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My mystic side

August 31st 2014,

I’m still having a hard time. I would even say that I’m sinking more and more into the darkness day after day. Fortunately, a girl on Snap sends me photos of her perfect ass, that keeps me alive. A short brown haired nurse with blue eyes, with a really hot body like that, it is a real delight for the eyes that would make a dying become hard.

Even in the agony, I pick up apparently relatively effectively on the Internet, it is comforting! And I really need it at the moment (ie comfort) because the simple fact of typing a message on FB is a considerable effort for me at the moment. I am too under tension thus I am going to lodge a complaint against EDF (electricity company in France)!

Every day I have the impression that my future conjugates in the past, that I am going to die and that tomorrow will not exist. It is hard (and I’m not speaking about my sex for once)! There will be plenty of girls around my coffin there, as young people say, but have the decency to don’t try to pick up my ex at my funeral PLEASE otherwise I will come back haunting you (I don’t even know if a lot of them will come anyway – girls respect nothing anymore nowadays). I remember every morning with nostalgia my very first moments when I was just a carefree pre-genius. So, enjoy life before death put it deeply in our ass. Especially if you plan to have the politeness to don’t last long. “Tell me grandma, why do I have the impression that life is less good than when you were young ? Why do everything seem fake on Facebook?

1/ Three weeks of waiting to have an appointment with the gastroenterologist. It was very long (more than me in missionary), especially in such a condition. He received me five minutes, hardly touched my stomach and declared “it’s stress, €50 PLZ.” It speaks for itself. He declared me that I was put under stress for my exams in October… while exams have never put me under stress like that but well the guy knows you better than yourself you know just because he has a bac+8 diploma. I threw his prescription to the trash and refused to shake hands with him by leaving.

2/ For my rates of adrenalin and dopamine that make break the score, the internal doctor of the hospital sounded me and everything and advised me to don’t make the scintigraphy finally. For him too, the cause, it is the anxiety. Definitely, this shitty thing explains everything according to doctors. I am persuaded that I am going to die and they all answer me “we all die one day anyway“… yeah OK if you say so but I don’t know for you but me I still have a lot of hot girls to screw !!!

By experience of consciousness, he prescribed:
– A blood test: NOTHING except a deficiency in vitamin D (like everybody according to him) and a liver vaguely out off standards… But nothing that justifies such an ill-being. One more who directs me to the psychiatrist. He thinks that I am into a depression. Great, but without reason?!
– A electroencephalogram: NOTHING.
– A test of effort and a holter to see if my heart goes well (in September).

Padawan tells me that it serves me right, that everything is the fault of my liver, that it’s because I have drunk alcohol when I was younger. Yes, yes, stay in your crazy by thinking you are smarter than everybody! The guys addicted to organic food have the impression that they are going to take away death with their lifestyle but well… It is just for feeling reassured and having a clear conscience because we can die from a lot of different manners.

6ft visited me at the hospital because she knew that I was enormously stressed. My parents were there too. My father had difficulty in recovering from it “fuck son… she is so… cute.
– I know.”

3/ The brother of Padawan has a friend he describes as brilliant, who practice holistic medicine and cellular reprogramming, and who cured him. Padawan tells me that he too much wants to go there but that he will go later (he says the same thing for everything, it was already the case for the cure of the liver in February, and in the end he never makes nothing). One saying, this guy was in a wheelchair without reason and now he is cured and became a sportsman. Even if I had no proofs of that, I decided to give it a try. What I did not know at that time, it is that there are cases of psychosomatic paralysis: thus, being persuaded that our medicine is going to cure us… actually cures us. The problem is that I don’t really believe in it thus if it is really just a placebo effect, that is not going to work on me. Paradoxically, I am too much afraid of the nocebo effect: that my heart stops alone without good reason just because I am afraid that it stops. Yes, I am conscious that I’m making a kind of bad trip without drug but that is not enough to take me out of it. And those who speak to me about lack of will can go fuck themselves! Hormones govern us that’s it. If that happens to you one day to be in this condition (I do not wish it to you), you will understand, otherwise it is impossible to imagine.

The guy took my pulse during 1 hour while approaching things. According to how pulse reacts, according to him, it is that my body speaks to say if it likes this or that. His diagnostic: I have no allergy but I still eat too much butter (awesome)… and I have a problem at the emotional level since I’m 12. And to scare me a bit more, he specified that it is the noradrenalin and that it is a problem at the level of the pineal gland (“the third wasted eye”). The kind of thing doctors never look of course because it is expensive, an MRI. €60 for that, I am perplexed. He tells me that my body needs prickly pear because my liver is attacked by Montsanto’s Round-Up. He sells me tablets without gluten of that as a wonderful cure… €50. Then, Padawan tells me that it is the doctors who have agreements with pharmaceutical labs… pff. All the sames. Long live Hypocrite’s oath. One evening, I tried to take a tablet of that and BAM: anxiety attack! I put myself in the head that I was just going to poison myself because it was not a natural thing. It is astounding, especially that I am conscious that there are people out there who are full of LSD or cocaine and who do not die for all that. Before, I took medicines, it was not a problem at all and now I can swallow no chemical thing anymore… seeing frequently the followers of the organic food at the taekwondo is undoubtedly not good at all for me!!! That just makes me feel guilty when I eat badly. In fact these people always have an explanation for everything : if you don’t feel good it’s because you didn’t eat this or did not do that or didn’t see this magical healer. Even one told me that it was like that because I had eaten tomatoes and melon during the same meal and that mixed badly in the stomach but yes!!! Other than that, our ancestors stuffed insects in the mud… An organic cup of tea and systematic moods… Fuck off!

My father had accompanied me because I was really bad and because it was really far. He really found him weird. According to him, he is a quack who takes advantage of my condition. Maybe, but I am so discouraged that I don’t know what to do anymore…

To note that this guy stopped exercising his activity a few weeks after my visit. While he pretended stars came from Paris to see him to be healed because he is a magician… Ah really ?! Not very coherent all this.

The brother of Padawan, by learning the diagnostic of his buddy, advised me another “magician” who removes the emotional problems by magnetism. Yeah well, kiss my ass now…

4/ I visited a priest exorcist. He told me a little what he saw in his career, that makes one think. I have no symptom of possession but he made me all the same a prayer of liberation in case I had a curse (evil spell) on me.

5/ I kept the best for the end. A friend of my mother came home this summer. By seeing me in this condition, she told me that she recognized herself because she felt the same thing some years ago. She explained me that her condition was due to the soul of her husband who was stuck to her and that a medium-shaman-healer had taken it away for her and that she had left by jumping as a kid.

In the point where I was there, I thus visited this famous shaman. By seeing me arriving, he told me “you are a pigeon (maybe because I came to see him) and you’re lacking of confidence“. I said no. He said yes. “Everybody uses you and everything you are too much of a St Bernard“. He is a little right there all the same, as a result, I decided not to dispose anymore of my digital products (which are all the same quality works – I spent many working hours on this stuff) and not to give any more too many things free of charge on my blog (it is necessary to help others but it is necessary to command respect for it too). I write obscenities for fun but I am too much of a kind teddy bear who risks to be used by birds of prey if I continue… I knew already it at the bottom of me but becoming aware of it and knowing that that is quite obvious it is hard. Always making the others come before you and rarely falling on people like you (thus being used) that wears you out! I look for reciprocity and people on whom I can count & who can count on me. I’m not asking for the moon all the same!!! I am too much an emotional sponge.

Then, he asked me “did somebody died because of the heart in your family ?” I answered “my grand-father when he was 96” and there I started trembling in a uncontrollable way and crying. He took my hand and advised me to let him leave. I left for cramps and then my mouth said on its own “WHAT AM I DOING HERE“… The clairvoyant sketched a small smile and confirmed me that Gaston had left. I felt so alone of a sudden…

It is true that the day before the day when my grandfather died, everybody went to say goodbye to him at the hospital because we suspected that he would not spend the night (he was not really conscious). But I was not able to. I was sick a little bit then I used it as an excuse to don’t go there. I did not accept his departure. I loved him too much, he was my model. At the same time physically (we looked alike / he was from what I know a very horny devil) and morally (he was straight and honest/he took 3 jobs to buy a house and raise his family – where we are now, we largely owe it to him). Apparently, he loved me enormously in return so his soul did not agree to leave without saying goodbye to me. As a result, according to this theory, I would have had death in me and would have got his fear in me (he made three infarcts thus he could be afraid of making one at any time), what explains my rather violent thoracic pains and in the arm too.

We chatted a little while the cramps became blurred. The shaman told me that I had no disease but that my energetic body was back to front. However, now, it was going to go back in place little by little. I rocked actually for a few days after that, while soaking in a sensation of total unreality. I a little told him my life, spoke to him about what torments me and the bad things I did in this life (I had by the way written an article on this matter in my previous Diary). Nothing very nasty according to him.

He told me that I am a very old soul. Apparently, there are tracks of that in our genetics and in the memory of the water of our body… blah-blah. Needs not to try too much to understand otherwise that remove all the magic of the trick. In another life, you should know I was part of the power in an Asian country… and after that I had a bad karma because I would have made people kill. For my punishment, I died in the war and things like that during several “embodiments”. And there, in my last life, I was a maffioso who enjoyed cheating to cards then I was shot down. Now, I do not have karma anymore (neither good nor bad) so it’s up to me (I have everything to make a success of my life)! This makes me want to become good, virtuous and irreproachable.

Before leaving, he also told me that the heart attack was a part of my range of possibilities but that he had taken it away. But, I should not think about it anymore so that it doesn’t come back in my fate. The shamans have for belief that the fear of the disease, led the disease.

One week later, I got better but I was not cured. Then, little by little, I dived back into my catastrophic condition. In psychology, we could say that he tried to make me do my mourning by strength and that the rest is the fruit of an anxiety attack + my imagination. He is or actually a clairvoyant and there is a lot of things that are unknown in this world (but that too much frightens me) or he is a very good cold-reader and he is able to read people in two seconds. In any case, mediums generally always talk about three universal problems: love / sex, money / work and health. There, at least, we weren’t in the cliché!

Anyway, we will know all this only at the time of our death. Moreover, the shaman told me that I was hyper sensitive, hyper susceptible, and that doubtless, I could “see” too if I worked just a little bit this gift. Awwww it is not the first time that people tell me that then that scares me!!! I really don’t want that ghosts come talking to me! At the moment, what I know it is that that it has again costed an arm and a leg to me this story!

Thus to note that he also said wrong things like for example that I had a younger sister but who would have refused to be embodied in my mother who would have had a miscarriage and thus sista would have been reincarnated in the boxer who wants my skin. According to these people, everything happens for a reason. But the thing is, I asked my mother and she has never had any miscarriage….

