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The rules of the wingman

The rules of the wingmanThe interest of wingmen ?

Learning : if your Game still doesn’t work, stay positive and continue to learn. A good thing is to meet the other good “seducers” of your city. Remain humble and cool and learn by practicing with a wingman.


Complicity : good routines with an accomplice allow to feed a nice conversation, to bring some positive energy, etc.


The social proof : the social network is important during a phase of seduction. Your friends will have a positive or negative impact depending on their behavior.

When we arrive in a bar (except the HQ bar), we do not generally know either the population or the place. People who are new in a place are going to trust the behavior of the group which surrounds them : in the doubt, “we think what everybody thinks”.

A good PUA can play with that by showing to a woman that he is already recognized as somebody interesting by the other persons around him.

Why a man leaned alone at the bar will convey at once the image that he has no friends? The bar becomes the universe and because he is lonely in this universe, we think that he is all the time alone even outside. Principle of association. Nevertheless, it is possible that he is very nice but seen by far, we have the impression that he would better make be friends, this poor guy.

It is the same thing which makes that the barman or the waiter become stars of the place : everybody speaks to them or smiles to them.

Choose people who respect you because more they will respect you and more they will strengthen your social place in the places where you will go. And you will bring your value with you.


The pivot: he or she is useful for getting into a group (thus by using a person who will not be the final target). We can use for example a co-pilot girl (beautiful, and you will thus become interesting by default – preselection (an interesting dude hangs out with hotties and not with fat girls)) either somebody who is in no way in the confidence.


Technique of the co-pilot : “did you meet my friend ___ ?” to break the ice.


The rules of the wingman :

Rule n°1 : The pilot approaches the group and invites the co-pilot in the conversation.

Rule n°2 : The pilot chooses his target and there is no competition. Only if it is dead for him with the girl, the wingman can attack.

Rule n°3 : You mutually make rise your value by saying positive things about the other one. You try to neutralize the cockblock threat.

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Simple, direct and fast seduction

Simple, direct and fast seductionInterest: The pleasure is in the suspense which can happen between the moment there when we try an approach and the results which we obtain from it… It is a game at which we can only win!


10 errors relative to the approach

There is not really a way of approaching which works better than the others (except using the touch or other techniques of persuasion), however some errors must be avoided :

1) You should not not approach : « she is in a hurry, you are badly dressed… » : The report is there, the men are afraid of approaching the women. That it takes 3 seconds or 3 minutes, the important is to become used to speak to unknowns in a natural and relaxed way to develop a social ease. The important is to convey the image of somebody reassured and to show that we are not dangerous, that we are not a beggar and that we are not here to annoy the person. Approaching is not disturbing at all if it is done in a subtle way. It works more than we would want to believe it. It is not rude. It is necessary to dare!

2) You should not approach from behind: like the traitors and the murderers. It is a social and conditioned reflex. You meet a beautiful woman, you have a eye contact, you go back on your steps, you will not especially run and you put yourselves next to her to be able to approach her in a correct way.

3) You should not run after her : It is necessary to stop after having “approached” her. It is going to reassure her, she is not going to say to herself : that one is going to pursue me, etc. And, it is also interesting because it allows to break off momentarily and to bounce at once on what we have to tell her. Do not forget to smile: you are here for the pleasure and to have a friendly social interaction.

4) You should not be heavy or insistent: It is not because we took our courage in two hands to approach her that she owes us something. If she spends her way, leave her and attend to our activities. To whistle for the women and go out in a group of 15 do not work, and the famous “I wondered if your father was a thief because he took all the stars of the sky to put them in your eyes”, either. It is necessary to know how to persevere but not be heavy.

That reminds me the Coach of Marseille who had approached a girl on the street, she had answered “I have a boyfriiiiiiend, classic) and he had pursued her “yeah but if you had no boyfriend would you want? some say that I have beautiful eyes, do you confirm? “…

5) You should not recite a text by heart: That would only serve to be thought of as the weirdest man of the year. There is no magic formula: every situation must be taken with a minimum of spontaneity. For example, simply tell her that she has something out of the ordinary and suggest her verifying that around a coffee.

6) You should not speak too fast, too hardly, to falter and eventually be incomprehensible: The key is the breath. Do not hesitate to lower the flow of the words. The silences are useful to support ideas, they are moments when it is necessary to strengthen the atmosphere which emanates from the discussion. Use these whites and make it trump cards.

7) You should not not assume: We are here to seduce her, you try to get her number, to see again her and more if affinity. Never apologize for having had the boldness to have come approaching her even if you made one of the 10 mistakes. Especially, do not hide behind an a little bit conceited character by trying to impress her : it is old-fashioned, while the approach is anyway already rather impressive in itself.

8) You should not not take her number but giving yours: A woman who gives you her number is a woman who wants to know a little more about you. If she takes your number, it is a polite phrase to say that she will not call you back, that you were not effective enough over the moment. If she is interested, she will give you her number. Idea of answer: “according to a study carried out, unfortunately 90 % of the women who take your number will not call you back”.

9) You should not verify the number: It would show that we are not confident and that we doubt that one can give us a real number. But that can be funny also to confront her with a false number. We can feign a small error on certain numbers: “it is 79 well at the end?”, “no, it is 89”. To consume in moderation because the purpose is to detect them before, these false numbers.

10) You should not not accept the refusal: Good news, the studies are unanimous, there is more than 3 billion women on Earth. Furthermore, a woman approached on the street who rejects you does not reject YOU but the images you conveyed. A woman who rejects you: do not take it personally, she cannot know your values, what makes that you are “you”, in 30 seconds. Laugh at it. To please everybody, it is to please whoever. It is impossible to reach a 100 % success rate. Make your own experience and enrich your culture of the seduction by the practice.


How to take the number of a woman

The direct proposal: Suppose that the meeting was great : interaction without tear and woman who waits that we take her number. Ask her or take out your mobile and give it to her, she will understand that it is necessary to put her number in it.

Do not take her number and do as if we had already taken it : If the interaction took place very well “we shall go drinking a coffee next week or see such exhibition.” If we leave from the principle that it is already won “Oh, but you don’t have my number?!”

The alternative: If we feel her feverish as for the choice to give or not her number: “I suggest you going to drink a coffee in a terrace or to drink a cappuccino and to see an exhibition”. The fact of leaving her two choices is going to encourage her to select what arranges her (feeling of freedom).

The regret : Make her understand that it would be a pity that she does not give you her number: “this kind of situation manages little and meeting the good person rarely happen”. ” You know how it works: if no affinity, no affinity, thus that sincerely commits to nothing”.

The supplement: The interaction took place well and cherry on the cake: tell her at the time of taking her number « btw, I didn’t tell you yet, I am a very good masseur or a cook or I have a jacuzzi ». It is a funny bonus. It will encourage her to give you her number.

The conditional conclusion: If she goes out of a difficult break and is not ready for a new relation, make her understand that we shall not ask for her in marriage nor will put her constraints. You do not oblige her to undertake to do something with you : “well, listen, we should see again each other because we have fun together, we foresee nothing, we simply try to see again each other and to enjoy a good moment”.

The recapitulation: Recapitulate the moments which took place well : « Usually I do not take the number of the violent girls (if she pushed you aside during the evening, for example) but with you it is different. What I am going to do it is that I am going to take your number and we shall go to drink a coffee next week. »

The yes successive: “Yes” engender positive. « Did you like this party? Yes. Do you like having fun? Yes. Are you bored and laugh at weird guys who approach you badly on Saturdays evenings? Yes. Do you like chocolate? Yes (99 % of the women). Then all this is very well, we shall go drinking a coffee next week ». If she answers “no” to provoke us, ignore it and take out all the same the mobile as if she had said ‘yes’ because anyway, she is in a positive emotional state which will encourage her to give you her phone number.


Taking the number or the e-mail ?

The results are appreciably the same. The e-mail is less intrusive and she will give it more easily because when they give their number to a stranger, they are afraid of being harassed night and day; taking the email (or the FB) during a night out is less connoted “pick up” whereas the number is more symbolic.


Planning to see again or meeting on the spot?

It is very exciting to go out with someone we’ve just met: everything can arrive! To privilege thus but it depends especially on possibilities of the one and on the other one. Taking several numbers can be interesting also because those who will release themselves easily to see you again will clearly be interested: it allows to make a sorting!


How to avoid most of the rakes ?

Ask for the number only if you have her immediate assent: you suggest doing something and if she does not look like “yessss good idea” or if she does not talk about taking your number, the situation looks complicated. She can also be shy. When you have the number, chat even some seconds and then you leave to do not spoil everything! My thing it is to give them my number, like that, I know that those who call me back are motivated. The bad thing is that it obliges them to make an effort to send the first message, thus I lose some along the way but well I so less complicate the things for me.


Lessons of trying to pick up :

The direct approach in a store is effective, if the girl is alone.

The foreigners who have just arrived are safe bets.

The age is often a criterion of disqualification: attention to calibration.

Do not hesitate to approach a girl who waits, even if it is for a date.

The personality tests allow to make the shiest and the most reserved girls talk.

Tell her that her answers let think that she has no barriers on her sexuality, that she likes making ceaselessly new meetings, and that she is willing to share. If she does not deny, the night is going to take a form which will suit you.

Always qualify her on grounds where she does not feel at ease. Example: “I speak 5 languages”; “Ah yes, and do you speak Russian?”; “No, I tried to learn”. Always urge her to justify, to put her in a frame of qualification.

When we go night-clubbing, the probability to fall on set of 2 is strong. In this case, opt for the jealousy between the friends by alternating conversation with the one, then with the other one. They will agree to part if each finds some benefit there.

If a girl tells you for example that she was a model, pretend to be used to it and don’t to be impressed.

The fact of being a little bit distant and sometimes to try to pick up openly the friend can also amplify the attraction. The probability is strong in a seduction of two girls at the same time that the girls agree at a moment or another on who will have the priority on the other one. The double game cannot last eternally.

We can meet and sleep with the friends of our friends from the moment everybody agrees, from the moment we assume from the beginning what we want and what we don’t want.

When there is competition, like during a party with friends, do not hesitate to be very reactive to not be doubled.

A girl who stays in a social circle can very well be opened for several adventures in the same circle from the moment she does not feel judged as an easy girl.

The dance is always a way to make rise the temperature to seduce.

The most attractive girls are not the most difficult. The beautiful and sexy girls are not the most difficult but the most unavailable on the other hand, often yes!

