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Good sex is the solution

Good sex is the solution56% of men who have affairs say they are in love with their wives. Currently, women are initiating 70% of divorces. 25% of married women will also have an extramarital affair (for 40% of men). 54% of people will never know their partner has cheated. 30% of people on dating site are not single, 38% of people on those sites are looking for one night stands (source : IFOP).

Number one reason why women cheat is because they are not sexually satisfied in bed (sorry if it happened to you). Millions of guys are having problems satisfying their women sexually, and it’s creating horrendous relationship problems like depression, cheating, divorce…

If you are thinking that being just OK in bed is all you want, that it is enough, think again! We are in a COMPETITIVE environment ! Do you know in how many discreet ways the girls can cheat – and I’m not only speaking mentally – but physically actually meet up with someone and fuck (I’ve often been this someone)… and you NEVER know about it??? Online dating, social networks, all kinds of sites for men and women who want to have discreet affairs. Temptation will definitely be there for her to cheat. Men try to pick up women ALL THE TIME. EVEN IF THEY’RE MARRIED ! If you’re not good in bed, you’re in danger…

If you’re not a swinger, you probably think it’s humiliating to know that another man was inside your girlfriend’s mouth or inside your wife… and he wasn’t making love to her, he was fucking her hard like a bitch!!! But on the other hand if she doesn’t tell you and you know it in another way, you’re mad at her because she lied IN ADDITION OF THE REST. What’s the worst ? Sorry what I’m going to say is not easy but maybe you’re for something in her adultery.

There’s no worse fear or no worse feeling than not being able to satisfy a woman sexually. That just makes you feel like that you’re still a little boy, inferior to your schoolmates : like you’re less than all the other guys or there’s something wrong with you. You’re ashamed and hurt !

However, when she cheats it’s not that she wants to cheat, it’s that she’s driven by her natural emotions. She cannot resist. You need to understand that women are very sexual creatures, they need to have sex — WOMEN ACTUALLY CRAVE SEX. If you didn’t know that and act consequently, we’ve already found out one of your blocking points. Hourra !

Women are child-bearers… and the only natural way that they can have children is by fucking. They thus have a natural instinct to have sex.

Think about what is going on during sex ; if it’s good sex for a woman, which might not be the kind of sex you’re given her at the moment, she’s clawing your back, she’s screaming, she’s moaning, she’s telling you to fuck her harder (men don’t do that, that’s not a natural reaction for a man but you should expect it from a woman). So, if she doesn’t do that with you, you’ve a problem, dude (or will have one soon)…

Women say that money doesn’t really matter as long as there’s love. Well, know that if you’re aren’t giving her great sex, money WILL be an issue and love might just turn into aggressiveness, because she’s going to make love to men who knows what they are doing in bed. I know it’s not cool to tell you that and it’s scary, but it’s just a fact of life. Don’t be naïve or gullible because they are cute. That is the way it is, it is rules of the game.

By the way, another rule : trading or spending money to have sex is very negative for the relationship. It communicates bad things…

One last thing to finish, during love the bodies product hormones of attachment (e.g. oxytocin). So if you want to keep the girls, you’ve to be good in bed to fill her with those hormones.

Extract from : The awesome lover’s manual

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