6/ The buddy of Padawan, Le Gothique, swallowed a entire tube of Lexomil this month because a girl preferred to go back with her ex rather than to be with him. It was not even a call for help it was a desperate need to draw the attention. At the hospital, they made him a wash of stomach then interned him in psychiatry. He is there for several weeks. It frightens me, I hope I won’t get to this point !!! And especially, this is what can happen because of girls so if you are an AFC take care of yourself, please, on this blog! 😉

Fortunately, my darling Virginie takes care of me during this delicate period. I don’t know how she can tolerate to have a boyfriend in this condition but fortunately that she is here for me!!! She tells me that it’s the least she can do… yeah, but the truth is that around me everybody goes away. I really fell on a rare pearl, who loves me for what I am. That is the way it is: when you don’t feel good, everybody distances themselves. Only real friends stay. And among the real ones, I notice that my brother did not call once this summer to know how I’m going (my brother says that I am being dramatic and that I am a useless person thus it is a little bit easy… I have even the impression that he is happy that I feel bad because that consolidates him in his mediocrity… I think it’s a shame to get to this point within a sibship) and Padawan when he calls me it is just for talking to me about his attempts of trying to pick up (I really have the impression to serve only to make him fuck). Hafid it’s OK. Some other friends also but really that’s not a lot. The fingers of a hand. Moreover I send to the others my middle finger.

Well well, I guess that I tried a little all the parallel types of medicine thus now, if I want to heal… I have to trust a little more science and conventional doctors. I am going to start with a psychotherapist (practitioner EMDR). We will see ! There, I am hypersensitive, I have difficulty in trusting whoever it is, I am so to speak, lost.

May the God of the Health be with us… otherwise it’s impossible to have a good Game!

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One simple advice to improve your repartee

Image : Un moment d’égarement

One of the most common mistakes in seduction, it is to think that you have to say at all costs interesting things, to prove your value, even brag… Certain guys so become more talkative than a teenager in back of the classroom because of the stress engendered by the date. Golden rule: prefer showing her an a little bit low energy level that a too high one.

I am going to reveal you a secret: the human beings in general (and the girls in particular) like talking about themselves. They are only interested in what concerns them (directly or indirectly). To seduce more girls, I thus invite you to work on your ability of listening to make them talk about what they are interested in.

The ability to listen, it is not only “to make your interlocutor talk randomly”. You have to learn how to notice the verbal and nonverbal signals (implicit or explicit) that will allow you to direct the conversation in an adequate way (on convenient subjects) to get your own way.

Live in the moment

For a good ability to listen, be totally focus on what you are doing. Dedicate your attention on your date. But keep a casual face! You will have to ally logic / capacity of analysis and creativity / spontaneity.

Forget the “too much prepared” techniques of seduction that look like informatic programming language of geek. You can study various methods to get a plan (and thus all the time check more or less where you are situated in your way towards her bed) but step back on game plans because every interaction is unique. To react in an optimal way, don’t be extremely focused on your game. You will so maybe be focused between her legs one night or the other one.

The listening of the explicit and the listening of the implicit

The listening of the explicit, it is to listen to “the words” of your interlocutor. What she says, to adapt yourself to her style of language. You can synchronize with her on this plan while keeping your own personality. Do not hesitate to use her first name when you talk to her: people like that you remember their first name (but do not expect them to do the same thing for you). In an ideal frame, you can chat and hear each other suitably. That it is a good thing: with any luck, you will turn your tongue in the same direction when you will kiss.

The listening of the implicit, it is to listen to “the emotional state” of your interlocutor. All the words, according to how they are said, can mean something or the opposite. Try to put her in emotional conditions convenient to seduction by directing her on subjects that make her have fun. When you try to pick up a girl, even if she is shy or does not know what to say (no imagination, no skill of communication) you can notice that her voice itself gives you an idea of her level of interest (if she is very enthusiastic, it is an indicator of interest, even if she does not really know what to say). Learn how to read between the lines! For some, it is innate for others we have to learn…

Thus you will increase your level of empathy. That is to say : you will learn how to perceive better and to understand what feels the person in front of you. The empathy is a notion indicating the “understanding” of the feelings of another individual, even, in a more general sense, his/her non-emotional states, like the faiths or beliefs (it is then more precisely about cognitive empathy). In ordinary language, this phenomenon is often designed by the expression “being in the shoes of the other one”.

This understanding occurs by a not-focus of the person on himself and can lead to actions related to the survival of the subject aimed by the empathy, independently, and sometimes even to the detriment of the interests of the subject feeling empathy. In the study of the interpersonal relations, the empathy is thus different from notions of sympathy, condolence, altruism or emotional contagion that can ensue from it.

One of these days, will need that we also speak about the active listening and about the passive listening. Well, OK, let’s do it right now : thus what is the active listening ? It is to be interested in the other one, in what she says. Close look at what she tells, try to understand and to help her to understand herself, to step back, in brief, to be in the empathy, exactly…

By opposition, there is a passive listening. It is what we all do at various moments of the day. Do you remember the last ad you saw or heard? The listening is distracted, without particular attention.

To do things properly, for an optimal listening, it would also be necessary to avoid throwing our own filter on our perception of the conversation. Everyone acts in one’s own interest as they say and thus we all interact with the world according to our world map, what can bias slightly the interactions. To do things properly, would need to succeed in releasing ourselves from all this but well… It is maybe not worth the effort to make some zeal either ! 😉

Listening actively is an art that requires a strong concentration, and a focus on the other one.

The main reproach we can make to the community of the seduction

What I do not like in the community of the seduction (especially in English), it is the ready-to-use routines or the “techniques” that leave no room for creativity. As soon as what you say does not come from you and does not correspond to your personality (for example: magic words that other people advised you to pronounce to seduce) it is some shit. Do not become a robot. Be an artist, a real one. Get off the beaten track! Have fun while you try to pick up!!! Do not have the impression to work or to walk on eggshells when you interact with chicks, seriously, it would be a pain in the ass (for you and for her)!

Do not either always try to anticipate! Neither her reactions nor anything… nor thinking for her. Provoke / try your luck and see what happens. The important, it is to have no regrets when you go to bed even if you go there alone! You will sometimes be surprised by how can a party turn when we just light the fuse of the bomb (this is a metaphor)! Some people think that it is the people who are not confident in fact who try to always control everything… so you know what you have to do now because sexy women do not want to see this part of you (ie this lacks confidence – but I’m not saying that you cannot have some weaknesses it’s not at all the same thing). Reading my blog, it’s good, but letting it go on the field is awesome! However, for that purpose you have to overcome all these excuses your anxiety urges you to imagine !!! Do not deny! Even me, I still find excuses sometimes… except that I am conscious of it and so I act accordingly.

Know that quite a lot of girls want to get acquainted with you. But I’m talking about the “real you”, not the you submitted to the social pressure nor the you submitted to the mechanical game that makes you say things which do not correspond to you (just because you’ve read them in the FR of a mythomaniac asshole). Do not speak too fast either, it is stressful… finally as for myself it pisses me off. I thus imagine that I am not the only one in this case.

Cooperation rather than opposition

I’m not trying to annoy you with theory but try to always adopt a guy a cooperative mode of conversation rather than a defensive mode. So, your target will maybe do the same… In any case, it is the purpose and that increases your chances of success! Cooperate in the conversation to better cooperate in the bed!

If you have already practiced theatrical improvisation with other people, you know that you should absolutely not block the ideas of your partner but rather instead develop them. And of course, do not block the conversations by answering “in one word”. Seriously, when a girl does that, I answers her “do you know that it is with this kind of answers that you could block the conversation.
– of course no (that means go for it make all the efforts for me, I am a princess)
– OF COURSE YES, so bye bye.
” I hate bootlicking the girls, I prefer licking them somewhere else. Then for example on Tinder when I write 10 lines and they answer with 3 words I train them.

I invite you to go further than what she says and to go into her delirium rather than to block her. I’m not saying that you have to agree with all her ideas but avoid the following words “no”, “but”, etc. (everything that can block a conversation). Prefer the mindset “yes and …” This simple thing will make you conversation richer and funkier!

It is also a good technique to manage the shit-tests (these questions supposed to destabilize you to test your confidence) : “Do you say this kind of thing to every girl ?
– Yes to all the girls even my mum and she likes it.

You are you a hot womanizer you!
– Yes moreover I try to reach 750 girls fucked before 2016.

I am not a sex thing.
– Neither do I. But why do you speak to me about that? That makes you look a little insecure all the same.
” (It also works when you synchronize on negation)

It is all the same much funnier to show them how much their questions are absurd and to avoid getting stuck in the embarrassment of shitty justifications to try to prove them your value like a knight who would kill a dragon to be entitled to a kiss on the cheek on behalf of a princess. And then it is better than answering “shut up biatch” as I’m used to do. Self control requiered!!!

Any woman is a discovery and can surprise you (for the better or for the worse). I always have hope to meet a girl who is going to make me have fun! Even if it is my tenth silly bitch of the day… I continue for the eleventh who will (maybe) be an adorable small cocksucker, funny, sexy, open-minded AND WHO KNOWS HOW TO CHOOSE BEAUTIFUL UNDERWEAR. It’s important all the same. That’s it the point of the game according to me and this is the way I advise you to live it!!! To thank her for being so cool and attractive, I shall lick her during hmmm… 20 minutes ! 😉

See you soon on the field !

For more advice to don’t let women work you up, I suggest you to read this ebook.

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The worst idea I’ve ever had

July 31st 2014,

This story requires an introduction. I don’t remember if I have already talked to you about my older brother. My bro, as the kids say nowadays. Who is in fact my half-brother, other son of my father. I think that I did, but briefly. I am thus going to develop a little.

He is in a way my opposite. He is 6ft3 and for something like 221 pounds. He smokes 3 packs a day, drinks 2 apéritifs a day, does not go in for sport, likes criticizing everybody, is totally wild (he almost never gets out of his house), fucks only fat or old women and in any case rarely (we hear a lot about it). It’s not that he does not like the hot chicks, I can sometimes see him staring at them, but I guess that he is afraid of them. It is unfortunately the case of many men. However he rejects with violence any conversation about seduction (he is stubborn) and thinks what I write on my blog is not possible thus is a lie (limiting beliefs).

One day, he said that he wanted to take woman who would be lower than him in every respect. To dominate her. That shocked me because I’m the very opposite: I would like to take woman who is superior to me (or at least who completes me effectively)… This is why I make all this personal fulfillment. So, my children would be an improved version of me. Well, I hope!