The direct approach is effective in big cities. Do not hesitate to put into words the state of mind in which we are when we approach her and to say why we approached her.

The fact that she has free time always justifies to spend some time with her.

Efficiency of the routine: “how could we seduce if we could not speak ?”

The approach asking feminine opinion on the affairs, her emotional past or the meetings in a general way is adapted to approach groups, and when we are with a wingman. It allows to create a little debate and to make react on subjects which directly affect them.

Talking about the way we pick up during a meeting is well perceived and allows to create an immediate rapport. The fact of putting into words what we think, and what we do allows to justify the approach as well as to show our intentions, without necessarily showing too much interested, while remaining funny.

In nightclub, we can approach by simply testing her reactions to touches.

A woman can very well be very motivated over the moment, and rationalize the next day and don’t be anymore in the same state of mind. And conversely, insisting in the trying to pick up can lead you far if you are ready to wait one month, or one year or more..!

The problem of emotional availability is very important and is to be taken into account in the seduction.

Always look relaxed and positive whatever is the situation. Don’t showing yourself emotionally affected by indicators of indifference allows to keep in touch with her.

Approaching at the end of the party just before leaving a place is very effective.

Attention on the game of the assumed womanizer. Generally, it tends to make the conclusion more difficult.

Do not hesitate to approach whatever is the situation.

Always look for the simplest logistic solution when the girl is attracted: try to return her at your place if you can.

The first girl approached is not necessarily the definitive target of the party.

The number 1 obstacle in “night pick up” remains by far the competitors. For example, the jealous persons who act like if they were her friend.

The sense of observation is crucial when we want to seduce a girl.

It is very important to know how to approach at the right time, to avoid useless resistances.

Approaching at the end of the night is often paying, because there is a certain shape of tension (from the moment there were eye contacts) and create, besides, a certain shape of mystery.

Certain women are easier than others.

The fact that she can take you for another one can be an advantage in the approach.

The errors to be avoided during a quick taking of numbers (assembly-line work) :
– No compliments on the physical appearance (to justify the taking of number).
– No conversation on the sex to begin (alert to the pervert = risked).
– Do not approach women you don’t like (spontaneity, body language).

Even if she phones, approach her and if she hangs up it is good.

Suggest going have a drink or explain her that you cannot in fact and exchange your phone numbers.

The approaches have to be done quickly.

If you exchange eye contacts, it has to give you confidence.

Let’s go with self-assurance, straight ahead towards her.

Touching slightly her arm is a way of making her turn around.

When the previous approaches did not work, try again. They can be stupid, gays, upset over the moment, etc..

When you approach, accelerate the walk but avoid seeming too breathless.

Shaking hands with her or giving her a kiss starts a dynamics according to which you can touch each other.

With the foreigners, you can and sometimes even must continue in English.

If she is alone, settle down with her.

Do not stare too much at her tits, etc.

Suggest showing her places to go out.

If you wait for her for example at the exit of a store, she does not have to see that you wait for her.

If the girls work, contact them only when they are alone (bothered?). Say that there will be no problem for the work.

If you see the time go by, it is a very good sign.

Being attracted by a girl and feeling a part of reciprocity in a context where it is very difficult to take action, is something at the same time very attractive and very frustrating.

We are often confronted with this type of situation where we would like to take action, but where the context is not adapted because of the social consequences and of the other people’s opinion. On the other hand, where there is a critical and crucial point in the interaction, it is that you should not miss the moment when there is this possibility of action which appears.

It is not because she has a boyfriend, that she is going to not cheat on him.

In a park (and in a general way) position strategically between two groups of attractive girls, and look at them from time to time…

Approach before her friend arrives.

If for example she speaks in a loud voice to say that there are not available tables anymore. Jump at the opportunity and say that it is going to empty.

Ask for what she drinks and go to the bar to order the same thing. If she invites you to come back speaking to her, let’s go.

A girl does not use consciously techniques of seduction but knowing some can allow you to spot the girls who are in attitude of seduction.

She dances with a friend on the floor. Pass in front of her and take her hand, if she hangs on it: let’s go.

Indirect approach: ask her what she thinks about the party.

Breaking the ice: say that there is a lot of people, that it is warm, etc. The commonness is your friend in this context.

Talk to her in the ear, and at the same time take her hand. Pull her towards you to isolate her, but if she hangs on as by gravity to the attraction of the group, stay near the group and dance with her.

If she is motivated, to such a point that when you put her a finger in the mouth, she sucks it strongly: intend then to conclude on the same evening.

Touching her by chance or making touches with pretexts will strongly help you: dare.

Attention if you present a girl whom you have just approached to a guy, he can compete with you.

If the happy hours goes well, invite her to come to have dinner later.

Taking photos can draw the attention of a group, do not hesitate to strike up a conversation. Taking a photo with somebody can also be an excuse to ask for her Facebook and phone number or boost the conversation.

Reading the lines of the hand and other games are useful (buy a specialized book).

Eye contact is essential, do not come out from nowhere.

If a guy takes initiatives and that she rejects him friendly, the way is clear…

Take advantage of public transportation to sit next to the attractive girls.

If there are people all around, make a sign discreetly to say that you want to talk to her.

Problem of perception- womanizer = involuntary everyday acceptance of the interaction. If you overplay the habit, she will not feel unique any more.

If she has earphones (alone, bored?), make a sign to tell that you want to speak to her.

Simple and direct = you assume = original.

If she seems to read over your shoulder or to look at what you are doing, imply her “it is NLP, do you know it?”

Invite your neighbours.

Tease them if they do or talk nonsense.

When we approach a girl on the street, we know very quickly into what is going to turn the meeting on the other hand when we see the girl every day, we can take our time.

If you do not stop her, there are chances that she disappears forever.

Girls on a bench can be bored. Approach them!

You can wrongly disqualify your desires for sex, do as if that came from her. That she has a dirty mind.

A kind is only a preference because the attraction is independent, it is a physical and emotional answer to your personality.

You have to find your style, and if you change it, it is because YOU want it.

No technique works with all the girls. But ask for her first name!

Because of a misunderstanding that can happen, only because you dared!

The simplest catch phrases (openers) are probably the best.


Ideas of lines :

Hello, I just wanted to speak to you.

Would you like to go having a drink later ? (showing her your phone)

Would you like to go having a drink now?

Would you like to prolong the night with my friend and me ?
Well ! What did you do tonight ?
What will you do now, except going to bed alone and contemplate your walls. Would you like to have a drink elsewhere ?

Hello, Do you recognize me ?
Listen, now, I have not a lot of time, because I have to join a friend (do not say “a girl friend”), but if you want, we can have a drink later.

Would you like to come eating with us ?

We’re leaving, but I noticed you, and that would please me to have a drink with you later.

Hello, could you remove your sunglasses please?
Sunglasses are annoying, we cannot know if the person likes us, and in addition I heard that everything passes through the eyes.

Hello, I find you attractive (if the time is really counted in seconds.) A number?

No, I cannot, I have to see a friend.
=> All right, we can see each other later if you want.

Hello, I found you nice, would you like to go having a drink?
Ah well, because it would be nice. Where are you going? We could have a drink and discuss…

What are you doing tonight ?

You give me your number ?
All right, but on a single condition…
You call me tonight…

(Game of the oracle) Mobile, oh mobile, tell us who is a very good lover in the bed?

(Opinion – chat) Hello, I think that the women lie more than the men.

Hello, my girlfriend has just left for Egypt with her ex. What do you think about it, girls ?

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Strategy of seduction (inspired by the Mystery method)

strategy seduction

Strategy of seduction (inspired by the Mystery method)Because there are many different methods of seduction, and sometimes complementary  . Because we cannot become a PUA without having heard, at least, of the 3 main ones (the fast seduction which is the one I practice in my diary, the seduction through communication like Ross Jeffries and the Mystery Method). Because my “feeling” method does not correspond to the needs of everybody, some needing to follow “rules”. I am thus going to speak to you about the approach and about its “rules” (that I do not like respecting but it is necessary to know that they exist) established by the community of the seduction.


Definitions :

Direct approach: We assume directly our interest for the target.
Indirect approach: We do not assume directly our interest for the target.
Passive seduction: the way you seduce with your appearance.
Active seduction: what you are doing in an aware way to seduce.


The objective :

The objective is to conclude, not to pick up just for the act of picking up.


Maximize your chances :

Pick up everywhere: in the street, in the subway, in nightclub, on the Internet, at the office, in the plane, on the beach…

You can date every kind of women of any origins (according to your tastes): students, working, who live with their parents or alone, idealists, venal, adorable, selfish, independents, solitary persons, sociable and especially in every kind of context. However, be careful, their intellectual level can influence the interaction.


The plan of classic trying to pick up (inspired by the Mystery method)


The initiation of the rapport (pre-required) :

During a meeting it is the woman who introduce the communication in 90 % of the cases, but in an informal way: by her way of being, her posture, her eyes.

Instinctively, the man is afraid and prefers coming by the side or from behind to approach a woman. He skips into her back and dances behind her in the club, it is the failure, generally.

The very beautiful girls frighten the men.

The ideal discussion, it is you who start it, you manage to be pleasant for her then you give her the relay. When she speaks finally more than you, it is won. At first it is M90-10W, then 50-50. A woman appreciates afterward to be listened even if it will very often belong to you to strike up a conversation.

One of the keys here is to use the body language to detect the women who are free and opened for a meeting. A single woman often looks around her to watch the beautiful men, she is bent on her chair, smiling, she does not focus only on her group of friend. She eyes during a few seconds the men in the room.



The emotion :

Three emotional levers which can make the woman answer favorably:
– The sensation that your value is equal or superior to hers :
– The sensation that she is unique for you, that she deserved your attention ;
– The sensation of comfort and connection with you.

The basic plan :

1. Attraction => 2. Comfort => 3. Seduction


1 – The attraction :

1.1 Approach or opening = > 1.2 Demonstrate a higher value + show an indifference for the target + the target shows indicators of interests for you = > 1.3 The target is more engaged in the interaction + reward her efforts with indicators of interests

Do not approach only the women alone but also the groups (feeling of security for them). The attractive girls are rarely alone

Before opening have a good time, have a confident body language.
Use your body to convey confident signals.


