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I had difficulty in making the slang understand that I was a victim of a rape

Image : ALF

The April 1st 2014,

It is the ass between Hafid and 100g of flour that I write this text (flour that strangely often finds itself on the end of our nose when we get out of bathroom). I admit, we sniffed all night long a coke pure enough to be still awakened at noon, having spent the night like excited by the looped viewing of a dirty video of Paris Hilton. A smell of hukka useful for keeping our good mood is floating in this apartment that was not aerated since Hafid moved there. That is to say, 3 years ago.


In this city where I meet only superficial floozies, I decided that my texts would also be it from now. I am thus going to keep it short to please this bitch of housewife under 50 who does not like reading when it is written too small or who stops right in the middle when it is too long… but who paradoxically watches bullshit presented by Benjamin Castaldi till 1 am in the morning.


This morning, in an unknown bed, a young Eurasian quite hot leaned on my trunk. Having opened eyes and giving her my nice sleepy smile, I admired her tattoo that totally recovered her back. On the other side, a black slept peacefully under my right hand. Her hands of black panther with sharp claws had caressed almost all night long night my small fragile stomach of polar bear by leaving lively red marks there.


Fuck that could have been a dream but it is a nightmare. “Where am I? Would you have the kindness to remind me your first names, your ages and the circumstances of our meeting?” I received as answer only a dialogue between both accomplices “keep silent the white dude and lick our pussies then you will introduce a cucumber in each of us. The black gave me this order by now threatening me with a sexy gun.
– Eeh, I think that we have nothing else than carrots in the fridge. Corrected her friend.
– That’ll do.”


At the risk of offending my readers belonging to the Triads, I decided to run away, in boxers (but I find their daughters/wives/mothers very beautiful and respectable it is just that I am not sitophile nor vegetophile (I don’t fuck food)). It is thus half naked, lost in the streets of Aix-en-Provence with a half-hard dick that I decided to go back home. I guess that I was given drugs the night before in my favorite bar, they had probably put a bullshit in my drink : It is the only plausible explanation in my state and in the fact that my reaction seemed to me at the time completely relevant, adequate and logical.


Suddenly, a car honked me and stopped at my level. “Come on, handsome boy” told me an almost feminine voice. “What the fuck now ?!” I exclaimed by seeing the ugly and fat driver. But understanding that crossing the city dressed like that (it was not a dress) was not necessarily the best idea I had during this last quarter of century, I did sit in the car without trying too much to understand. “Do we know each other? Did we already kiss?” I asked my rescuer by praying so that the answers was no. “Don’t worry”. How did she guess that I a bit worried, fuck?! Finally, that could not be worse than my situation of this morning between two maffiosos. That’s what I thought…


She gave me, at the end of a few minutes, two pills. Fuck, my name is not Neo. She wanted that I swallow them but because they were shady, I said no. Thus she threatened to kill both of us and started driving at a speed of 150 on a road way less wide than Kim Kardashian’s butt. Well, done for done, I gave up. She stopped then in a street with little traffic and her eyes of willow miller started looking at me with appetite. “Agueh agueuh” I said to defend myself. The shit she had given to me made me high, saying yes to everything and having an fucking hard erection although the context did not suit me. Thus she started taking advantage of me. This is when we were interrupted by two policemen in service, who typed in our window full of vapor. Right when I feigned the ejaculation of a rabid bear, in addition. Well, I have nothing against the idea of being raped by girls, but still they would have to have been correctly operated.


I had difficulty in making the slang understand that I was a victim of a rape… then they put me in cell of sobering up. What they did not like, it’s especially the moment when they asked me for my papers and when I gave them the packaging of the condom. The big cow, her, was released on parole. Hell yes, women are always innocent and victims of the guys, these little fragile beings, it is well known. The most painful moment was the search, or rather the rectal touch: I felt at the bottom of the hole while they ferreted about in mine. The sentence was irrevocable: 48 hours of custody.


At the end of one hour or two, a rather cute cop came to me to say that she read my blog and to ask me to make her one of these rather brilliant cunnilingus of which I have the secret discreetly in my room. In exchange, she would make for me escape by leaving “inconveniently” the door of my cell open. My tongue and my fingers are thus now in the register of offences. Because she is good at negotiation, she wanted to keep my boxers as souvenirs. A pair of underpants that was full of testosterone, it is necessary to specify it.


It is thus without my pair of underpants that I escaped of the commissionership, the eyes doubtless as lively as the perverse cocaine addict who was in the cell next to me (He must have thought that it was a hallucination when she came). I met a nth girl who stopped me. She told me that she was happy to meet Cyprineman in the flesh (and sausage) because she had still never achieved orgasm at the age of 25. She begged me to make her finally taste the carnal pleasures and to sign her an autograph… all this with a look of Rumanian who begs in the subway. I was not able to resist. I told her that it is my specialty and promised that I was going to put my talent in her profit for the moderate 100€ sum or for virile clothes. She accepted the second condition and led me at her home: phew, it was close by. She came several times like the madwoman that she is then invited me in a party that very evening. In the meantime, she locked me into her cellar stark naked… for me who am not used to revealing so easily my body, it was a difficult time. I have no sexual slave who waits for me in my cellar: I missed my life.


Dressed in an way too expensive for me suit that was oversized, I found myself in a kind of orgy with DSK (aka the bull from Washington). Two so high level perverts in the same room, that could only go awry. He proposed me 1000€ to sodomize me while making me drink heavily an old corked Bordeaux. I am an easy boy who cannot drink a lot. He put all the same a Yves Saint Laurent condom. He then proposed me 10 000€ for teaching him my secrets to fuck girls without having to pay them. He took notes on the back of a young one Slovak desk clerk, claiming to be frivolous drug-addict and dyke, nevertheless busy with alternately blowing us.


An ex first lady of France (a little old but still hot), nicknamed “TGV station” by poets who have gold teeth (but her the identity has to remain here as secret as the recipe of Coca-Cola), was also at the party. Having let her got me drunk with some champagne-rosé like a gay, she proposed me game in sadomasochistic mode (domesticating me with her crop) that I was not able to refuse. She asked me if she could film the scene to send it to her husband, a very high-ranking man who likes Flamby, to make him grumble. Thinking that with any luck, I would finish on the cover of Voici and then be able to write a best-seller full of spelling mistakes, I said OK. Steevy Bouley held the camera. Nabilla sucked the microphone. Some are less stupid than we say it. Others more stupid than they think they are. Others finally take us for idiots by persuading us that they are idiots. It is their case.


What followed is rather funny: Alain Delon said I am megalomaniac and an old leader of the UMP offered me a chocolate croissant.


By going back home in the early hours, I made a detour by Hafid’s to tell him these adventures before I have a memory lapse (Ingrid’s ordeal in the Colombian forest, it was Jet Tours by comparison). I found him sleepy at the foot of the front door, the key pushed in the lock. The guy was doubtless drunk with vodkapple. He mumbled in his sleep that he imagined his young trisomic niece naked. It is stunning how narcotics can make us crazy.


Did you well read the date, dead losses? I wrote that on April 1st (Fools’s Day)! April fool!!!


Fabrice J.

Scriptwriter for Canal –

We won’t stop telling you stories

May the God of the Game teach you the benefactions of the sperm on the health!

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Not enough success VS too much success

This article will maybe seem paradoxical to you because the blogs of seduction usually teach how to be successful with women. And that’s it. But Diary is different : here we talk about gender relations as a whole.

Let’s say that there are two opposite: the guy who has NO success with the gentle sex (the naïve and full of illusions beginner), and the one who has TOO MUCH success. It is against this extreme that I am going to warn you today.




Some time ago, to compensate for studies that did not fascinate me much, I started to sleep with more than a reasonable amount of women. On average, more than 2 new women / a month… performance having risen several times until reaching 4 or 5, if you want to know everything. But that’s not a glorious thing (I’m not a kid). And it is what I am going to explain now. The act in itself interests me but has never been an end in itself for me. Especially that I had ventured into the study of the seduction above all by passion for psychology (and to become expert in gender relations).

Too many people believe that my purpose is just to screw girls as a manic (and to boast). No, my purpose is to reconcile both sexes. I still read too many bullshit like “the guys don’t understand us, they take us for bags of meat” or “I am going to teach you how to seduce girls, but not the cheap girls, not the girls you can fuck in 5 minutes in the bathroom of a restaurant”. These people there are or too feminist or too misogynous in their statements to glimpse the beginning of a reality (the truth is situated between these two faiths, beyond the prejudices of each sex). The first ones wants to look pure and innocent to make guys feel guilty (while I saw a lot of girls loving sex more than me), and the second did not understand that sometimes even the good girls practice quick sex, that does not mean they are whores nor easy nymphomaniacs, just that they found an alpha who turned them on enough and who tempted them to live something out of the ordinary (those who criticize this kind of girls are often guys who do not manage to make them do that, then they point them because they grumble as bastards). It is good sometimes… And no, that does not make of us nests for STD (I have no STD then you do not risk much if you protect yourself).

Some people fall into the seduction community to cover an emotional deficit, others to compensate for a complex or because they think that they will be one day able to seduce ALL the girls, etc. No matter what led you here, know that by working hard you will have results but you will sometimes feel a little bit tired. The girls will follow one another in your bed but it will not satisfy you. There is, indeed, a distinction to be operated between the need for conquest, for sexual diversity (the desire for sex) and the peace with yourself, with women (the need for affection – cf. my book The (inconvenient) truth about gender relations). I develop.

What you desired so ardently (becoming a Casanova) will not make you happy. You will kiss, will penetrate, will enjoy, all this yes (and it is already good, at least, better than most of guys). Reaching happiness, no. You will never be able to seduce ANY girl (or even a 80 % quota sorry), but it is not a reason live as a couple with any girl. You would eventually go off the rails, be disgusted by the “couple” and return to hunting with a multiplied tenfold appetite. And with a bad energy.

If you belong to the class of the seducers-collectors, maybe you should think of seducing BETTER. Of seducing only special girls, even if it means missing girls who would have satisfied you only for night but that you didn’t like much. On the other hand, if you slept with less than 15 women in your life, do not use as excuse “most of the girls are not hot enough for me/they do not excite me” to justify your inactivity. A naked woman excites a man (and vice versa): it is the law of nature. If you recognized yourself, it is necessary to put aside your pride, to move your ass to integrate notions of the Game and cut you teeth with HB6/7 to be capable of daring when a HB8/9 will cross your way (brainless silly bitches do not count). However, if your reasoning is the following one “at first I want to sleep with a lot of women, and then I shall stay with the one who will have caught my attention”, be wary too. To keep some value with the opposed sex, you have to be a minimum demanding. Otherwise, you will not be credible any more… a girl wants to know that when she sleeps with a guy it is because he really likes her, not because it is a mentally ill person who fucks everything that can get wet.