Two years ago, he decided to get married. He thus registered on Meetic. He met a 40-year-old girl (older than him) with a strong accent from Marseille then unsubscribed. He warned me “she is not a hottie“. Actually, I was shocked when I met her. Not specially ugly commonplace face but really fat and thus with puffy cheeks, a fat ass and very hanging udders. The worst: she is not intelligent. I still remember the first time when we ate together: she said something like “Léo diCaprio if he came over he would not sleep in the bathroom“. My brother answered “yeah but I would kill him in that case.” Seriously how submitted : it is the girl the idiot not Léo diCaprio. And what a ridiculous conversation as if the actor would be interested in her! As for myself I don’t care about the life of the celebrity! And the wallpaper of the phone of his girl is a picture of Taylor Lautner topless in the rain, she doesn’t stop saying “ohhh he is sooooo handsome, don’t you think ???” Seriously everytime I wanna answer “heuuuu… I don’t care in fact how old are you seriously you look like a backward teenager“. But I contain myself : even if my father is disappointed too, the instruction of the patriarch is to do like if we liked her (because the mother of my brother already tried the frankness she told him that she was ugly and that if he married her she would disinherit him, the result was that he does not speak to her any more for 1 and a half year and insult her cheerfully in front of us.) Because my brother is a big idler he married the first one he met on the Internet, by ease. He justified the whole with a “I love her” and both overplay every time they are called “Heart, Love, etc.” Ridiculous !!! Well well… this is just my opinion. I wonder what he will answer when his kid will ask him how they met…

Now, the fat is pregnant but does not want to stop smoking (but she absolutely does not want to drink a drop of alcohol). When my brother asked her to stop: she answered that it was dangerous to stop. True story! Who wears the pants? As a result, he did not stop either. Seriously, that is what happens when you marry idiots: they dominate you because are lazy and understand nothing. You can tell them nothing nor make them understand anything, it’s serious !!! Besides, she and her mother say 100 times the same looped thing it is boring, it is agreed speech, it is some shit. The worst it is when his girl plays h2g “yeah I met a very handsome model on Meetic me“… what she does not say it is that the guy if he has a little of common sense and is not starved he ran away.

I hope that the baby will not be malformed because my brother begged me almost on his knees to be the godfather (after having thrown me a sandwich of I don’t remember what in the face by telling me “eat it is organic and you are too skinny“). Seriously, I’m sick of it. I am not very keen on but how to refuse (we inculcated me to never say no to family) ? I not at all want to oversee a boy who will be raised by an intellectually limited woman and her mother who speaks hardly French (because yeah they are in a ménage à trois since they moved together and there is a dog too, a long-haired yucky thing that looks like a cat and shits in the lounge: my brother kicks him with feet to play the tough person). Seriously, this girl thinks that with her BTS(TWO-YEAR TECHNICAL DEGREE) secretariat she is the most intelligent of the world and criticizes her colleagues and bosses (of the city hall of Marseille). And him, wishes that his son (because they is out of the question that it is a girl you understand) is a man a real one and thus he plans well to inculcate him the following values: tough education, alcohol, fag, racism, misogyny, vulgarity, being slanderous and official hypocrite.

I swear you: my brother is a champion of vulgarity. He worked a few years as truck driver while he has a master’s degree in law, just saying! Now, he works in a management agent and adores calling people to charge them, abuse them and sometimes send the bailiff to them. He always pushes away all what is culture. Sometimes he bawls above me as if I was still 8 years old (we have a ten years old difference).

I think that he is sorely lacking confidence and thus compensates for all this with a disproportionate pride and a wickedness to everybody. He is certainly very conceited because he allows to criticize everybody (we feel reassured as we can). But at the same time, when we have a woman like that, we cannot brag !!! It is not credible!!! The worst is when I introduce them to hot girls (hotter than her in any case), they both always criticize them.

His wife is really kind of girl who says this kind lousy saying “it is those who speak about it most who make it least“… heu lol me I talk about it and I do it. If they say so it is often because it is their own case to talk about it but to do nothing in fact. And in any case, these guys we unmask them (it is the principle of the shit-test) and then even it is ridiculous if after they’ve slept with a girl after having said that are hopeless in the bed in fact. Once she was shocked just by a joke I had made : her best friend took plane then I had asked if she had reached the seventh sky. HOW SHOCKING ! Idem, when I speak a little about sex (sweetened version) she answers “Ah but me I am not like that eh if you try to fuck me in the street or in your car you never see me again…
– Good because I absolutely don’t want you.
” This kind of aggressive speech is held most of the time by girls who are not confident thus they want to develop loyalty of the guy before by the desire before giving him some sex (do not be dependent on a girl for your sexuality). They do not think that they can keep him without keeping him waiting or using other shitty strategies. It is really pathetic! My brother listens carefully then judges like a nice guy to align with her ideas (I think that he is a little bit jealous but does not absolutely want to question himself). Once she saw a picture of Padawan she exclaimed “HIM HE NEEDS PICK UP LESSONS ? HE IS SO HANDSOME OHHH”… Well yeah seen how girls work, he really needs it. Moreover in front of him even if she was young, beautiful and single she would certainly have been a pain in the ass. With lousy principles or I know not what but well that does not prevent her in the abstract from judging like that!!! What irritates me the most is the bullshit!

Now, his last lousy idea is to buy (while he is already put into debt for his car) a ruined house in the Var and to ask me to help him to repair it. A very yucky thing in a hole lost at 45mn of his work (thus 1:30 am of highway a day for him and 1 hour for her) when he would live with his wife, his mother-in-law (Armenian cleaning lady) and the future baby whose first name is kept secret (so I fear the worst).

Finally here we are, he so much repeated to me that the obese girls are awesome that I decided to try. After all, we cannot say that we do not like something before having tasted, normally. I belonged on holidays to Saint Martial in Ardèche (I like very much the kayak) and I had Adopt on my phone. I thus looked for a fat very yucky not far away from my position. Something like a 3/10 (I rarely do below 7 sometimes 6 if really she has some charm or if the context is favorable to her eg an alcoholic party). If possible susceptible like the other one, just to repeat the pattern. I found some… let’s say that with every sausages they eat in these mountains it helps!!!

I met one by getting invited at her place directly “thanks to” the technique I teach in my ebook about online seduction.

I seriously think that it is the worst idea I have ever had in my life. Frankly, I knew it that being curious, experimenter, tolerant, comprehensive and especially to try to understand people different from me was going to play tricks on me some day.

At her place, on her sofa, I looked at her and thought only of clearing off. Especially that, she bragged. It was unbearable. Already that when a girl has enough for her to brag it is boring but in her case it was too annoying. Then, I know well that she overcompensated but that irritated me. “Do I tell her why I am here in fact or what ?! So she finally shuts up ?!” She probably thought that she was going to fuck me no matter what, that it was beforehand won for her… With that said, I have two theories on the fat / ugly:

1/ They less intimidate the guys (the beauty intimidates) thus are more picked up by the average guys. As a result, they get big-headed and think that they do not need to make any effort to be able to be demanding with guys.

2/ They have so much complexes that they do not dare to undress thus are difficult to fuck. I bet that they feel guilty even when they take French fries in the self-service restaurant. But it is not for that that they would question their food / lifestyle. They will say “it is genetic that’s not my fault”… well well, maybe in 1% of the cases. But it is easy to fool yourself!

In brief, I was not able to. I am not nasty then I quickly apologized and cleared off. Yeah, ME FABRICE JULIEN, I got cold feet… but understand me: I am used all the same to quality and there I didn’t want to fall so low. Sorry. I know that she is a human being but she will find another guy to have fun. Seriously, it is not because I am not homophobic that I have to suck cocks. Well, it’s the same thing there… I hope that it was understandable because myself am a little bit vague.

I can already hear politically correct people saying : “yeah but there are countries where fat people are considered as attractive because that evokes wealth and everything“. I shall answer them: In the countries you’re talking about, the people are poor and are ravenous, that’s their biggest danger. In our countries, rich and intelligent people eat well and have the means to take care of them. They are attractive because are in shape, healthy. I don’t think that the prehistoric man was obese: he had not to deal with junk food and had to make efforts to get his food. In our society, sheeps, those who are not endowed with critical mind, the victims of the advertising, and the poor people eat junk food and have a potbelly. In two words: what is attractive, it is the possibility of being a good parent. A man in shape is potentially a better parent than a poor man suffering from malnutrition or who is on the contrary a big bacon full of saturated fatty acids.

Well well, Barney’s rule “for every three 10’s you bang, throw a bone to a 5, they’re grateful and hard working and let’s face it, sometimes you just want to lay there” apparently doesn’t work for me.

May the God of the Game be with all of us !

PS = By the middle of the month, I woke up in the middle of the night feeling very strange. All at once, my heart began accelerating as if it was going to go out of my breast. I was very hot, I perspired and nevertheless I was very cold. Terrifying. I auto-reassured by telling to myself that with all the saunas and every hour of tae kwon do I had made like an animal : I could not die from a heart attack so stupidly in my bed. That eventually stopped and I fell asleep again! The next day, aches everywhere, and palpitations all day long.

I went to a doctor who told me that it was a very powerful anxiety attack. That is linked to my bellyache I have for two months. According to him, I have a functional colonopathy. I looked on the Internet that means everything and nothing. And especially, he gave me no concrete solution but an appointment with a gastroenterologist. The truth is that I did not really accept this diagnosis “what if I had something grave in fact ? he does not even look… it is so easy to say that it is just the stress“. Needs to say that Padawan and his disease of the plot theory had warned me against doctors “yeah they give pills but it is to make us sick in fact they get commissions of labs on every prescription they make, etc.” Heu, my cousin is a doctor she would have told it to me… But well, that made me think all the same and with this kind of thoughts we lose trust in them and in their skills (especially when we have seen them getting drunk in their parties).

Because of my learning of the personal fulfillment, I am in a state of mind of fighter. I thus swore to myself that I was going to give myself the ways to take care of myself. I went to see a étiopathe recommended by 6ft who describes him as a magician of the health. He put back in place my vertebras, made me manipulations for the stomach… well there, I do not have a stomach ache any more. But I still feel strange, I am dizzy and have knocks in the heart. For that, he asked me to make test my rates of catécholamines (blood test and wee-wee in a jar).

As a result: I explode the normal rates of adrenalin and dopamine. I am exceptional. My regular doctor thus sent me to the scanner to see if I had a phéochromocytome. The scanner revealed nothing then he threw in the towel… by directing me all the same to the inner medicine of the hospital of Aix.

He nevertheless suggested me to go to a scintigraphy because according to him if the scanner reveals nothing, the scintigraphy can. Then why did he send me to the scanner first with the horrible injection of iodine that were implied??? Knowing that for the scintigraphy, it would again be necessary to injected me something, a nuclear thing I don’t know what exactly. In brief, I am not keen on and I worry.

