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Can we speak of dominant male for humans?

Can we speak of dominant male for humansIn zoology, the dominant male (or male alpha) is the individual in a group of animals that the others follow, obey or submit to.

The dominant male has the priority to eat or mate. In some species, the dominant male even has the exclusivity of females and is the only male that can mate. The dominant male may also, in some species have highly ritualized prerogatives such as the right to lead a procession.

The dominant male in the species of capuchin monkeys is the favorite of all the females of his species. But only the strongest females have a relationship with the dominant male. They must earn it! I reason a little like that… I maybe have genes of Capuchin!

The status of alpha male is related to physical force but sometimes other more complex criteria. For example, for the bonobo or the chimpanzee, the dominant male does not always credit his status to his only physical strength but also to indirect methods such as the ability to create “political” alliances. Like humans (Artistote has also written that man is a political animal)!

This may bother some people to use indifferently “dominant male” in a sentence that speaks of a man and in another that speaks of the bonobo. Basically, what these people hate is that we can consider the man as an animal.

Yet this is the case (we are social animals according to certain, moral animals according to others) and if science agrees to say that there are dominant males in a lot of species and especially in our cousins the monkeys, then why not for humans?

The debate that would consist of asking if the Human is so wonderful that he deserves a capital H to designate his species, and should therefore escape the study zoologists,  seems to me not really constructive and a proof of bad faith.

“Dominant male” is indeed a term of zoology. But the man is an animal like another one, so we can apply a term of zoology to Humans.

Extract from : Evopsy and Seduction

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Natural selection

Sorry (even if it’s not my fault), but over the centuries, the selection based itself on efficiency, not morality nor happiness. Do not throw me tomatoes, please, I am only the messenger!

Natural selection is defined as the fact that a number of people just pass on their genes. Indeed, it is not enough to live to breed, you must above all be selected by a partner and breed. That is what is specifically called sexual selection, component of natural selection.

Well-known but not really understood, the theory of natural selection is however not very complicated: if there is a variation on genetically transmitted character, then the characters that have facilitated this transmission of genes are more likely to be present in the next generation than those having impaired it. It is therefore not the best genes that will be passed : it’s those that will be passed which will have been the best. It is very difficult for us to predict what will be the best genes in the next generation. The son of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie will maybe look ugly. There is little chance but how to know? There is always a small element of chance that comes into play.

But let’s go back to our sheep doggy styles. The idea behind sexual selection is that it is not enough, in a gendered species to be viable and healthy to transmit your genes: you must also find a fertile partner of the other sex with whom uniting to transmit. In other words, if there are two sexes and at least one sex partner can choose with whom he or she will pass on his or her genes, then there will be sexual competition between candidates.

The degree of sexual competition varies according to gender animal species. Most often, it is the male who will fight (usually physically but not always) to gain access to females. In fact, the distribution of sexual competition between the sexes depends on an essential criterion: the cost of having offspring for one of the sex. For cost, one must understand “anything that has a negative impact on the next or previous offspring” : the time required (e.g. pregnancy), the impact on health, the time required for weaning and raising children , etc.

In humans, it appears that the fathers were very important for the survival of children. In some Amazonian tribes, paternal orphans are killed: no one wants to take them over. In the challenging environment that prevailed for most of human history, a father was very important. Therefore, in humans, it’s not just men who are in sexual competition, women too. Once they found a man, women want to keep him (we will also study how people manage competition between individuals of the same sex).

Of course, parental investment is not the same for each sex: women experiencing pregnancy for nine months… during this time the man can flutter as he wants: his investment in it is still much lower and therefore the selection criteria of each gender are not the same.

Much of the choice of human partners will be influenced by the Reproductive criteria, unlike the woman who will be largely influenced by the criteria of Survival. Those who know a little bit the Mystery seduction method already know what I mean. Basically, “survival” corresponds in theory to manhood, to be a leader, to have ambition, etc. While “reproduction” it’s mostly about physical appearance.

The female strategy of looking for a dominant male, well known in the world of the game, is for the female to do not look for a caring father… but instead for good genes that produce visible effects, such as muscle or marks of health, reflecting longevity and maximum fertility. The females in this logic are seeking to optimize the transmission of their genes by mating with a partner with such characteristics in order to give birth to a beautiful male who also will possess those characteristics which will make many females of future the generations consider him.

However, a male too alpha would scare women who are afraid of not being able to keep him because he would have many offers to leave with another woman. This is the same logic that make the too beautiful women intimidate men, who often do not even dare to approach them.

