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How to find partners for threesomes ?

How to find partners for threesomes

It’s crazy how, today in France, it’s hard to find a partner for a threesome. I have tried almost everything and this is my conclusion.

In the bars, you get looked like fools when proposing a threesome with a girl. Or, some women are interested but disappear on the dancefloor with their girlfriends. It is well known, leak is the easy way …

On OnVaSortir, I organized a “sexy card game” party. I proposed to play and that, when someone loses, he or she would remove a garment… until underwear (I was reasonable). Well, my party and my account were deleted in less than two days. The excuse given to me is “the party should not be illegal.” I did not know it was illegal to play cards in lingerie during summer. OVS is a site that claims not to be a dating site, but it still has a function to scroll through pictures of members to see with who you can have a match. Bad faith, when you hold us…

On AdopteUnMec, I created a female profile (free – the problem may come from there) with the photo of my accomplice. I made a description as if it was her who was keyboard saying she was trying to make a 3some. We then added babes “as friends” and we proposed to join us. In two days, we found 3 or 4 interested girls. It seemed promising… but even on this site, which yet officially encourages women and men to let it go and have fun, we were rejected. Their excuse is that the profile was not consistent with the TOS. Damn but it does not hurt anyone and it even gives pleasure to their “clients”! Do they really want the happiness of their members or they just want to do business? When one wants to play the “cool”, one assumes all the way if wants to be credible!

On Netechangisme, there is almost no girls alone. These accounts are usually fakes or they are so stressed they do not respond. It has not worked either! In the libertine clubs, is the same thing. There are very few women. And those who are are usually just a couple. The world of debauchery if one is not a single woman or a couple that wants to swingers, it is not awesome! On the other hand, for 4somes, it is awesome!

The only dating app that allowed us to make 3somes is Tinder… By looking for girls who like girls, and writing in the description that we are a couple looking for a playing partner, we had a lot of matches. Then we were very direct “interested in a threesome ?” As usual, many got cold feet at the last moment, but we still found several who enjoyed playing with us.

I still find it shameful to be censored like that. The 3some is the fantasy of more than one / two men and more than one / four women. So why should it be a taboo like that? I think this is because most people do not fulfill their desires because they are often accompanied by a sense of guilt. They could not let people quietly enjoy their lives? Who decides what is normal or not, seriously? Who benefits from this moral and ambient judgment that makes that most people are tight-asses who think they know everything? I guess people prefer talking than acting.

If you have a friend who wants to make a threesome with you, here’s my advice. Try to fuck unknown with who you will have no more contacts after. Some people like to do this with people they know but the two main fears of the girls when they propose a threesome WWM is that the boy prefers the other girl and that it changes the relationship with her friend.

They are people who also refused, saying that it must happen “naturally”. This is of course an excuse because the idea excites them but they apprehend. And the more they have time to stress, the more they are likely to get cold feet by giving you a shitty excuse.

The idea is that you both must love the idea of plurality or exhibitionism, you must do it for you, and the third person is, in this scheme, just a toy. But a toy that is welcomed and enjoys during the party, anyway.

However, if you are a guy or a couple, this will be your job to you to search and cause your chance. In 6 years on the field, no couple ever asked me to come with them and no girl ever came to ask me to fuck her and her roommate (btw that would be very exciting).

Technically, I think it is easier to make a good WWM than a good MMW because women have much less performance anxiety. Indeed, during MMW orgies, lots of guys have trouble staying hard. But as there are more M than W on this market, some straight guys are ready to masturbate cocks for a shot with a girl.

In fact, a threesome MMW is interesting, in my opinion, only if:
– The guys are bisexual (in this case everyone gets off equally);
– If the man’s straight but likes to see his girlfriend with another guy as long as he participates (it’s called candaulisme but it’s pretty rare);
– You’re taking a girl who is just a sexfriend with a bro (for fun).

A girl who seeks sex with several guys for herself can be afraid of being thought of as a whore and of not being able to walk for a week after because taking too hard. She also may have bad porn film image in mind, or even trash ones with double penetrations, etc. This is less the case as part of a threesome with another girl because she can always claim that she did it just to please you. But I think you both need do it if you really want it. The idea is not that you fuck two chicks it’s three people who make love together.