Finally here we are. I feel sick, I am tired all the time, I think every day that I am going to die… But I am still there then I look forward to my appointments at the hospital and at the gastroenterologist (but it is long deadlines). I have difficulty in making anything, I am quite weak and I want nothing.

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Let’s talk about sexualization

Let's talk about sexualizationToday I want to talk to you about sexualization because many guys have difficulty with sexualizing their conversations. Nevertheless, it is an important step of your learning if you want to ejaculate with a lot of attractive girls. My purpose by writing this article is to tempt you to add a little of sexual tension to your approaches and to your dates.

A conversation like “what’s your name? where do you come from ? what is your job/studies ? what do you want to do later (job) ?” has few chances to tempt a woman to jump on you like a Moroccan jumps on a dromedaries (there is a big bump). Unless if she is really very attracted from the beginning… but well, we will just handle the general case here.

Definition : sexualizing is not as we could think = “talking about sex”. You just have to switch on Canal+ to hear impolite columnists making up a competition of lack of respect and vulgarity. You just have to buy a women’s magazine to understand that talking about sex between girls is not at all extraordinary (thus why would it be extraordinary to talk about sex with a guy?) You just have to buy a GQ to read foolishness written by girls paid to explain to you that realizing your fantasies is a bad thing. Thus, even if you want to be provocative, know that asking her point-blank if she likes sodomy is not THAT original and is not effective. Sexualizing, it’s introducing sex.

Thus: beginning the conversation by asking her “do you want to suck my dick ?” or “hello can I take you doggystyle ?” won’t work (I do it sometimes when I am drunk but well it is most of the time just for fun). The golden rule of sexualisation is : the more a conversation is sex-based the less she has to take you for a dead man of hunger. You are a player, teasing, you have naughty thoughts that you communicate but if something lets her think that you did not touch a woman for a long time, she will lose attraction for you (cf. the principle of preselection by other women).

What we want to do when we sexualize, it is to establish a sexual tension, a game, some sensualism, to make her feel comfortable with the possible naughty thoughts (which she certainly already had) by showing her THE FIRST ONE that we feel comfortable on this ground, and also by suggesting her more or less subtly not you own really catholic ideas in a more or less explicit way.

Just like in the bed, you have to take the initiative to bring the subject, to surprise her by your nerve and your original ideas that make you stand out from the crowd (avoid all the same the weird things like fetishism) and make her rates of hormones rise (= make her live feelings). By talking to her about sex, if she is not too much ashamed (tight ass) she will imagine herself doing dirty things with you. Or then she will think again about the act in itself (that she has seemingly already made) and will be turned on then will associate you with this excitement. In any case, she will a little lose control, but I have to warn you some do not like it : that puts them under stress… those ones can react in an unpredictable way. That can go from the blowjob to the slap right in the face including insults.

Why do accountants have a so bad reputation in seduction? They have the reputation to be stuck to the facts. The facts, the facts and only the facts. A girl is thus very afraid of being damn bored with a typical accountant. He has as many chances to kiss Alice David as Alice Isaaz to slip on a banana skin and to fall naked on my sex nicknamed John-David.

Sexualisation is thus a kind of verbal preliminary that prepares the girl to welcome you into her. It is necessary to prepare her mentally. Even for the dirtiest, a minimum is needed. It can be done in face-to-face or on the Internet / by texts for those who like writing.

Especially, don’t be one of these boring and soporific guys. Do not join the gang of the tiresomeness. It is what could happen when you tell her your day of WORK with a lot of details that do not interest her… all this to brag and/or to be thought of as a “nice” guy. According to me, it is better to go too far than not enough.

If I summarize: sexualisation is any conversation between a man and a woman who would be inappropriate between two guys. Or at work. Or with your sister / mother.

– The shiest will sexualize with easy things that are indirectly sexual as “do you prefer eating black chocolate or listening some music while running in the forest?

With that, you sexualize because you remind her pleasant things that are associated to you by your simple presence when she thinks of it. Capisch ? Otherwise, reread this rickety sentence.

In any case, you have to sexualize with your body language while you talk (as explained here and there in details). Because obviously, if you say sexy things by looking at your feet and by reaching for the high notes, that is going to waste all your effect: you would not assume and she would feel it, and thus she would not respect you anymore. To be sexy, don’t be easy to destabilize. I speak to you about something that is related to the domain of the emotion (and of the balance of power sometimes) and not of the logic (which would be : you are not ugly, you have a good job and you are nice then you have sex with hotties… but unfortunately that does not work like that).

*A little more dared “where do like kisses the most ?

*The level still above “what is the color of your underwear today ?

*Then : allusions, plays on words, tell her that she has a dirty mind when she has the misfortune chance of saying an ambiguous word… etc.

*The last level and the most difficult to master, it is the pushy attitude. It is the nuclear bomb of seduction. I do it often but sometimes I still go too far: the euphoria of the moment sometimes traps us by making us lose any sense of moderation. It is not a problem in itself but well we shock some and we are sometimes thought of as a weirdo around politically correct people, it is boring… I even have been punched once.

To inspire you, I give a lot of examples of field-tested lines that work well in this ebook.

The purpose is to connect with woman on an emotional level. If everything goes well, they will find you original & funny (otherwise calibrate better that is to say adapt better to your context / environment)…

With this attitude, we are very far from the “interview mode” they hear most of the time. Having said that, the originality and all this stuff can destabilize the girls been used to losers. Then they will test you to see if you are really cool or if you play a role. There is also the case of the silly bitches (often bimbos or virgins) who are afraid as soon as we get off the beaten track “aaaaaah you talked to me about sex you are a pervert go away.” It speaks for itself. It is often the ones who do not understand the second degree humor/irony or who dread so much to fall on a weirdo that they see weirdos everywhere (they have been too much warned by their mother who in fact fucked in the hay with the neighbor). Really needs to be confident to do that because floozies will try to make you feel guilty and to put you back in the mold of the handleable guys (that arranges them). Don’t be a victime!

You will play with her. That will make her comfortable. She will maybe even play your game and will feel freed by your casual side. Your interaction, under the cover of a small role play, will so be less perturbed by social pressure. Maybe, she will answer your teasings by a pat on the shoulder or an emotional insult “asshollllllllllle, I am not a stupid blonde who has a goldfish memory!

Alternate the warmth and the cold (compliments / teasings) to make the pleasure rise according to the principle of “push and pull”.

Know that we can sexualize any conversation (even the really not sexy topics, just needs to have good reflexes and to bounce on certain words that allow an easy sexualization) with a girl we like outside the frames of work and family. Within 5 minutes, it is totally possible.

What quite a lot of guys find difficult to understand it is that it is necessary to ASSUME. Whatever you do. Even if sex is underlying in any interaction man / woman : you are a man who has some sexual desire and who does not plan to hide it because you are not a hypocrite unlike most of the guys who are spongy but who only think about screwing her and leave her just after. That is the big paradox of women, they push away the true guys and take the smooth talkers then are disappointed and after are mad at the true guys and their final conclusion is always “you are all jerks”…!

Morality : masturbation is not your thing. You are used to real women, to hot and wet real vaginas. She has to respect you for that, it is logical. Except that if that does not arrange her, you will come up against the famous bad feminine faith and take a tremendous amount of shit “come on you are too confident/cocky you I will put you back in place !
– Oh really ? What’s your interest there ? Why don’t you rather take advantage of it to have orgasms ? Go back with your bad legs if you are so afraid of great legs.”

Revelation : she has sexual desires too. Then, you can quench them together and nobody loses there (if both are frank from the beginning about what they want) ! Everybody wins at it in that case. It is a win-win scenario. It is all the same better than watching TV alone with your wubby. This must be your underlying mindset.

In brief, talk to her imagination, to her instinct. Use the three channels of communication (visual, hearing, kinesthetic), when you describe a scene. But this is another story.

The last word: talk to her like you would talk to an old & a little bit naughty friend.

With that, don’t forget to walk the talk: the kinos.

See you soon !

The elevator indicates maximum load = 300kg are you sure that you can come in?

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More than 1000 examples of cocky funny lines…

cocky funny

After having convey you my knowledge about alpha body language, I propose you by now another practical topic.

“Concretely, what should you say to a woman you want to seduce?”

Argument of authority: The PUA universally famous Neil Strauss, in his best-seller The Game, said that he memorized hundreds of cocky-funny lines. Thus, it is a good way to become a great seducer. Click here to read my article about that.

” Your hair is different. I like it.”

” I like you and your laugh.”

“It was a compliment. Sort of.”

“Stop being cute.”

“You look stunning, if it isn`t obvious. ”

“I’ve lost my charm!
– Not from where I’m standing.”

“I’ve lost my charm!
– Not from where I’m standing.”

“You`re not the worst company in the world. You should give yourself more credit.”

“- You cleaned up pretty well yourself.
– Well, don’t be fooled love. I’m the devil in disguise.”

“Well, I’ve had plenty of practice.”

“- Congratulations.
– Thank you.”

“You’ve nice arms.
– Thank you.”

In the doubt, it is the best answer to receive a compliment. Even if it is ironic.

“I’m better at being the bad guy anyway.”

“I can tell you from experience, everyone loves a villain.”

“You have my word, for all that’s worth.”

“I’m the guy your mother warned you about. Sexy by nature. Naughty by choice.”

“What? I’m the asshole. Just because I say what’s on everybody’s mind?”

“Hate the game, not the player.”

“Isn’t it boring, to be so virtuous?”

“I am a bad influence.”

“You’re forgetting one simple fact. Sleeping with the enemy is hot.”

“I still think you are mean, petty and vindictive, but I’m thinking maybe we should hate f-ck? Get the poison out?”

“- Please don’t tell me that you and her are friends.
– Not unless you count hate sex.”

“I love it when you talk dirty.”

“- You’re sick.
– You’re welcome.”

“If it was to insult me, there’s a website you can go to.”

“No, I just know a lost cause when I see it.” Sometimes it’s a waste of time to argue with idiots. Thus it is better to put a stop.

The most important it is not to be rejected or not. It is how you react to rejection. Don’t be too much moved and next! And if it is a test, persevere!

“Wait, before you go, please answer the following survey so I could better bang you in the future. What didn’t work for you about this pickup?”

“Your loss”

“Bad period of the month?”

“- I came to apologize.
– So apologize.”

“Fool me once, shame on you…”

“Uuh, my bad.”

“You’`re right. I didn’t have to try to kiss you. I do a lot of things I don’t have to do.”

“Flattery will get you nowhere. But don’t stop trying.”

