I was talking with a friend the other day: we were looking for a girl for a threesome, so I showed her my conquests so she chooses one. She guessed almost every time which ones were shaved/shaven and which ones had hair between their legs. I was impressed! She explained her technique. I will teach it to you in my turn.
It’s a bit of a trick mentalism. In fact, it is based on the fact that she is a girl… and therefore she understands the other chicks.
It is based on the makeup of the girl. If she wears very few makeup, botched or old-fashion, she must have the tuft. If, however, she is very feminine, dolled, well made up, (scented,) then chances are she has a hairless pubis.
Basically, there are 6 possible configurations:
– Either she has the tuft, so hairs that even protrude from her swimsuit.
– Either she tamed the tuft, so she it is not visible in her underwear.
– Either she has a metro ticket more or less thick : this is the part that hurts the most to pull off.
– Either she is completely shaved.
– Either she is completely waxed, which removes entierely the hair opposed to shaving.
– Either she is shaved or waxed but it has grown back. I call it the carpet.
There even are girls who don’t want to have sex if they are not perfectly waxed, in this case it’s too bad, because we prefer a woman who has sex than a women perfectly waxed but who’s a pain in the ass. Just my opinion, btw.
When I talked about it to my mother, she told me that it was a shame to not have hair, that only sluts and other porn actresses have no hair… like a little girl. In her time, maybe, this might be the case. But the truth is that for aesthetic reasons, the coquettish Greek and Roman women already waxed. In Aristophanes’ comedy Thesmophoriazusae, played in Athens in 411 BC, a group of women proposed to remove the intimate hair of a guy disguised as a girl to teach him how to become a true Greek woman. “No waxing, no hair removal!” he cried once. It must be said that at the time they practiced it with burning ashes…
Today, most chicks below 25 years are shaved or depilated with wax (8000 hair on average that’s too much for the tweezers). Maybe not those who have not yet begun their sexual lives but others generally are. Nearing thirty, I’ve seen more girls with the metro ticket on their pussies. Is it already composted? This is the question.
As notorious fucker, as a libertine who is not fucking libertine chicks, I must say that I took a liking to any all clean, hairless pussy. Sometimes it’s funny: she has got no hair on her pussy, but has on her ass. Well, sweetie are you kidding me ?! In this case, the best idea is definitely fuck from the front! 😉
The hairs on the body just like the pubis serve to limit areas of friction. Pubic hair is useful especially during sex because they create an interface between the skin and promote a shift to a different skin.
A study showed higher scores of sexual satisfaction for fans of completely naked pubis, without the possibility of saying if the women who feel the more comfortable with their bodies and their private parts revealed are the ones who likes showing them or if the pubic deprivation promotes sexual fulfillment.
Social pressure and fashion phenomena also influence the girls about their intimate hygiene (although some hairs, it’s not dirty).
The full shaving is more common than full hair waxing. Certainly for practical or pain reasons.
For men, shaving or clipping the hair makes the penis look bigger. In any case, it’s better to avoid the Amazon forest at this place if you like blowjobs.
PS : To go further, do not hesitate to read my ebook “The awesome lover’s manual“.
Only pedos like a women or girls without vag hair !
The hairier a vagina is, the more i love it.
There is nothing better than a super hairy vagina. I have made girlfriends grow a bush before just to suit me.But In fact i do like vaginas that are completely bald, but only if its because the girl is too young to grow a bush.
A hairy pussy is designed to make men excited. To me it is the cum zone. I love seeing a hairy bush, tasting and looking up at it when giving oral sex to a woman.
I lived in China where all girls have a hairy pussycunt.
…Love them!
I think hairless Vagina is attractive simply because it looks more feminine.
I mean as a man I think that only men can have no problem growing hair on their chest, forearms and legs.. And of course on our manhood, whilst a woman shall always look her best.. If a hairy vagina is that good why do they shave it if not for looking good and smell good too? and more importantly why they shave the hairy legs and forearms if not to look as smooth as a perfect female would be.
If a woman hates to go down on a man because he has a bush on his penis then that woman shall not expect a man to go down for her own vagina’s bush.
There is nothing more exciting than to watch a woman remove her bottoms revealing a massive full bush (A full triangle of extremely thick hair that is very long like a wizard beard. It gives me an immediate full hard on so hard it makes me feel like the skin is going to rip! As I am going in and out of her I can feel what seems like a thousand wet fingers tickling my cock..
Bald , trimmed or partial hair does nothing for me..most women have unsitely looking pussies lips like mashed up roast beef and a tongue like thing staring out from inside the cooch nobody wants to see. Nice pink pussy lips are 1 in a million.
you mostly get dark, meaty, beat up and over used looking ones. Seeing an oversized clit that looks like a small penis is just plain gross. Partial hair means they are in the middle about growing it and trimmed must be to conform to society’s forced normals.
I agree with David kessler. I’m Getting wild too when a woman full on hairy down there with all the hair growing wild. A bald Shaven pussy doenst do it for me. I dont like the idea woman shave mainly bc down there it then looks like shes a Child. And secondly,if she shaves she could be f**k*Ng other men too.
A hairy woman is the only real deal to me and if she wouldnt i dont want her.