There are not so long, every society made arrangements in one way or another, so that “everyone has his or her each one” and that no one or as few people as possible are frustrated of sex and offspring. Societies of the “arranged marriage” also still exist in some cultures.

But then, today, within us, have only the beautiful girls and the wealthy guys the right to love (or at least to reproduction)? Does evolutionary psychology condemn men and women who are just average, not too beautiful nor too rich? No, in the society we live in, to help us get our game well, charm, and ambition, are powerful weapons to cultivate. And good news: they do not fade, unlike beauty, and are not as ephemeral as can be the media success, for example.

I will reveal the keys so each one of my readers can succeed at the game of life!

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We are preprogrammed

Image : Un moment d’égarement

The first idea that hurts the buttocks but must integrate is that we are not free behind our genetic inheritance. No need to use complicated concepts like the image of the father nor neuroses coming from childhood to understand and predict the behavior of a fertile woman without children (who would want some but have not yet because she has dedicated her life to her career) approaching menopause. No more than the behavior of a 50 years old rich man who cannot resist cheating on his 45 years old wife with a pretty young woman of 20 who could be his daughter but that makes him fit-in.

Note that I do not justify pedophilia but… how many of you would have resisted in the shoes of Vincent Cassel (in Un moment d’égarement version 2015)?

It is our genes that make us belong to the human species, it is also our genes that decide to which sex we belong, shape our bodies, our way of thinking, etc.

When we have children, we transmit them our genes. On the scale of human history, we can say that these are the genes that constantly manipulate us, to be transmitted to survive and exist in future generations. We die, but our genes survive if they manage to reproduce. We’re kind of survival machines for genes. Richard Dawkins rightly defines a gene as “a portion of chromosomal material that potentially lasts for enough generations to serve as natural selection unit.”

Genes control the living beings in the manner of a programmer who would have taught chess to a computer and can no longer intervene once the game started. The chess programs do not envisage every possibility to choose the best shot to play: they contain strategies associated with some weighting that the computer can eventually change, based on games already played. Similarly, genes, build carriers with various coping skills to survive and reproduce.

Our genes influence our behavior in the direction of reproduction. But rather than giving us the order to procreate, genes manage to we make us want to fuck. While they actually just want to be transmitted. And then, to survive, they give us the order to take care of our children.

What we do as parents is just trying to give the best opportunities to our children in the sexual competition that awaits them, which is also what our genes want us to do. Our ancestors were able to do all this, and they have given us these behaviors.

Genes however do not decide everything. The wider environment has an influence too : food availability, climate, other living beings around, the type of relationship with other people, culture, society, etc. Chance also plays a role because you could have the best genetic code of the world, if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time but take a brick on the head… it’s game over!

The genetic program however cannot be too free because if at the end of his life, the man who conveys the gene had no viable children, the program disappears would disappear with him.

Over millions of generations before us, the too free programs were eliminated, and those that remain today do not leave us really free, they seek to manipulate us from inside. They try to give us a body and such a behavior that they find themselves in subsequent generations. I’m simplifying, of course, I am not trying to denounce a weird genetic conspiracy, I’m just talking about the fact that our instinct influences us.

On average (there are exceptions to everything), natural selection favors genes that program their survival machines so that they fit best to their environment, living conditions and relations with animals of the same species and of different species.

It’s always about reproduction : these rules are immutable and always underlying, even when one is young. Otherwise why would 25 years old footballers already have several kids while with their finances, they could easily use condoms and flirt with a lot of supermodels? Knowing that the average age of a first child in France is 28 years.

Some beings transmit their characteristics more than others and thus have a great influence on the future of the species.

Anyway, if you are depressed one day, tell yourself that you carry the legacy of your ancestors : sexual winners who managed to reproduce. So, you have the opportunity to be a winner too! You have got it in your blood…

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Why isn’t Evopsy “politically correct”?

Why isn’t Evopsy politically correctWhy isn’t Evopsy “politically correct”? Because this discipline offers a view of life in which people are not equal at birth. This seems obvious when I look around me in the street, but it apparently must not be said out loud. It is a taboo subject!

We hear since our childhood that we are all equal and unique. But do not forget that in the Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen (1789), men are born free and equal… certainly! But it’s about “rights.” In fact, everyone is not similarly armed for life, with the same genetic advantages. Besides, there is no human group where every members of the opposite sex arouse in us the same desire. Everyone is unique, OK, but the entire base is common… and since this is the basis of our ancestors primates, we also all are very similar and predictable. Why do you think the statistical services are capable of predicting the number of demonstrators, break-ins or traffic congestion if we all are as free and unpredictable than we like to think?