Certain animals (like goldfish) do not know the sensation of satisfaction. They can thus stuff until they burst. It is not a manufacturing defect it is just that, in their natural environment, this situation of abundance of food never occurs. It was thus convenient to equip them with an appetite ceaselessly alert so that they miss no opportunity to make reservations.

A few years ago, I had read the atypical story of a guinea pig, it had managed the exploit to escape from its enclosure and to penetrate into the one of the females. It coupled with around thirty females and returned so exhausted by its expedition that it slept during two days in a row, touching the death of fatigue. It stuck with me.

Let’s return to human beings. The situation of sexual abundance can occur when you master the Game. But the skillful natural, the celebrity, the porn actor, the guy who masturbates on Daredorm all day long are also outside the norm. It is a relatively modern phenomenon: the liberation of morals, the condoms, the contraceptive pills, the increase of urban populations, the advent of Internet and sex on television are so many factors that confront us with circumstances for which our brain is not prepared.  We are not programmed to live in this environment. Like goldfish in front of food, our instinct urges us to take advantage of a maximum of opportunities of mating. We can then be tempted to go too far, at the expense of our own physical and mental health.

This is the way we manage to fuck girls not hot nor interesting because « that should not be wasted! » It can become compulsive. Then it is true that any relatively cute girl can provoke drives. She makes guys fantasize in the subway, in the street, in clubs, etc. Some people masturbate certainly by thinking of her right now or in any case would like to fuck her. As a result, if you have the opportunity to fuck her, it would be disrespecting them to miss the opportunity. It is a point of view that is understandable… It was mine for a long time. It is shocking but it is the purest expression of our primitive instinct. As for me, when I was younger and even now to a lesser extent, I believed for a long time that I would not last long. Then I had decided to burn out my life. To enjoy. Carpe diem. It is an antique philosophy but that has the merit to be rational when you seriously think about it.

In a situation of profusion and thus of stimulation, we also feel peaks of dopamine that can engender a phenomenon of habituation (we shall thus ceaselessly need stronger and more frequent doses). You thus have to cross this stage at the risk of becoming sex-addict.




If Mick Jagger (knighted by Prince Charles, rich, famous, wanted by thousands of groupies) does not manage to feel satisfied, how the common run of people would ?

This chronic non-satisfaction is understandable by the phenomenon of habituation about which we spoke just now (gradual decrease of the intensity and the frequency of appearance of a hormonal answer further to the repeated or prolonged exposure to the stimulus having activated it). Those who listened in economy class will recognize Ricardo’s law of diminishing returns (from a certain threshold, every additional unit produces a yield (here a marginal satisfaction) lower than the previous one).

If you lived his life for one night, or if you won at the bingo tomorrow, then there yeah you would enjoy like crazy (especially if you are poor and asexual at the moment). Indeed, the felt satisfaction is a function of our past experiences. But if you lived in the wealthiness during three years: you would quickly return to your initial level of felt happiness (even if you had fucked 100 girls or bought one Porsche and a villa in Saint-Tropez in the meantime). Worse, if you then found yourself unexpectedly without girl or without money, you would go crazy.

It can seem depressing but needs to see the good side of the process: if you became suddenly blind in one eye, well, you would learn how to live with and would return sooner or later to a correct level of well-being.




We have all certain capacities to be happy. Some have a temperament of naysayers: they grumble even when the weather is beautiful. Others see the charm of rainy day. I believe that it is the way you perceive little gifts, small enjoyments of the everyday life and not the focus on your big problems that will make you more certainly happy than millions on your bank account (even if I would like to have this money for the safety and the comfort which it gives).

The art of being positive is taught by the everyday life: the excesses will lead you inevitably to the existential suffering. Do not thus always try to go « higher, stronger, faster ». This Olympic slogan would make you pass next to the essential things of life and would make you a sick person.

If we come back to seduction now : integrate the other one into his/her complexity. The search for happiness is easier with someone else. When I reread this sentence, I am a little whinger then I am going to compensate. It is my errors, my excesses and my wanderings that taught me the virtues of balance. I would even say that they are a part of it, to a lesser extent. I have the head full of memories and almost no regret. I even regret nothing linked to the Game because it did not impact negatively on my private life (I did not take delay in my studies, did not cut off from my childhood friends, etc.). You should all the same put things in perspective and stand back on your life. Seduction is not an end in itself, very rare are the ones who manage to make it become their job (most of the time, not the best, moreover). Seduction does not thus have to impact negatively on the other aspects of your life, in particular your professional life.

Being a man implies some responsibilities (it is enough to see how finishes Ashton Kutcher in Spread to understand that being able to seduce is not enough to be happy nor to succeed). And not only mastering the art of cunnilingus.

Keep all the same in mind that excesses (too much or not enough) are fatal for the human being. The problem is that everybody has his/her own definition of these terms. Even more when it comes to sex. We really have no reliable marks… I’d like to finish this article on an existential question: are we really made to be happy?

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If you manage to make me come, then you can give me a forfeit

March 27th 2014,

Well. What’s up ?

I have fasted during a few days and I rather badly lived it in fact. Palpitation as Hafid when he is in lack of cocaine and difficulties falling asleep in this double bed where I sleep alone like an idiot. But I need to cleanse myself for the arrival of the spring!

The Marie-Antoinette of last time (the one who had cooked me a salad of rice) continues to send me many texts so that I fuck her again. But the more she writes me and the less I’m interested. I feel oppressed as a voter of the FN would be by Nicolas Sarkozy. That’s why you do not ceaselessly have to re-open the girls: the lack of affection scares off. And then, I already have Virginie thus I am not going to make a commitment in several relations at the same time. And I tell you all that with eyes of cute kitten.

With the inhabitant of Lyon, we keep in touch! We chat a lot in fact. I think that we created a link between the friendship and the attraction during these 3 days of non-stop sex. It’s kinda cool. Besides, it is a useful friendship, when you know how beautiful she is: I shall have not too much problems in exchanging her if ever we go to a partner-swapping club.

Otherwise, concerning the hot seller with the light blue eyes: she pissed me off. Seriously, she is exciting but I gave up fucking her. Knowing that she had already cancelled last Saturday, that’s what she had the cheek to answer my new proposal:
Me : On Saturday it is good or not?
Her : Saturday , it’s in a long time [3 days in fact]
Me : I am just having the impression that you’re making fun of me in fact! It’s a pity I like you
Her : Me too
Me : Well answer honestly: have you decided to turn me on for fun or did you really plan to visit me and have orgasms?
Her : I really think of coming, I am slightly too old to turn on guys in the unique purpose to raise my capacity of self-confidence
Me : Well that’s what I thought, I liked your state of mind and your body … I would have been hardly disappointed but here I am reassured! Thus the thing it is that next week I am not at all available it would be really awesome if you could block me your Saturday, you will see you will not regret it and will ask for coming back
Her : I would tell you that; but having a work and a high school diploma) in preparation, free Saturdays evenings are rather rare … even nonexistent, I will tell you, good night Fabrice
Obviously, no more news for 15 days and the excuse of the high school diploma in literature it is naturally some shit… When you want you can: it is the only thing to be kept in mind. Moreover, her message was full of spelling mistakes, so she really has to work hard to have her diploma I guess. She pretends that she is different, that she has an open mind and everything but finally that seems to be bullshit all what comes out of her mouth (not even a mouth of sucker). Maybe I am on waiting list while she checks if she can bang one or several other guys. She is not like the others, she is worse because she sells dreams to innocent men (I’m very innocent). It is all the same sad that it is necessary to pray the girls for making them come with my Niger size sex. Thus for my part it is finished this story, these kids piss me off. If she contacts me again by herself that will be OK but otherwise I deleted her number and the file is closed.

Irrelevant but: I thought again about the friend of the girl of the ice cubes, the one who had pissed me off sleeping with the music and moving in the bed till 5 am… but who also had invited me in her big awesome house, with a swimming pool like in a movie and at least 10 James Bond cars in her garden. In brief, I dunno I want to screw her again at the moment (it has been 2-3 days since that lasts and I do not manage to go limp with my non-circumcised sex but I don’t dare to visit my regular doctor). I see again in my sleep her breasts (breasts like that, that must be heavy, needs to make them profitable), her buttocks, her quite wet pussy when I lick it and then her attractive smile. I am maybe going to send her a small message if I find the time!

This afternoon, I saw Virginie. She : I do not fuck her, I make love to her wildly. Really, there is a shade (one of the fifty shades of Grey) there. Then, she is smart this girl… Moreover I learnt that she has IQ 136 (we are labelled gifted child > 130) and that it can affect the relations. Because me too I have a big one (btw I’m talking about IQ) I say to myself that there is really something precious between this girl and me, I don’t want to lose her. Especially that we begin to really fuck… and she comes faster and faster. Finally I want to say: she has to trust me or I dunno what but she came 4 times in the afternoon then we rested in front of the movie Cloclo. When I think that we almost stopped seeing each other because of her friends, pff, that would have been a pity. In fact they told her “you start caring about him then stops seeing him or that risks to hurt you later” except that in their “serious” relations of couple to them it is exactly similar. It is the quite rotten logic of certain girls who are pain in the ass “there is a good moment to live there but I advise you not to live it because after that risk to hurt, then hurt yourself now by forbidding yourself to see him”. Ridiculous.

Let us go now into… the heart of the subject. Let us handle the current events… in depth. A girl approached me on Adopt. A nurse who works on the intensive care in Marseille. Because she is next to death on a daily basis, she knows the price of life… not like all these small idiots conditioned by our overprotected society. So : she does not make fuss, she has fun when she has the opportunity because she knows that life can finish at any time. Consequently, she liked very much my blog and told me that it excited her because I seemed to be a good lover in bed. And also that my style reminded her Bukowski. Okay.

(Her photos were ugly. I’m not saying that she was ugly on the pictures, just that her photos were badly taken or badly lit or poor quality. Her, she had something and I felt her rather well in fact. Needs to listen to your instinct sometimes without trying too much to understand. The trying to pick up was a little weird : she wanted that we meet up in a hotel halfway between her home and at my home… that is to say in Plan de campagne. Yeah, I had neither desire for bringing my ass over there nor to pay 50€ for a night then it was boring and that’s it. But by certain aspects, she compensated her weird ideas. It was funny in fact, by texts I made obscene remarks to her and I liked her answers :
– do you know that I am going to make you come like never tomorrow?
– oh really who told you I’m gonna come ?
– my little finger
– good repartee. Well, if you manage to make me come then you can give me a forfeit, anything you want.
– the bets are placed.