“-You don’t take no for an answer, do you?
– No.”

“It is physically impossible for me to take a bad picture. I don’t know why, just ask God.”

“- What I don’t get is why she likes you.
– That’s because you haven’t had sex with me.”

“There is no girl too pretty for a PUA.”

“- I have a surprise for you!
– In that case why are you still dressed?”

“- You should be in bed.
– We both should be!”

“- We need to talk.
– I prefer to talk after.”

“Aren’t we a little overdressed ?”

“- It’s not like you work out.
– I do my cardio in the evenings.”

If she invites you at her place for something not sexual “No! I will not go to your bedroom with you.”

“So this is your bed huh?”

“I’ve just always been a multi-tasker.”

“I’ve just always been a multi-tasker.”

“-Are you a man who enjoys games?
– Depends with whom I’m playing.”

“We’re gonna make a great team. We just need some practice.”

“Every artist needs a muse.”

“Every artist needs a muse.”

“This would be so much more fun if we were naked.”

“I’am easy boy… when I like the girl.” The girls do not like the sex-starved who would fuck whoever. They like feeling unique. They want to win you, at least a minimum.

“Ow! If you wanted to play rough, all you had to do was ask.”

“The only reason to wait a month for sex is if she’s 16 years, 11 months old.”

“Sorry, wish I could help you, but my hands are tied. Oh, no wait. That was last night.”

“I am a PUA. We’re a predatory species.”

“You know what they say about drugs taking… don’t do it.”

“Back from shopping, no packages. Who are you and what have you done with my girlfriend?”

“Come on you don’t like it? What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“Let the adults handle this stuff.”

“May I remind you that you used to have a sense of humor ?”

“I’m teasing you.”

“Don’t pout. It’s not attractive in a woman of your age.”

“- Not cool.
– Come one. A little bit cool, no?” For you, yes !

“Superheroes don’t smoke.”

“I don’t smoke, I go in for sport.”

“- Do you smoke after sex?

I don’t know, baby, I never looked.”

“- How old are you?
– Eighty-three. How old are you?”

“- I love to travel myself.
– Where’s the best place you visited?
– Hawaii’s nice. A buddy of mine lives in Seattle, that’s a good spot. But the best place I have to say, the moon. Hi, my name is Neil Armstrong.”

“No I don’t have a girlfriend… I have 8 girlfriends.”

“No, I’m still searching for my soulmate.”

“- You are disgusting and I hate you!
– Then why are you still holding my hand?”

“- Isn’t there someone else you can try to seduce?
– Probably but I choose you.”

“- Do you… ‘like’ me?
– Define like.”

“- I’m afraid I’m a complicated woman.
– That is something to be afraid of.”

“I don’t know if I trust you either. That’s what makes it more exciting, doesn’t it?”

“I know you’re pretty and all, but it doesn’t give you the right to be an asshole!”

“I give amazing blow jobs,” she said. “Respect.”

“I don’t know who your boyfriend is, but he’s not spanking you enough.”

“Well if I have a passion it’s taking life and turning it into a series of crazy stories.”

“I wish men could have children on their own, like seahorses!”

“Studies show that 83% of all college students desperately need, Sex Lessons!”

“With great penis comes great responsibility.”

“Discouraging premarital sex is against my religion.”

“It’s true, I am kind of retarded, but I am also kind of amazing.”

“Don’t you sometimes wish you had two cocks? I do.”

“When will you guys realize that the only difference between my real life and a porno is my life has better lighting?”

“I like tea because it is hot and wet.”

“I am left-handed, you are right-handed. I am special, you are not.”

“Leave a message and I might listen to it.”

“- You’re like my brother
– Well I hope you’re going to make yourself available for more missed childhood memories. Bathing together, for example.”

“We are friends who have sex together.”

“Relax. You don’t want your hair to fall out.”

“- How do I fix him?
– Get a new boyfriend.”

“- Oh, he had a dinner with his rugby team.
– How homoerotic.”

“What could possibly be so important that you misplaced? Your viagra?”

“It’s a good thing you don’t offer satisfaction guaranteed.”

“If you needed to mark your territory so badly, maybe you should just pee on her.”

“- You can’t keep you pecker in your pants for more than 24 hours.
– At least I can keep it in service for more than five minutes.”

“Only idiots never have a change of mind.
– I reassure you, they apparently do too.”

At his place “This place could use a woman’s touch.”

“Have you met XXX ?”

“Hey, are you good at accepting compliments from complete strangers?
– Sweet, me too. You go first, compliment me.”

“You’re KINDA hot. Are you friendly ?”

“If you’re going to look at me like that, you should at least talk to me.”

“It is God who sends me.”

“If you buy me a drink you might get lucky tonight.”

“- Let’s get a drink .
– Oh please tell me you’re planning on getting me drunk so you can try and seduce me.”

“I have two bottles of Champagne at home. One to drink and one to pour all over your body…”

“I can’t drink all this by myself. I mean, I can. But then someone is getting naked.”

“I want to kiss you. Btw, I’m not drunk.”

“It’s my/your party. You can kiss me if you want to.”

“I’ve never kissed a lesbian before, but there can always be a first time.”

“OMG (oh my god) you suck at this game, but you can kiss right?”

“There are so many great things to do with the human mouth, why waste it on talking?”

“I’m not gonna kiss you right now. That wouldn`t serve my greater agenda. ”

“You are my existential crisis. Do I kiss you or do I not kiss you?”

“If I’m gonna feel guilty about something, I’m gonna feel guilty about this.”

“- I don’t know how to say goodbye.
– Actions speak louder than words…”

“Are you a good kisser?”

“You invited me up to your apartment to watch a movie. Is that not an international recognized term for sex?”

“You’re right I should totally not be taking your bra off whooops.” Saying oops by doing something deliberatly it is cool.

“Let’s not ruin it with you talking.”

“- I’m not going to have sex with you.
– Why?! I’d have sex with me.”

“Now you need to stop with this resistance. You’re starting to believe your own press.”

“Okay, I admit you made me jealous. Now let’s go back to my place so you can collect your prize.”

“- If you want to leave, now is the time.
– You’re not kicking me out?
– Some of them don’t get the choice. But if you stay, you do what I do.”

“- I’m dying to see that.
– Please stay alive! At least for tonight.”

Just testing an old adage: “Unlucky at cards…”

If a girl ever uses a smiley with its tongue sticking out in a message: “Put away that tongue unless you plan to use it”

“- Tell me what you want quickly.
– Direct, I like that. My name is Fabrice. What I want… is you.”

“Are you sexually harassing me right now? Because if you are, I think I’m gonna have to report you. For giving me a serious boner.”

“I’ve got a godlike erection. Seems a shame to waste it.”

“I’ve got a godlike erection. Seems a shame to waste it.”

“- I have no swimming trunks.
– Neither have I.”

“- I do, but I can’t say. I’m sworn to secrecy.
– Since when do you bite your tongue?
– I’m learning.”

“Who knows my limits?”

“Who knows my limits?”

“- Answer me.
– Are you sure you really want to know?”

“I will tell you… as a pillow talk. ”

“That wasn’t me. That was the universe.”

“Ok, I will stay here at the bar with you, but you have to promise that you won’t make a dirty move on me.”

“- let’s get a drink .
– So that’s how you plan to try to seduce me.”

“- let’s get a drink .
– So that’s how you plan to try to seduce me.”

“Don’t be so predictable.”

“Don’t be so predictable.”

“Prove me that I am wrong.”

“Prove me that I am wrong.”

“- What’s going on with you two?
– We kissed. Now it’s weird.”

“You’re a liar. There is something going on between the two of us, and you know it.”

“I saw her today, BTW – that means `by the way`. She was at cheerleading practice. She looks so perky in her little short shorts.”

“Bummer, I love a good girl fight.”

“Life sucks. Get a helmet.”

“Whatever you do, don’t be another brick in the wall.”

“Life is too damn short to dance with fat girls.”

“- What’s on your mind?
– Just my mom…
– Sounds Freudian.”

“- What is your secret and if it’s legal I want some.
– It’s not a substance. It’s a state of mind. A word.
– Let me guess, a dirty word.
– The word is Yes. I say it at anything. If an opportunity presents itself I take it. There’s nothing I won’t try once.”

“A fight implies time and energy. This is more of an ongoing, detached distrust.”

“Well, you can’t win them all..”

“Anyone can by cynical. Dare to be an optimist.”

“You are going to sleep by knowing that you gave the best of yourself.” It is the most important.

“Man proposes, woman disposes.”

“What’s going on sweetheart ? I got home safe, which is a miracle considering what we were doing at this club.”

“I’ve been in love. It’s painfull, it’s pointless and overrated.”

“Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I take my shirt off?”

“- Fabrice Julien is a romantic, who knew?
– Now you do, and it’s all what matters.”

“Better a broken nose than a broken heart.”

“They say the great die young, so I must be on my way.”

“- I have a big meeting in a few hours.
– A few hours is hours from now.”

“Tomorrow’s another day.”

“Let’s have fun, tonight. Your words. Just pointing that out.”

“Stop being ashamed of who you are.”

“Stop talking. Start partying.”

“No time like the present.”

“That’s the eternal dilemma isn’t it? Home sweet home versus the wild call of the world outside your door.”

“Nobody cares. You’re overcomplicating everything.”

“- Where were you last night?
– That’s so long ago, I don’t remember.
– Will I see you tonight?
– I never make plans that far ahead. ”

“You know, if you really want to thank me, I’ve got a few ideas…” (if you’re looking for a way to thank me I’ve a couple of ideas)

“You can repay me another time.”

I guess the words you are looking for are ‘thank you.’

“Let’s catch up. Take our clothes off, stare at each other.”

“I showered, I shaved, I had breakfast, very relaxed.”

“If you two want to kiss, it won’t count as cheating.”

“Oh, that is so sweet! Why don’t you kiss, I love it when two chicks make out.”

If they kiss : “So what do you know..this is an interesting turning of events.”

To provoke.”And now to seal this sacred vow, the two ladies will kiss.”

“Well, you know what they say, two’s company, three’s a party.”

If the girl doesn’t know what she wants “Btw it’s a DATE.”

“Two people of the opposite gender can’t rendezvous after seven p.m.? It’s automatically a date?”

“Wow. Who knew being in a committed heterosexual relationship could make a guy so gay.”

“I’m updated our relationship status to: It’s Complicated.”

“- You like married women, don’t you?
– It keeps things simple.”

“Life with you could never be boring. Will you marry me?”

“I think that’s the good thing about never being married. It’s impossible to divorce.”

“I google myself but I never cheated on you. Never.”

“Don’t use the husband’s condoms, that’s just rude.”