This science is also disturbing because it is not fun to understand that we are not free in front of our genetic inheritance. Our consciousness is only the tip of the iceberg: most of what goes on in our minds and in our bodies remain hidden from us. Saying it is not, however, being not politically not correct, it’s just being realistic. But many people naively think they 100% know and control themselves. Or, they just want to keep their illusions…

We regularly hear that what really matters is the inner beauty. It counts, certainly. But be aware that there is a common basis for all cultures: they value what they perceive as “beauty” and “healthy”. Almost no culture has ever valued what it considered as deformities. Moreover, beyond specific cultures ornaments, physical beauty always involves a certain symmetry of the face. You will not find a culture that values facial asymmetry. We will return course in detail about what makes a man (and a woman) beautiful in the eyes of the opposite sex. But what I am saying here is that this is apparently politically-incorrect to say that we are attracted to beauty. Because there are way more people who do not have these physical qualities (and/or do not cultivate them) than beautiful people, so the majority wins and imposes its dictates which however not always take our species up…

The counter-argument I hear most often is that these theories do not hold good for the simple reason that plump women were perceived as sexy one or two centuries ago whereas currently it is slim girls who are seen as sexy. Where from their conclusion : sexual attraction is not programmed.

Still, we must look further than the tip of your nose: the fat was valued when it was a sign of affluence and good health! Today, we know that too much fat is bad, so being thin is a sign of health and wealth because it proves we have the means to buy the right products and take care of us. Same for sunbathing: before that meant we were working in the fields like the poor, today it means we have enough money to go on holiday!

It is believed that advertisements convey unnatural images and encourage people to look like models. But the ideals of beauty are not arbitrary: they are indices of reproductive value of women. Although, I grant you, advertising abused and some women in these environments are still victims of the always-more: they order their from models to have no female form! They are sometimes retouched in the pictures but cadaveric on the catwalks (breasts, hips, buttocks are photoshopped!)

One could almost say that they are just act as hangers. But let’s go back to our demonstration.

Thus, the terms of the expression of our programming change, but the purpose remains the same: valuing what is perceived as signs of “good health” and “fertility”.

You have now understood the logic: a simple analysis would conclude that everything is relative. An advanced analysis would conclude to be aware of differences between the eras, to wonder what they express and to realize that the goals are the same throughout the history of mankind.

The ruthless logic of Evopsy is thus (fortunately or unfortunately) constant throughout the ages. It is also reluctant to admit that there is not altruism without selfish afterthought. But accept that we are not perfect, due to any cause. Darwin, for example, said “Our ancestors are the origin of our evil passions! The devil, in the guise of the baboon is our grandfather.”

Well, you will read a lot of things that bother in this book, but I have ensured their veracity and I quote my main sources at the end (so it is not redundant, the others I quote them incrementally).

You have the choice to prefer to live in the illusion of happiness given by ignorance or to open your eyes and understand the behavior of people around you. Nietzsche said by the way that there is a gulf between the truth and the life (The Birth of Tragedy)!

If you prefer the illusion, so I guess I will receive hateful mails. But you can deny the facts… sometimes you’ll take it on the chin and be disappointed by the behavior of others. If you read on the contrary, you’ll arm yourself for life in society in order to intelligently compete.

The two life strategies are respectable. You are very free to read me or not.

I am sincerely convinced that ignoring the contributions of Evopsy, because it does not please you and because it does not match the conditioning that society instills us, would be counterproductive.

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Introduction to Evopsy

Introduction to EvopsyEvolutionary psychology (sometimes abbreviated Evopsy) is a current whose goal is to explain, from the theory of biological evolution, the mechanisms of human thought and behavior.

This discipline, located at the crossroads of biology, psychology, anthropology, social sciences and paleo-archeology, examines psychological traits in an evolutionary perspective.

It is based on the fundamental assumption that the brain (like other organs) is the product of evolution, and thus of an adaptation to environmental and social constraints that our ancestors faced.

Evolutionary psychology identifies and explains the human traits that are the product of natural selection. In this ebook, we will study in particular the general traits that result from sexual selection (defined below).

Evolutionary psychology insists that most of human evolution took place under circumstances that no longer exist (mainly during the prehistoric era) and that behavior and internal states that characterizes us today have in fact been selected to be adapted to a world that no longer exists: there is what researchers call a “mismatch” between this environment that gave rise to the evolutionary adaptation and the contemporary environment of the human species.