In brief, she came to see me in Aix this evening and we fucked after 5 minutes by starting in the elevator. She was anxious to keep her bra and her garter belt blacks (or I dunno how’s that is called this kind of tights that stops in the middle of thighs): in fact that excited me, this dressed/undressed. Her skin was very smooth, her legs fine, attractive tits not big nor small with nice little nipples and her buttocks in doggy-style made me hard. She wanted to keep her bra all the time, I’ve still not understood why. When I took her doggy-style (with beatings) she moved her vagina except that sometimes as a consequence she twisted my cock or except that I put knocks against her wall and that hurt me then I caught her and immobilized her “stop moving”… it turned her on like crazy ! Please do not come telling me anymore that it is necessary to treat girls like princesses when you see how much some like to be submitted. In brief, she came twice in doggy-style and she did not stop telling me that I knew how to do it well and that I was good. It is cool all these compliments. When a girl enjoys her life like that, I think of all these bitches who patronize me as soon as I talk about sex. And well that is what you miss to be also formated, floozies. And the little seller there, well here we are, she prefers to stay at her home masturbating or watching TV rather than coming to impale herself on a real very hard tail. For advice more authentic than the lips of Angelina Jolie to improve your on-line game: read Secrets for seducing on the Internet. You will see that we can make love quickly and simply with quality girls.

After knocks, the nurse asked me “do you believe that we shall see again each other?” hmm well yes… and because I had won my bet, her forfeit will be to find a girl to make a threesome. Ah yeah because I did not specify but she is bi… a real one. Btw, logically, because she came twice, I should give her two forfeit. She is rather cool, calm, very quiet. Important detail: she looked rather intelligent. For the anecdote, she found out my profile by looking for vegetarians/vegans because she is too. It is not so much for reasons of health like me, she, it is rather to save animals. So noble! And also, she said that vegetarians had almost no cancers. The only negative thing (which made me freak out) it is when she asked me “it is a little late to ask you but, were you detected?
– yeah I have nothing and you ?
– me neither, I am detected every month because in my service many of my patients are AIDS-patients but don’t worry I have nothing and if I had the slightest doubt I would be in emergencies making a combination therapy.” Woaw, in fact the words like “AIDS” make the hypochondriacs like me freak out. Well, we protected ourselves after all thus I am not afraid… except when she sucked me (she sucks very well moreover and I have in a run-up of egoism come twice in her mouth). I have read that the fellatio does not transmit it unless both protagonists bleed. Well, needs that I calm down. I am really too much put under stress at the moment… and I make a lot of bullshit. Finally minor things like passing in front of my car 3 times in the parking without seeing it then I did panic, not managing to count my money in the toll or losing my credit card. I hope that I will not have a big problem , I need to regain self-control before!

In the street after having walked her back, I gave money to tramps. I don’t know why but well I wanted to. In brief, that will regild maybe a little my karma. Her, she went to sleep at her ex, because it is what she had planned in case I was an old ugly pervert (and then that arranged me, I do not want that a third person hears the sadomasochist frenzies that I murmur in my sleep). She told him that she was in a party. In brief, in my opinion she is again going to have a hard time and tomorrow she will have difficulty in walking. May her sex rest in peace.

May the God of the Game be with you !

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Jealousy : a good or a bad thing ?

Jealousy is a powerful emotion that crashes our most unhealthy open relations and establishes a conflicting climate convenient to headaches. Well, let’s get serious: do not err on the side of excess of certainty about jealousy and read this article if you want to better understand this phenomenon …

Jealousy, what is it ? Why does it exist ?

The jealousy can be summarized in thoughts and negative feelings of insecurity, fear and anxiety concerning an anticipated loss. It is a childish emotion, we can feel it since we’re 6 months old. Jealousy is a mixture of feelings as anger, sadness, frustration and disgust. This jealousy can be caused by already lived experiences, thoughts, perceptions, memories, but also by the imagination or by the fact of raising questions. The jealousy must not be confused with the desire (envy).

The shape of jealousy that interests us on this blog is the emotion connected to reproduction: the one that assures the sustainability and the stability of unions, but also protection and subsistence to children. A “reasonable” jealousy (that’s the thing : you should not too much piss off the other one with that) can be thus considered as the cement of a couple*…

* Let’s study now the results of a study led by Eugene Mathes from the University of Illinois. A questionnaire was distributed to lovers and, seven years later, those same couples agreed to answer other questions. The 25 % having decided to live together/to get married are the ones whose initial score of jealousy was high. The 75 % having broken up meanwhile had initially reported a lower score of jealousy.

Know that jealousy is universal: studies showed that it expresses all around the world (well except maybe in partner-swapping clubs) with the same intensity (but not always for the same reasons). Then, where is situated the healthy and acceptable border? What’s to be done when it becomes a poison?

The fatal consequences of jealousy

Most of the guys have difficulty in being faithful but are jealous all the same… For proof, 68 % of the American students of first cycle have already cheated on their friend by kissing another one, 49 % by fucking another one (Wiederman, Hurd, 1999). Let’s specify for information that the girls are not exempt from jealousy nor always faithful either (blowing is cheating?) The authors were also bewildered by the proportion of people who do not even image the existence of an alternative to monogamy. Finally, concerning young students in couple, 1/3 admit that jealousy is a problem. Whether it is: suffering from the jealousy of somebody else or being jealous.

Overcoming jealousy

« You suffocate me, you are too jealous, I’m leaving you / If you do not show yourself jealous, it is because you do not love me, I’m leaving you ». True story. It is a little a dead end thus, this story of jealousy. But we can wonder: what is the really “natural” part, the cultural part and the strategic part of jealousy?

A Hungarian can tolerate to see his partner flirting with another one whereas a Yugoslav just can’t. Paradoxically, the latter will grant less importance for some extramarital kisses while the Hungarian will see an unforgivable insult there (Buunk, Hupka, 1987). Similar facts thus provoke different reactions depending on the countries: jealousy is thus more cultural than biological. Don’t be sheeps: think for yourself. What is your real opinion on jealousy?

By the way, I have a question. If your girlfriend cheated you, who would you blame? The guy who did nothing else than following his instinct or your girlfriend who knew perfectly what she was doing? Your answer will say a lot about you : your level of confidence and your objectivity. If you decide to smash the face to the other guy, I pity you because it is unfair (unless the other one knew that she was your girlfriend and wanted to hurt you personally)… Best is thus to stay away from the girls of others and to don’t share them too much with your buddies (jealousy can also damage friendship).

Swingers, libertines, etc. knew how to overcome the stage of jealousy. Without falling in these excesses, as for myself, I like very much the open relationships. At least, at the beginning. Indeed, some people know each other for 10 days, kissed each other 3 times and are jealous as if their life depended on it. It is here that there is a problem. I wonder where does this need that one the 16-year-old young teenager has to be “in a relationship” at all costs comes from. Certainly a need for validation, they too much saw it in TV shows, or need to be reassured, or they don’t want to get tired then content themselves with easy sex (when they do it). But it is another debate (it certainly has something to do+- with the vision of happiness the society inculcates). I always advise to begin by hanging out together at least 3 months, by flirting of course, before declaring yourself in couple. I think that anybody normally constituted then feels jealousy when he/she cares for somebody (even if exceptions probably exist like for everything). It is thus understandable in the case of true love. But in this case, it is not necessary even if it may be cute. From a point of view more down-to-earth, it is understandable if we invested a lot in the other one (money or time or IDK what else).

The loving jealousy cannot be born if the partners have a relationship based on trust (but this notion remains subjective depending on the jealous individuals, according to previous traumas, etc.). Jealousy is all the more important as the jealous person has the feeling that his/her psychological balance rests on the fact of being with the wished person : Jealousy is thus a problem of attachment proper to the jealous person who needs to be reassured, or eventhe feeling can be, rightly or wrongly, based on the imagination. It should be noted that the jealous individual generally repeats the same patterns with all the partners. The jealous individual can then be mousy in the couple: he tries to possess his/her partner at all costs and, to avoid losing him/her, rarely puts itself in opposition by accepting compromises. But this behavior can then strengthen the feeling of insecurity in particular when the partner keeps a freedom outside of the couple, the jealous person not becoming any more the unique beneficiary of a partner. The jealous individual feels freed from his jealousy only when he spends time with his/her only partner, what eventually compromises the freedom of the partner, who can feel frustration meanwhile.

Some people say that jealousy is related to the notion of self-confidence. The less you are self-confident and the more you are easily jealous, because you think that your girl can leave with the other one (that anyone can be better than you). If you want to play the role of the alpha male, then silence your jealousy when it is disproportionate. Attention thus to don’t annoy your partner with that if you are in an open-relationship. In this case, make her rather addicted to you by fucking her a lot and well (her rate of ocytocin will rise and she will like very much you all the more)

The complacency about the maintain this feeling of jealousy comes from the fact that the existence of the obstacle (the rival) strengthen the value of the object of the rivalry. Jealousy can be a strategy so that a target realizes that she likes you. But it is an operation to be made with precaution: to make a girl feel healthily jealous, it must be suggested and not ostentatious (do not kiss girls in front of her at the risk of blocking her).

Jealousy, source of power

It is about a triangular relation like Foucault described, it brings in the jealous person, the partner and a third:
– When we “make” someone jealous it is that we committed a fault. We are thus responsible for repairing the insult. This is why some people oblige their partners to don’t see any more their friends, or to show them their text messages, etc. Would you hire a detective to investigate into the past of your best friend? It would be weird… Well, in a mono-normative society and within the framework of a love relation, this behavior is tolerated. THE SUSPECT THUS HAS TO SEEK FORGIVENESS EVEN IF HE DID NOTHING WRONG. FUCK.
– MECHANISM OF RESISTANCE: we can invert the relation of power by accusing the jealous person of being excessive, extreme, unreasonable. We so fuck his/her arguments. To be won : more freedom. For a good or a bad use.
– MAKING THE OTHER JEALOUS TO SEE IF THE COUPLE IS STABLE : Without necessarily committing any “fault” but just by sowing seeds “to see”. Preventive Resistance. Who said that attack is the best form of defense? It is a little pervert all the same.