The simple opening (approach to attract and hold attention) :

The opening (opener) by the advice (authority + advice) ;
– The opening by the opinion (make the woman invest + no demonstration of interest) ;
– The opening by the drama (emotional statement + short story) ;
– The opening by the compliment (not physical + authentic) ;
– The opening by the destabilization (fake compliment + authentic) ;
– The opening by the humor (funny + subject which strikes up a conversation) ;
– The opening by the context (open according to the present situation, the reactivity).

Remember that it is not so much what you say which matters but how you say it. Then have a strong presence (body language). Be spontaneous (wait for no more than 3 or 5 seconds before approaching a girl you like and if you can maintain her EC while approaching).


The opening of a group (to attract and to hold attention + acceptance by the group) :

If your target is in a group, open all the group. Do not then show signs of interest, be indirect in your opening. Be captivating, people have to feel involved in your opening.

In a group, you will have to be validated by all the group because the others are obstacles which will slow down you or will totally block you.

Demonstrate a high value to everybody + indifference for your target = > she should give you indicators of interest

Two rules:
– Never approach your target in 1st.
– Talk to the “leader of the group”. Idea: it is often the man… Not necessarily a competitor, it can be her roommate, her brother, etc.

In summary:
– Find a group ;
– Determine your target ;
– Determine the obstacles ;
– Determine the leader ;
– Approach the leader ;
– Be accepted ;
– Open on the target.

High value + indifference = interest of the woman for you :

Mix the demonstrations of high value and the destabilizations by being the most neutral and authentic possible. Demonstrate a high value to the group while showing a temporary indifference for the target. By way of result, the target is going to show indicators of interest to you.


Destabilize her :

Certain men persist in playing the nice boys to try to seduce. But if we observe from a feminine point of view it does not sub-communicate dominance but a seek for approval: It is typical, boring, predictable, monotonous …

To destabilize her (creating a curiosity), tease her on something (be careful with that):
– Use her appearance (ex: her shoes).
– Tell her that she sputters, that she has something in the nose.
– Tell her that she talks a lot.
– Ask her to pay you a drink.

It is going to invert the roles IE she is going to wonder if you have a good impression of her or not. Be as neutral and authentic as possible (be sincere, natural and nonchalant) in your destabilizations, do not overdo it and avoid doing them on a provocative tone or with a woman who is not confident enough to handle it. This is why with this method it is necessary to aim at the beautiful girls otherwise at the time of the indifference she is going to say to herself “another jerk who is not interested in me” rather than “but why that one doesn’t try to have me”). Do not especially settle a frame of conflict (not easy), just try to prick in lively her curiosity so that she lowers her defenses and wants to speak with you. It is powerful, it can turn a “neutral” behavior into “interested”.


Demonstrations of high value :

Do not beg the women, do not brag, it would demonstrate you try to bridge the negative gap there is between you and a beautiful woman (you < her). You have to demonstrate on the contrary a higher value, for example by sub-communicating protection, some security and power (confidence, social power, preselection)

Having a lot of money, for example, can increase your value if she discovers it on her own, but not if you use your money to try to impress her. Keep in mind that only a person of lower value tries too hard to impress.

Demonstrations of high value:
-Be preset by other women ;
– Be a leader of men(people) ;
– Be interesting and funny ;
– Encourage and protect those who are close to you ;
– Be non-affected negatively and little positively (not too much enthusiasm) ;
– Have a social intelligence ;
– Demonstrate some indifference for beautiful women who have not deserved you yet ;
– Have a sense of humor and know how to stimulate emotionally ;
– Know your limits and when to break a report.


The frame :

The frame of the woman if you buy her a drink in a bar for example sub-informs that SHE is the reward (prize). On the contrary, you have to redefine the sense of the interaction:
– You are the prize ;
– She tries to win you ;

You will sleep together if she(it) corresponds to your criteria.


Make the target more committed :

The importance of introducing several threads of discussion and to not stay always on the same subject : create a sensation of familiarity, like if you were old friends.

At first: speak, lead the interaction, stimulate…

You have to stop the boring threads of discussions like her ex.

Use the stories to convey good feelings: funny and interesting, not necessarily extraordinary. Take advantage of it to inform subtly that you are a social leader, etc. When you tell a story, keep in mind that women use mainly their right brain, siege of the sensations and the feelings while for the men it is the left which dominates (analytical and rational). Scientifically, it is not sure, but it helps in seduction to keep it in mind. Use adjectives, silences, expressions, your interlocutor has to express interest otherwise do not go on. Trick : insist on how you felt over the moment. Attract by showing your humanity (reactions to the life). Put details, try to determine her favorite system of representation (visual/auditory/kinesthetic). To improve, train to tell commonplace events in an interesting way!

Role plays (short and funny).

Make false disqualifications (“You are too kind to me” or “Our relationship will not work, you are too kind”).

Qualification: you are a valuable man thus she has to validate for you. Be curious about her but subtle. The dominant male is selective!


Connection :

We cannot create connection alone. She has to play the game. Make her focused on the present moment, she has to get involved and listen carefully.

Make her speak and listen: encourage the woman to show yourselves that she is worth it. She has to make efforts! Remain silent and do not show your feelings. Be quiet and serene: ask a question and let her fill the “space”. Ask her a question which will bring a validation: her effort will urge her to play the game with you, and your act will generate an attraction because only a confident person can ask something.

Be authentic : When you ask “how are you?”, your language of the body must not communicate “you don’t mind if I speak with you ?”.

The smile : She has to win your smile. “What is your name?” ” Julie! ” (Smile) : if we smile before she answers, it is because we are needy.

The true meaning : If you tell a story about your “friend”, she will wonder if it is not you in fact. Do not tell negative things to don’t be associated with.


Do not show desperate interest :

Especially, do not force the conversation (interrogation, series of questions), do not ask closed questions for which you would obtain just one word in return; wait rather that she says something who deserves a real interest.

Either, do not try to force common points for example: “I go in for sport”, “me too”. Use rather the humor “do you never want a good pizza after? Yummy”.

Something else, do not overdo it at the beginning of an interaction: you should rather joke, tell stories and she has to make an effort there. Establish a unique interaction.

Your interest for the obstacles (AMOG or COCKBLOCK) or for the women has to be a sincere interest otherwise you would demonstrate a low value. Best is to be sociable and nice with everybody.

Instead of approaching the women by asking questions which answer does not interest you, ask for interesting things or be a little provocative. No need to have a deep philosophic but original, different, interesting conversation…

Ask her questions on the sensations she feels.

Be indirect in what you say, but direct in what you do : do not lose sight of your objective. Alternate the warmth and the cold: indicators of interest and indifference.


The kinesthetic escalation :

We start at the very beginning by touching her and we escalate little by little. While you stimulate emotionally, while you control the frame, while you create a connection, you will see appearing opportunities to tactilely escalate. If you miss them, you will communicate a lower value. Take the initiative: decide where and when the physical contacts will happen. Brake or break the contact the first one if possible.

Bulk ideas: hands which touch, hand in hand, smelling her hair, kissing her, hand on the knee, the arm around hips, etc. Take initiatives…

Touching the hand is essential: squeeze it to get acquainted, read the lines of the hand, the battle of thumbs, make her turn on herself, etc. She so becomes used to your touch which must seem natural and normal for her. She has to believe that it takes place without you tried something. Trick is to do so that it is her who introduces the contact: by putting her hand on your arm instead of putting your hand on the arm. Control the duration of the touch, manage the intensity, find the point of resistance. Do not concentrate either your attention or hers on touches. Giving an indicator of indifference before a touch will help it to be more favorably received.

In the highest levels of the escalation, the women are programmed to give signs of resistance. It is a reaction to avoid feeling “easy”. She wants that things take place but she wants that they happen in a right way. So, if for a test, you caress with your finger along the thighs and remove it suddenly, she can feel a disappointment or a need but will not object because the touch left (and it’s good enough for her because she so doesn’t look like a whore who is touched by a guy).


The compliance tests :

– Take her hand and drop it to see if she will take it back.
– Touch her and observe if she touches you in return.
– Put her hand on your knee to see if she removes it or not.
– Put her between your legs while you speak with her.

If you ask to a woman to get up and that she does not want: she is not attracted by you. In this case: signs of indifference + demonstration of high value; then try again!

(1) Indicator of indifference => Demonstration of high value
=> if she shows some indifference => (1)
=> if she shows interest => compliance test
=> if positive test => you give indicators of interest and indifference at intervals
=> if negative test => (1)


Reward her efforts by showing your interest : You have to qualify her from time to time, in particular when she does something to try to seduce you, that she feels that you like her. Qualify her by the body language or by the words. The state of mind is “I guess that you are nice you, I am curious about you”.


2 – The comfort

Creation of the Comfort = > 2.1 Conversation = > 2.2 Connection = > 2.3 Intimacy


Conversation and connection :

Even if you were mutually interested, you know each other since justa few minutes. Have a funny, natural conversation, on several threads of discussion. She will have to remember later how much it was pleasant. So that she wants to see you again, she has not only to be invested a lot, but to feel a real connection between the two of you.

If she does something which disturbs you, at this moment do not disqualify her like in the attraction: remove temporarily your attention and you will return towards the comfort by showing a sign of interest when the situation will appear. She will regret having knocked you, will see that you can also not return the knocks, and will be in position of weakness…

Put into words the idea of kissing her then disqualify it: she has to realize that she is more comfortable with your touches than without. If she comes back, you can kiss her.


Intimacy :

The place where you meet her is not maybe the ideal: too many people, or music, etc. If the place is not good enough, lead her towards a place of creation of the comfort. Find a pretext so that she follows you and isolate her, do as if this change of place was not so important for you (bring her for example in a dark corner where her friends cannot see you). When it will be rather comfortable, you can decide to take her towards an even more private place. Trick : put your hat on the head and ask her to follow you. She will have to follow you to give you the hat back.

You can then use tests of conformity: take the hand and release a little to see if she tightens it.

The first zone of comfort: not very far, possibility of having a dialogue in peace.

Try to arrange an appointment before leaving her; take her number or her email.


3 – Seduction

It is when the woman feels enough comfortable to make a commitment in a more sexual behavior (after the kiss).

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Hitting on women

Hitting on womenWhere to find women ? Seriously ? I would have been able to content with writing “everywhere” (to save time) and with going elsewhere doing other things like pulling my cat’s tail, watching Daredorm or sending naughty texts to all my female contacts. But well… I was told in first grade that it is always necessary to develop my answers.