We owe this concept to Konrad Lorenz. He was, for example, the first to postulate that the pleasure to eat sugar and fat comes from the rarity of these energy resources in prehistoric environment. Today, however, these products are easily accessible and this “natural” inclination for sugar and fat can have deleterious consequences (such as to frustrate adaptation) in the current environment (obesity, diabetes). Yet we continue to be, we believe, “naturally” attracted to sugar. In fact, we have been programmed to like it. Just as we have been programmed to look for certain characteristics when it comes to our sexual partners. And as our brains are evolving much more slowly than our environment (unless it is our environment that is evolving faster than our brain), it is important to be aware of this.

In this book, we will discuss Evopsy in terms of seduction and will deduce the attitudes necessary to be more successful with women. We’ll find that the theories of the game are perfectly in this logic. This will also be an opportunity to rediscover the concept of “alpha male.” Finally, we will focus on many results of experiments that we (men) will help us to better understand ourselves and better understand women (and which will also help women to understand men, of course).

In fact, realizing that some of our lackluster behaviors are natural (in the sense of “biological legacies”) allows to enjoy life with more philosophy and to accept more easily (of course if you stay in limits set by law).

Of course we will avoid encouraging old macho clichés about gender differences. We will try to remain objective!

Extract from : Evopsy and Seduction


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Understanding sexual strategies of both sexes

Understanding sexual strategies of both sexesThis ebook is a book about popularization of evolutionary psychology… applied to seduction.

The Evopsy (evolutionary psychology) is the study of the biological origin of our behavior and its inviolability. In other words, the principles discussed here will continue to show their validity for several centuries.

We will study the programming of men and women when it comes to their love/sexual choices and we’ll detail the universal preferences of men and women for certain characteristics.

We will also explain the behavior of men and women that we see every day (sometimes by judging it illogical) so that we can understand and accept everybody (ourselves and others). It’ll decomplex you!

Too many people believe that the opposite sex thinks the same way and search the same thing. But it’s wrong ! Men and women have evolved somewhat differently and it explains the differences of behavior and expression of social pressure, still today.

In fact, almost all our romantic behavior find an explanation when you know Evopsy. The day I discovered this discipline, I got passionate about it. And it played a big role in the fact that I became a Pick Up Artist. When you’ve got on what is based the game, you do not need to learn by heart anymore : you understand why and how.

It’s only by understanding why and how sexual strategies of both sexes are in place that we can decide the best of ours. By seeing the game of the opponent and by having all the cards, we can make better decisions to win the game. In other words, knowing the women’s (and men’s) selection criteria and introducing as the he (or she) who meets them is probably the most effective way to seduce. For a sexual partner or for a romantic partner, the levers that need to be activated come straight from prehistory!

All those who have questions about gender relations have a lot to learn from this discipline. So I will explain the concepts of the game (the underground science of seduction), basing myself on the results of experiments conducted by evolutionary psychology researchers.

For example, David Buss in 1997 conducted the following experiment:

He asked men to ask this question to unknown “Hello it’s been a few days I noticed you and I find you very attractive. Would you like to sleep with me ?”

The result ? You can imagine. Almost EVERY women answered “no” and some with indignation. Yet it was politely asked!

Then he asked women to ask this question to strangers: “Hello it’s been a few days I noticed you and I find you very attractive. Would you like to sleep with me ?”

The result ? 75% of men agreed. It probably won’t surprise you but you all the same wonder why it works like that in life. We will analyze, of  course, behind these diametrically opposed reactions, what gives the sexual power to women.

Another example ?

Terri Fisher, professor in the department of psychology at Ohio University, interviewed 293 people about their habits, including sexual ones. Some had to respond anonymously to a questionnaire, while others thought to be connected to a lie detector, which in reality was not working.

Respondents answered honestly to almost every question. But when it came to indicate the number of partners with whom they had sex, the results were different depending on the conditions under which those surveyed were asked.

When questioned and connected to what they thought was a lie detector, men reported fewer partners than others (those who were not connected to the fake detector) while the women admit more partners ! “Men and women have different responses about their sexual behavior when they should be honest,” concluded the researcher.

So when they answer anonymously, men tended to increase the number of their conquests, and women to lower this number. “There is something unique about sexuality that leads people to really worry about matching the stereotypes of their gender,” says Terri Fisher. “Sexuality seems to be the only subject that make people feel so worried,” says the professor.

Through this book, you will understand also why, when questioned, men tend to inflate the number of sexual partners they had and women to minimize it.

Besides, this book concerns men as well as women, and is therefore available to both sexes. I put a point of honor to give advice to both genders in this book. After all, what would we be without each other?

For a taste of the content, I invite you to browse the titles in the table of contents. Above all, I advise you to put aside your prejudices, to put aside your values and modesty, because what the follows can not only disturb politically correct people and sheep, but even people “well-mannered” people.

