I am writing here for free the list of 10 books that have helped me the most to manage my anxiety crisis and my depression.
Let’s go !
1/ GUÉRIR le stress, l’anxiété et la dépression sans médicament ni psychanalyse by David Servan-Schreiber (only in French)
2/ Guérir son enfant intérieur by Moussa Nabati (only in French)
3/ Coping Successfully with Panic Attacks by Shirley Trickett
4/ Eloge de la lucidité by Ilios Kotsou (only in French)
5/ Le moine et le philosophe by Mathieu Ricard and Jean-François Revel (only in French)
6/ Buddha’s brain by Rick Hanson and Rick Mendius
7/ La force des émotions by Christophe André and François Lelord (only in French)
8/ Méditer, jour après jour, Christophe André (only in French)
9/ Faire face à la dépression, Charly Cungi and Ivan-Druon Note (only in French)
10/ Où tu vas, tu es, Jon Kabat-Zinn (only in French)