What is Masters of Sex ?
Masters of Sex is an American period drama television series. It is based on Thomas Maier’s biography Masters of Sex: The Life and Times of William Masters and Virginia Johnson, the Couple Who Taught America How to Love. Set in the 1950s and 1960s, the series tells the true story of Dr. William Masters and Virginia Johnson. The series has received critical acclaim, including a Golden Globe Award nomination for Best Drama Series in 2013.
Set in the 1950s through the early 1960s, the series explores the research and the relationship between two pioneering researchers of human sexuality at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri.
Why should you watch this show (and not only because the actresses are hot) ?
I find this show very relevant on the themes of the sexuality in itself, of gender relations and of the way people react when one talks about sex.
Below, 5 reasons why you should watch this show and what you will learn about our contemporaries.
#1 : You will see that people generally knew nothing about sexuality, but did not want to speak about it.
It was nevertheless a taboo that wasn’t really taboo. Even today and for many people, being interested in sex, in pick up or in gender relations… it’s a shame… but knowing nothing about that, it’s a shame too. It is an enormous paradox that still exists today : people would like to know without having learned anything. Often I enjoy pushing the average women in their faults. When I speak about sex with them, often I hear that I am a monster. Then I ask them if they have very few experience to be so shocked, and they answer that it is me who am a virgin and that they know everything about the subject. Hum hum, looks like they’re hiding something !
#2 : The study of the doctor was censored and he was thought of as a pervert, just because he wanted to show scientifically what happens in the human body during a sexual intercourse.
Nevertheless his study was very interesting: how long is an average sexual intercourse? What are the differences between the feminine orgasm and the male orgasm? Who has most pleasure during love… the man or the woman ?
In spite of what the society try to persuade us, we are still very puritanical. It is maybe necessary to realize it right now. We are certainly less uptight compared with this period, but it is still not awesome : I see in this show so many reactions that I meet every day on the field or when I say something about my blog to people. It seems that I am a virgin, a jerk, a monster, a pervert, a sociopath. And then I ask why, they can’t explain it to me. The theme of my blog is apparently enough to raise their ire.
It is not because there is a little more sex suggested on TV than before that our society finally took its broom out of its ass. Nor because people declare they know everything about the subject: very often, when we dig a little, we notice that they know nothing. And that they feel like they have to lie. That they have reactions dictated and formated by social pressure.
#3 : Many men thought of being essential to the woman to have orgasms.
Some did not even suspect that women can feign. Oh fuck… it is still the case today. Often on the field, when I speak about my blog, I fall on frustrated silly bitches. Often, it takes place like “I am sure you have a small cock, you cannot make a girl come.
– Oh really ? You’re wrong, recently, on 10 girls I made 9 come… several times. The other had personal problems.
– Ahahah I am going to teach you something! You don’t know that girls we feign!!!
– Yeah I know it, in order to make the guy come faster because they are fed up with sex.
– Exactly.
– But I know the other symptoms of the orgasm, those you cannot feign: the contractions of the stomach, of the vagina, the breath that accelerates, etc..
– … (generally they shut up).
Wake up ! it means that most of the guys are worthless in the bed, they know nothing. But it is not a shame, it is just necessary to have the humility to recognize it and to learn! I was laughing out loud when I learnt that Freud considered the women who had no vaginal, but only clitoral, orgasm as immature kids. It is really a shitty explanation. Very easy for the man !
#4 : At all time, there were women more freed than others, and they were pointed by stupid people.
We attend in this show at the beginning of the practice of the blowjob and we see that the cunnilingus… was really degrading to men. Even today, a lot of women know more about sex than men and it frightens men. They prefer staying in their zone of comfort… very few know how to properly lick a pussy. Instead of trying to improve, they declare that these girls (those who masturbate for example) are whores who do not deserve them. Problem solved. Even the girls who have several “sex-friends” fall into this category today in the eyes of many men… and women (who so hinder their own freedom)… it’s sad. But I think that they scare people because they send people back to their own limits.
#5 : We notice the stinginess of people.
They want at all costs keeping in mind the image of the submitted woman… who has to be pure, innocent, weak, etc. So they get back at each other, etc. What about people who know only one sexual position : the missionary? What about the dean of the university, homosexual, who refuses to subsidize the sex study because he finds it not moral… then who bangs a gigolo in a dirty hotel while he is married?
In brief, I could write a lot more about this (true) story but I prefer to let you discover it by yourself. In any case, I always write the same conclusion : you should not listen to the politically correct people (the same people who leaves resentful comments on my blog). People like me have always been criticized, apparently. Maybe are we slightly too ahead of our time. In any case I hope I have tempted you to read my book The (inconvenient) truth about gender relations because I have not found yet anything to question it, even more than one and a half year after having written it.
The bottom line is : the open-mindedness, although all people think of being endowed with it, is really rare.