Extract from : Evopsy and Seduction

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Evopsy & Seduction

Preface proposed by my proofreader.

Evopsy & Seduction decrypts our romantic behavior with a tone scientific and funny, but especially liberating. You will understand the why and how of our behavior in love. No doubt everyone will recognize into it.

If you do not understand women but that you’re interested in understanding them, this book is the key to understand their behaviors and thoughts. If you do not understand what men want but that you’re interested in understanding them, you’ll find the explanations in this book. After reading it, everything will become so simple, so clear, that you will regret not having read this book earlier.

Need a brief taste ? Download a free excerpt => here (pdf file).

Why do we love? Who do we love? Does beauty impose its own rules, and what would be the rules of beauty? Why do we want children? Why fucking in parallel a husband and a lover? Why infidelity? Why so much injustice and so much conflict? Why do men have the almost automatic reflex to stare at women’s buttocks? How do we choose a partner? How do we attract? How do we keep a woman or a man? How do we break-up with someone? Where do the eternal conflicts between men and women come from ?

Answers can be found by looking at the past of our species.

A new scientific approach, the evolutionary psychology (Evopsy), provides solid answers to these questions that concern us, or at least that affect us all, integrating the findings of many disciplines (anthropology, biology, ethology, genetics, neurobiology, psychology…) as part of the Darwinian theory.

This scientific ebook, easy to read and very educational, explains in a clear and entertaining way the main concepts of Evopsy (from the genetic influence to sexual competition), the main criteria it uses (dominance, beauty, fertility, pheromones…) and describes some of its everyday applications, including those found in the Game. It is an indispensable tool for understanding the world around us!

This book is also very rich: studies support the arguments, making this analysis more serious and credible. It will appeal to those who are interested in the complexity of gender relations.

Did you know that 10% of children are not made by their alleged father? That only 1% of sperm cells are fertile, the others just exist to fight their rivals? Did you know that our impulses are genetic, since they are the result of the evolution of humanity for many thousands of years?

Inherent constants exist in human condition, which come from the dawn of time. This perspective on gender relations allows each of us to approach them with more serenity.

“A book you should read if you want to better understand your own psychology.”

“A must-have, a very interesting book, a really great book.”

“This book is really relevant. Brilliant and compelling. “

I would add personally that the price of this ebook, this eye opening on the world, will always be €29… unless I do not sell a lot of copies, in this case, I will increase the price ! 😉

Good reading.

Buy here :

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Understand and pass shit-tests

shit test

Understand and pass shit-testsThe “shit-test” another key concept of the game! I’ll explain what it is, why women are testing us in this way and how to react. I will even give concrete examples, yes yes!

What do we call “shit test”?

In fact, these are trick questions and disparaging thoughts that can sometimes destabilize if we are not prepared. Note that this process is also used during job interviews…

“You’re too short! “; “You’re too tall! “; “Why should I kiss you?”

Why do they do that?

Officially, it is a way for them to see if we have balls and to test the will of men. Unofficially, I put myself in their shoes and tell myself that it must be fun to feel in position of authority like that… when you think about it, it really looks like trolling.

These forms of test questions thus enable them to check our level of alphaness (the fact of being alpha) and the quality of our talk back… and, you know, a lot of women appreciate confident men! So the shit-tests are useful because God knows there are many men who play the “real guys” but who have nothing in the panties in fact. And God knows that men like to believe and tell that they are gods in bed while they are actually often not very good. So many that a lot of women assume that a man is a loser until proven otherwise.

Obviously, if a woman really likes you, one might think it would be stupid of her to test you… but they often do anyway! It seems that it’s second nature. One could say that often, to make out, the girl should like you a priori and then you must pass her tests. We’re not out of the woods ! Some girls really abuse and sometimes use a lot of tests that discourage even the guys who pass with flying colors. Besides perhaps is it a way of refusing their advances without assuming to directly say “no” while having fun. You should know that most of the time they already have their own ideas about the guy that approach them, that they have taken a negative decision in the first seconds of the interaction and that making them change their mind is very very difficult.

This feminine illogic leads to abuse: some paranoid see shit-tests everywhere. Then, know that sometimes the girl may just ask you a sincere question. Sometimes she can just ask you to pick her car because she really wants to go out with you… not in order to test your degree of submission.

The best advice I can give you to recognize such a test is to listen to your social intuition. Because, anyway, that’s not so important whether you are dealing with a shit-test or not if you always react more or less the same way (alpha way).

How to answer?