“So you’re pregnant? Huh, looks like nobody told your boobs.”

“- I’m pregnant.
– I’ve never seen that woman before in my life! Sorry force of habit, congratulations!”

“Are you sure you are not just getting fat?”

“- I’m late.
– What? That’s not possible. I…I…I…I…I…I…I wore a condom. That’s… that would be like, uh, the immaculate conception.
– I’m late for school.”

“No breast-feeding in front of me. Forget about it. You can whip em out whenever you want.”

“Jealousy is a powerful feeling.”

“Work is a cruel mistress.”

“- Where’ve you been?
– What are you, my mother?”

“- What happened?
– Long story. Buy the e-book.”

“- What the hell is going on?
– Divine intervention. If you consider me divine.”

“- And who do we say you are, my son?
– Is it weird hearing you say that actually turns me on?
– This better be worth the therapy.”

“Tonight ? Maybe I’ll just jerk off and go back to bed.”

“- So what do you want to do?
– I want to throw you back in my bed and never let you leave.”

“Where’s the fun in that?”

Just by writing these lines, I have imagined new retorts…

” – Jerk!
– Immediatly the big words… ”

” You made yourself pretty for me?  What do you expect?;) ”

” I’m am too lazy to make my thumb work to write you a text. ”

” Ah no it is not me who like that, you probably confuse with your other boyfriend. ”

” Ahhh I have no doubt about that. ”

” Are you not afraid of being too much turned on later? ”

” What’s the point ? Why do you wanna resist your drives? ”

” If a muscular not too uglynaked man leaves you indifferent, wonder about your sexual orientation. ”

” – Having sex just for having sex, it is not really crazy
– Itdepends with whom 😉 ”

” I feel you sceptical, you probably knew a lot of guys bad in bed. But with me you could enjoy today if you believed in it a little more and put in it a little more willingness. ”

” – I can not come this evening finally sorry (flake)
– There is nothing to be sorry about. ”

There is an infinity but well with more than 1000 ideas (contained in this ebook) , you are adorned to face the hazards of the game. Do not hesitate to mix them, to adapt them to your context, to invent new lines! The important thing for me was to communicate to you the underlying mindset of the sexual humor. And for only 25€ (the price of your haircut). Then do not hesitate more!

See you soon !

Extract from : More than 1000 sexy alpha funny lines

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More than 1000 sexy alpha funny lines

Concretely, what should you say to a woman to seduce her?


I always liked learning by observation, by taking example on models who have class (according to me).

Well, except for sex … for that, I have always preferred the empirical method.

Check out the free extract here.


Thus, I observe for a long time the sexy alpha males who succeed in the movies or TV shows I like. Then, I take some notes. I notice thanks to them that girls always have a weekness for the same kind of man : the cocky*funny alpha as would say David de Angelo. This redundancy allowed me to understand and imite the kind of men who succeed with women.

After having convey you my knowledge about alpha body language, I propose you by now another practical ebook (by opposition to theoretical) about sexy-alpha-badboy-classy-hot talk… They will be even more powerful since you certainly read my book about the BL: having the good attitude will make them more hard-hitting!

Thanks to this ebook you will soak with the good mindset enough to become more and more alpha and sexy man. You will acquire more repartee! Furthermore, I give my best openers and answers to shit-tests!

You can of course use replicas as they are proposed in the book. However, I advise you to always adapt them to your situation and context by changing words (you will see it is very easy). Do not forget that your long-term purpose is to be able to improvise alone your own good repartees alone from your interaction!

Argument of authority: The PUA universally famous Neil Strauss, in his best-seller The Game, said that he memorized hundreds of cocky-funny lines. Thus, it is a good way to become a seducer.

There is an infinity of lines but I selected for you a representative panel. I give explanations and advise when it is necessary. There are various kinds of sources, thus you can find what corresponds to your own style. They can be used IRL or on the Internet or by texts…

Attention all the same: some lines  can be dangerous. They requiere a lot of confidence and must be congruent with your personality. I hope you will use your critical mind to put things in perspective.

Last argument: this ebook is bilingual. So if you want to learn or improve your French it’s great! Some lines are better in English, others in French, others are egual.


I leave you on these words of De Angelo “Seduction is defined in the dictionary as an enticement to wrongdoing, specifically the offense of inducing a woman to consent to unlawful sexual intercourse by enticements which overcome her scruples. In other words seduction implies tricking, being dishonest, and hiding your motives. That is not what I am teaching. I’m teaching something called attraction. Attraction is working on yourself and improving yourself to the point where women are magnetically attracted to you and want to be around you.”

Anyway, you will have a lot of fun ! By the way, don’t forget that the game must remain a recreational activity!

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Beliefs and behavior part 2

This article has been written by Virginie.

It’s me again… again ! Admit that you missed me. You can’t deny, I study psychology thus I know better than you what you think. Mouah ah ah ! Hum hum, well well…

In a previous article, Fabrice talked about the influence of beliefs on the behavior, how they can be limiting or, on the contrary, source of opening. And he is right. But there is something else. Let’s take an example: a smoker knows (he has the belief) that smoking is bad for his health. However, his behavior stay the same, he smokes. What tends to show that this reasoning has its limits. It is also valid in various other domains: sport, food, work,… and gender relations, of course !

In fact, what takes place most of the time is the opposite: our behavior influences our thoughts. Simply put, we deduce information on ourselves from the way we acted – or from the feedback we had from the others on our behavior. This is the way a teacher who tells to a pupil that he is bad/will never have his degree/has no future/etc. is going “to condition” him to continue in this way: the pupil interiorizes the judgment of the teacher on his behavior (for example, the result to a test) and will think then, that actually, he is bad/will never have his degree/has no future. Then : early school leaving, deal of drug in front of the high school followed by bad-trips, a murder committed under LCD and a life spent in jail (well, OK, I slightly exaggerated but, needs to understand me, I lived not far from Marseille). Well, then there are also those there who are going to want to prove to the teacher that he is wrong, will work hard, will have a high school diploma, go to the ENA(NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION SCHOOL), become a CEO of a big four quoted in stock exchange and finish their life on a paradisiac island (that they will have bought) surrounded with riders. Well, that is not the point.

Another example, closer to the subject of this blog: a guy tries an approach on a young lady. He is rejected/ignored/insulted like the 3 649 previous times. As a result, is created in his mind an association between “way of approaching” and “self-esteem”. Thus, every time he will try to pick up, this poor small chap will remember his previous fruitless attempts and will have a loser mind. That reminds you something? (As for myself, I hope so, so that I’m not writing this article for nothing – if not, good for you but what are you doing here then?!).

Naturally, the influence of the behavior on thoughts also works when in a positive way. The parents very well understood it: by congratulating their child after he tidied up his room/hung the washing up/ emptied the dishwasher /empty the garbage/etc. by saying that he is helpful/thoughtful/autonomous /etc. It will incite the child has to act more often in this way in the future. Yes, it is a kind of conditioning. But, anyway, the society tries to condition us thus it is better if we are for something useful.

In the same way, when you find a routine that work, you feel powerful. And, naturally, you will associate this routine with your success and with the image you have of yourself. So, every time you will use it, your successful past will come back in your mind and you will feel more confident. More confident, you will better communicate – on the verbal level as well as on the nonverbal level. And, statistically, you will increase your chances to succeed again. Admit that it is not bad, as virtuous circle!

All this to say that the behavior (ours or those of others) influences enormously the thoughts (ours or those of others). Fighting against limiting thoughts is a thing, but it is too reducing. There is a mutual interaction. Moreover, this one has three way: behavior-thought-society.

In brief, after the theory, let’s practice. You certainly know that we judge from what is observable thus from behaviors. Moreover, studies showed that when we have to interpret the behavior of somebody else, we tend has to explain it by internal factors (“he is like that, it is in his nature “, ie, his personality), by putting aside the external factors (the environment, the situation, etc.) While when we have to explain our own behavior, we more take into account external factors. Of course, all this depends on the kind of behavior (positive or negative), on our relation with the other one (friend or enemy?), etc. All this to say that you fully agree with me to say that an individual is not a sum of behavior. And that a same behavior can be the object of multiple more or less right interpretations among which only the author of the aforementioned behavior can be the “most true”.

Thus, when a girl tells you that you are just “a knackered big person, a pervert, a sex maniac” because you dared to approach her, it is your behavior she judges. Not YOU. Then why granting so much importance, why being affected by this judgment? We have just agreed on the fact that an individual is not a sum of behavior and, besides, that we tend to minimize the part of the environment when we judge somebody else. Learn to get loose from hasty judgments like that, understand, please, that it is not you and your personality that are questioned but your way of behaving. Take a step back. Then, you should not fall in the inverse excess which would consist in considering as null and void any judgment of your behavior coming from somebody else than you. It is not because you find your routine really too classy that everybody has to think like you – or you should create a dictatorship or a sect. Then, anyway, the purpose is not to please everybody, that would mean pleasing whoever. And admit that you do not want that your future girlfriend is whoever. In summary, do not too much take to heart remarks you could hear but question them. If they are justified, work on it to make adjustment. If it is unfounded, move on.

An exercise that could be interesting would be to train to approach a friend (a girl). So, she could tell you what she likes, the embarrassment, what puts her ill-at-ease, etc. Of course, all the girls do not react in the same way and what your friend appreciates can be different from what will seduce your future target. But having a feminine opinion is, I think, always good to take. Of course, it is better to ask to a girl you know well, so that her opinion is as frank as possible. Or then, call a gay buddy.

I hope that this article will have pleased you and will help you in your fight against the stronger sex.

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It’s hard to be a sentimental PUA

July 11th 2014,

Yesterday, relaxing day (so much the better because at the moment I am strangely exhausted all the time): up by 11 am, small salad of vegetables at noon, and in the afternoon I took the virginity of an inhabitant of Marseille.

I had no more condom then I had to go get some at the Monop’. I went there at about 2:40 pm while I had to meet this 19-year-old sweetheart at 3 pm. I am so far-sighted. I like to go buying condoms and hold them proudly in the store. Many hide because are ashamed to put it on their cock, like the cap we are obliged to wear at the swimming pool, but I am proud because I send to the world the following message “I am about to screw now, and you ?!

NB : At the risk of not being very original, know that I do not like the AIDS.

Small sensation of breathlessness in the tail to pay, certainly the anxiety otherwise it is because I don’t like paying. No, seriously, I don’t like feeling stuck. Well, then, I hid the box in the inside pocket of my jacket (yeah I had a jacket in the middle of July because it is cold at the moment here). I said to myself that arriving with condoms in a plastic bag would be a little “cheap“. With hindsight, I think that I did well because she asked me in the elevator “what did you buy?” and I didn’t imagine myself answering “some condoms to take your virginity, darling“.