According to Eric Berne, jealousy combines the conditions so that both partners are engaged in small psychological games that always hurt at least one of the participants. He considers them as toxins because damage the ambient well-being. True, sincere, authentic and spontaneous contacts that the author calls “Intimacy” would obviously be preferable. However, this intimacy as awesome as it can be, is perceived as difficult to create and dangerous because put people in front-line without calculation nor protection there. It is the big problem for people who “do not want” to fall in love: the emotional vulnerability can cause big damages, especially in case of disappointment, like depressions.

The jealousy occurs within the framework of a triangular relation (what differentiates it from desire or envy), when somebody considers that the second individual behaves for a third in a way that threatens according to him the relation of the couple and more particularly his or her place in the couple. The jealous person conceives from it resentment, reproaches, doubts, that he sends to the face of the two others, with generally a focus on the second person. The essence of the jealous behavior does not lie in this concern, sometimes imaginary, for the couple, nor in the fact of acting, but in the excessive emotional intensity that accompanies it and that compromises the success of this action. The consequences can damage the balance and the communication in the couple, jealous persons sometimes expressing their ownership in a permanent, excessive, exclusive or recurring way that often represents a sick jealousy. So, jealousy is a shape of possessive paranoia. It is sometimes linked to violent behavior: jealousy is evoked in more than 50 % of the cases of domestic violence. It is also at the origin of diverse abuse: insults, harassments… without talking about crimes of passion. All this sometimes coming from people who seemed totally “normal” and “well-adjusted”.

Roughly, this part of us is frightening… then let’s end on a positive note: some sex therapists explain that jealousy, in a reasonable dimension, can have a positive impact on the sexual function and the satisfaction. Studies demonstrate that jealousy can increase the passion of the two partners as well as their sexual pleasure.

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I had Lyon for breakfast

March 16th 2014,

I published nothing for a while but I have rather unusual things to be told : my pen weighed 7lb and my hands sulked in a corner. I looked at the blank page during two weeks with the same fright than a young Roma would face Claude Guéant. Thus this text will be particularly long. Take a meal.

At the beginning of the month, the married woman of December 2012 came back visiting me. This little trip from Brittany cost her all the same more than 300€ + 1000€ of business expenses. I thus had to give it to her for her money in the bed. It was the case. I think seriously of moving high-class escort-boy or orgasms donor for bored rich.

Last week, I went to try jeans. In a shop, after a few minutes, the seller told me “you are all the same cutter in reality than on your photos.
?” I turned around and saw a kind of 17 years old hottie, thin, average size, rather big breasts but that hold very straight, decent buttocks, brown hair with magnificent light blue eyes, fair skin… In brief, a kind of east girl dressed like a bimbo. She would have been able to make attractive the crappers of a nightclub. We talked a little, she knows my blog and likes it. She showed me her two tattoos and I pretended to be more interested in the jeans than by her but she dashed disturbed me the naughty girl. I tried a jeans and she came into the changing room to warm me “yummy you should take this one, it fits well on you and I know how to open the fly“. I didn’t bought the jeans, I am not so easily manipulable. Or I am really stupid. She told me that she was not free that same evening but that she finished at 7 pm every Saturday (she is a high school student who took this job for when she is not in class ie on Wednesday and Saturday). In brief, I said ” OK let’s see each other next Saturday after my tae kwon do training in addition it’s perfect because I finish at 6:30 pm“. I sent her a message the next day but no answer until Wednesday when she finally decided to end my ordeal:
ME : I was kind with you because you half raped me in the changing room, what was not unpleasant (March 9th)
HER : Haha, I put a lot of myself into my work! (March 12th)
ME : Having had no answer, I thought that our project had fallen into the water. Too bad, I said myself, that would have been able to make sparks! Still good for 19 hours Saturday?
HER : No, my cousin from Saint-Tropez is coming over.
HER : Or late
ME : late , it doesn’t bother me , if it’s a sure thing
HER : I can’t tell, plan something else if you want (9:18 pm)
HER : I swear my cousin is coming, I didn’t know before (9:29 pm)
I could think that she has flaked me and that our idyll is already finished but what leaves me a hope it is the deadline between its last two messages without I answered in the meantime. Roughly, seen that I did not answer after 11 minutes, she said to herself “fuck I maybe was a bit too hard on him” and she came back to justify herself. It’s a little indicator of interest. As a consequence, I told her to make a counter-proposal when it would be a sure thing. Time will tell. The young virgin is maybe afraid of facing me in a duel in the bed, me the valiant knight tamer of hot dragoon. Then I joined Virgnie (my darling) and in the evening threesome again with Padawan and 6ft. We could easily become used to it! But I am not sure that it is really good for me even if I was less bad than the last time. They considered my criticisms.

On Thursday, the inhabitant of Lyon (cf. the attached girl FR *) with whom Padawan slept in November came visiting him. Well, because Padawan still lives with his daddy and brother, it is at my home that she stayed. Of course, before, I had a little warmed her on FB by using the routine of the 20 magic questions (that I explain in Secrets for seducing on the Internet). We had planned a busy schedule :
On Thursday 6-7pm: Padawan picks her up at the station and welcomes her then brings her at my home and go back pick up his car to go to the tae kwon do.
On Thursday 7-8pm: I get acquainted alone with her, she is really cool, funny, pussy, has charm, her Spanish origins are obvious up to the end of nipples, is not afraid of anything. She has legs and humor, spirit and tits.
On Thursday 8-11pm: Training of tae kwon do, she waits alone in the hall and gets bored.
On Thursday 11pm-1am: Padawan goes at his place to eat and takes a shower (that lasts 3 hours), I eat with her at my home by whistling a Serge Gainsbourg’s song. Then she says “it is really too easy I can have you when I want“. We discuss and she tells me “a threesome I would like to try it but a foursome with a girl I don’t want I am too much afraid… it’s too much at a time : sex with more than two people and with another girl, too many novelties in one time“. She flirts with me but always goes far from me, like a game. She says “no” when I come closer. What does not prevent that I always win at this small game and that I finish at the end of half an hour with my hand in her panties. She says “stop I don’t want…
– your body is nevertheless saying the opposite (she is wet)
– oh fuck is that so obvious
” but I still refuse to kiss her. The problem here it is to differentiate the true and the fake “no”, where from the mixture of the rapist. The desire rises in her, she gets up “me too I have hormones, I am not going to resist for a long time if you continue like that“. She runs in the apartment and I run after her. Funny. I catch her and stick her against the reinforced door: with my right hand I caress her from behind and with the left hand I finger her. She rises higher and higher on the scale of the pleasure, at this very moment, she would do what I want. I ask her if she wants to play, she tells me “yes what game?” I take her by the hand, drop her panties, removes my jeans and my boxer and make her jump on me just by removing her pants. We undress in a granted disagreement and I reveal her the invaluable treasure with which God endowed my crotch. She kisses me, “it’s not cool for Padawan” she says by way of resistance while she is jumping on me for one quart of an hour (but she likes prohibition like some people like money) then Padawan rings at the door. I quickly finish her then I am going to open the door.
On Friday 1-5am (when these mentally retarded Yankees persons still believe that we are on Thursday) : Padawan arrives with 6fr and a bottle of wine. Not bad this wine, but the inhabitant of Lyon was a little disturbed at the same time by the presence of another girl and by what we had just done. By the way her make-up had a little run down. At a given moment I am going to close the window, 6ft caught my hand then I kisses her, caresses her breasts then comes down in her panties while Padawan and the inhabitant of Lyon watch us. After a while, I come down between her thighs (she was sat on a chair) and starts licking her. It is the signal, Padawan kisses the inhabitant of Lyon and it really begins. With 6ft we finish on the ground warming like crazy and the two other dudes are on the couch. I suggest to my partner “joining our guests” and that finishes with 6 hands and 3 tongues on the inhabitant of Lyon. It drove her crazy. We more and more mixed and we switched the girls. At that moment, our sextape would deserve to be broadcasted on Canal+. Great atmosphere, a lot of energy and I finish with a facial on 6ft. Although I had difficulty in being hard because I have not any more a great deal of desire for her. I’m just realizing that what I have just written is as strange as Tyrion Lannister captain of a team of basketball but I don’t care that is the way it is.
On Friday 11am-1pm: I wake up next to the inhabitant of Lyon and we fuck like crazy. I am not usually the kind of guy who says he is a virtuoso of sex to make hot young girls take it in the sights (or somewhere else) but we started in the bed and we finished against my refrigerator in the kitchen. She could not stop praising “I should come to Aix more often“… especially when she had a big orgasm stuck to the table of the kitchen “sex is really good with you“.
On Friday 1-3pm: we eat and I fuck her again on the ground. We then wash the proofs of our alcoholic debauchery of the day before.
Vendredi 3-7pm: we go to the sea together with Padawan. He bathes in the water in the middle of March, I dunno how he can do that… And when he goes out with pectoral muscles inflated up to the brain, he looks like James Bond in Casino Royal (the only character potentially capable of making me doubt my heterosexuality) !
On Friday 7-9pm: I fuck the inhabitant of Lyon almost everywhere in the apartment to finish by a doggy style of half an hour on my sofa. She literally stuffs it, so much that she cannot handle it any more: she has a hard time. “The best doggy style of my life” she declares to me. I’m not surprised : me too, I liked very much. In fact, due to sex and living “like roommates” with her, we creates bounds.
On Friday 9pm-4am: Padawan joins us and we go together out to eat sushis. I almost suffocated, big ball in the throat, I say to myself that it is psychosomatic (I had regularly some when I was depressed a few years ago). Then we show her the city (it was time after two days) and we go have a drink in a bar then it ends in threesome at my place (it’s crazy when I think that some take it excessively badly when I fiddle their friends but I let them fiddle with my buddy). We all are exhausted. Her best friend called her to ask her what she was doing and she answered that she was having hard sex with two guys. He did not believe her.
On Saturday noon-2pm: sex like a madman with her and she returns in Lyon in ride sharing. I hope that we will go there to visit her, I became attached to her, me, especially to her attractive big boobs.

During the training on Saturday afternoon, I almost fainted, everything turned. Needs to believe that I too much burned… the candle, lately. But that was worth it: seriously, what a timeless weekend. We could believe that we all dreamed, I guess. For her part, she was delighted to have two lovers for her, she imagined the heroine of Savages, I guess. Me, I felt rock ‘n’ roll like Pete Doherty when he takes Kate Moss wildly in an underground bar.