There is another risk: that after the act, it is you who starts seeing your girlfriend as a slut. That’s why I do not advise you to do MMW with your girlfriend. For the girls, it’s different because the girls are generally more jealous if you have feelings for a girl than if you just fired a shot with another. But here, it really is the penetration that makes us jealous, in general (cf. evolutionary psychology).

That said, if your sexfriend is hot and free, it will not hard to find a second guy. There will be no real challenge, if only not to take the first comer but to choose one that will meet the situation and that will not be there just to get laid with her regardless of your presence. Also he must not be there to make a dick contest. If you are afraid of the comparison, do not start there, it could make you depressed.

Some guys really take pleasure watching their girlfriend getting fucked by another one. If you get to be completely free of jealousy, this is a chance, but this is not the case for everyone! I think there are also a lot who are swingers just to get a new girl and too bad if their girl is fucked by another boy in exchange (they enough fucked her anyway). It is not the healthy debauchery, that! Anyway, this kind of experience can also reconcile and reunite a couple.

In conclusion, if you are a woman, you will probably be sought everywhere. Do not miss your chance just because you are afraid (that’s normal it’s adrenaline): it’s a magical experience! If you are a couple, I recommend Tinder, and good news it’s free… If you are a single guy : or you have friends in the libertine environment, or you must find fuckfriends!

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How to well kiss a girl?

First, we must know and admit that a good kiss is more dependent on the chemistry between the two partners who kiss than on a pure technique.

However, even if there is no real connection between you and the girl you kiss, which can happen from time to time, it does not matter. You can still make this moment a pleasant one.

For this, what you’ll do is you’ll lead. You will impose your way of kissing enough time to better know each other. Then the two of you will be adapt a little bit to the other.

Moreover, at first do not put your hands on her buttocks or boobs (that’s boorish). Stroll in the small of her back, her hips, her neck, take her face in your hands… These are territories that remain the domain of the gentleman but that still are very erotic and erogenous.

Do not use your hands and do not always kiss the same way. You can kiss her more or less passionately, with or without tongue, more or less tighten your grip while you kiss, nibble his lips or her ear lobe, you can lick her neck… so many ways to make your kiss a preliminary!

A good kiss, in general, it’s one lip over the other. It’s not like that (we are not in a comic):


Once you’ve kissed a bit like that, you can open a little bit more your mouth to see if the girl will follow you. And once the mouth is a little more open, you can try to go and play with her tongue. Do not put directly it in the back of her throat, you will see gradually if she follows. It is useless to turn your tongue during 107 years, it is better to give several short kisses.

Top 5 of things you should avoid when you kiss :
– The knock of teeth in a hurry (that’s often front teeth that hit);
– The soup of tongue (oral rape) : washing machine 1200 rpm (not including spin) + drooling;
– Blowing while you are kissing (true story);
– Eating her lower lip like a wild sometimes up to leave scars there (they are people who love but that well);
– The kiss of the two who keep their eyes open and who look at each other in the eyes with the eyes of a Tarsier.

How to well kiss a girl

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Why do women like jerks/assholes ?

Why do women like jerksassholes

If you believe what you read in women’s magazines: women want a good guy who is a little inaccessible, who is a challenge, who is never really acquired, who does not harass by texts (this is understandable) and who is never too nice to them. This is a somewhat an ambiguous query.

Which leads me to a question I was often asked which is “why do women like jerks?” We will treat here the angle: why are women attracted to guys that correspond the least to what they claim they want? What a question as hardcore as a badly shaved pussy !

Definition of “connard” (asshole or jerk in French) : insult denoting someone who behaves in an inappropriate or unpleasant way, because of a lack of intelligence, good manners or scruples.

Other prerequisites: women, if asked, will often say they are seeking a nice guy, gallant, respectful. And to push the plate, they will probably complain about falling only on jerks.

First possible explanation : the asshole excites the alpha male radar of woman who thinks detecting one. Basically, the bastards have features in common with pure alpha males (eg the fact that they spank their ass during doggy style).