The best way to pass these tests is to respond with humor and detachment (but not too much ironically because it would be stupid to block a girl who liked you). Please do not get mad even if you have passed the age of examinations (and even if the girl who tests you is a stupid one that allows herself to judge), do not respond so too hard nor too aggressively. Please do not take all that literally and do not always try to really answer. Otherwise, there’s enough to go crazy!

This is your inner game of alpha male that must underlie all your answers: you have to impose your frame, your reality! You need to communicate that (in outline) as a man, you assume fully the fact that you like women, you have no apologies to make nor to justify yourself for your desire to meet and seduce. You must also communicate that you are not a manipulator, that you are sincere, and that indeed, you are a good lover.

So take advantage of shit-tests (since they are part of the game anyway) to show that you have nothing to hide, you are mature, credible and do not try to play the usual bullshit that women have heard 1000 times before you. Reassure by showing that you are someone she can go around with and not a crazy sex-starved opportunist pervert. Besides the more you will become an alpha, the more the correct answers will come to you naturally.

Note that sometimes it is useless to answer in a very crafted way. If a girl tells you eg “I have a boyfriend” or “I am a lesbian”, these are not really shit-tests! Indeed, an intelligent woman who would be interested would logically not tell you that, or at least not immediately. Or if it was, too bad for her, she needs to be less pervert in the future, it would have avoided her to miss a great guy. But since you never really know if it’s a shit-test or if the girl does not give a shit about you, it is important not to spend hours searching for a good answer!

In all cases, always leave the interaction with pride “too bad :)”. Because, in fact, it’s too bad for you who won’t fuck a beautiful girl (but apparently she did not deserve you.) But it is especially the girl who misses a good guy good in bed like you. Instead, she will get banged by selfish premature losers, and will have only what she deserves…

Concrete examples?

Be aware that women all like to think they are original but, in fact, you will still see some of the same tests. Here are some typical ones:

“Do you regularly approach girls like that?”
If you say yes, you’re dead because girls like to feel a little bit unique.
If you say no, you’re dead because the girl will take you for a smooth talker.
You can answer “only the girls I like.”

“That’s what you say to every women?”
You can say: “Yes, every single one, even my mom;).”
Or in less incestuous mode : “What’s the difference? The important thing is that I say it to you, right? “

“What do the girls you meet usually say when you tell them that?”
You can say: “Why, do you need the opinion of others before taking a decision?”

“Why should I give you my number?”
You can say: “There’s no obligation, do it only if you want to enjoy like crazy after a nice date.”

“You’re a little perverse. ”
You can say: “Thank you but I just assume unlike many”.

“You are small.”
You can say: “Horizontally, it is not important.”
Or: “It’s better than I was stupid and bad in bed.”

“I’m sure you’ve got no balls!”
You can answer with a kissclose. Sometimes arguing with words is useless.

Do not forget that we are testing women too when approaching them (oddly when they realize that we test them too a lot of them take it quite badly, like if it was an offense when we just do turn their guns against them)! Indeed, with the high number of bitches out there, we need stuff to see quickly if one is a bitch or a nice girl. So their reaction and attitude will be crucial. Personally, when I approach a woman, it is still far from won for her! We are often forced to take the first step but it does not mean that one must be ready to tolerate anything for ejaculating in a pussy, that would be a sex-starved reasoning.

If they are not invested enough or if they are a too annoying behavior (eg too much ridiculous shit-tests already heard 1000 times) then you are entitled to troll them before leaving, with pride.

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Motiva(c)tion for seducing

Motiva(c)tion for seducingI do not say that without the game, you’ll necessarily end your life alone. What I am saying is that it can allow you to get a woman even cooler than you would with no practice.

Many people get discouraged quickly because it is difficult to understand and master the game. But if it was easy, any guy would ! Are you a man with real goals or just a big mouth, a supporter of least effort?

Yes, it necessitates effort and personal investment (it’s harder to catch chicks than Pokémon)! But it is an option that we then acquire for life: once mastered, you will never ever a be dog in heat looking for hot babes! You’ll also learn a lot about yourself and about other people around you. I think the game is really worth the candle… What does your instinct say?

Do you really want to be the king of oil or is it just words in the air? Is this a passing fancy (because you did not masturbated last night) or a real desire? Will you let your comfort zone ruin your life (you do not know what to say nor where to catch your problem then your mind will find millions of excuses to paralyze you by ease)? Will you let fear paralyze you or will you give love? Are you determined to succeed?

Nothing great has ever achieved by contenting with ease! I sincerely believe that the worst thing to do is to regret on your deathbed having never take the plunge! To have missed golden opportunities. Any PUA will tell you the real loose is to do not try. I remind you that many life philosophies encourage you in that direction: Carpe diem, YOLO, etc.

