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10 books for managing anxiety crisis and depression

books for managing anxiety crisis and depression

10 books for managing anxiety crisis and depressionI am writing here for free the list of 10 books that have helped me the most to manage my anxiety crisis and my depression.

Let’s go !








1/ GUÉRIR le stress, l’anxiété et la dépression sans médicament ni psychanalyse by David Servan-Schreiber (only in French)

2/ Guérir son enfant intérieur by Moussa Nabati (only in French)


3/ Coping Successfully with Panic Attacks by Shirley Trickett

4/ Eloge de la lucidité by Ilios Kotsou (only in French)

5/ Le moine et le philosophe by Mathieu Ricard and Jean-François Revel (only in French)

6/ Buddha’s brain by Rick Hanson and Rick Mendius

7/ La force des émotions by Christophe André and François Lelord (only in French)

8/ Méditer, jour après jour, Christophe André (only in French)

9/ Faire face à la dépression, Charly Cungi and Ivan-Druon Note (only in French)

10/ Où tu vas, tu es, Jon Kabat-Zinn (only in French)


Others I need to talk about :

The power of now, Eckhart Tolle

La sérénité de l’instant, Thich Nhât Hanh (only in French)

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10 of the best books and ebooks to learn seduction

learn seduction

I am writing here for free the list of 10 books that have helped me the most to learn seduction.

Let’s go !













1/ The Game, Neil Strauss !


2/ The art of seduction, Robert Greene : un très bon pavé !


3/ Pourquoi les femmes des riches sont belles, Philippe Gouillou : this book about Evopsy is only in French !


4/ Psychologie de la séduction, Nicolas Guéguen (only in French) !


5/ Les codes inconscients de la séduction, Philippe Turchet (only in French) !


6/ Les secrets d’un mentaliste : stratégies de séduction, JB Daumont (only in French) !


7/ Le premier sexe, Eric Zemmour (only in French) !


8/ Sociologie du dragueur, Alain Soral (only in French) !


9/ Comment plaire en 3 minutes, Patricia Delahaie (only in French) !


10/ The Truth, Neil Strauss !


Ebooks :

Be relentless, David X
Le NPU en solo, Kidrebel (only in French)
Attraction isn’t a choice, David DeAngelo
Double your dating, David DeAngelo
How to become an alpha male, John Alexander
Real World Seduction, Swinggcat
Revelation, Mystery
L’amour est dans la rue, Mad (only in French)
How to get the women you desire into bed, Ross Jeffries
Game Acceleration 2.0, Sinn
Cajun’s blog, Cajun

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10 of the best books of personal development

10 of the best books of personal developmentI am writing here for free the list of 10 books that have helped me the most in personal development. I am not going to speak of seduction or pick-up here, but more generally of books of personal development.

I planned to make another article or a video to talk about the 10 books that helped me most in seduction as well as books that helped me with my problem of anxiety attacks.

Let’s go !




1/ How to win friends and influence people, Dale Carnegie : the best book of personal development

2/ Unlimited power, Anthony Robbins : except the part about food, everything helped me

3/ The four agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz : easy to read and awesome

4/ Influence and manipulation, Robert Cialdini : good book

5/ Miracle Morning, Hal Elrod : very interesting even if not for me

6/ The subtle art of not giving a fuck, Mark Manson : I love this title

7/ The 4-hour work week, Tim Feriss : changed my life

8/ Nonviolent communication, Marshall B. Rosenberg : good message

9 & 10/ Do not exist in English, I’m so sorry…

And you, what books do you recommend ?