As I was late (it was approximately 3:10 pm), she was sitting down on the ground in front of my building. I sit next to her as a result, to establish a good communication. “Ah, you sit down with me, it is cool“. I gave her an ambiguous kiss on the cheek by way of “hello”. She smiled, cool. I observed and noted that she was dressed like on the photo of Adopt for which I had complimented her. That smelt good. Moreover if you too, you want to take advantage of the Internet for seducing like a bastard, do not hesitate to read my book. I explain to you there quite everything in detail.

Ah because yeah… I didn’t say it yet but I had never seen this girl before. I picked up her on Adopt… When we spoke about sex, she took offence during 2 weeks, then I sent her the message of the last chance about which I speak in my book. As a result : we talk on FB since last Saturday. She lives in Marseille. She told me that she already had tried to sleep with 2 guys this summer but that they were too clumsy and that she wondered who would be able to take her virginity. The first one I don’t remember why they did not do it, I believe that he simply didn’t get hard because of stress, and the second put her a headbutt while they were stark naked (but not quite tanned)… it fucked up everything.

At the time, I wondered if male gente is really SO KNACKERED in the bed or if it was HER who managed to make everybody uncomfortable (because when we are nervous we make bullshit more easily – and we are often nervous when we get ready to sleep with a new person). In brief, she needed somebody to take the virginity of the “indépucelable“, it was a mission for Cyprineman!

To start with, she wanted to go on the balcony, just to get acquainted. I began to make pressing at the end of 10mn. “Yet ?!” she got indignant… she tried to throw me off like a knight during a joust for her beautiful princess Cersei but I know that the kind “we wait just a little then we do it” it is shit… It does not work like that: when needs to go out your comfort zone, it is better to go there sharply (like when you want to break up with your girl). This gossip was an insult for our desire, it was high time to pass in the delicious serious things.

I kissed her (she stopped evading my artless kisses), fiddled, etc. She told me “wait” or held my arm like to accompany me or rather to control my movement. In brief, she was not in confidence. I can understand it. But well. I took the helm firmly, like the Captain Haddock, and I caressed her breasts by over her bra and her pussy by over her string (because she didn’t want that I bring in my hand inside at first). But when she was turned on enough (her emotional part got the upper hand over her logical part) I brought in my hand inside and she did not protest anymore.

In brief, after that, we got back in. We settled down on the sofa: she enjoying because she is totally clitoral… and me by saying to myself that she was cute all the same and that it was thus strange that she is still virgin at her age. But well “plus rien ne m’étonne” (nothing surprises me anymore) as Aurélien says. Usually it is some sublime words that caressed my tongue, there, it was her clitoris.

She rose very high on this sofa… Even if I was not too much able to finger her because that hurt her, my tongue pleased her a lot. And she absolutely wanted “to give me some pleasure too” because she took a lot apparently. Thus we went to the bedroom, I guided her to undress me… She wanted to save time again but the truth it is that she did not really know what to do in this situation then I took time to reassure her and to explain to her. Once naked she panicked ” I don’t know what to do? What must I do? I have to do what?” An attractive small blonde with blue eyes who asks you for that, with her attractive nipples in the air, it is downright sweet.

Calm down, love! You MUST nothing, you do that you want“. She wanted to give me some pleasure, then I taught her how to shake me. Then, she hesitated one hour before deciding to suck me “I dare or not“, she took my glans in her mouth and made 3 comings and goings “was it good ?
– yes except the hesitation that spoils everything
“. Well, will need that she does better than that for her future lovers but for a first time: I found her very brave, of very willingness, and it is the most important for me. What sat her free her it is when I told her “I am your guinea pig today I explain to you so use me to try what you want to discover otherwise you are going to go back home by saying to yourself that you would have wanted to try this or that but you didn’t dare“. Having said that, she did not seem to find that a cock has very good taste then I put her a spanking and she took it badly.

As a result, I redid her a cunni, to make her forgive me. That drove her crazy and after a while “go on dude, we do it now, I so much want to know how it feels“. Ah OK. Well, I’d maybe better continue and make her come with my tongue but I penetrated into her. That hurt her of course. We went there slowly, blah blah blah. We tried several times. That gave her a little pleasure but that still hurt her. At the moment, she wanted that we stop and she shook me to finish me. It was very good: that’s it, she knows how to shake now! “Go on, hug me“. She enjoyed sniffing me in the neck and say “oah you smell good.
it’s not me it’s Paco Rabanne!”

NB : All this reminded me my own very first time. Except that the girl with whom I made it did not wish to finish me and was very unpleasant. What a silly bitch when I rethink about it!

She told me that she found me “rather” handsome (“sorry I am not used to complimenting “) and very kind. It is good for my confidence. She thought that I would be a jerk but in fact “you rather are a Care Bear“. Yeah, not really either… but well. Apparently I have an image of jerk on my blog, etc. I think that they confuse jerk and alpha, in fact. You can be very kind and alpha… In any case, me, I like helping my neighbor. Especially if it is a girl.

There was a little blood on my bed there when she left, but well. At least I had the honor to take the virginity of a new girl. I hope I have freed her and put her on her good way so that she is happier in her future sexual life. She told me that she had dates next Saturday and Monday with other guys met on Adopt. For my part, I was delighted to discover her 3 attractive tattoos (which just goes to show that all the tattooed are not nymphomaniacs…)

Roughly, she used me as man as a sex object to discover the carnal pleasures. That was not the worst good deed in the world. It was an honorable and delicate mission, but I think of having succeed because she left happy and determined to have fun this summer. I am satisfied because, you know, it is difficult to combine PUA and emotional sentimentality… I’m not kidding, I guess I have too much empathy.

May the God of the Game not put it in our ass !

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Are your beliefs helpful ?

Are your beliefs helpful What is a belief (or a faith) ? As its name indicates it, it is the fact of believing in something. It is a kind of thought inked in us that has influence on all our other thoughts.

A belief has nothing to do with the fact of knowing. It is “to believe”, as the name indicates it (again). And often, without proof, besides. Then yeah, it is a little bit stupid! But we are all treated similarly with this thing…

Everybody has his own faiths and sees the world through them. It is difficult to realize it because the beliefs are a part of us, of our way of working. Just like a fish does not see the water in which it swims.

But this “water” has a fundamental role. Indeed, the faiths influence our words, our actions, our decisions… In brief, our behavior in the broad sense. Then, this behavior that will occur and reproduce, is going to strengthen itself, until becoming a new habit resulting in new faiths. Did you follow ?

It is thus fundamental, when we want to do some personal fulfillment, to discover what are our faiths and to determine if they are constructive or limiting. For this purpose, we need to auto-question methodically.

Watch out! I am not saying that you have to adopt MY faiths. After all, we are all different and I do not want to make you a brainwashing. If it was the case, I would work for the CIA! I just want to bring you to question your limiting faiths most solidly installed. You will see that by getting rid of your limiting faiths, you widen your range of possibilities. I want you to think FOR YOURSELF.

The limiting belief, what is it ? It is shit. OK. What else ? It is something we think right but isn’t (or not always) and which prevents us from doing what we really want to do.

The faith that says that you should not kill or that stealing is bad, it is something true (even if that was not true always for everybody). It is thus not a faith… It is a fact and you risk serious troubles with the law if you think differently. On the other hand, the faith that says it is bad to speak to people you don’t know and try to pick up attractive single women (in a polished and respectful way)… this is shit!

Maybe you think you are not beautiful, or you have no charm. Wonder if you have already made people laugh or if girls have already found you attractive (even ugly girls that’s not the point). Yes ? So, you’re on your good way.

This kind of judgment can also apply to other people. Like when you say that girls who like sex are easy whores. It is wrong: there are very good girls who like sex. Just like there are big frustrated silly bitches.

Generalization is an enormous problem. “Girls do not like that we try to pick them up, they find it weird” is what I heard the most. The truth is some do not like it, others appreciate. Just like the pushy attitude. Extremes and intellectual absolutes are dangerous.

Ideally, it would be necessary to avoid thinking negatively. It would be necessary to speak to yourself in a positive way. Easier to say than to do. Instead of wondering how you would avoid being premature or how you could avoid seeming too shy during the date… Try to wonder how you will succeed in making her enjoy like crazy or how you will make a success of your date.

The faiths create: possibilities OR dead ends. Every time you say to yourself that you cannot, while in fact technically you can, it is wrong. And that decreases your potential. There are always more options than you think. Get rid of your psychological coal nuts.

In The Game, Neil Strauss wrote about the kiss “as soon as you ask yourself whether you should or shouldn’t, that means you should “.

With that read, at the beginning of my Game, I began to approach and to kiss girls after just a few minutes of discussion and I noticed that even if often they were surprised, they appreciated. Then, I said to myself that I was going to take the matter farther. I tried to fuck them in bathrooms during parties, in the street, in my car, etc. And if some were shocked by my cavalier manners, others appreciated to live a passionate scene worthy of a porn movie. Rare are the ones who regretted (not rares are the ones who regretted not having tried to go out of their comfort zone).

Moreover, often, it was because they felt guilty after… That is because their feelings made them act on the moment and then they found it against their plan of thought “a girl from a good family does not do that even if it was funny“. From there, we realize that faiths determine our degree of social and sexual freedom.

There is one last interesting thing there with the faiths, it is that they shrink our field of vision. Like the blinders of horses. So, when a girl will be in attitude of seduction with you, you will not notice it if you are persuaded that girls are not usually interested in you. We notice more easily what belongs to our plan of thought. The rest, we hide it or often reject it.

Also, beliefs can show you things that do not exist, like a guy who would try to pick up your girlfriend while he is in fact a gayfriend (and that he would prefer to pick YOU up). Generally, we believe more easily: what we would really enjoy AND what we are very afraid of.

It is because of the faiths we have that we all live in our own reality (when for me it is obvious that girls like sex and that I can fuck one in the crappers of a club after 10mn of talking while respecting her ; others would see a conceited misogynous guy there and it is hard to say who is wrong or right). Finally, to a certain extent all the same…

To note all the same that for some suggestible people, the faiths can have physical consequences. Where from the psychosomatic illnesses. More generally, our faiths influence our body language and thus the reactions of others. Good beliefs attracts good things.

Below some questions to help you to determine if your beliefs are limiting or helpful :

Question 1 : What the Hell could happen if you did it? What have you got to lose? What is the potentiel gain?
Question 2 : What would you need more than what you have right now to do it? Is it possible to do it right now anyway ? Why not ?
Question 3 : Why do you think this way ? Who or what put it in your mind ?
Question 4 : It is helpful and does it go in the sense of your objective of life?
Question 5 : Are there circumstances in which that does not apply? Which ones and why? (back to question 1)

I wish you a good questioning of your faiths about yourself, girls and gender relations.