Personally, I like sometimes to rethink all the hot chicks that I fucks doggystyle (damn at 27 I already had a more fulfilling sex life than most guys in a lifetime). If it ever happened to you, tell yourself that if you were able to cause your luck once, you are necessarily able to do it again. And anyway if I was able to do it, then so are you! One of the main mistakes is to see that something works and stop doing it by laziness (respect yourself)!

Stop anticipate negatively, stop making excuses… to succeed, you need audacity, not perfection, and much less playing the security card. But the audacity is accessible to everyone! Get out of your comfort zone (this conditioning that keeps you stationary watching others having an extraordinary life while you feel bad), stop procrastinating! Successful people (regardless of the domain) are those who give themselves the means! Miracle solutions, we only see it in the movies!

What are you afraid of, seriously? That jealous people make fun of you because you are interested in seduction? Do things for yourself, not for others! Do not listen to jealous people (it’s a safe bet they wish they had the courage to start too)! Do not apologize for wanting what you want, because it’s healthier to assume that to be frustrated! Show them your balls and they will respect you. Do not allow chicks to tell you that it was better when you were an AFC in the Friendzone! You must be a sexual threat (not in the sense of rapist), you should be taken seriously, be regarded as a sexual guy!

All the personal development work is aimed only at achieving one goal: becoming more happy! Who could condemn you for that? Whether we are talking pickup or weight training, we pretty much have the same problems of motiva(c)tion (ask his opinion to Tibo InShape if you do not believe me)!

The seducer is not unhealthy, get rid of that fucking limiting belief. Connecting with another person to see if an exchange of love is possible or not, it is not unhealthy! Whether actively or passively, when we have not, we’re all looking for a partner. The challenge is not to please her at all costs, but rather to see if your intentions are compatible. The goal is even being alpha without being an asshole (we respect women).

Come on, do not make me believe that you prefer staying home watching TV rather than going out, meeting and kissing chicks. However, if you do nothing, you will get nothing! You probably think too much… and it’s not this way you’re going to put your tongue in the mouth of the beautiful Sarah, I guarantee you. Be honest with yourself ! And prove yourself that you are capable!

Certainly, you never can be sure it will work with this particular girl… but you should not let doubt invade you, because the process will bear fruit in the long term! The game will make you optimistic! Moreover, even if a girl rejects you firmly, if the girl tells you she does not want you, it’s still the logical conclusion of a history between you two in which you acted like a real man, this will make you grow and must make you proud of yourself. This is still better than living in denial like a virgin, you will easily agree.

Approaching a woman usually makes guys afraid because we fear a negative reaction, and no one likes to be rejected. But you’ll learn to cut your ego off from your results and to adopt an approach that does not challenge yourself in every interaction. You will, with hard work and determination, enjoy the ultimate power: the power of not giving a fuck! Besides often women by giving their bitches’ opinion think they are saying a general truth (just because they are women they imagine they know and understand women in general) but these are only disparaging thoughts that say more about the cunt they are than on you.

Trust, you’ll learn how to free yourself completely of the issue, to get a shield, to let you go! By stopping to want to be perfect, you can pickup effectively! Saying obscenities or being the perfect gentleman, everything is a question of style, and this is not what really matters. Because you should not flirt with the aim of getting something (as opposed to 100% of the sex-starved), but just for fun.

Do not try to make it complicated, say anything with a fucking mojo. Just start with something that will actually just be a test to see her reaction. Is she smart enough to understand the second degree humor?

And at worst, in the worst case she’ll reject you. But in this case, it will be exactly as if you did not approach her. The game is a game we can win the jackpot but we cannot lose. Put things into perspective, we all fail sometimes but we eventually only remember success. Before I went out a lot with a handsome dude, and he got rejected way more than me, thanks to this fact I became really uninhibited!

Theories of the game are made to increase your chances of making out with girls. Not to tinker an unstoppable shot against a particular girl, supposed to subdue her the point of being 500% sure of fucking her. That’s a novice fantasy, maybe the worst one. This is not a question of manipulation nor a contest to see who has the biggest dick… but a work on oneself, a work on the understanding of others and empathy.

Get out of the mold, let your complexes aside, see what happens with strangers. Do not try to think for them nor to imagine in advance what they might think of you (it is useless to torture yourself in this way).

As said Snipe (very good French PUA) in an article about motivation: “It is today that emerges tomorrow. If you do not act today, you will have nothing tomorrow.”