During these 3 crazy days with Padawan and the girl, I had successfully approached a girl on Adopt during the rare moments when we did not fuck nor sleep. Conversation :
– Me : In addition I’m having a stressful week O:)
– Her : I can propose you a little treat if it can help you…
– Did someone already said no to such a proposal? lol
– Yes. But he was stupid!
– Oral sex (give*take) it’s almost what I prefer
– I also like oral sex… It is exalting and exciting to see the power that we have on the other one.
– I understand what you mean! Yes it is true and do you like having power on men?
– Generally I prefer the men who take control but sometimes I like when I can order
– Order some dessert? lol
– Mouahah! No of course… well but… A dessert and some sex can fit very well together!
– Lol ! sex before or after ?
– Before, after, during… when you want!
– Ahah ! Do you like playing with the food?
– In reality I never had the opportunity to try but I would like to!
– Ah yes and what would you use ?
– Whipped cream… or maybe a raspberry coulis… and why not some nutella. Just thinking about it and I have just got 12 lb !!! 🙂
– Lol I will make you do sport then ! well so prepare it for Saturday then 3:)
– OK I prepare all this! Just a quick question: are you really vegan?
– That depends on days and you
– According to days, vegetarian… But most of the time omnivore.
– Omnivore does it mean that you eat men? Or just a part of them?
– No, it means that I eat anything… and especially a very precise part of men… I generally eat them entirely…
– I am volunteering to unfrustrate you : with what you’ve written to me you must be excited
– Hummm too late… I did it alone. So is it OK for you tomorrow night?

Finally here we are, she cooked me something and that was a good idea because I had nothing anymore at home and laziness to go shopping.

I already had the cock on fire when I went there. It was a salad of rice with fresh vegetables and some white wine. Very well, all this! Then she kissed me while I just caressed her leg casually : I played with her little pussy and she rose on me. Then I destroyed her ass doggy-style on the couch. What a good fuck, she shouted so hardly! Then, I finished her whole salad of rice and we took a shower together. I made her come again just with my fingers and I got hard again. This hot water that caressed me and these shouts of pleasure excited me, in fact. A miracle considering my general state and that I was not even sure that I could be able to be strained once by coming. She kneeled down and sucked me with her attractive small nose and her mischievous look. A girl with a hyphenated first name, 26 years, from Bordeaux, real estate agent, looking all-around great at first sight but what scamp in the second sight! And she knows how to do it. I travelled with this blowjob… the orgasm I had was powerful… I was then invaded by energy: I did not know what to do any more to evacuate it then I hit the wall. Too good, seriously! She wanted me to sleep with her, but well, that would have implied to fuck again the next day and I didn’t feel able to, seriously. No more energy, here. I returned at 1 am and cooked some fried potatoes casually by watching the end of Kaboul Kitchen… seriously I am a big fan of the mustache of colonel Amanullah. I could watch the show only for that.

Here we are, it was the news. Please don’t speak to me about sex before April. Saturation ! Except maybe the young seller teaser there… a pussy like that : we take it when we have the opportunity of it otherwise we regret it for a long time. On the other hand, seen my level at the moment, it is her who would have enjoyed her life if she had come yesterday evening but well… well, I am going to leave her a second chance all the same, if she is not too stupid she will seize it.

Signed: colonel cock on fire aka Kalashnikov.

Kiss les jeunes. Que le Dieu du Game soit avec vous !

I am going to make an epilogue for this pervert’s column with the FR of Padawan of last November related to the small inhabitant of Lyon.


(*)Written by Padawan on November 27th 2013,

On October 18th I had a last oral exam in Lille, and I had decided to stop in Lyon on my way back to visit a friend.

He lives in a dormitory and I thought I could wreak havoc with her neighbours but there was nothing interesting in the group ! I also got acquainted with his neighbors who advised us to go to a nice bar / club : a rock boat, a barge filled with women who are hungry of cock according to them!

In brief, on Saturdays night we meet up with people in the barge. There is an abyss compared to Aix… women everywhere ! The atmosphere is top. I discuss a little with people who were there, that moves a lot.
I turn around in the crowd and I find myself face to face with a very charming brunette. She was up to bump in me, thus I said a bullshit! I don’t remember what I said at this moment. We part and I leave finding my buddy.

We settle comfortably in a corner to get some air and now the girl tries again: she sits down with a friend just next to us. With this approach invitation I cannot resist. “How do you plan to make me forgive you for earlier !”. The conversation starts well! My buddy acts like a wing and talk to her friend : perfect !
But the thing is, they want us to buy them drinks… I thus make speak my repartee (line) with a shock sentence for this impertinent girl : “Do you know what is a guy who pays drinks to a total stranger?”. She is called out, I continue: “A looser !”. She likes the challenge, the conversation goes on.

It is the moment to isolate her… but the thing is, she came with a lot of friends… hard ! I do it all the same by pleading that we have to jump into the Rhône. I stick her to the barrier, she is enthusiastic, I get closer and… I pass by her head and make a comment on the height of the likely fall. I feel her frustrated, I try to kiss her for good and we play to get away, then we eventually eat each other’s mouth! Very good.
I try to leave with her, but she does not want and her buddies cockblock me completely!
She takes advantage of it to ask drinks and fags to guys. We play the libertine couple in front of two guys, funny ! She makes her friends game also by giving them missions with guys, awesome!

Then I abandon her by telling her that I have to leave, to make her react! But I only leave to hunt more there… and a guy sends me on his American roomy who is very hot! (a real bro).
After a while the first one tries again. She is jealous and kisses me in front of the American.
So I negotiate the FC, no way, she has to go back at her parent’s… well it was just an excuse, we planned to meet up again the next day to have sex but she flaked.

The thing is I had taken her number. The text phone game was hot ! She thus had to accommodate me a weekend in Lyon in exchange for orgasms.
I thus went back there last Friday to see my friend and my cousin and, well of course, by going out of the restaurant I visited the chick. We a little played when I arrived, the tension was strong… It was hot ! We had sex all week end long.
A 19-year-old woman who likes sucking it is so good! I was ready to do it several times but I think that she had enough because she lied down to recover. In brief the next day and on Sunday we did it again, in the awakening and in the evening. I was still excited like a lion ready to devour a gazelle.

Moreover I am “one of the only guys who have given her orgasms “, nice ! She will think of me when she will masturbate 😉

A very good week end. It’s very interesting to game somewhere else that in the South of France!

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Social mask and Human value

Warning: I want to write a message of hope, for a change.

When I go out, I often hear guys just arrived in the bar saying « there is nothing to do here we should leave » or « look at them, they’re all ugly », etc. One must be wary of hasty generalizations (besides the fact that they are often only excuses because these guys are scared to approach: their embarrassment and their internal contradiction between the desire of making out and the fear of approaching are expressed like that). Hell yeah, A HB6 can finally have more value than one 9. Hell no, by Toutatis, the sky didn’t fall over my head. I develop.

Goffman, American sociologist, wrote the following hypothesis « people try to show a version of themselves that will be accepted by their immediate interlocutors». The social relationships of the everyday life are thus biased. They are a permanent negotiation between a “SOCIAL ME” (stable/codified) and a “I” (spontaneous/singular).

It is in this “I” that everybody has something to offer to the others, because the “SOCIAL ME” is extremely conformist (responsible for social pressure). Everybody having his story, if we activate the good levers, we can find some value in every human being (and even in every being).

It does not mean for all this that you should respect no social convention to be interesting. If you want to surpass or to dispute them effectively, you have to know them and master them… otherwise you would become an eccentric who criticizes everything to feel powerful but proposes nothing better. By ease! I know a lot of people like that !

In brief, the world that surrounds us is a perpetual compromise between social rules on one hand and authentic expression of our personality on the other one. It is thus necessary to learn to see beyond the social mask of people, it is necessary to be able to make them comfortable, to have access to their “I”. There is even a lot who need excuses, like “I’m drunk” to dare to let their “I” expressing. To succeed durably in the Game, it is necessary to understand all this.


Some will fall on their ass (the others are already sit on a chair) but yeah, I dare to say it : people, in society, wear masks. We do not always really talk to THEM.

Like in Parisian orgies at the theater, people are actors who make a point of embodying a role (attitude, clothes, decorations). They select also carefully their public according to their mask (an individual can have several masks).

Example: an alcoholic teacher will not go to a bar where he could meet his pupils: he does not want to mix his roles. On the other hand, at school, he wears a shirt, looks confident, uses complicated Latin terms and put on his desk books that he had not really read in reality. Because we speak about that, know that a simple suit or a uniform can be enough to establish an illegitimate authority. Swindlers often do that, moreover. You should know that!

Fortunately, or unfortunately, certain barriers are about to break. I’m thinking in particular of this President who says he is « normal ». What’s the point ? By definition we can hope that our president is not an average guy. I also think of the clothing style cooler than before on the workplace in most of the companies. Private character and professional character are thus less and less different: for better or for worse?

To be noted, we all are more or less a character… if we always were our “deep and wild self”, it would be an huge mess out there! So when I read on blogs (officially serious and wellthinking), that to seduce, it is enough to be “yourself”, I am laughing out loud: you’ve understood now that it strictly means nothing!


For those who know Eric Berne and his Transactional Analysis, I’m talking here about the Free Child. This spontaneous, independent and original part of us… It is interesting to learn how to reveal it to add some whim to your Game. To improve in this domain, it can be interesting to practice automatic writing or theatrical improvisation…

Reconciling our “SOCIAL ME” and our “I” in a harmonious way is a delicate balance. Too much of the first one and you would be really tight-ass, too much of the second and you would be too eccentric. There is also the problem of jealous persons who do not dare to go out of their comfort zone and who criticize those who try to improve. A lot of confidence is thus needed to move forward in life. Courage !

A way to don’t get lost in an extreme would be to go over the concept of social value and to discover the concept of human value. In a utopian world, self-fulfillment and concern of Humanity would finally be reconciled.


Monsters have always existed and will always exist, it is a fact: but even them are necessary for the world balance of power (some philosophies recognize it). We can also be a monster without knowing it. Just by obeying orders or by turning a blind eye to certain behavior. Between judge and executioner, the border is sometimes very thin. Edmund Burke moreover wrote that « All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. ».

Bad people benefit from the complicity of the sheeps who let people be manhandled by being very satisfied because they are not the target. There are also those who do nothing. There are finally those who dare to rebel. In brief, every human being has some value, has a utility, in his way. Even if this utility is just to be workforce.

And then, we can be surprised, indeed you never can tell who will help you. Personally, I am the altruistic kind, I have already helped people without reason just like that… And I noticed that they did not really expect it. Thus I advise you to do not spit your poison at people just because you underwent a contrariety during the day. That would be unfair ! Conversely, I was betrayed numerous times by people who were important for me and for whom I had made enormous efforts. I also had the bad role sometimes… The wheel turns!

