taboo, delicate subject, but which concerns many men (often young people because, in general, controlling ejaculation becomes easier with age, but not only!) erections, meanwhile, are also a taboo subject, very sensitive, which concerns many men… but especially once the quarantine is over (again, not only!)
It’s really a sensitive subject talking about the power of his penis, his erection and his ejaculation… because loss of erection rhymes for many people with loss of virility (we also speak of “male impotence “).
Biologically, we are not here to fuck during a long time, nor to perform like porn actors: we are on earth to reproduce ourselves, getting a hard-on, ejaculating, and that’s it. The notion of taking pleasure, giving pleasure to our partner, holding on for a long time and giving a woman an orgasm is relatively new on the scale of humanity. Nevertheless, we all feel a big pressure, and today being a man, a real, powerful, virile, rhymes with having a very hard erection that lasts a long time.
Fortunately, getting a hard boner on demand can be learned.
Why would you want to have longer reports? Why would you want to have hard sex? First of all, to get more pleasure yourself but also so that the girl you’re sleeping with can have time to orgasm in bed with you.
In short, lasting longer is good for everyone! So no stress, you are really brave and generous for seeking information on this hot topic.
What is the “How to bend hard and long” program?
Discover here the program of the ebook “How to get hard erections and long in bed”.
The content of the guide and the solutions :
So, how to get hard and strong? How to get a big, very powerful erection and keep it? How to overcome erectile dysfunction or erectile dysfunction? And how to get very hard? How to get a good erection? How to get hard and have a big cumshot? All the tips and tricks in the first part of this ebook will help those who want to understand why they have these problems (psychological and physiological causes) and learn how to have a harder hard-on (ideally a big boner) and longer…
Premature ejaculator? Or just a guy who wants to know how to last a long time in bed? No matter. In the second part of the ebook, you will find techniques and advice to overcome rapid ejaculation, you will see how to stop being premature, how to be more enduring in bed, in addition to helping you to have it hard. I will give you solutions to no longer suffer from premature ejaculation, nor from rapid ejaculation and techniques to last longer in bed.
Every man is different so you will find over 20 potential solutions to your problem to find the one(s) that works best for you!
Want to have total control over your ejaculation? I’ll show you the way! Finally, in the third part, we will talk about ejaculatory control (sometimes called “injaculation” or “dry orgasm”). Sex-tao and Tantra can help you get a hard penis and maintain erection.
Here you will find tips, tricks, advice, techniques and exercises on the subject of “how to last longer in bed”.
Quick results and thorough work with this manual to put an end to quick ejaculation
Some will give you results quickly (there are solutions solutions to ensure immediately and without waiting, if you are in a hurry and you have to see a girl this evening, for example), others will take more time but will lay a solid and more stable foundation.
There are practices you can do alone and others with a partner. Why ? Because a girl who understands your problem and your difficulties will be more understanding, caring and forgiving. And know that she will be even more so if she has in front of her a voluntary man, motivated to get out of it. Who does not give up at the first failure and who gives himself the means to succeed.
No stress ! Any man who is motivated and invests in solving such a problem can succeed in overcoming it! Your girlfriend will be proud of you!
Who am I to teach you how to get hard?
I am Fabrice Julien, coach and author, expert in sexuality since 2010.
I own the successful Youtube channel “Le Grivois” which talks about sex (more than 200’000 subscribers). I help men (and women) improving their sex lives. They call me the doctor of love.
I have slept with 350 women and many have called me “the hit of the century in bed”.
But it wasn’t always like this…
My story and my past as a premature ejaculator
The first times I made love, I lasted about 3 back and forth. I had a hard time getting past 3 minutes. It took me several weeks to pick up and flirt with a girl for just a few minutes, it sucked. I began to doubt and lose my confidence.
When I started sleeping with girls, I only lasted 3 or 4 strokes of the kidneys… and I suffered from it! It was stronger than me: I wanted to satisfy my partner but I couldn’t control my cock.
I know too well what it’s like to ruin sex with thoughts like “I hope I can last long enough”, “oh no, not already!” (Sentences that stress, in addition, and only feed the vicious circle).
Afterwards, I felt ashamed and a little selfish to finish so quickly. This prevented me from really taking full pleasure because I had pleasure in giving it… and so did she!
How I trained to learn to control my cock
Since I found it humiliating, and that girls did not want to see me again because of that, I decided to find out about the subject. I trained myself, I learned from ebooks and training videos. I also fucked a lot to practice what I was learning, which gave me more experience.
The challenge was not easy, to tell you the truth. It hurt my ego. Especially since this type of training has a bad reputation (it’s the kind of shit with which we are spammed in our emails). But it was definitely worth it. When I measure the progress made, I am very proud.
Today: I control my cock and my ejaculation
Today, accidents are rare, and sometimes I even last more than an hour with a cock so hard it looks like a piece of wood. Women regularly tell me that they have never seen this… especially since I am 33 years old. I feel so powerful when this happens to me… I wish it happened to you too! (Without drugs, products or medicines or anything like that, of course.)
Sex is an important pillar for the development of a man, as for a woman. And therefore for the development of a couple.
I wish every man to be able to fuck his girlfriend or his wife like a god and feel what it’s like when a woman looks at you with admiring eyes, like a real sex beast.
Who is this ejaculatory control program for?
This program is for men who want to get harder, stay hard, quickly get a boner and more easily and last longer in bed. We also talk about those who have trouble “finishing”.
It is aimed at men who suffer from not having control over their cock and their ejaculation. And for those who want to enjoy more, longer, with a better erection! Even if you are not early or premature, that is to say, if you last more than 3 minutes, it still sucks. Sorry for not taking gloves, but it usually takes at least 10 to 30 minutes for a girl to enjoy. A good (third) leg lasts and is hard! 😉
If you are concerned, if you are sad, frustrated, desperate… or even depressed: know that I find it very noble and courageous to want to solve your problem, to take care of yourself (as well as your partner) and to want to take back your sex life in hand.
Getting hard and not being premature : a problem to be solved so you’re not a helpless man
I understand that it’s a problem that haunts you to don’t get a hard-on or to come too quickly with a girl you like, and I intend to help you overcome this sexual anxiety. Even if you currently have few (or no) experience, even if you’re intimidated by the next girl you’re going to have sex with, even if it’s your first time sleeping together (or your first time at all), etc.
I’m thinking of all those men who feel handicapped, who aren’t getting the best lover in their girlfriends’ lives, who find it humiliating not to perform in bed… to all those who don’t dare sleeping with a woman because they tell themselves that they are not going to do well in bed, those who are afraid of losing their partner or being cheated on, those who “give” their wives to other men (threesomes or candaulism) not out of fantasy but so that she is finally satisfied…
This “How to Get Harder and Last Longer” guide can really change your life. Improve your erection, increase your erection! Say goodbye to precocity problems!
Imagine having a nice, long erection before you dive into reading this guide! It will soon be a reality! 😉
Click here if you want to know more about this manual.
Your coach in seduction and sexuality,
Fabrice Julien