There is one thousand one ways to meet the soul sister (or a fuckfriend)… then do not wait passively that the others introduce her to you (it would be a bonus). Certain men have more success in a type of meetings rather than in the other one : You do not know in advance with which method(s) you will be the most comfortable so try (who had believed it) ! Just like you will not know if you like the blanquette of tata Ginette before having tasted it. And just like you will ignore if you like doggystyle, licking her pussy or being suck on her kneels in a public place before having tried. Multiplying the means and thus the meetings = maximizing your chances…

The classic meetings : We can meet women in the shops of clothes, bookshops, cafes, universities, laundries, grocer’s shops, department stores, banks, the public transports, parks, etc. Either with cold approaches, or by having had before a EC maintained some seconds. ( If she maintains more than three seconds, you have a moral obligation to go there (because yes they are more discreet than us but some assume all the same)).

– Dating sites (or even the social networks): the experimented PUA, generally, do not like this process (except me because I don’t give a shit for appearances): you will thus not be in competition with them. It is an easy way to meet women because the rejects will just be some words on a screen or an absence of answer and you can more easily seduce her because you will directly reach the first meeting. The problem is often the misleading advertising (I speak about photos) and the state of mind of the chicks (too much clamped, looking for love like in the movies, or then too much sexually crazy like “lick my feet”). The principle that the experimented PUA doesn’t like, in fact, it is to have to pay to seduce women (what is logical because it is them who win the most at it in that case because most of the others guys are just suckers…).

– In the street: the most difficult exercise because the target is in movement. Knowing if she is inclined to meet and to convincing her that you are interesting in some seconds requires a lot of competence and tact. Seducing her by speaking to her about her dog (or having a dog yourself) either an accessory or then take out an opener completely randomly. It is necessary to have a great deal of social freedom to manage to do that, and is needed a minimum of open-minding for the girl to accept, especially that where I live, when the fellows approach it is more often to rob than to give orgasms. The universe of the possible is infinite there according to on whom you fall, it is what makes the pepper of it.

– The speed dating : The pickup is a story of quantity and number, and it is not so important after all. It is necessary to target the kind of people which goes to this kind of things… There are often opportunities to fuck, but the eternal question is asked “why do they need this kind of things if they are quality chicks?” Because there are quality chicks (yes yes sometimes), like on the dating sites, some lost further to a coincidence.

– The marriages: easy line : “how did you meet the married ?” Besides, they are in the atmosphere. The problem is there are chances that everything is repeated and deformed to your common friends.

– At work: it is a common point, we are in contact every day during hours, sometimes in conditions of cooperation. Do not make too many efforts to meet women at work (harassing) but be susceptible in their calls (without letting them illusions if you do not want a couple otherwise attention on the bad atmosphere after… I remind that jerking at all costs is not a state of mind of Alpha). There are always some co-workers whom we would fill more gladly than the paper machine.

– Blind dates : it is when two persons who do not know each other but who are recommended by common friends go on a date. More intimate than the meals with three or four people where they would have the impression to hold the candle. It is cool especially if your friend in common recommended you as a good lover.

– The happy hours : A relaxed and quiet moment after work. They are often more opened than at night and then it is less late thus you have more time for the after in this case.

– The private parties : everybody was preset thus the girls are reassured, the music is not too strong (thanks to or because of the neighbors), we can thus have a conversation which leaves on good bases. A must if there is a good ratio M/W !

– Bars and nightclubs: day pick up > night pick up. Because at night, the girls are on the defensive (drunk guys). It will also be necessary to overcome obstacles: the BFF, the jealous friends, the other guys who like her (the AMOG for example). Well, the positive point, is that the alcohol (and the rest) succeeds in some who cannot disinhibit themselves without. Dancing on dancefloor or staying in a quiet corner and approaching? It depends, I prefer talking and provoking and I never go to dance without a girl (alone it is easy to be ridiculous).

– The associations of voluntary help: the woman-man ratio is interesting, besides, having a passion is attractive. For example, animals.

– The classes: going to places where there are more women than men for example “yoga”. The best way to open the conversation is to speak about the class that you chose to see how she reacts to your contact. No need to go too fast because you will see again each other every week but it is not an excuse to don’t act ! Inquire before about such or such activity to have interesting things to say : moreover, the women like that a man is an expert in something (and yet, even in not sexy domains like computers there are some sexy geek chicks)! Ideas: art, craft, kitchen, literature, psychology, foreign languages …

– The activities and the hobbies (not Frodon): for example: doing magic, singing, dancing, taking a hike, eco-tourism. Keep in mind to avoid the mainly male groups (video games, chess…)

– The conventions: for example nurse conventions are a nest with meetings, they group together into bars and hotels. Furthermore, they are on “holidays” thus more open. Moreover, the things like the Med club it, seems to be not bad too!

– Your social circle : enlarge your circle of friends with women… and men (but no coal nuts who would pull you downward) ! Call your old friends, meet new people. Go out with your co-workers. More you will know people, more they shall introduce you to new women. Do not always stay with the same closed group, drinking beers. Go out when you spend your nights between men but avoid being 15 fellows without girl, your value would fall!


The morality is : do as you want but contact girls you like (and don’t use the excuse “they all are not good enough for me” to do nothing). Because even the worst approach has more chances of success than the inactivity (and a 7 in your bed in better than a 10 in your mind).

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Overcome the shyness

Overcome the shynessI – 20 obstacles which prevent you from taking action :



Obstacle n°1 : The school which prevents us from speaking freely (have to keep silent in class but at the same time if we are too introvert it is not good either, then we are lost).
Obstacle n°2 : The love stories which idealize gender relations (it is always magic while you say to yourself that if you approach hastily on a bar that will have nothing specially magic except the girls these cute beings which you adore deserve of course to live a fairy tale (in your mind)).
Obstacle n°3 : The pornographic sites which let you think that the girls are all bitches (thus when you approach on the street you will fall on a nasty bitch because you do not usually interest the girls and you have nothing of a porn actor).
Obstacle n°4 : The education and the “correct” way of approaching a girl (it is not good to approach, you will be thought of as a weird guy, it’s better to stay alone at home masturbating).


Obstacle n°5 : I don’t know what to do (remain simple, friendly, make new acquaintances) nor when to approach (randomly or detect IOI).
Obstacle n°6 : I do not know what to say (the words don’t really matter, cf. the ebook on the body language to be convinced of it).


Obstacle n°7 : I am afraid of the rejection (nobody 100%succeeds but 100 % of the players who won at the bingo played).
Obstacle n°8 : I wait too much before acting (she then has too much importance in your head whereas she loses her respect for you who have not what it takes to approach her).
Obstacle n°9 : I am impressed by her (become used to the contact with beautiful women).
Obstacle n°10 : I think like if I was her thus I guess that I should not approach her (women all have different personalities and expectations, just like men).
Obstacle n°11 : I am not confident (if you do not believe in you, how could she believe in you?)


Obstacle n°12 : The look of the unknowns (public place, she is going to tell that to her friends who will make fun of you (friends who maybe would to dare just like you)).
Obstacle n°13 : The look of my friends (who judge you or encourage you, that makes them feel ill-at-ease if you are not any more the passive and shy guy they liked because not dangerous).
Obstacle n°14 : The look of the other women (fear of being thought of as a weird guy, of disturbing them or even for some of frightening them).


Obstacle n°15 : I have negative faiths (adopt encouraging thoughts).


Obstacle n°16 : Nobody does that in my circle of acquaintances, it is not normal (then, in your circle of acquaintances, I don’t think there are a lot of PUA, and at first what’s the normality?)


Obstacle n°17 : I still think of my ex with whom everything happened naturally (yes, but why? Do not take the easy way especially if you can have better by moving your ass and fortune smiles to those who are audacious).


Obstacle n°18 : I wait, for example to have learnt a maximum of theory before taking action (you will never learn as much as on the field on the condition of not doing anything and having a minimum of culture of the seduction to avoid the basic errors).
Obstacle n°19 : I invent excuses to don’t act this time (the girl is not cute enough for you, or then she looks busy, in brief you always wait for the next one).


Obstacle n°20 : I had a bad experience one day (persevere).


II – The solutions which will allow you to enjoy a total freedom of action are:


The inner game (constructive faiths) :

– Adopt positive faiths (“that pleases her that a guy approaches her because she feels desirable) rather than “I am going to approach her and that is going to annoy her because I shall certainly be the hundredth today”).
– Use a positive vocabulary (“I am going to give her a chance to have orgasms with me” rather than “I am going to approach her and certainly take one more rake”).
– Give a positive sense to your failures (every “no” move closer to a “yes”).
– Separate your behavior and your identity (it is not you that she will judge in a few seconds but your way of trying to pick her up (most of the time)).
– Surround yourselves with positive people (wingmen motivated, cute girls or alphas).
– Fill with positive energy (sport, music, radio, think again about your successes).
– Meet a maximum of people to be less affected and enter a dynamics of success (it is a issue of numbers!)
– Do not try to please her by losing your values. Resist the temptation to want to look like her ideal, and assume yourself such as you are, with your qualities, your defects, and especially your desires (and hers). It is against intuitive, and that’s why it is difficult to understand.
– Find a balance, between the necessity of taking initiatives, and of not going too fast at the risk of totally blocking her.
– Do not necessarily give up if she says that she has a boyfriend or that she is lesbian (feminine routine most of the time, sometimes a test). It is advised to say, in this case, that we are only looking for friendship because it sub-informs that we are not interested in her more than that and you can thus see her again without sexual barrier this time. Then, the motivation to cheat on her boyfriend can be purely sexual (the prohibition excites). Another motivation can be that it is bored in her relation (or that her guy is hopeless in the bed or that he pisses off her and she wants to punish him). The third possible motivation if she had a “crush” for you (or that she knew (tried in bed) nothing else than him and would want to diversify).


The outter game ( progressive exercises) :

– Master some simple lines for approaching, to begin. For example, to a foreigner, the classic : « where are you from ? »
– Do not forget that the main part is breaking the ice, then : she wants to speak to you or she doesn’t want to, you will see it thanks to her body language. Remember that the words are not that important… but if she says “fuck off” don’t insist. Her loss.
– Say “excuse me” to stop her in the street: if she continues walking, let her go, it was just a “excuse me”, it is so important finally… as if she had brought down a €20 bill of her pocket and if you wanted to tell her and because she snubbed you, you kept her fucking cash. Normally, she walks 1 or 2 meters and she stops then comes back to you. Apologizing (dominated) is not advised in principle but it works! Otherwise, say “please…”
– The keys are : Spontaneity, cool tone of voice, giving a rhythm to the conversation, not being too intrusive, setting up an exchange, listening to the other one… At the beginning you will probably have to do 90 % of the conversation and then the more she will get involved, the more the fish will be shod!