Wonder about yourself, about the others, about your acts, about their acts, about the standard. We will so maybe avoid the next Hitler. Sorry, but there will be no day off in your quest of a better yourself. And if we want to make the world better, I know that it is sometimes disheartening, but we are going to have to begin with improving ourselves.


Between what people are and what people appear, there is an abyss. Classifying a person in the category of the “assholes”, the “losers” or the “misfits” without knowing him/her can really be an huge mistake (I nevertheless often hear that). What I write is not politically correct stuff… but wisdom. We reject by ease sometimes.

If I declare that everyone has an intrinsic human value equal to mine. Then no more judgment can affect me, I will be freed: I can indifferently hang out with the most powerful and the most humble. It is an interesting concept, even if we talk about human value, it is necessary to subtract other things (like being mean or stupid). But what I mean it’s that nobody is fundamentally uninteresting for everybody in fact. So there is hope for all of us : we are so numerous that everybody can match with people!

Let’s establish more authentic, warm and sincere relationships. Between two Free Children. Let’s pay less attention to protection and let’s give way to intimacy. Everybody has his short story to be told, his stone to be added to the building of our lives! Maybe it will help one day… The most beautiful meetings can be the most unexpected, on the Internet thanks to a poke or even in the street. Let’s be open-minded! We will this way more often cross the stage of the “nice guy” (social mask often).

You can have a crush on the charm on this girl after speaking to her while you would not even have noticed her if you had not forced to grant an equal importance to everybody (because she was not in make-up/high heels mode today). Watch out, I am not suggesting you to have sex with an ugly girl to see at the bottom of her vagina if you would not find her internal beauty…

I have already said it in another article but intellectual masturbation prevents you from meeting new girls. Besides, your mind is probably conditioned to create a negative image of people even before approaching them. We are quite negative in France, while to be happy, it would be necessary on the contrary to make the effort to be positive.

Roughly, you cannot predict the character of a person in the twinkling of an eye. Then I agree that there is a lot of idiots out there, but at least be sure before classifying people in such a category otherwise you will finish alone & embittered. Also, before criticizing, look where you are, you, in your life there.

Some criticize people who smoke, drink, take drugs, play no sport, go out or not in clubs, read magazines celebrity or I don’t know what else… Fuck, we don’t care ! Everybody lives his/her life and life is sometimes some shit then one needs “things” to move on. Let’s help and love each other, it will maybe be easier for everybody rather than always criticizing and telling lousy gossip.

This reflex of always criticizing and speaking ill to feel better (or for living by proxy) is something rather common, in my family like in my social circle but that puts me ill-at-ease. Why not accepting (or nexting) people as they are and be done with it? If they want to improve : good for them, otherwise it doesn’t matter, but it does not belong to you to decide on it for them.

Go out of the herd (and I even speak here about the herd of the amateur eccentrics of plot theories)… Stop taking everybody for idiots. You would become crazy. The world is not that ugly. Learn how to see farther than the end of your nose. If you never doubt anything, then you must be really stupid (but at least I hope that it makes you happy: I would like to have this luck).

All those words to say, when you go out, approach (especially if you went out on that purpose)! Be coherent! Be sincere with yourself !

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The 6th girl in 6 days

February 26th 2014,

Before beginning to write, by way of warning for the 17 readers who’re still reading me, I am anxious to specify that every page of this Field Report is initialed by one of my sperm cells. What a waste when you know that at least one of these embryos would probably have been the author of a world-class best-seller within 30 years!

“You’re home, quietly installed in front of your TV, when someone is knocking at the door. Surprise, it’s me ! I approach and kiss you, and the desire rises of a sudden. You realize that I still have my jacket when you take it off, surprised again, I’m only wearing underwear. I think that I obtained the sought effect 😉 You stick me to the wall and come closer to whisper in my ear that you want me. I take your hand then lie you down on the back. I start kissing your neck, your trunk, I spend my language almost everywhere on you. I feel your breath accelerating, you’re savoring. I nibble, lick, kiss, everywhere. I go down again and stay there for a long time, because I love it… I take your sex in mouth, play with it, accelerate then slow down, spend my hands or my tongue on your testicles. Your legs tremble, you hang on to my hair, trying to make me move. When I go back up, you turn me and take me of a sudden! It makes me scream. Needs to say that all this fucking turned me on. You take me the way I like, hardly, you turn me in all directions. Then I feel you accelerating, a little more, still more, and coming with relief… Definitely, it was a good idea that I visit you.”

Because it was a quite long message, I received it in the form of a MMS message and not a simple text. So, I answered “ahahah when I saw ONE NEW MMS I thought that you sent me a naughty picture but it is very too“. Roughly, I made the idea germinate in her mind instead of asking her directly for a naked picture like a weirdo. When she actually send the first one to me, I answered her by two-three topless photos and told her that I liked what I saw (to encourage her). In the end, I got her naked. It is this technique I always use to get naked photos from girls without risking to miss one because I would be thought of as a big pervert. I don’t like being thought of as what I am. You know, a lot of girls out there have a narcissistic side and enjoy the effect their attractive body can have on us, poor obsessed males! With her, another thing made me have fun : every day in the morning I asked her what color was her underwear!!! It create bounds… 😉

A few days later, she wrote me another text. “You arrive at my place and when you’ve just come through the door, you jump on me. I feel your hands on my neck, on my breasts, my stomach, my hips, my buttocks, all this while you touch my mouth with your lips. I try to kiss you but every time I approach, you make a step back, it drives me crazy. When you are finally passive, I heave a sigh of pleasure. I take off your shirt while your head is in my tits, while you kiss me in the neck. I put my hand in your hair, your back, on your buttocks (fuck, I love men’s buttocks) and pushes you up to the bedroom where I finish undressing you. Just by seeing your already hard sex, I am totally wet. Just to make it even harder I linger above, spending my lips, my tongue almost everywhere, your legs are taken by cramps and I feast to continue still a little. I all the same eventually take it in my mouth and hears that you sigh of relief. I still continue a little then go back up by nibbling every piece of skin I can. You fall over on me without penetrating into me and rub against me. That drives me crazy because I have just one single desire : that you take me, and you know the effect it had on me. You put me on the stomach and come over me, while continuing your little game. You kiss me in the nape of the neck, play with me then eventually take me in this position in fact (by the way, it is my favourite) while I sigh of pleasure. We make love like that for a moment, alternating the positions, with one single objective, mutually doing great good to each other. I love these moments.”

In real life, it took place a little bit differently. Date fixed at 3 pm in les allées provençales. Arrived at 3:30 pm, I made her two-three contextual jokes in shape of caresses “the amygdala it is a spider” (it is a gland but I do not remember why we spoke about that) and “I don’t kiss at the first date, I fuck at the first date“. I thus got acquainted with an attractive girl, tall (almost 5ft8), natural blonde, nice cute face, but especially very soft and kind (she studies veterinarian, that’s explicit enough). I really looked forward to making her shout with the overgrowth of explosive flesh that blocks me when I want to run… like Pierre Woodman would do to a young and innocent Polish actress that he would audition by tickling her vocal cords with his swollen pipe.

We directly went to my place, without putting into words the thing. I have met again the old caretaker, it is the 5th girl whom she sees me returning at home in one week! In the elevator, I put my hand on her stomach (not the one of the caretaker), caressed it up to her tits by coming closer to her lips… but without kissing her. She was a player IRL just like on Adopt. Once in my apartment, I stuck her to a wall, fiddled with her decently on the basis of respect for Geneva Conventions then I turned her and put her fingers from behind with my left hand while I caressed her clit with my right hand (I also bit her buttocks). She tried to catch my cock but I prevented her from it “you’ll play with it later” to oblige her to concentrate on her own pleasure. It is a little what we did lack in the threesomes last week: the girls giving and receiving at the same time, that allowed them to find a diversion from their pleasure and not to let themselves go completely. Nom d’un cunni sec d’une pipe molle ! [untranslatable]

Well. Because it turned me on too much, I then took off her small pink panties to take her doggy-style up against that same wall. I took her from behind, but because she had a beautiful plump ass, we could say that it is her best profile. Then she rose on me on the sofa of the lounge (I took advantage of it to remove this bra she had for too long) and ended her in missionary. Je ne savais plus à quel (gros) sein me vouer [untranslatable]. So so good, her body is very comfortable, it was a good fuck : there is a connection (probably a wavelength story or something like that in any case something that overtakes us, poor mortal people). For the anecdote, she kept her big fashion glasses all the time. We then a little chatted to recover from these acrobatics (if too often practised that stuff could make us finish the ass stuck in a wheelchair – we like living dangerously).

Secondly, we went on my bed, I made her a massage, then I liked her. She came. Her pussy is very tasty. She then made me a massage and turned me and sucked me from A to Z by using my sex as a toothbrush (for those who still don’t know, I am sponsored by the agency of the oral health thus bring your social-security card when you come visiting me). I had a good orgasm, it had been a long time since I had not been blown till the end like that. I guess that’s what I like the most. I could feed exclusively on blowjobs like that (and her too – is organic and gluten free).

I wasn’t expecting such a girl like that… I mean that I wanted her but I didn’t really know with whom I had to deal because when she told me that she had only slept with 10 guys and that she asked how many girls I had slept with : she looked disgusted when I announced a number nevertheless 2/3 inferior to reality… then I asked her if she found that it was a lot or not. Fuck, I know nothing anymore about it : loss of reference points. Otherwise, she is funny and has already made a threesome with two guys (two buddies met on Adopt). Eventually, she asked me if I was going to call her back? Probably. Except that I am going to add her on FB in the meantime and except that seeing my blog is maybe going to block her (it often happens). This damned diary complicates my young heterosexual licker and wrongly heartlessly person’s life… but it is for a good reason. Besides, just like some legends like picking up with a fake mustache, I like putting myself handicaps.

Well, so, it was the 6th girl in 6 days, she is as a kind of bonus at the end of the DVD of February. Except that my thing, it is rather books (like Secrets for seducing on the Internet in which I teach how to make girls send you naked pictures and I also explain how to tempt them to write erotic pages for you with some ready-made texts that you will only have to copy-paste so they want to have sex with you – long live the product placement).

May the God of the Game be with you !

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Second threesome this week-end

Written by Padawan on February 23rd 2014,

Well you know it, Fafou is a polite boy. Then to thank me for Friday evening, yesterday he introduced me to 6ft.

We had an appointment at the Chassdo because I wanted to hunt another girl.
Just before going, I fall on the Sardine on Adopt (an ex conquest of Fab he had banged while I took care of her friend in a birthday last year). Because I really had no time I propose her cash a 4some, a small extract :

Sardine : Hello young Padawan, keep your “Charms” darling we have already “met”

Me : Ahaha I know that’s why I sent you a “charm” ^^ so my sardine are you hungry ?

