What are the questions to ask a girl to seduce her? I do not think there is a list of magic questions to make a girl in love. On the other hand, I know “the game of questions” which is a very effective routine to excite girls.
In my secrets ebook Secrets for seducing on the Internet, I explain in detail this routine, through 20 “magic” questions whose goal is to put a woman in your bed.
I also talked about it a lot in my pick-up stories because, thanks to her, I was able to live hot adventures for example with a thirty very open-minded, a sexbomb of 17 years old and my first foursome.
What is this game with these questions to ask a girl to sleep with her quickly?
The challenge of routine questions
The routine of the questions is excellent for creating comfort and for sexualizing.
If you get to the end of the routine of questions to ask a girl (in writing on a chat or oral during a date) then you are 99% sure to get laid.
This routine will save you a lot of trouble by sorting through the girls too tight-ass, girls not playful, etc.
Do not ask these questions like a nag
Attention, all the girls do not want to play this little game directly : do not ask it CASH.
Indeed, the principle of the routine of questions to ask a girl to sleep with is that you will exchange anecdotes about sex and that it will turn her on… but it will also make her vulnerable, what all girls do not accept on the Internet and even less with a stranger.
So, start the game by asking light questions like “what is the most beautiful place you have ever visited? » or« what is your favorite song and why?”
Ask these “magical” questions with confidence
If you use the routine of questions to ask a girl on the Internet, be sure to assume. If you use it during a real date, then you have to adopt a good body language.
First recommendation: use this game only when you are in an intimate conversation with the girl.
It takes intimacy, otherwise she will feel “easy girl”. Forget this option when her friends are present.
Second recommendation, it must seem spontaneous: if she realizes that the questions are prepared in advance, it sucks…
How to bring the game of questions?
Bring it on: “We do not really know each other… we could play a game to get to know each other better.”
If she is a little skeptical or whatever, keep fluffing a little until she talks about the game herself.
“I feel that you look like a girl well in your shoes and in your mind, that you know that life can stop at any moment and that you have to make the most of i … so if I’m right: I have a game to propose to you to better know you! ”
“Have you ever played the game of the questions? ”
It is possible that she answers yes, since it is close to “dare or truth”, a game it is common to play during partie. Do not be moved!
The rules of the game
“The rules are basic but these are the questions that can be funny. We ask each other a question… the first one who does not answer or who lies has lost. And if the answer is not clear, we have the right to ask for a clarification. Ah, and we can not ask a question that we have already been asked.”
If she does not answer the asked questions
Maybe she will ask you what will happen if she does not follow the rules of the game. Tell her you’ll see later for the pledge, if it ever happens. You can also say that if she loses to the game, then you will think less of her. Or something shitty like that, a vague answer like that…
How to orient the game on sex?
The “if you do not answer, you lose” side of the game justifies that you ask sexual questions without looking like a pervert. Indeed, your excuse is that you are just trying to win the game. You can accentuate that to the maximum, bad faith is sometimes our friend…
It is also important to keep a way of being able to ask for clarification in case she says something interesting, sexually speaking.
Here, now that you have better understood the principle, let’s go to the practice of the game of questions to ask a girl to warm her!
20 questions to ask a girl to sleep with
# 1 With how many boys did you go farther than the kiss?
Basically, here you want to know with how many boys she slept… but without saying it really not to block her. If you are already starting to find resistance, then it is badly started, but perhaps she only wants you to confide first to feel free to do so afterwards. If she blocks, say you do not want to talk about sex but rather about love stories.
The reason we start with this question is that as a guy, it is difficult for us to answer. If we did not sleep with a lot of girls, it’s not good. If we fucked a lot, it’s not good either. And if we are in between, depending on the girls we are talking to, it may not be good either. Asking her the question is supposed to prevent her from asking us in return. But often, they do not have much imagination and will ask it anyway. So, watch out…
An order of magnitude for “normal people” is:
– under 25, between 10 and 15 girls.
– between 25 and 30, between 15 and 20 girls.
– more than 30 years, more than 20 girls.
Obviously it’s better to tell the truth, but… some girls would not understand why you slept with only 3 girls in your life or why you’re a big fucker who is already at 270.
Whatever her answer, DO NOT JUDGE.
# 2 When was the last time?
Presumably, we imply here… “the last time you made love”. This question is useful because the girl will remember the last time she made love and it will put her in good condition for the future.
# 3 What was your longest serious relationship? When did it end?
Here we do not talk about sex. This may help to continue the game since talking too much about sex blocks some girls. In addition, thanks to this question, you will see what kind of girl you are dealing with: is she the type to go out during 3 years with the same guy or rather 2 weeks?
# 4 Do you often think about making love? Well, when was the last time you masturbated? And where ?
This question is a fucking big test. This is a very disturbing question so ask later if you do not feel “hot” enough at this time. In my experience, girls who answer this question usually suck your dick afterwards.
Clearly, a girl who does not answer this question is not very open-minded, not playful or does not really want to sleep with you (or never did and is ashamed). If she does not dare to answer, dedramatize the situation and tease her.
A woman who answers the question “and where”? Is a woman who will relive the scene unconsciously. Again, it will put her in good conditions and in addition she will associate you with these impulses.
# 5 What is the craziest place where you made love? And did it make you horny?
This question is less daring than the previous one: we respect the rule “two steps forward, one step back”. As usual, the fact that you dare to answer this question shows that you are a sexual person and that she must qualify for you… and it also requires her to relive the scene and therefore to be excited. Well, that’s something she probably only discussed with her best friends so you’re entering her circle of trust (which is not the friendzone).
# 6 What is your favorite position? Why?
Once she has answered, act as if it was your favorite position too. You do not ask for permission or anything, but with an air of indifference, pretend that you are going to sleep together and that you will be able to test it.
If she does not know the name of the position, try to mimic her: make a little guy with your fingers and she does a girl with hers and you ask how you put, if she is on you, etc.
Note that most women answer “doggy style”.
# 7 What is the thing you would like to try sexually but have never done ?
Another question that conveys sexual honesty. Here, do not communicate especially that you find weird what she would like to do.
Do not judge her and encourage her to talk about it. As if you really understood it and you, too, were curious about this stuff.
# 8 On a scale of 1 to 10, how much would you rate yourself in bed? And also note the oral sex in a second note.
An honest answer is between 5 and 7. More than 7, she wants to fuck with you. Less than 5, she does not care about you… or she’s a real Low Self-Esteem.
Once she has answered, to determine your rating, add +1 to her number. Even if she says 10!
As for oral sex, basically, you ask her if she will suck you well. Few women would answer that question if they did not want to fuck the guy.
So this is both a test to see if you will sleep with her, and at the same time something to stimulate her imagination and make her want to sleep with you.
# 9 How would you rate your kisses? And if I magically appeared next to you in your bed that night, kissing you in the neck, would you refuse that I kiss you or would you enjoy ?
If you do your routine on a date, kiss her at that moment (you have to get closer to her by asking the question as if to whisper a secret to her).
On the Internet, if she gives you a positive answer, suggest a meeting. Otherwise, continue the game to exciter her further.
The 11 other questions to ask a woman to sleep with
You will understand that I keep the 11 other questions to ask a girl secret: I have keep them for those who bought the Secrets for seducing on the Internet.