Finally here we are, stop finding excuses, leave your ego aside and stop believing that the girls do not go out for approaching/being approached (they are not pure and innocent as some claim it and seem offended when you do not behave as they want – while in fact that maybe even excites them this balance of power). If it is still your case, here is an electric shock which will make you open your eyes.

The bottom line : acting shy or playing the kid can be sexy on a girl, but it is not for what we expect from a man.

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Diary of a French PUA (+unpublished contents)

Diary of a French PUA has three main objectives :
– sharing my experience;
– improving my game, thinking and making people think about the other sex;
– challenging the limits of what most of people think possible in seduction.

If I claim I am a Pick-up Artist today (an artist of seduction), it is not only because I slept with more women than most of people. It is especially because I enjoyed doing it in original situations.

If I talk about you in this book, please don’t be mad at me… I did my best so nobody can recognize you.

Btw, I’m French, so… sorry for the grammatical mistakes (but I think my text is understandable).

Anyway, thank you for reading me !


The file (free) : Diary of a French PUA

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The impact of clothes on the women

The impact of clothes on the womenThe impact of clothes on the women can be felt on several levels. Just like certain birds are sexually attracted by a color of feathers, the human beings are sexually attracted by certain clothes. There are moreover a lot of guys who are not even turned on by the women in themselves but rather by objects (for example: high heels or glasses), associations of ideas or by what these women represent for them. Well, the women are made the same way and can be turned on by a look or a specific garment (for example: a girl who would have one idol could fantasize over you because you too have a leather jacket or because you have the same haircut or the same tattoo).


Link with the evolutionary psychology

In the nature, there are two manners to find sexual partners :
– Fighting against rivals (not really adapted to the current society);
– Charming the potential partners (totally adapted to our society).

The idea is thus to communicate “I am better than the other breeders because they don’t have a so beautiful plumage.” 4 characteristics emerge from it:
– The fact of being a dominant;
– The fact of belonging to an elite;
– The fact of being beautiful;
– The fact of having access to resources.

It is for what all the animals look at their partner’s. With the human beings, it works as follows…

Not sexy :
– Dressed like a nice guy ;
– Being dirty ;
– Being afraid of being noticed ;
– Wanting to be noticed at all costs ;
– Always doing too much ;
– Being afraid of the confrontation, of the other people’s opinion ;
– Assigning no importance to the clothes ;
– Being old-fashion.

Sexy :
– Being an Alpha ;
– Don’t care about the social pressure ;
– Having good taste ;
– Having access to resources ;
– Assuming the potential of attraction ;
– Paying attention on the way you get dressed ;
– Following a little bit the fashionable line ;
– Understanding the more subtle communications, like the women.


Don’t be a nice guy

Of course the women need certain characteristics the “nice guys” have. They remind it to us rather often. What they do not say, on the other hand, it is that they also have other desires, much less easily acceptable:
– The challenge;
– The excitement;
– Having some spare time;
– Being comfortable;
– Benefit from welfare benefits;
– Being able to speak about you to her friends and make them jealous;
– Having the feeling that you are special;
– Feeling in you the potential for a serious story one day ;
– Feeling in you the potential for a discreet and naughty relation;
– Having to do what you want because you are a leader;
– Being protected;
– Feeling many strong, positive and negative feelings;
– You are intriguing and mysterious.

What is good with the Nice guys:
– Being courteous and open the doors;
– Knowing how to listen but not becoming her personal therapist;
– Showing a vulnerable, human side.

What is not good but with what they are too often associated:
– Being submitted;
– Being easily dominated by the others;
– Making too many favors, always wanting to please the others;
– Being needy ;
– Waiting that the others guess what you want, not doing enough things for yourself.


The problems :

– No “not gay” guy would want to let think that he is gay. Yet, being fashionably interested can easily be confusing. You do not thus have to appear “gay” but you do not have to let the fear of seeming gay preventing you from being the best yourself.

– “I just want to be myself” is the excuse used by people who are scared to have to do better. It is an easy exit because we always tell to people that it is good “to be yourself”. But what is necessary to understand, it is that they do not get dressed in a way which looks like them but rather in the way people who are scared to assume what they are get dressed, as a kind of protection. Nobody believes it : “if I get dressed in a way which does not please the others I say fuck you because it is what I am in fact”. It communicates a profound sense of unease.

It is fears and stigmatization that are commonplace in our society. That prevents people from really expressing their identity through their look. These fears find their roots profoundly :
– At school, people laughed at those who stood out.
– At home, if you grew up with bad not sexy models who let you think that it is what you are too.
– …


The women are demanding:

The women are not quite stupid nor superficial, they are elitist. And their requests are justifiable, in a way, if they do the efforts to be up to their expectations. They do not want “average” guys, they want the best guys they can have. They will thus reject you if your look does not communicate that you are the best they can have. Most of people badly react to the “elitist” word simply because most of people are not part of the elite (thus it reminds them that they are not a member of it: bad reactions).

Now, being well-dressed communicates “I have a high social status, and I have access to the resources.” The women are programmed to choose a man like that to reproduce. One good reason : it assures their kids will be free from want.

Well, you should not believe everything you read in the fashion magazines : a lot of bullshit and ugly things. It is necessary to think by yourself of course and also take time to educate your taste.


The various types of men :

The men are programmed to feel attraction in front of sexy stereotypes. To realize it, feminine sexy stereotypes are :
– The stripper ;
– The young neighbor or baby-sitter ;
– The model ;
– The hotty in bikini ;
– The hot blond ;
– The sexy librarian (or secretary) ;
– The good girl ;
– The naughty porn actress ;
– The sexy nurse ;
– …

The women are not only programmed to react to money, they also react in front of male sexy stereotypes. And if they put you in the “sexy” category rather that “average”, that changes all the interaction.


The well-dressed guy and the sexy dressed guy

The look of the “well-dressed” guy is the most classic. It is commonplace but it’s OK. That will not make you miss a lot women but that will not particularly help you to excite them. If they like your face, your muscles or your personality, they will certainly let with you fuck them after several dates.

The problem is that the women put you very quickly in categories when you approach them. You thus have to show your talent quickly. If she puts you immediately in the “sexy” category that will go faster and it will be easier for you than if you are tidied up in “Nice guy” or “normal guy”. The sexy guys are, for example :
– The rockers ;
– The rappers ;
– The artists, the intellectuals ;
– The Hipsters ;
– The Tradders in a suit ;
– The lovers ;
– The metrosexuals ;
– The surfers ;
– The motorcyclists ;
– The maffiosos ;
– …

By comparison, this is what does not turn on the women:
– The yucky hippies who stink ;
– The Nice Guys ;
– The little mama’s boys ;
– Those who try to boast but who are ridiculous in fact ;
– The not sexy Geeks ;
– …

Why most of people don’t have a sexy look:
– You need to do an effort to go out of your zone of comfort;
– Maybe your friends and family would like that you remain very wise (IE “not dangerous”) like before…

Exercise: next time when you will see a guy, with a lot of girls who try to pick him up, look at how he is dressed and to which stereotype he belongs.


How does it work ?

All the girls are not attracted by all the stereotypes. But all the girls are attracted by at least ONE type of guy in a very powerful way. They then are so much excited that they lose their inhibitions and forget this fucking social pressure. It is about these looks that I’m talking : those which provoke hysteric and fanatical reactions on behalf of certain girls.

To don’t be thought of as whores, the women create rules they follow with the guys. For example, waiting for 3 dates before sleeping with a guy to don’t be thought of as an easy girl. But with the “sexy” guys, they forget these rules. Because with sexy guys, the society (in their mind) does not question the fact that they are “good” girls (even if they suck on their knees). The fear of the judgment disappears. They sleep with them because they are too much excited and because it is more socially acceptable to sleep with a sexy guy than with a “normal” guy or “nice guy” when they are not in a serious relationship.

Some will even say that they were lucky that these guys fucked them. You maybe already heard certain women telling their lives “the guitarist of the other night called me back” or “you will never believe what the sexy French did to me the other night!” The fact that these guys belong to “sexy” categories legitimize the fact that they have fun and prevents their friends, in a way, from judging them.


It’s your turn to be sexy

Choose a sexy profile which corresponds to you, which you are interested in. For example, a boss of a SME (SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISE) is not going to get dressed as a rapper, that would be strange.

Find a model which corresponds to this stereotype and use it to understand how it works.

As long as you are not an expert, it is better to follow models. It is a question of copying the others, nor becoming a pale imitation, but it is a question of taking shortcuts towards success. According to me, things do not have to be more difficult than they already are then why always wanting to reinvent the wheel ? You will then personalize your look according to your progress.

Try to always get dressed well, because that helps to feel good. The chromotherapy is really something very interesting.

If you have not the results you hoped:
– Did you choose a sexy and easily recognizable category?
– Did you choose a good model…? or a mediocre one?
– Does this sexy category correspond to your personality?
– Did you mix too many stereotypes which do not work together?
– Did you go too far (in an environment where it would be a bad idea) ?
– Are you simply in your period of adaptation for your new look?

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The sport

Image : Jamie Chung

Most of people go in for sport for health and esthetics reasons only. But much more than your physical well-being, the sport also improves your mental strength because it teaches a certain rigor, how to set goals and to build up to a mental of winner thanks to the self-confidence which it allows to acquire. Health profits linked to the fact of having a sports activity are really too numerous to be quoted in a exhaustive way… The heart, the breath, etc. For the esthetics, the sport allows obviously to sculpture the body.

It is generally possible to find a physical activity adapted to every person. However, if you begin in sport, a medical examination will inform you about your capacities and the contraindications you can be the object of. If you are lucky enough to be physically capable of going in for sport, take advantage of this chance to feel the well-being which it gives you (in particular the liberation of endorphin in your body). Otherwise, walking is a good way to do it not violently.

Because 20-30 % of your capital of attraction depends on your physical appearance: more you will be good-looking, more you will notice a change in your interactions with women.


Good ideas

I recommend a subscription in a club, because it is more rewarding and more effective than working out alone and because that obliges to personally invest and to avoid big mistakes. I think that the atmosphere in the group is the most important. I speak about this atmosphere : we are all here to improve, not to kill or humiliate the others.