PS = The girls have to love you because you are an alpha and a good leg OR you have to go into a great deal of trouble and pay them drinks ? As for myself, I’ve chosen my sexual reality. And if that annoys you because you are frustrated, let me all the same be happy, please. Be tolerant.

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Thunderstorms turn me on

June 20th 2014,

It is the story of a girl I have poked after the official reception of Les arts et métiers. Found in the list of the event. She did not answer my poke by “who r u / do I no u / y do u pauke me” unlike many illiterates but by “What you write is really cool“. Hell yeah, I have more class than all the high schools of France added up!!! My heart skipped a beat: an attractive girl, a brunette with blue eyes, who flatters me and who in addition likes all my photos… I know plenty men who would have got hard for less than that. Me, I need at least that all the same. 🙂

Almost two months had passed by on the chat and we had still not meet up. Strange, she nevertheless looked motivated and I really felt a good energy between us (yeah I think that it can be felt through the computer because everything is related in the universe). It is necessary to say that at the moment I revise my exam a lot, to don’t miss it again… And with the sport and everything, that does not leave me a great deal of spare time. She, from her part, has other cocks she can jump on during this time thus there was no urgency either on one side or on the other one.

We had to meet last Friday but she had not answered my confirmation message about the time and the place. Her excuse: “You will say thanks to the Facebook messenger app : I had almost no message this week… I have just reinstalled it but I less trust it thus I give you my phone number it is preferable“. I was averagely convinced, used to the chicken excuses of most of the girls who assume nothing, then I sent (with the tact that characterizes me which is btw the main reason why I did not try to be a diplomat) “when do I fuck you ? Storms turn me on. I hope that SFR is not also going to prevent from enjoying together.” She answered “If we have to wait for the next thunderstorms to enjoy together that risks to be long“. This repartee made me hard again. She thus officially invited me to take a hot shower at her place seen that the temperatures fell (and that there was a thunderstorm). Even if after the crazy girl of last time, I was rather afraid of a cold shower, it is all the same the kind of invitation you cannot refuse!

Date fixed yesterday (or rather the day before yesterday because it’s past midnight as I write). I arrived directly at her home by 6:30 pm while I was invited at 6 pm, normal: we lied down on her comfortable bed and we talked. At the end of a few minutes of discussion, I started caressing her leg casually. She caressed my the arm as an answer. We spoke normally maybe during one hour and I had my hand in her panties under her black tunics as if it was normal all long. After a while, that eventually perturbed her all the same thus she kissed me then sucked me, I licked her and she jumped on me. Here is a summary that straight ahead gets to the point! 😉

We began to kiss, her on me. She came by rubbing herself but she did not make too much noise. A shot in missionary then, before taking her doggy-style while pulling her hair. I dunno why, she had told me that she did not really like making the dog on all fours but me I adore playing the trainer and submitting the bankers. Finally that did not seem to displease her… that was probably just a prejudice like that! All this commotion lasted several hours, without lying. At least 2. I thus put interests to the bank then removed them then put  them back and so on.

At the end of the rodeo, she complimented me “I really like the way you lick“. “Thanks you, yours is good too“. She told me that it changed her from the other bankers she is used to who brag all the time but are tight-ass in fact. Me I brag but at least I am funny and a good lover. 😉 Having said that, I imagine that they are many, between the customers and those who work with her, who want to take her against the reception office by making her bulge her files!

The only negative point of this story it is because she wanted to do too much, she wanted to caress my testicles when I took her in missionary with legs on my shoulders. Me I don’t like that one caresses my testicles, nor licks them ! Besides, she saw nothing there thus she sent their hands there blindly… And all at once I felt a big pain. I withdrew: I saw my right testicle that went back up, I slapped it to make it come down back on its place. As I write, ie more than 12 hours later, I have still pain even when I do not touch (when I touch too of course) but I have the impression that it is back in place. It is certainly just a bruise, well I hope: I checked on allodocteur just now and Michel Cymès started to enumerate all the possible pathologies, what had the effect of giving me an enormous dizziness and I collapsed. I’m not kidding… I switched off the computer and took a lexomil.

Except for this misadventure, she’s really nice this girl! Cutie, good energies, cultivated, intelligent, open-minded. I spent a good moment, I guess that she too, thus we logically wished to extend it. She cooked me something and we spoke until 1:30 (am of course). Ah, and I love her cat. For God’s sake, I have not still talked about her cat but I have fallen in love with it. Too beautiful, too kind, too soft. It is a big Persian long-haired white chinchilla with magnificent round quite brilliant green eyes. He put me hairs everywhere, the scamp. Well, needs to say that I spent hours caressing it (almost as much as its owner) and he gave me kisses with its quite pink nose (almost as much as its owner). It seems that it does not love everybody then I appreciate the compliment!

To return to this girl whom cat and not pussy was long-haired, she told me quite a lot of things that caught my attention (me I don’t talk much, I don’t like it) :
– She has already made orgies, thus it is interesting. She told me that she lived with one of her buddies as a roomy a few months ago. One day, they made a drinking party and threw the idea “what if we made an orgy ?“. A girl in the assembly was OK… boom, first 3some! She started loving girls as a consequence. She invited then her friends under a false pretext then they made them drink and were pushy. She says that the girls are very curious and very often agree to try when they put them in front of the fait accompli. She told me that it had failed only once, for 6 or 7 tries. Some just banged ONLY her roommate, on the other hand. Her maximum was a 4some. Me too. At the moment, at least. Thus I say to myself that we could try a 5some: Padawan, 6ft, the Corsican, my banker (and me obviously). About orgies, she tells that, like me, she feels shivers and energy that invade her during several days after the act. It is what makes me say that the world would go more round if the orgy was a common practice.
– Other than that, she tries to pick up girls in bars too. I’m gonna tell you the story of the heterosexual she picked up in a bar, it’s funny. She cooked her something then kissed her then came down on her breast and everything, the other one resisted then she just said “shh“. So alpha! Then she licked her, the girl came but my beloved banker feigned. She was not satisfied because the very young did not want to try her favorite position: The chisel (they rub themselves mutually their pussies). According to her, the easiest targets, it is between 18 and 20.
– She likes very much that one watches her masturbating, or watching the others doing it. When she was younger, it seems that it was not rare that they did meet up and watch an erotic movie on TV with her boy-friends and girl-friends while masturbating and/or by touching the others.
– I have the impression she frequents weird people all the same (me too I’m weird but well). Like guys who are polygamous (2 girls at the interior in Africa, 1 in France and 1 mistress) and who try to fuck her by finding it totally normal. I also think of her office colleague who gets banged by 5 riff-raffs in a cellar while she is a daughter of rich people. In brief, she told me so many inconceivable things… well, it is good to know that all this shit exists! That is called “having some culture”!!! Well, I guess so… 😉
– She was sick and on antibiotics… but well, I appreciated that she does not cancel the date (it was not contagious).
– Her, what taught her that it is necessary to take advantage of the life and live in the moment, it is that her ex killed himself in front of her home (while they were still together) by doing stupid stuff on his motorcycle in front of a truck.
– A guy told her “you’re beautiful” then vomited on himself in the street while she friendly went back home at 2 am. She asked him if he was not ashamed to be such a waste, he answered that no and that it was normal. Ah OK! It is maybe the case in another galaxy.

Well after all that, I went back home by being quite stressed in the street (nervous up to the skin of the glans). Sleep. Then at noon, I saw Virginia: she cooked me a cake with cherries and we made love. I love this girl, she is really classy and soft. What did I do to deserve her? I don’t know. Or then I don’t deserve her not but I created my luck by multiplying the meetings? No sé, but she is as an obvious fact for me. More and more!

One last anecdote in touch with pokes. A girl, a kid, sent back me one something like 20 pokes then wrote me “what do u want?
– don’t play the hypocrite you know it well
– ah well I would have preferred not to know !!!
– good for you ! so why do you poke me back ?
– I always answer ! and it is a shit your technique
– oh really, who are you for saying what is a shit or not ?
” With this, she blocked me without answering. I thought that the matter was resolved. But not even one hour later, a big 16-year-old idiot came talking to me to threaten me (value does not await the passing of years). What about the respect of the seniors ???! Roughly, she went crying next to a guy by telling that I had poked her and put her back in place when she had started bullshiting me. The guy wanted to brag, to show that I was a jerk and a pervert (I’m just quoting him) and thus shine in comparison to maybe fuck her. But no, stupid kid, you will still be asexual in her eyes!!! As a consequence I raised him too and he blocked me in his turn seen that he had no argument. Except that this big shit published my profile on his wall by writing “he is a dangerous crazy pervert, block him, he pokes you to fuck you!” As a result, a lot of kids came to tell me that I had poked their friends and that they were going to find me and that they would kill me when they would see me in the street. Ridiculous! If the girl is not interested (she has the right to don’t like Men ;)), she does not answer and basta… I am not the kind of guy who harasses. It is an illustration of the phenomenon of the monkey that hopes to fuck girls by behaving as society formated him. I took another lexomil (I am going to go in cure of detox if it continues) and sent them all to Hell. I can tell you that they do not like when you don’t give a damn of their opinion or whatever, that drive them crazy to feel your indifference even your contempt. There are all the same fortunately 2/3 of their friends who came to tell me “It’s nothing they are just kids forget them” but also a lot of competition idiots I had not even poked wrote to me “Me, you won’t bang me. Never.
– good for you, I don’t care about your pussy, darling
“. It is true, fuck, if they are so idiots, why would I teach life to these pitiful…? It is not because I poke a girl that I beg for her pussy (I poke in automatic mode and sort out then among the answers – it is what I call the rational on-line pick up). From now on I thus won’t answer any more to the girls who will answer my pokes by something else than a compliment otherwise it is going to turn to shit because I’m becoming intolerant to this idiocracy (I would spend too much time and energy in that but I hate not having last word then it is going to be hard). I shall miss some nice fucks but I also avoid quite a lot of headaches! Widely profitable!!!

Well, otherwise, the small banker has already sent me a text. Thus, it is cool! According to her, all those whom I did not fuck and who play the frightened virgins when they receive a poke (because we inculcated them that it is not good for a girl to have sexual thoughts) would have won in discovering the legendary backbone of the PUA of Aix. It is very kind of her to tell me that… I am going eventually turn red with swelled ankles if it continues! That would not be really esthetic. 🙂

It’s up to you now!!! Read Secrets for seducing on the Internet if you don’t know how to start!!!

May the God of the Game be with us, poor men who undergo the bullshit of our counterparts and the moods of the women !