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What happens during a medical party in Marseille ?

13th December 2012,

I hear a friend repeating to me for several years « medical parties rock, true orgies. In fact in Aix, it is too wise, too posh, you do not really have fun. » She thus questioned several years of debauchery in Aix (soft debauchery) then I preferred ignoring her remarks (the denial). But, yesterday, I had an opportunity to try it and I have to admit that it was a memorable night.

1st memorable thing : we went out of Aix with Hafid. He drove and we arrived alive. I don’t say that I wasn’t afraid nor anything but fortunately I texted Chacha on the road and it relaxed me. Chacha thought that it was the good evening to decide «  I do not want to be wise anymore » then I suggested her coming to my place, it was a joke but she said « yes. (shit)
– Well, in fact I can’t, I am in Marseille tonight. » Fuck. Well, I said to myself that we were going to have fun all the same. In fact, we really were in a good state of mind. It helped to make us enjoy this party like crazy, I guess !

2nd memorable thing : Hafid parallel parked and made a success of it THE FIRST TIME! Parked on the Vieux-Port at 5 minutes of the club, free of charge of parking… the night started well!

3rd memorable thing : once in the club, Hafidou deposited his jacket in the cloakroom, incredible! It is the first time I see him doing it, usually he says that it is too expensive… Then, we ordered drinks! I admit that 10 euros for 6 drinks, leaves nobody indifferent. At this price, everybody was quickly alcoholized. Fuck, I didn’t touched alcohol for 1 month because I decided to have a healthy life but I failed tonight. Otherwise, the club was big, several hundred people there. Conclusion : Marseille and Aix are really different : the prices, size of the club, and mentality of the girls (they are not really funny generally). When I entered, I knew at once that I was going to enjoy and wanting to return … Such a level of perdition involves depravation. Girls danced wearing just bras on the podium, the sexual tension was omnipresent, some guys were topless too. It was hot, it contributed to the fact that we transpired and that everybody was crazy! In fact it was very open-minded, like hedonists. I knew the kissing girls competitions in parties, but there I forgot my romantic ideas. Seriously, with the number of girls and their drunkenness, I saw an ocean of possibilities.

4th memorable thing : I met a guy who is a coach of seduction (we will call him the Coach), he goes into the sets and tries to pick up every girl : it is beautiful <3. We approached girls together, often he fall on the beautiful and I had the  ugly one… I think that I can ask him to pay me for that. Well, during the first approach, mine was really short and wasn’t funny, I danced with my thigh between her legs but I was happy when he told me that we change targets because his girl wasn’t interested. Seriously, I didn’t come in Marseille to fuck a dwarf but rather to make an injection in an nurse!!! Later I spoke to a girl who told me « shut up ». I calmed her quickly and she offered me a drink. So a girl fell on me, I caught her up, I told her that she owed me one because I saved  her life and everything but she rejected me like a shit! Biatch! Another shitty thing : a silly bitch did not stop eying me on the dancefloor then I told her to come to me through a sign of the head and she looked  at me like « what does he want  this loser?! ». I made jokes also; but I don’t really remember because of the alcohol. I remember on the other hand that I made two girls kiss because they claimed being lesbians. Sometimes girls have fun making the guys who try to pick them up think that they are lesbians, to be able to turn them on without giving them anything in return, so I play their game and push them to their limits. Only a minority of these girls are really lesbian. What else ? Another memory comes back to me, I tried to pick up a girl then when I felt that she was going to succumb to me, I left her. I didn’t like her too much but she came talking to me so… It was funny all the same.

5th memorable thing : I made a mythical KissClose in less than 15 seconds. I meet a girl around the dancefloor, she looked a little lost (maybe she had just vomited, on second thought). « Am I the one you look for?
– Maybe.
– Well, what do you wanna do now ?
– What you want. » There, I kissed her and she began dancing in a hot way! My dick was hard till 4 am in the morning thanks to her. Her other qualities : she showed me her tits and offered me a drink. She is a fresher named Amandine. I also remember having more or less took off her T-shirt on the dancefloor, having put my hands in her bra and having taken out a tit in front of everybody then she slapped me (I deserved it). At this moment, I believed that she was going to leave me but she started kissing me again even more. She bit me : it was exciting and irritating at the same time. I am now irritated, I have small wounds on the lower lip. But she is hot-looking: good breast neither big nor small, flat and firm stomach, beautiful butt, she knew how to dance and how to turn on a man. At a moment, she told me « I am really stretchable.
– Cool, can you show me?
– Not there, has too many people here. » She was funny in any case, we laughed a lot. Good time. I regret nothing and I want to go back in those parties. I didn’t took her number nor her FB because first I am stupid, then because I did not think of it and also because « what happens in Marseille stays in Marseille ». She told me that she would have guessed that I was not studying medicine nor from Marseille bicause « we do not kiss girls like that here », it’s aquote. I took it as a compliment. I am an original… like Klaus.

6th memorable thing : meanwhile, I saw Hafidou who told me that he had screwed a girl in his car parked on the Vieux-Port. When we left and came back to the car, we noticed that he had activated the warnings unintentionally and left them all night long! It is also for that that I love you, buddy.

7th memorable thing : « Epic fail » with Amandine. Like… it became hotter and hotter between us during  4 hours but Hafid-is-good told me at 4:30 am  that we had to leave, because he had to get up at 9 am to welcome workers the following day (he did not wake up finally but it’s a different story). The girl was disappointed (she told it to me in anycase) but we did not fuck. « I am a first-year and I have a little bed.
– Does it mean that you invite me at your place ?
– No.
– Then you want to come to my place?
– OK, where do you live ? (logistic is important)
– In Aix (I had already told her nevertheless, zebbi).
– No, it’s dead.
– Well, then you do not leave me the choice. » And I left. On my way, I had regrets and everything. Especially not having suggested her screwing her in the car because Hafid shook the key under my nose but I didn’t understand the message: I was too much in the conversation with the girl. On second thought, I made what I was able to, this is her fault. I wish her a good night alone with her thoughts. Besides, she told me that I had no abs, that my first name was some shit, and that she had vomited before coming to the club, but that I didn’t smell it because I was as drunk as her.

8th memorable thing : once at home, I jerked off. Twice. I put sperm everywhere (the mega-dose).

9th memorable thing : I had to clean my shoes because they stuck and were covered with some « party juice » (a mixture of vodka and other alcohols which covered the ground of the club).

10th memorable thing : flashback, the bar offered drinks to the girls who showed their tits and to the guys who took out their cock (not fair). Long live to the medical students.

I thus hesitated between investing in Amandine or diversifying IE kissing several girls (had a good choice in store there). I dunno if I took the good or the bad decision… Apparently the bad one, because I was finally able to sleep with myself (but the Coach too didn’t fuck a girl). The idea here is to turn on a receptive girl, and to try to know as fast as possible if we can sleep with her… if it’s a « no », then go and try on another target. In any case it was a nice evening, I had a lot of fun. Good plan.

I am going to hit the hay. May the God of the Game be with you !

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