Are some women so stupid that they confuse arrogance with confidence, narcissism with vanity, money with success/charisma? Apparently !

And the reason why they hide their true research would be:
– Refering women on false trails so they do not care about these guys (misleading competition);
– Testing the guys so that only those who have experience with women do not buy their shit.

Explanation number 2: they like dominant men… and by accepting a man to be bastard with them, they make him even more dominant. Women so self-reassure about the choice of their partner.

Explanation number 3: by taking the role of the male breadwinner, the State would have altered the constraints of choices of women and favored men who invest the least in a relationship since the society takes it over.

Explanation number 4: they are bitches and feather flock together. No, just kidding, but it would be for the sick pleasure of complaining during evening with their friends.

Explanation number 5 : they have the secret hope to make him change. Or they think that he is sad and they want to care for him (it could awake their “nurses” instinct).

It is perhaps a bit of all at a time, the different theories are not necessarily excluding.

I advise you to be neither too sweet nor an asshole. If you think the girls are white doves like angels fallen of heaven, that you must venerate, respect them too much and say yes to everything they ask… then you’ll be entirely eaten !

The bad boys can represent the forbidden, rebellion, daring. Now all what is forbidden excites (women too). In addition, they can say that they will be less judged by the bad guys as this will have done worse than them and worse than what they want to do with them!

Nevertheless, it is useless to want to become an asshole for having more sex. It is even a quality to do not be one. And there is no need to be a bastard to do exciting things and to do not judge.

Guys who starts in the game and who lose girls because of assholes would benefit from being a little less wise, a little more fun, a little less shy. It would also certainly be good to have a bit more nerves with girls, to dare more…

Keep your ethics (respect women) but remember that the gender relationships are a competition. We are not in a Hollywood comedy with a happy ending: the fate will not always give you a hand just because you’re a good guy. This is btw often not the nicest nor the most asshole that ends with the girl !!!

The game is here to allow you to be an alpha but not an asshole!

PS: This is also the job of women to do not confuse alpha male with asshole otherwise their only option would be to make out with pussies.

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How to know if a girl likes you?

Source : Agent Provocateur

Today, I will introduce a tool that will let you know if a girl likes you, and how much.

I named … the compliance test!

Its utility ? Seeing if the girl is ready to play the game with you. Taking the temperature of the interaction (does the girl like you? does she a priori trust you?) And see if you can get a rate.

There are “easy” compliance tests and “hard” compliance tests.

Easy tests are not completely reliable but will reassure beginners and encourage them to move on to the next phase in their seduction process.

Among the easy tests, there’s, for example:
– Does she agrees to go with you on the dancefloor?
– Does she agree to be alone with you?
– Does she agrees to talk with about sex?

If she responds positively to these tests, you can go further with confidence.

If she responds negatively: you can devote your time and energy to a more receptive target.


Hard tests have less chance of success but, if she is receptive, it is almost won.

Does she accepts, for example:
– To answer your naughty intrusive questions? (It is on this principle that is based the game of the questions I propose in Secrets for seducing on the Internet)
– To drink in your glass or (EVEN BETTER) that you drink in her glass?
– To give you her hand? Then to caress your hand when you caress hers?
– That you caress her thigh? First put your hand in her knee and then move up to see how far you can go.
– To give you a kiss on the cheek when you ask her casually? A girl who submits to this type of testing is at least a little bit attracted.

On the other hand, if it does not work: do not struggle. There is nothing more ridiculous than a sex-starved guy trying 20 times to kiss the same girl at a party.

However, one must know the difference between a rejection and a persistence test. As you know, women love to make us believe that they are not “easy”. So sometimes they do it on purpose just for their conscious. But in this case, other indices let you guess you have to insist. This is your social intelligence and your experience that will help you to:
– Do not give up prematurely when she likes you;
– Do not insist like a sucker when it is dead.

The idea by going fast (the hard way) is to quickly test the girl’s tolerance. Yes, a girl you have met a few minutes ago may well agree to give you her hand or even to kiss you! But even if the test fails, you will have demonstrated your interest and  thatyou have balls. Besides, if she stays with you despite that, while she may go away it’s that she tacitly accepts that you try again (or she is very stupid and likes to live dangerously).