Sardine : Oh rascally!! of sex, yes all the same, but I am on a diet of man.

Me : Ah you want women now ?

Sardine : Oh no thanks you there’s nothing more boring! Are you hunting?

Me : Yeah baby I’m chasing 😉 and I suppose you too ! are you interested in a foursome tonight ? (yeah I’m direct because it is tonight or never ^^)

Sardine : No I’m fine thank you

Me : I thought you were more kinky all the same… you can try to look innocent huh but every women have this fantasy. Have you already tried all at least ?

Sardine : Yeah several times that’s why I’m not that interested.

Me : Maybe it wasn’t good persons so…
You prefer twosomes now ^^

Sardine : Huh.. sorry Padawan I’m not a sportswoman, and I love beef. Do you understand

Me : Loooool
Yeah yeah I understand, it is for your friend and all this blah blah blah ^^

Sardine : Waaa not at all we don’t speak to each other anymore I fucked her ex! It’s sad but it’s life, and I love life too much

Me : Wah wah ! You make me have a lot of fun ^^ well she should learn how to have fun instead of doing bullshit like that all the time 🙂
Ah and not only blondes are welcomed, I just said that they were my type [on my profile] ! Don’t feel rejected love 🙂
Seriously come having fun tonight alala !

Sardine : No seriously tonight I’m busy and I didn’t sleep for 24h so I’d be bad

Me : I like the contradiction if you tell me that you are busy then why do you tell me that you would be bad? women and your fake excuses
Come on ! We will have a good time, we will cuddle you, and you will see that we will give you some of our energy

Sardine : No I’m going to bed now! I have a drink and that’s it. I say no to you from the beginning, I’m not looking for excuses I am not a young girl you know
Sent via iPhone

Me : You’re breaking my heart big sardine. It’s OK there will be people you know 😉

Sardine : Yeah I know that you and my sardine are always together

Me : Obviously ! More there will be sardines and more we’ll enjoy Frankly you have an opportunity to have fun but you are going to bed and will miss something, I thought that you loved life

Sardine : You make me laugh! Stop with your 2 sesteriums arguments I am a dead-walker, I love life, but it is not for a no that I am not credible anymore!

Well I didn’t see the last message, I was already gone. I thus met Fab and 6ft : I like her she is quite exciting ! We try to turn her on to incite her to go hunting, but over the moment I feel that the ant is not unselfish! She wants her two cocks just for her!

Fab went for a pee and we see him coming back 2 seconds later with guess who… this fucking Sardine ! This girl thus spent her evening in the Chassdo and was at the same time on Adopt… The height of the hypocrisy (she had sent her last message at midnight). The poor girl had got fat since last year and she had cut her hair…. huge mistake fat ass !
We all agreed that she wasn’t up to our expectations anymore !

So, we did nothing at the bar, 6ft didn’t want to share us, we thus went at her place. I found her apartment very nice, I like analyzing the apartments of people because we learn a lot on their personality. Well in any case she had tidied up well because she knew she was going be doggystyled violently!

We stick to her together, each on one side and we begin to undress her : her energy and her excitement rose.
We eventually arrived on the bed and we made a lot of oral sex, a real swallower of sabre! Her little mischievous eye contacts were very exciting! We switched, I stimulated her G-spot with my fingers, she couldn’t handle more, she twisted, I thus told Fab “Hold her !” and boom, she was blocked, she had to come ! Too good ! We did it several times and then I broke down.

While she was blowing Fab, I took care of her ass with a good violent doggy like I love doing it to naughty girls who deserve so !
At the moment I came, I took another condom and I restarted like if nothing had happened. She was folded on the bed, I do not know how long this moment lasted but I stopped because I got tired physically: I had doubled in volume because all my muscles was inflated because of the effort.

She continued sucking Fab, by lying face down. After a small rest I returned giving her some pleasure in lying down doggy-style. At this moment I felt that a strong energy surrounded the group, like if we flew away… the orgasm was powerful: at the beginning I was soft and then I had an excess of energy I would not know how to explain… I wanted to demolish something, a little bit like fury ! I thus did about twenty push-up to calm down and it worked…

6ft began riding Fab then he took her in lying down doggy-style, she was fucked hard while I caressed her.

We then rested, Fafou went back home, he needed some rest with all the sperm he sent this week ^^ (Bravo bro because it is necessary to have a lot motivation and desire after all these efforts;) )

When we had sex again in rather all the positions, she covered me with her cyprine up to the top of the navel, rather crazy and rare!

Finally I’m not even able to synthesize everything, there was really too many caresses, looks and pleasure ! I will especially remember that she had a lot of orgasms and enjoyed! Us too ! Thanks to Fab for having introduced me to a so generous and open-mined girl (maybe because she is 31?)

Otherwise tomorrow I will watch a movie with an English girl, I hope it will be good ! More adventures very soon probably 🙂

May the cyprine flow freely !


After the tae kwon do, I was so tired, but I motivated myself all the same to arrange this meeting for my buddy (after last night, I was flying, but you’ll see that I’ve quickly lost my energy). I was a little disappointed by the attitude of 6ft who did not even try to pick up with us. She even made opposition. Strange for a girl bisexual, hypersexual and used to orgy clubs. We had planned to make a foursome this weekend but that thus divided into two threesomes. I think that it is the approach anxiety that has stopped her but I had by far preferred to go hunting with The Girl of the Body Painting. 6ft is btw taller than 6ft because she is taller than Padawan. It was funny when we positioned, him in front of and me behind her, to touch her and undress her: I had the impression to besiege a castle-fort and to bring down a tower. Like Louis le Pieux. Then, we put her on the stake of sex like Jeanne d’Arc and we stoned to death her with cocks. All kidding aside.

During the act, I felt put aside, like if the fact that Padawan is a new cock for her justified that she had to oversell it in terms of attention and compliments. By making threesomes with two girls, I quickly understood that it is necessary to put them on an equal footing at the risk of putting one ill-at-ease. That gave me difficulties of erection all this, certainly because the girl lost her “purity” under my eyes… she did not excite me much. The bitterness disrupts a little my prose and my erections at the moment.

After sex, they began speaking about music metal both in a corner. Totally in their bubble. I was very bad, a strange sensation invaded me… A shitty thing looking like sadness. I said that I was not feeling good, that I was going to leave: they didn’t really care. Then, they had sex again without me. That also, I lived it badly. In this fucking plan, I really had the impression to be an intermediary whom they then egoistically kicked out to be quieter. For example, if a married guy grants a threesome with two guys to his wife, it is not so that the newcomer fucks his wife when he is not here… rules, priorities and a little of respect are all the same required otherwise it’s a mess. I thus want my future wife to be hot and pious. With a padlock transplanted to the entrance of her genitals, which key would be hidden in my pair of underpants.

Two words on his Game with the Sardine. Everything in the provocation… well, it can work. The only thing I didn’t like it is that he criticizes his ex. Otherwise, the logic of the princesses is always so funny : “I am not interested in men at the moment, nor in women, but I am registered on Adopt”. Or then “I will go to bed early tonight” and then we meet her in a club. The girl who got fat and adopted a haircut that doesn’t suit her plays the decider and refuses a plan with a beautiful girl and two guys she likes while she declared herself bisexual last year? So weird. There’s also the eternal logic “no I’m not a girl like that I’m not a slut” then when you provoke her “but I’ve already made several foursomes” for fear of being thought of as a coward. Why not more frankness and sincerity ? Read my ebooks for a better understanding…

Well. Let’s stay positive. 2 threesomes in 1 WE and 5 girls fucked in 3 days, not everyone can do that !!! I have to restore self-confidence, to armor against egoism and to get laid (no please not I can’t handle more) some sleep !

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My first threesome WMM

February 22nd 2014,

Hi friends, it’s past noon and I hardly open an eye. Needs to say that I spent a so exciting night that I had trouble sleeping. I type this FR to try to clean up my thoughts.

Yesterday, we went out with Padawan, in a small bar of the city center (the one where many foreigners go and where it smells the rotten egg inside). Guess who we ran into, damn?! You’ll never guess : into the girl whom my very dear Padawan undressed at the beginning of the month (the one who watches manga porns with her friends). A good leg and a golden girl, according to him. I wanted to verify.

She was with her friends. A set of 4 girls who were drinking some wine and dancing. We walked towards her ignoring royally the others, Padawan introduced me, she was embarrassed, I a little forced her all the same to give a kiss to me… we’re not animals ! Then, I let them talk together, so I wasn’t the big weirdo. I settled a little farther, casually sat on the file of a chair. Honestly, I a little felt nervous like an artist before coming on stage. Then I preferred to shut up and watch my body language rather than to take the risk of saying a bullshit. I looked at the guys who “danced” and I was scandalized that we call that “having fun”. Good thing the ridiculous does not kill. The lack of alphaness neither. I didn’t feel this evening, for God’s sake, I didn’t feel it .

After a while, the friend of Padawan came talking of this and that with me whereas he warmed her very slightly from behind. Submission by the eyes : up to here everything goes well. Absolutely not perturbed by the merry-go-round of my wingman, but seeing clearly through his game, I told casually the girl the night when we warmed The Girl Of The Body Painting together in my bedroom. I described how much it had driven her crazy. I saw her attractive naughty eyes beginning to shine.

But I didn’t feel it all the same, this dead duck. Especially that there was her whores of friends, fucking cockblocks, who were a pain in the neck to me. Then I was so to speak a little bit vile with them. Needs to say that I had poked at least 2/4 on FB and that they had written me the usual shit like “who r u?”, “why do u poke me” or “what is a poke” and that I was quite a troll in my answers… then here we are, I paid it because they made my reputation with Padawan’s FF. “He is a jerk, a fucking asshole, etc. But go on the other one, he is cute.” We cannot say that I did not deserve it but well… “Who sows the wind reaps the cyprine” says the proverb, no ? Ah no, it doesn’t say that.

Don’t worry, I am used to get it in the neck with the fair sex. It is the principle of The Game. Women make us suffer. The seducers are send to hell. They get it in the neck. It is sure that it is not the poor guy who keeps the same idiot all his life who can understand that. I am Chuck and Padawan is Nate. He is the Apollo with well drawn abs and I am the guy that we fuck because the indecency attracts and fascinates. One of her miserable friends came speaking to me “I have to occupy you so that your buddy can pick up my buddy. [She had probably not understood that they already slept together, ahlala women and their secrets]
– really ? it’s cool, go on occupies me, and do not hesitate to call a friend to help you darling. I am very greedy.
– well no but I have boyfrienddddddddddd, dude.
– it’s cool anyway my buddy won’t pick up your friend in this bar, we are gonna make a 3some.
– sure…” I love saying truths like that, on the tone of provocation: they never believe me… and yet !