– A combative sport : Martial arts correspond well to the realities of the life of a modern man: we let off steam, it inculcates values, we meet interesting people, we work the mental. We all need to develop our confidence, our strength because we all have emotional and psychological weaknesses, hesitation or a lack of aggressiveness in a domain. What is good it is that it transfers in the studies, the work, in brief in the daily life. All the other things seem less grave by comparison with a fight with a big sturdy man: we are neither not intimidated anymore by the other men or the girls taller than us, nor by drunk and aggressive people who threaten us in the street. And this training of the body and the spirit is almost made without risk because the trainings are secured. I do not think that all the combative sports are equal, my personal experience with the tae kwon do nevertheless allows me to recommend it because very complete. The wrestling in string too.

– The Yoga: To discover and control our energies, to meet (a lot of) women, to be self-aware, to become supple, to learn how to meditate, to open to other ways of thinking, all this can appear to you a waste of time but learning how to use the breath of life is in fact very important. And how to keep it. Not only the expenditure of energy: learning and exchanging is important too.

– The dance: Dancing with a partner increases the self-confidence, increases the comfort in this discomfort that is an interaction or a contact with the other sex, especially if the dancers are extremely attractive… And quite finally without real risk of rejection.

– The swimming: it is good because there is almost no risk of physical wound. Attention on the hygiene of the swimming pool. Do not forget stretching.

– The running: Again, do not forget stretching. It is more annoying because you should not run in a bad way at the risk of finally doing more bad than good to yourself (like in many repetitive sports) but the good thing it is that we can easily have a contact with the nature.


How does it work ?

Testosterone, adrenalin and endorphin are hormones of your body which participate in the regulation of the effort because the muscular effort comes along with hormonal deep changes, which allow the realization of the performance. The increase of your rate of testosterone will make you more virile, whereas the adrenalin and the endorphin will get you pleasant sensations of well-being. Know that endorphins are also naturally released after an orgasm. It is what provokes the relaxation and the desire to sleep of the men after the sexual act. The sport thus allows to evacuate the stress and to fight against a possible depression. In fact, isn’t happiness a simple story of hormones?

If your body resists the hunger, it will defend itself by decreasing its spending in calories… Which is not interesting for us, thus you should not resist the hunger. More you will distribute the daily total of your intakes in a large number of meal and more your body is going to spend calories and is thus going to lose some fat: Favor several small meals rather than three big ones.

It is very important to drink some water to compensate for the losses in trace elements and mineral salts which causes a session of endurance. However, eating should not be done before one hour after the end of the effort.

The rest and the sleep are important factors for a sportsman almost as much as the exercise and the balanced diet. Give yourself 2-3 days without intense training so that your body can rest. So, try to sleep 8 hours a night. Try not to go to bed late every evening. Indeed, during the sleep, the body builds muscles, on the other hand if we do not rest enough, it increases the risk of hurting. The sleep also increases the production of testosterone in your body. A high level of testosterone leads you to produce pheromones of attraction of the other sex, favors the muscular growth, equalizes the humors and boosts the confidence and the dynamism.

If we are diligent, we shall be motivated by the improvements noticed from day to day. Anyway, we are not all equals in front of the muscle building. The supplements are not necessary of course because we can consume all the nutriments which we need from a good nutrition. The supplements are just supplements: They should not replace the normal food and cannot bring nothing more than a good nutrition => just annoy (cancers).

The intelligent women generally prefer the strong and powerful men rather than the attractive boys who took the winning ticket at the genetic lottery (effort > chance). However, it is necessary to develop the muscle with delicacy: develop the muscles without fat but not too much developed (do not to make more efforts for fewer rewards). Furthermore, it is necessary to be balanced, nothing is more ridiculous than a muscular trunk and little runt’s small legs or than abs on a not V trunk. Thus here are the muscles to work first and foremost (attention to also develop the muscle of the complementary muscles to avoid having troubles of imbalance like for example wounds) :
– Shoulders
– Arms
– Abs
– Pectoral muscles
– Buttocks

Stretching allows to calm muscular tissues and articulations, it increases the dynamism of muscles and our body then enjoys a better mobility. Stretching help to overcome small troubles (tensions daily accumulated in the work or in the house). Stretching after a sports activity allows a better physical recovering, stretch out muscles and tones up the silhouette. After the session, stretching avoid spasms and aches. It is necessary to avoid stretching when a muscle hurts. To avoid hurting, it is necessary to stretch also before practicing. Do not forget to breathe. To make a success of a stretching, the position is very important: you must not be too much bent. If the pond is badly positioned, you would risk to have a backache. It is also necessary to warm up to prepare the heart and the other muscles for what is going to follow.

Dressing well, going in for sport and having a healthy diet will help everybody but more particularly the 30 and more years old men. Indeed, we obtain a higher status and become naturally more dominant with the years, then, if in addition we have a flat stomach: the improvements are even more spectacular.

Keep in mind also that a guy who would be a 10 physically speaking but who would turn out to be a depressive dish mop remaining made limp all day long and trembling at the idea of speaking to a girl that he has just met, wouldn’t have a lot of success with women. A good attitude is essential!

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The food

Image : Malia kelly (

I am not a doctor but I am long enough interested in the food to have understood its importance. If through this text, I manage to tempt you to make in-depth researches and to improve your lifestyle, I would be delighted. Moreover, if you wish to dig the question, two doctors seem to me particularly interesting: Kousmine and Seignalet. I insist on a point: We speak here about lifestyle, not about diet to lose weight. Let food be your medicine, and medicine be your food Hippocrates

It is curious to notice that the western medical world saw itself during the last centuries facing new diseases, varied in their forms and their aspects, but having quite in common a direct link with a general and progressive reduction in the immunity of the man. As a consequence of the evolution of the civilization, the cancer and the psychic diseases more widely developed. In this end of century appear new diseases linked to the viruses and, developing at the same time, diseases said “of system” : The autoimmune diseases. Roughly, our body poisons itself and does not work anymore correctly: it is thus necessary to purge it. We are thus going to really go farther than a simple subtraction INTAKE – NEED = LOSS OR GAIN OF FAT. We shall go farther than the usual logic “IF I WANT TO GO ON A DIET IT IS TO BE THIN”.


Understanding the problem


The enzymes of the human body cannot digest numerous food stemming from the agriculture which dates only of 10 000 years. The modern farming perturbs even more the natural process of growth of vegetables by contributions of artificial elements, as the artificial fertilizers. It is obvious that more our body is poisoned (even if it has a natural capacity to clean itself) less it works well (because often we dirty it more that it can clean up itself)… but it is sometimes difficult to make a discernment between addictions led by our society, what seems beneficial and the vital necessity. Nevertheless, a return in the healthy and simple diet which we lost is thus beneficial against three categories of diseases:
– the autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid polyarthritis, stiffening spondylitis, rheumatism psoriasique, spread erythemic lupus, sclérodermie, multiple sclerosis, coeliac disease, etc.);
– the diseases linked to a “cellular accumulation of dirt” (cancer, acne, fibromyalgia, degenerative osteoarthritis, migraine, manic-depressive psychosis, nervous breakdown, type 2 diabetes, spasmophilia, etc.);
– the diseases of elimination (psoriasis, nettle rash, bronchitis chronicles, asthma, colitis, tiredness, etc.).


Stop poisoning


I start by speaking about what it would be necessary to avoid eating. Because it is what weakens us, tires us for nothing, and disorders us eventually.

Exclude animal-derived milk (cow, goat, ewe) and their by-products (butter, cheese, cream, yoghurt, ice cream), as well as all the products containing among others ingredients : the powder of milk. The milk does not suit to the adults for several reasons: its first function is to make an animal baby get fat in a few months, its proteins are allergenic and its content in calcium is too high. It contains besides many hormones. So, several adults do not produce any more a lactase, the enzyme which decomposes the lactose (carbohydrate of the milk). So : either an inflammatory difficulty of digestion, or a total intolerance. At the level of plant milk, almond oil it is good (without added muck) but be wary of the soya.

Exclude modern cereal : wheat, corn, rye, barley, oat, kamut and spelt. It is about cereal containing some gluten (except the corn) and from which the current forms were obtained by selection, transplantation, hybridization or genetic modification. Avoid these cereal as well as all the food which are diverted from it (bread, pastas, pizza, cakes) because they are difficult to digest. Cereal containing some gluten could give at certain people intolerances (or inflammations) and autoimmune reactions. Moreover, from a strictly scientific point of view, cereal are poor in nutriments, compared with other food as vegetables.​ They are also rich in a substance called acid phytique, which prevents the assimilation of essential minerals in the intestinal wall. Nowadays many people are certainly cereal intolerant without even knowing it. It would be preferable to use cereal which were not altered over time in term of hybridization: whole, Saracen rice, millet, and possibly the “big” spelt (grand épeautre) (which replaces the traditional wheat).

Exclude products cooked in a temperature superior to 230 °F. Consume especially the raw food or, if necessary, cook them in a temperature lower than 230 °F to limit the denaturation of nutriments driven by the heat (among which vitamins, omega 3 and most of the antioxidants). In a higher temperature, chemical compounds which are not inevitably comparable by the body can appear. Avoid especially the oven cooking with microwaves which produces an extreme thermal motion.

Exclude oil extracted under heat or cooked. The industrial processes of manufacturing of oil and margarines may distort them. Sophisticated and modified fats are it industrially for a long preservation. This process makes toxic these fats because the bowel and the body generally does not know how to manage them and stock them. No butter even organic in this logic which excludes dairy products… It would be necessary to replace the butter, the margarine and the oil refined by some virgin olive oil, some colza oil, some walnut oil and some oil of hazelnut stemming from the organic farming. Eat regularly fishes of the cold seas for their contribution in fatty acids omega 3 (and avoid the breeding).

Consume organic food. Favor the biological certified food to take advantage of their nutritional quality, to limit the potential risks associated to pesticides and to avoid the pollution of the conventional agriculture with its chemical additives, its veterinary antibiotics and the very doubtful food of animals. Avoid also extremely toxic, industrial processes of the conventional agriculture and the conditioning for our body which submit it to an aggression which eventually overtakes it. Organic food eliminates largely, the component pollution of our modern food and it is something anyway won on the potential pathological grounds of our body. For fewer risks, choose food of seasons produced if possible the closest to our place of life.

