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The principle of Pareto applied to the personal development

I will certainly write a whole book about personal development because more you will make a good first impression, more the women will be receptive to your approaches. In the meantime, here are (classified from more to less important) the elements on which you can work to spectacularly improve your results :

A. Approach everything that moves

Not only because by practising, you will learn a lot of things. But also because one day or another, even during your period of training, it will work. And success is a virtuous circle. Isn’t an expert a person who made all the possible and conceivable mistakes in a given domain ?

More you will practise, less you will feel the approach anxiety. Try to determine which moment of the day and which days of the week suit you to practise.

B. The body language

The true communication is done (more than 80 %) via the language our bodies. You will thus progress quickly by working on this aspect of your personal development.

The human beings are guided by the feelings. This is why, we can try to influence positively the women by keeping a high energy level and by being associate to fun :
– daily, do sport and eat healthy to be in shape ;
– before going out, listen to music which gives you energy ;
– smile ;
– try to do like if you had already slept with the girl when you talk to her. Think « I like you, I know that you like me, and I also know that you will never have enough of me because I fuck like a rock star and we have a lot of fun together ». You will sub-communicate necessarily some confidence when you will approach women with this state of mind.

C. Dare to always push farther the interactions with the receptive women

This girl likes you (she laughs, touches you and tutti quanti). But, if it is the sex of another one that she sucks… fuxelife. Even if you have nothing more to say, stay with the girl, we never know. At least, you will try new things. Know that you can often push things farther than you think.

Try your luck !

D. Visualization of your previous and future successes

Developing your internal strength is a subject which would saturate Wikipedia. Here is thus one single recommendation : remember your previous successes, so you will want to relive good moments and even to do better.


E. Find a wingman

A guy who will kick your ass. A guy who will share his experience with you, etc. A guy who will talk to her friends while you isolate her, who will debrief your interactions or congratulate you, who will cheer you up or give you more value in society …

F. Keep a diary

Approaching must be associated with positive feelings : you should be excited at the idea of going out, not frightened. Because we are more often rejected than sucked, we sometimes forget that the Game isn’t a succession of rakes.

Thus keep a diary to look back at your successes, to know why you game. It has to give you the energy then do not hesitate to embellish the thing. Set realistic goals (for example, monthly) to do not be demoralized. Do not hope to fuck at every party but be proud if you have overcome your fears even if you just spoke to one single woman.

Or let’s going out and say to yourself that you will not come back home before having approached at least 10 girls.

G. Learn openers and routines

It is classic but you have to approach your target within 3 seconds of seeing her because more you will wait more you will find excuses to do not approach. Fuck ! Try to always have 2 or 3 openers in reserve… this way you will know what to say in case of breakdown of inspiration. Do not forget that more you will act quickly, more you will be seen as attractive.

Be able to step back on the interaction and focus on your body language, it can be useful to memorize some routines or openers. It will help you a lot, especially at the beginning …

H. Practise the selective ignorance

The community of the seduction proposes too much information, in particular specialized things which will not help you SIGNIFICANTLY, especially at the beginning… Do not flood yourself !

I. The Parkinson’s law

The principle is that when you give 8 hours to a man to achieve a task, he uses these 8 hours. But if you give him only 2, he makes his work in 2 hours.

So : go out, be productive and pragmatic… Keep in mind that you always have less time than you think !

PS = Avoid being dependent on your partner otherwise you risk to end like Ashton Kutcher at the end of Spread.

Extract from : The (inconvenient) truth about gender relations

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