Follow the rules of the game and you will not be thought as a loser, you will be classy and you will have sex. Not with all chicks on Earth (in seduction, you are a specific product in a niche market) but still quite a lot. Enough to enjoy an overbooked penis. And too bad if then a lot of people are jealous, you’ll learn how to handle it!

That’s it, I hope I have helped you, and I really hope you will help yourself thanks to your awesome force of will.

Your wingman,

Fabrice Julien

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Shoud you be yourself in seduction?

Shoud you be yourself in seductionOne of the politically correct advices that we find most on the seduction forums is “be yourself”.

This is bad advice!

People often say that to be successful and find love, you must just be yourself. It is vague… and especially condescending! It comes to saying, “You have problems, but please do not change: you are special, but nobody notices. Be optimistic, one day everything will go well for you.” Yeah right, it’s always the fault of others… It is especially a great propaganda to castrate you while pleasing you.

This advice is not to be taken literally because it insinuates that things happen on their own in life. But it is in 99% of cases, not the case. If you want something, the job or the girl of your dreams, you have to deserve it and go get it. The aim is certainly to be yourself but not to simply be happy with what you already have.

Misinterpreting “just be yourself” would be:
– Not making efforts to progress;
– Not working on your inner game nor on your limiting beliefs;
– Not trying to correct your errors with practice.

Chicks can more than us content with saying it’s easy to pickup and there is no need to make much effort because there are a lot of sex-starved ready to fuck anyone out there. They can therefore so hold a conversation as stupid as a candidate of Secret Story, make-up anyhow and never question themselves… they will always have suitors who want to fuck her even if they do not make efforts. This is not as easy for most of the guys, it’s unfair, but that’s life!

The girl then chooses among the contenders at her level but does not give herself the choice among all men. The wait-girls attitude is not really surprising… remember they often hear during all their childhood that they are princesses and prince charming will come alone, by himself on his white horse, pushed by instinct or by good fairies (hmm I want to fuck a fairy)!

What does it means, “be yourself”?

Resist the temptation to try to please at all costs, which would be seen as a weakness of personality. Too many guys think that to have a chance with a woman, they must as much as possible agree with her and accept whatever she wants to do. Never change your values or your views to please a girl.

Do not force the similarities, just steer the conversation on these and enhance them. But do not invent some! It’s better to be honest and true. It is even a filter: those who are not made for you will go away!

Being yourself is not obvious.

Many men are frustrated (and agree to be submitted) because they undergo all the time the discourse of women that often ask them to wait, to be patient, to give them gifts, to submit to their desires, etc. Consequently, they lose their inner nature, and frustrate their true instincts, their true “self”, and take less initiative.

This paradoxically has the effect of offending women and of making men live in a form of discomfort. True, they need time, and to know you better, but at the same time, they want a real man, who remains dominant and sexed.

Basically, you are a man with sexual desires (and they are women with sexual needs too) thus: be yourself! But be the REAL yourself without repressing yourself, and assume yourself! I insist but my advice is not to tell you to don’t be yourself nor to be what I want from you… it’s to tell you to be the REAL yourself !!! Be yourself, but with a discerning eye without burring your heads!

Think for yourself, take stock honestly with yourself, without judgment. Try to see what you really want in fact. Try to think of things you’d like and would not like to do and act accordingly. Why could not you finally achieve your goals? In the street, only three steps separate you from a beautiful girl, even less in a club, on the Internet it’s 2 clicks…

Damn it ! Appropriate your personal history, assume! Start living for you and not for the others… If one takes away your inhibitions, your stress and your bad faith, you would already be able to seduce! I’m sure ! Because a healthy and conscious relationship to oneself is the best guarantor of human relationships more comfortable, more authentic… and therefore more attractive!

Can we become a better self?

The goal is, ultimately, of course to become a better version of yourself. Through personal development, you can do even better than you think being able today! But do not wait to be “perfect” before practicing the game. This would drive to procrastinate. Not good !

Do not measure yourself against your friends and stars. The comparison leads to resentment. The comparison leads to the criticism of others. The comparison is an unhealthy thing. You must think about your true aspirations and work in this direction, regardless of the eyes of others.

Surely you are not going to become anyone else but you can highlight certain qualities. Certainly, you are surely a good guy yet but you can probably improve some things. Surely you are aware of your flaws but do not underrate yourself (and learn how to market yourself)!

Some people will like you and some not. Accept it and that’s it. Learn how to do not judge others too and how to open your mind… to live more serenely. Wanting love and respect from everyone is a pointless exercise (it’s like always running after perfection). That would just impede your personal development and your level confidence would plummet.

Good luck, everybody! Feel free to like and share if you enjoyed my work!