Unlearn the sugar taste. It is not natural for the man: what is pleasant to our senses is not always adapted for our enzymes. Our food too rich in sugar and in proteins modified the normal flora of the bowel and favored the development of a flora of pathogenic, aggressive decomposition for the body because of toxin which it contains. This state has repercussions on the general state and deteriorates the system by favoring the racing of the immune system. Finally, the chronic lack of certain vitamins and certain trace elements caused, in the long run, an acidification of the body (by blocking the catabolism at the level of certain acids, not being able to end in the terminal products due to the lack of catalysts) weakening the body and provoking a chronic fatigue, a bigger sensibility in the infections and aggravating the painful phenomena. Besides, sugar is a drug. Avoid thus the food which have a low report volume/calories like ice creams or candies. Also eliminate calories liquid as sweet sodas or fruit juices (or make it yourself). Drink rather some quality water (if possible filtered: reverse osmosis). Also avoid the alcohol which contains more calories than fats. Besides, for the sportsmen, it was proved that the alcohol slows down the muscular growth.

Avoid drugs. I do not necessarily speak about hard drugs (it is an obvious fact that it is necessary to avoid them) but even the coffee, the alcohol, the medicine and the chemical food complements and the fucking cigarette.

Decrease the consumption of animal products: Favor an alive food (walnuts and raw or germinated seeds, raw or dried fruits, fresh vegetables or lacto-fermented.) The animal products as for them, consumed too often, can according to Ayurveda drain the trace elements of bones and long-term muscles at certain people and in certain conditions.

Eat to live, do not live to eat. You could be surprised discovering that you eat a lot or not enough without knowing it (force of habit).


What else ?


Your mood swings and your physical appearance depend on what you put in your body. We are what we eat because our body does not stop dying and being reborn thanks to the new intakes. Then, try to feed decently 80-90 % of time even if you are busy. For example, 30/35 meal a week. The will is the key.

Pay attention on the way you feel more than your physical appearance and you will find even more reasons for following these dietary rules on the long term “ (Taylor Kitsch).

The body is a whole thing. Except the specificity which represents the nervous system, with its omnipresence of lipids and thus the necessary protection which it is necessary to bring to it, the good food for our cells stays the same, which they are in our cortex or somewhere else. Our bad habits thus have repercussions at every level… FORTUNATELY, our good ones too.

The results of numerous studies show that by taking care of our body, we can:
– Decrease the bad aggressiveness, the waves of tiredness, the memory lapses, the stress;
– Improve the capacities of socialization;
– Improve the school results, ideas, inspiration, concentration;
– Improve the quality of sleep.
We can imagine the good consequences which these improvements will have on your capacity to seduce. However, it is necessary to wait several weeks of modification of your lifestyle to obtain stable results on the long term.

The structure and the functioning of the brain, as those of our heart, change, improve or deteriorate according to the food of the person, medicine which he/she takes and the exercise he/she does. It is a surprising organ which grows, shrinks and change according to circumstances.” Jean Carter, American specialist of nutrition.

It is thus a choice : the one of considering that our body can very well handle it alone and… come what may (it has of enormous capacity of adaptation). Or we can choose, more rational in my opinion, to give a little bit of help in our everyday life thanks to the food which plays an essential role at every level.

First thing to be known : There are the good and the bad fats. The bad, the saturated fats, damage the state of the body in particular the brain. It is thus necessary to avoid the junk food. It is also necessary to avoid all which contains trans fatty acids, saturated fatty acids and hydrogenated fats. If we eat some meat, rather white and not often (once a week). The question “but where can we find proteins then?! And I am going to have deficiencies” is a nonsense.

Antioxidants protect us from free radicals which attack the brain, they form a kind of biological armor under our polluted heavens. We can find some in the vitamin C (parsley, pepper, kiwi), the vitamin E (fishes, shellfish, eggs), carotene (carrots, tomatoes), the polyphenols (grape, red wine, tea)… It is thus recommended to eat : fruits and vegetables (especially fresh spinach and organic), onions, chive, parsley and thyme vineyards, curry and turmeric with the pepper, the cinnamon, the ginger, the artichokes, the family of the cabbage, the lamb’s lettuce, the avocados, the tomato puree, the kidney beans, the tomato especially cooks, garlic, eggplant, red berries (strawberries, raspberries) and purple (blueberry, blackberries, grape, plums, prunes, blueberries, raisins, wolfberries), the pink grapefruit. It was proved that a half-cup of blueberries every day increases the short-term memory and the capacities of coordination. The chocolate, to be good, must be dark, rich in cocoa, and low-fat added. Trick: eating a piece of chocolate before a DATE allows to be in a better mood. The tea must be chosen of quality, and infused at least 5 minutes for enjoying 85 % of its antioxidizing capacities, 10 minutes for 100 %. 10 portions of fruits and vegetables a day is a minimum.

To feel well, we need sugars. But the glucose in excess is as bad as if we were in deficiency. We shall thus be wary of carbohydrates: sweets, starchy foods, chocolate bars.

The reaction of yoyo caused by the contributions in sugar with high glycemic damages the brain. It is thus necessary to avoid: the sugar and the flours refined, the white bread, the mashed potatoes, sweets, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, certain medicine like the aspirin and the paracetamol, beta-blocking and certain antibiotics, heavy metals in vaccines, precooked products, cereal of the breakfast, the dehydrated potato flakes, the melba toasts, the yoghurts, the carbonated drinks, the jam, the cubes of white sugar which dirty the body. Avoid absolutely to have a bit of snacking. We shall eat rather some honey, some Basmati rice because the glycemic index is the lowest. If we are obliged to eat things with high glycemic index, we mix it with low glycemic indications to balance, salad and lemon juice can also help.

The studies showed that less we burn calories in our life, less our cells are damaged. Roughly more we eat, and especially more we eat badly, and more we age fast. A calorie limitation about 30 % compared with the needs which people generally believe they have is thus beneficial.

Avoid dyes and preservatives (that seems obvious but it is necessary to favor fresh and quality products).

Did you know that…
– Your tastes and your disgusts are “experience” and not “innate”? Roughly, you are conditioned by your experience of life. Those who believe that what is good for the health is necessarily bad to the taste and conversely are in fact distorted.
– When we have too many choices to feed, like in our current society, we have difficulties in seeing what is good for us.
– Even if we have no deficiencies strictly speaking, if we increase the rates of vitamins and antioxidants in the blood, we increase the intellectual faculties, we decrease the risks of depressions and diseases, we limit the degeneration due to the ageing, we are in a better mood, we increase our capacities of learning, memory, attention, response times.
– It would be very good for the health to clean up (diet, cure of clay and/or fast) at least once a year (the religions speak about it and it is not for nothing).

It is essential waiting to be thirsty. Drink rather some plain water at room temperature. Rather not during the meals (otherwise that complicates the digestion) and without nitrates (which decrease the oxygenation of the blood – look at the label).

The tea is a very good antioxidant on the condition of verifying that it does not contain aluminum. The green tea in particular, on the condition of letting it infuse ten minutes. We can put lemon inside but especially no milk nor sugar. Do not drink tea at the end of a meal if you don’t have enough iron in the blood otherwise it is good to do so.

The wine : Rather red, one drink at noon but if we can avoid it is better. Without sulphites.

Avoid : The sweet, sparkling drinks or the steps, the bottles, the sodas… Besides being bad, the brain has difficulty in counting calories absorbed in liquid form.

The case of the coffee: its effect depends on people but it makes addict and weakens bones. 1 cup a day if really we like that, it is OK. Attention not to take it in case of fears, of problems of sleep, osteoporosis.

Avoid at all costs:
– Hydrogenated fats, palm oil,
– Candies, sodas, corn syrups, white sugar cube,
– Sugars with high glycemic,
– The alcohol which destroys the intellectual cells,
– The glutamate (Chinese restaurants): neurotoxic risk,
– Pesticides, fungicides, additives, colouring agents and conservatives which give brain tumors “E-something” (we shall thus favor fresh and quality products),
– The addictions which favor the ageing of the body.

The oxygenation is essential: Get a breath of fresh air, walk calmly, go in for sport on the outside, be careful all the same on the too much polluted places.

I yet hear well-thinking people saying : “yeah but there are countries where fat people are considered as attractive because that evokes the wealth and everything”. I shall answer them: In the countries you’re talking about, the people are poor and are ravenous, that’s their biggest danger. In our countries, rich and intelligent people eat well and have the means to take care of them. They are attractive because are in shape, healthy. I do not think that the prehistoric man was obese: he was not confronted with the junk food and had to make efforts to get his food. In our society, sheeps, those who are not endowed with critical mind, the victims of the advertising, and the poor people love the junk food and have a potbelly. In two words: what is attractive, it is the possibility of being a good parent. A man in shape is one potentially better parent than a poor man suffering from malnutrition or who is on the contrary a big bacon full of saturated fatty acids.


The set of teeth


Our teeth have a big impact on our physiology. It is thus essential to have a correct oral hygiene and to visit your dentist in a regular way. We shall btw have less and less need of it when we eat better.


The critics


« His diet did not prevent him from having a cancer of the pancreas, the doctor Seignalet ». It is certainly the most just criticism, but it is easily understandable for whom knows the functioning of this gland which we do not respect enough because it is fragile. The fact of consuming almost exclusively raw food could force his pancreas. This is why he made enzyme tablets come from abroad which had to relieve him and help his digestion so much protein part of meats and more or less hidden fats which they contain are hard to digest. In reality, he certainly poisoned himself with pre-enzymes which tired his pancreas in the point to stimulate sleeper cells which multiplied in the excess, until spread towards the liver and the ganglions of the zone around the pancreas. We will avoid…

« It’s such a headache ». It is true that it is complicated to don’t be eaten by the society. But that is worth it, right? Be careful all the same not to fall in the inverse excess: the fruitarians and the crudivores. I respect Thierry Casasnova and his followers but I am well afraid that, as all the excesses, it is uncontrolled. Especially in society and for a man who wants to seduce. There are already problems : people there believe that if you are sick it can be because you ate two food which do not mix normally like the grapefruit and the tomatoes (it is true that mixing certain types of food perturbs the digestion but it is necessary to be reasonable… everybody does that). In brief, they explain everything by the food. It is a drift because they are people who feel superior (as long as they are healthy), who give lessons (because they are healthy and think that they will always be) and believe that they risk nothing (which is FALSE). Do not fall in this trap to give you good consciousness or to belong to a group. As always : think by yourself. For example, you should eat muck occasionally, because otherwise your body would unlearn it and you would become a sick person if you were obliged to eat it someday for a reason or another one.