I did recover, stage fright left me, the modjo of my three fucks in two days took over the top (I felt invincible and cocky again) and I said to the two lovebirds, “do you want to go in a place where your friends are not? it would be a shame to shock them anyway.
– OK we can go outside if you want it’s hot here. I finish my drink, you don’t drink anything you ?
– I don’t know, do you want to give me some of yours ?(compliance test)
– yes, take some.” Finally, there was maybe a hope to spend a great night. Even a downright awesome night.

We went out and we walked to my house. “Where are we going ?
– Let’s just have a walk, guided by the night.” Snipe’s FR about threesomes&foursomes suddenly came back to my mind. We do not put into words the thing, we do not say “let’s go to my place”, we say “let’s go” and… we arrive to my place. Mouahahah. In brief, we took the elevator, we sit on my bed and nobody breaks the magic and we stayed in the darkness “I a little have pain in the eyes this is why I don’t turn on the light” (one more awesome Snipe’s trick).

Me, I sat on the bed next to her, and Padawan was standing in front of us. He caught a book and started reading it, while undressing on his own, until he finished topless with open pants. Like if it was totally normal. I did not try to take advantage of it to fiddle with her nor anything, that would have looked try too hard, then I told her “are you cold ?
– no why ?
– well I don’t know, you still have your jacket” and she took it off. Then I said to Padawan “come on the bed, I am going to put candles to enlighten you”. I fetched candles in the lounge but on my way “Padawan, did you see my sweater ? I’ve just lost it.” ; “Pada, my belt, I don’t know where I put it, and my pants opened alone”. We put three perfumed candles and it is me who continued the reading while she jumped on Padawan and while they started kissing. She was really put under stress, I guess. Two topless men, open pants, while she was still dressed. Padawan undressed her, she was passive, whereas I was concentrated on my reading. When she was naked, she said “are you sure you want to continue the reading ?
– do you want me to stop ?
– as you want… euh… I don’t know what to do or say in this situation I don’t know how to handle it.” I went towards her, we kissed each other, I touched her attractive firm body and Padawan started fingering her. She shook me meanwhile, and I can tell you that I was very hard. Her breasts and buttocks, are severe arguments that automatically make young heterosexual men like me react. We a little presented her with a fait accompli to fuck her together, but I always preferred asking for forgiveness rather than for permission.

Then, I came down to lick her while she sucked Padawan. Big time. I dunno why nor how but I went limp. I maybe had problems managing the ambient male energy. I was a little embarrassed, it broke the dynamics, but nevertheless I was excited downright then I tried to masturbate to come back in the party. When Padawan started to take her doggystyle hard, she sucked me to help me to get hard again. I have to say it worked well. The energy circulated between us, I was full of modjo. This type of energy that comes living in you during this kind of act is indescribable. Nothing to do with traditional fucks. I cannot you say how long it lasted, but she was fucked hard and I had a good time in her mouth. When Pada had stopped slapping her ass, she turned towards him to lick his body as to thank him and it is me took her. “Fuck me oh yes harder” that’s what she said, I swear. Fuck, that excited me to death. A little less liked when Padawan caught my alarm clock to time us. I found that strange.

Then, we discussed until 4 or 5 am by eating almonds and Goji berries like bohoes. I discovered a really simple, nice girl and everything, cool. I was not against a second round but we didn’t do it. In any case, the queen of the day today, it is her. She had two guys for her (and not the worst of the world). And she had moved forward in the head: overcoming the social pressure like that and going out of her comfort zone… bravo. It is not the kind of thing that normally happens, normally you go out in a bar looking for a “2some”, in the best case. It can happen only if you fell on guys like us. Anyway, she will have a great souvenir for later. But I don’t think she will tell it to her current friends. Moreover she told me that the tall brunette who said “I have a boyfrienddddddddddddd, dude” cheats on him non-stop. Bitch. We are not fags, and she is not a whore (if you still have this fucking mindset, do not hesitate to read The (inconvenient) truth about gender relations). When they left, she had difficulty in walking but her eyes were full of stars. Lucky girl !

Padawan shared his best sexfriend of the moment with me for my anniversary! I am moved, what a present, what a birthday doggy style ! I need to find a way to thank him, because I am a polished boy all the same. This is a real bro who understood the spirit of Game : take and give and carpe diem. Needs to have reached a fucking level in the head to be able to do that. To be capable of realizing this kind of thing. Maybe we are crazy. Besides being proud of him, I said to myself that this kind of moments, it creates bounds all the same. Finally here we are, I was lengthened on my bed and other euphoric thoughts crossed me. What did I do to deserve that ? That very morning by going out for shopping, very far from suspecting what was going to take place, a veiled yucky girl made her credit card fall in the street and like a gentleman I ran after her on 200 meters to give it back to her. The karma maybe ? Can be a factor, no ?

PS = if you thought that the meeting in the bar was fortuitous and that the threesome was not the purpose since the beginning… you are very naive mouahahaha. I love corrupting young girls!

This morning, it is the soft ringing of the bell of my telephone that woke me up. A hot girl I approached on Adopt (I’ve already talked about her in a previous post) sent me an attractive photo of her buttocks without I asked her for anything… like if she had felt that it was again necessary for her to draw my attention again. They are very good these women all the same. Sixth sense, feminine intuition, all this shit… It is thus my 4th FC in two days, success calls success. For more advice, read Secrets for seducing on the Internet.

May the God of the Game be with open-minded women !

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The panda tamer

Written by Padawan on February 4th 2014,

Sometimes, the modjo does not leave you and you know that it is eventually going to work. I had not sent Sergeant Popol to the fight since almost 1 month. He was ready to recover and to go back on the battlefield even after having fired a big cartridge.

Yesterday I had a date with a scamp met on Adopt. It is necessary to say that the trying to pick up online had not been very complicated. The girl sexualized a little bit and I just had to outbid after; small extract (yes it is about pandas, because I told her that I was a trainer of pandas) :

She : What do you generally do during a first date ?
Me : I tame and I take the panda to the zoo to give her care
She : Where do you tame ? You take her at your home?
Me : Ahah does it scare you ?
She : Yes a little
Me : No reason !
The panda remains free
But generally she likes her new house
What would you do for a first date ?
She : Mmm the ideal would be that the panda and the tamer go have a drink together then decide what they will do later
Me : I always liked taming when the panda comes to drink
She : Me too I like being tamed after having had a glass of wine…

Here I am in front of her at 10 pm, she takes some muscatel wine, me some red wine. The waiter tries a little “here the girls do not pay” by taking my bill. Well it’s OK, for €2 I was not going to act skinflint, but for my game it was not very good. Later the waiter was a bro and proposed us a table more quiet. Again installed, we start to say bullshit, she even sexualizes herself the conversation! We come there to speak about porn, about the size of the male genital organ according to the region of the world, or still about her theory according to which men who practice martial arts have the biggest cocks because you need big balls to do that ( welcome to the club Fab ). She touches my leg unintentionally and says a little “sorry”, I answers “if you want to play footsie you can go on, do not find yourself excuses” by stressing well the fact that it was “sexual” with the tone of my voice.

We finish our drinks and we go home, we do not really know how that is going to take place. I walk with her and arrived near her street, she tells me “I live here” silently I pretend to go with her and I continue the conversation casually.

Her small studio is nice, we settle on the sofa bed, and we still discuss. She takes a pillow in her arms to keep her warm. I say “are you not ashamed to take a pillow to keep you warm while tonight you have a guy at your home with you?” Thus I take her in my arms. Then we start watching a Hentai (porn manga). In fact it looks like she watches a lot of porn with her friends, but with me she is not comfortable then we stop. I get closer to her by discussing without kissing her to make rise the tension.

We both crack and it was so good ! Her small breasts were firm, as well as her muscular body that has good forms. Her small mouth on my sex was divine. Mine on her lips (you know which ones) gave us the desire to go farther even if I prolonged with my fingers to excite her. I do not know why we fit into very well (I think it really depends on the partner) : she managed perfectly the andromaque [cowgirl/whisper] (what is not common) and the suspended union [ascent to desire] was orgasmic. It is a difficult position for the most part of the women I met because they did not know how to position nor to sheathe, she had never tried those positions but everything was well done.

We did it twice, she came 3 times. I won’t bother you with her eulogies on my physical appearance and the repeated “you are sexy”.

In brief, an excellent adventure! I do not know if I am going to see her again but I keep my modjo which is certainly going to urge me to write other lines here.

Cyprinely yours,

Padawan, trainer of pandas.


For having seen the FB profile of the girl, I can say she is sexy. I looked at her photos in a bikini the same way as a starving North African would salivate in front of a couscous royale. Padawan makes me proud because he is finally successful with my advice for trying to pick up on the Internet. For my part : I slept alone that night, for the first time since 1989, because I had taken the bad habit of always having a girlfriend in stock.

A slight drawback maybe on the complicated and difficult sexual practices for a first date like Padawan did : it is not compulsory to fall down as soberly as a dress of Geneviève de Fontenay… Because that does not make all the girls feel comfortable. And even for yourself, you have nothing to prove (to yourself)! Well, the most important it’s that she appreciated the session, she enjoyed and she is satisfied. Some claim they are able to live by feeding only on the energy of the trees around them, I wonder if we can live by feeding on handjobs, that would maybe be worth trying. On the other hand, I liked the sex-opener “are you not ashamed to take a pillow to keep you warm while tonight you have a guy at your home with you?

Why did I put this Field Report on the blog? You will know in the next post !!! And I can assure you that it will be even more rock ‘n roll than a serving between a Jean-Luc Mélanchon in heat and a Marine Le Pen affected by vaginitis! More disconcerting than Ségolène Royal deciding to rape her ex-husband François Hollande in the premises of the Elysee by encircling him on a chair in solid gold, while Julie Gayet would look at the scene by masturbating while thinking of Benjamin Castali on whom she fantasizes since he presents Secret Story ! More improbable than a foursome of reconciliation without condom between Valérie Trierweiler, Alain Soral, Nicolas Sarkozy and Manuel Valls (François Bayrou would be there too but he would remain soft) that would finish in bukkake and that she would tell in a second best-seller under the title “Thank you for these knocks of crop”.

See you soon !

May the God of the Game be with us !