It is imaginary to want to change the world and the others. Understanding that it is necessary to change at first is showing wisdom. Yet, starting to put some consciousness in your food is the beginning of a change. It is having responsibilities at the level of the health. Consciousness and responsibility have to become both watchwords of our time as regards our health. This is at first individual responsibility by a healthy diet, a healthy life, the taking of vitamins and trace elements in the changes of seasons to make counterweight for the pressures of the modern life. Teaching a healthy diet to his children, which will protect their health in the present and the future. And understand, please, that without the health, even in seduction, you would not do much.

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How to improve your physical appearance

How to improve your physical appearanceHow to work on your body to be more attractive ?

Nails : Pay attention to have them always short and clean.

Hands : Pay attention to have them clean.

Hairs in the back : Few women appreciate them. Get rid of it. The nape of the neck, idem.

Hairs on the trunk: Do not shave your trunk, you can however crop it (hair clipper) slightly, particularly the long hairs around your nipples. Under arms and the “chemin des dames (way of the ladies)”: that doesn’t bother, it is sexy.

The pubic hairs : Intend to shave your testicles and pubic hairs which grow around your penis. If you do it, your penis will seem more clean, tastier and bigger. They will suck you more often.

Hairs on legs : We are lucky, for a man, it does not bother.

Do not stink : Wash yourselves. Use parfume.

Watch your weight : Furthermore, being thin improves the silhouette and the face.

Work your muscle structure : Thin and developed muscles (abs, trunk, arms, legs, buttocks). The striking veins are sign that you have developed your muscle and that you have few fat. It’s a good thing!

If you have physical defects (differentiate : non-qualities), it is possible to lead to forget them by working your clothing style and your personality.

A new haircut : Go through magazines for men and find a photo of a haircut which pleases you. Inquire with your hairdresser for the maintenance.

If you want to be sexy, it is recommended to go rather to a homosexual hairdresser. Indeed, they have the sixth sense of what will please the women. Look at the haircuts of the movie stars and the rock stars and find one which pleases you. If you observe the attractive girls, you will notice that their boyfriends in general have great haircuts. Find the fashionable haircut which suits you. Hair must be clean: avoid the gel which gives a too fat and not rather soft aspect, prefer the wax, the lacquer or the clay.

The purpose is to create a balance between the angles of the face and those of the hairstyle and to balance the face (height, width). We can realize the same thing with the beard. Faces in length will create volume on the sides and faces in width will create the volume on the top. So, we always try to slim down the face. The girls with their long hair have an advantage at this level there but we have the beard. For angles: if we have a round face, we shall create some square and if we are too much squared we shall round off angles. Here is grosso-modo for the theory!

The beard : Beards and mustaches can help to hide defects. A billy goat, for example, can work to lead to forget a receding chin. If you have scars due to the teenage acne on your cheeks, a beard can be the solution. However, the shaving is a rite as well as a necessity, it is useful for the elimination of cells died on the surface of the skin.

Sideburns : Bounded well and of the same height. Not too much supplied.

Eyebrows : Avoid the mono eyebrow but keep male eyebrows.

Other hairs : Remove the hairs which go out of the nose and the ears and on the top of cheeks (possibility of discoloring the latter with some hydrogen peroxide.)

Teeth : Before putting some toothpaste on your toothbrush, brush your teeth with the dry brush. This helps to remove more plaque than with the wet brush. Brush your tongue (to eliminate the bad breath). Use some dental floss to eliminate bacteria between teeth and after use a mouthwash with an antibacterial solution. Make them whiter by brushing them with some bicarbonate of soda or some white clay. It will contribute to your beautiful smile. Even better with dimples?

The skin : Tan, and the women will find you sexy because a too pale skin gives the impression that you are not healthy. If problems of acne, use some make-up (foundation cream).

Ears : Clean your ears with a cotton bud…

Shoes : The women really pay attention to the shoes. Thus wear beautiful and elegant polished shoes, even a little more clairvoyants than the classic shoes which an average guy would wear. The women like the polished shoes. We say that when somebody cool compliments you, it is the sign which betrays that you reached the status of “cool” in your turn. At least, it would be necessary to have 4 shoes : brown and black relaxed shoes and brown and black elegant shoes. However, you can wear even red or green or white shoes… The thing is that they get married well to your style: classy or relaxed. Harmony is like everything, experience teaches you: it is necessary to do it by eyesight.

Clothes : Even if you get dressed in a relaxed way, choose clothes in your size, not too big. Your clothes have to move closer as much as possible your silhouette to the one of the perfect man… That is to say tall, with wide shoulders, a trunk V and a narrow waist. That’s what the women like. For that purpose, the short guys should avoid the horizontal stripes, which would make them look too wide. On the contrary, they have to choose waisted shirts and pants. Everything is question of proportions. Furthermore, go away from what is too commonplace, as the fine stripes or the university shirts. The girls prefer the men who distance themselves from the mass of those who concern advertising hoardings their T-shirt.

When you get dressed in a relaxed way, you try to give the impression that you got dressed after having made love to a woman. For that purpose, do not bring in your shirt, and leave the last two buttons open. You can intend to wear a suit and a tie from time to time, especially if you are in an environment where the men all get dressed simply. It is clothes of leader that thus convey a status and ambition. There is no disadvantage of wearing it. Another rule is that your clothes must be clean. The women are very sensitive to dirty clothes.

Attention on the choice of the colors which emphasize certain complexions and which choice has to depend also of your the color of your hair and the color of your eyes. No more than three colors because you don’t want to look like a Christmas tree. Personally, I look for actors, singers, etc. In brief, public personalities who look like me (style which suits me, age bracket…) and when they dress in a way which pleases me and that I could easily imitate, I adapt it : choice of the materials, the colors… Web sites about the celebrities abound in these photos especially in the sections “photoshots” and “candids”. Thanks to brands as Jules or H&M the fashion is adapted and proposed in affordable prices (or stores of destocking). Everything depends on your age bracket. It is a question of inspiration. It is useful also to see how it looks objectively onto the others. Roughly, we take advantage indirectly but free of charge of advice of their stylists.

To don’t make mistakes, stay simple, classy and classic. Don’t do « too much ». To please the largest number, stay simple. I disadvise to marginalize on the style because that would mean marginalizing on the girls.

Accessories : The colors of your accessories (belt, watch, etc.) have to be accompanied with your shoes. Your pants do not too much have to contrast with your shoes, but it is possible for the shirt. It is what will make the harmony of your style. Most of the men do not accessorize well, it is then easy for you to distance yourselves on this point. The general idea is that your accessories are at the same time discreet and intriguing (you don’t try to do too much). Look for cool accessories and which suit well with your personality. Like Julien Doré’s pin which made his success at the Nouvelle Star. A 30€ watch with a beautiful leather bracelet is more original and thus will attract more compliments than a 1000€ silver watch. And an old 15€ silver ring with a beautiful design will catch 100 times more the eyes than a 500€ signet ring. There is vast possibilities regarding accessories, as necklaces, the important is that they take you apart from the other men. Avoid the things which tons of the other guys have, as a tattoo boat on the forearm, or surfer’s pearls necklace. Be unique. The “peacocking” (Mystery) is reserved for those who already have a big confidence because it is necessary to be able to assume the other people’s opinion on your “difference”.

Underwear : The women appreciate the fanciful underwear: they often wear very colored things. Then, buy something with a text or a photo. In the doubt, the boxers of dark color are always an excellent choice. Wear socks matched with shoes. For swimsuits follow the fashion. And do not show your sweaters : “grandpa”.

Fragrance : The women have generally a better sense of smell than the men. It is thus necessary to smell good. And to do not smell bad: deodorant. An error can be to use too much perfume (1 or 2 pschit it is good). The women prefer the subtle smells. The purpose of a perfume is to give a pleasant surprise to the woman when she approaches you: stomach, neck, wrists… If you need inspiration here are my perfumes : « Light Blue » and « One Million », I noticed that they are generally successful!

The harmony of the style : To get laid, you have to find at first to which category of people you belong, then to observe how the “males alpha” of your category get dressed, and to copy them or be quite inspired by it at least. It is thus necessary to be inspired by what works.

On the other hand, do not be really cooler than all the others or you will seem weird, strange… or gay. Be just slightly better dressed than the other best dressed guy. Pay attention not to become too stylish and metrosexual because most of the girls do not want a guy who would have more style than them.

Pay attention on advertisements intended for 18-35 years old : those of the airline companies or for mobile phones. The models of those ads are generally dressed in a way which pleases the largest number. Otherwise get inspired by actors and fashionable models. So they coach and stylists work indirectly but free of charge for you again… Nice!

When you go shopping for clothes or fragrance, do not hesitate to ask for a feminine opinion. Or use it as an idea of original hangout with a date.

Try to avoid the too common and commonplace things. Choose things which will be at the same time unique and fashionable and which will suit well with your personality, without giving you a headache about your look. Because a good look will help you to get laid but it is your behavior and your mindset that will change everything. The women are not that interested in the beauty of a man, they also love the men with high statuses who will give them passion, pleasure and romanticism. They look for a man who will make them have a good time and feel good. Even with an elaborate look, it does not have to be obvious, it has to look natural for you to be well-dressed!

NB : « Fashion goes out of fashion, the style never ».

All the advice don’t suit to everybody. The changes which “disrupt” you the most will probably be the most profitable.

Glasses : Use contact lenses. If glasses are a part of your style, opt for creator’s model and assume it.

Manicurist and pedicurist : You will be thought of as a well-kept man, and understand that if a woman notices these small details with you, it is because she is very attentive to it with her.

Problems of skin : Buy the adequate products or see a dermatologist.

Teeth : Clear them or in any case eliminate marks! Book an appointment at the dentist’s if you didn’t for a long time!

Breath : Dental floss, scratch tongue, chewing gum or mint.

Lift weights : Reduce fats and create muscles.

Eat better : Watch your calorie intakes and eat fruits and fresh vegetables as well as thin proteins. In the worst case, see a nutritionist.

Sort out : Among your clothes, throw away what is too wide, too much tired and all which does not suit you. Give to charity for example.

Condoms : Buy some, feeling ready helps tremendously.

If after all that, you still have a problem: Ungraceful mark, first name of an ex tattooed on the body, etc. It’s time to work on it ! Look for a solution on the net or consult a specialist.

NB : Don’t forget that we are not women : being sexy won’t make us fuck a lot! The attitude is more important (attitude 80%, physical appearance 20%)!