I want to say that if she does not want to kiss you it’s not necessarily dead, in this case. Indeed, if you go there in a hard way, she may need more time. She may need you warm her a little more. Or that you reassurance her a little bit. It is for you to adapt to the circumstances and to individual cases… but often it is the logical part of her mind that resists and the emotional part that wants to orgasm. It’s up to you therefore to unlock and excite her!

When you quickly try to kiss her on the mouth, for example. It’s a bit of a door in her face: if she refuse something huge, she will be more likely to give you something less huge. If she refuses the kiss on the mouth, so try to kiss her neck. Anecdotally, it repeatedly happened that a girl did not want to kiss me but let me warm her and then she came up kissing me herself and we fucked in all positions of Kamasutra.

Also, daring to try your luck and to take things in hand like that, it’s a form of DHV that can create attraction in itself. The future therefore belongs to men who have the nerves and that will take initiatives wisely!


But this test (which is like a green or red light) is not an end in itself: you must see how far you can go and try to go further into her bed… Try pressing women like lemons about sex. Always try to get on the higher step of the staircase of life.

This is where I differentiate “like” and “seduce”. There are plenty of guys who are simply liked but do not know how to move on the process of seduction or who are too afraid to dare to do so. Result: even if women like me less than them, I fuck more. It is important to don’t forget that many women are seduced by guys they do not like. But what is more important? Taking her doggy style with a spanking in your kingsize bed… or she likes you in secret?

Finally, a warning: I advise you to eject yourself rather quickly when you interact with a girl who resists too much or who pissed you off. Because a player can quickly be accused of rape or harassment, I advise you to be very careful and take no risk of ending up in jail. If the girl wanted to you but she played too much to resist, too bad for her! At one point, some chicks need to grow up and assume their cravings too! I know this is hard to accept to sacrifice targets like that especially when you have few opportunities but it’s wiser… and besides, it shows one more time the interest of having several opportunities in the same time !

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4 types of text messages you should never send

4 types de textos à ne jamais envoyerWhat are the 4 most common mistakes that guys make in their texting?

The following mistakes annihilate any attraction and communicates the guy who sends it is sexually desperate. Are you making some of them?

If you now avoid these four common mistakes in your first exchanges with women, you will see that they will answer you more often and your success rate will increase.


Mistake # 1 – Sending short but not original messages

I’m thinking of the kind of messages “hi how are you?” Or “what’s up?”

I would almost say it is better to send nothing than writing that shit so much it communicates bad things about you.

It’s so… so commonplace! I remind you that in Pick Up Artist, there is the word “artist.” I thus advise you to try to do better than the crowd, if only on principle. You must be different!

On the other hand, this is against a good idea to restart the conversation about something positive that you talked about when you met the girl. If it was on a dating site, it’s even easier: you can continue the conversation like if nothing had changed. You just have to answer the last message you received on the website but by text directly after she gave you her number and the transition will be a good one (the girl too I hope for you).


Mistake # 2 – Asking too many questions

If there are more than two “?” In your text message, then it is too much. It would really seem too needy after.

Too many questions and girl would feel like in an “interview.” Know they all hate the interview mode in a date. Besides, I also hate it when a girl is trying to force the conversation with me by doing it.

But you can do the same thing by making statements or diverted questions. Such as: “I wonder if you love pasta.” Or, “I hope you had many orgasms last night” (just kidding but you got the idea).


Mistake # 3 – Being needy and naive

The needy guys do not fuck much. Period !

So yes you may feel that this girl is so special that you have to quickly open your heart to her. But damn, regardless of the circumstances: you must resist the urge to prematurely tell her how much you like her.

Normal women do not like being put under pressure like that and if you do a “Ted Mosby”, know that it will make them flee. This expression comes from How I Met Your Mother, because in an episode before he was supposed to fuck a girl, Ted believed maximizing his chances by saying “I love you.” Result: he had no sex because she was scared.

It also reminds me of the story about Jerome the 28 year old virgin who thought finally having sex with a girl. She was at his place and everything was good and instead of destroying her ass he broke the sexual tension by saying “I am already in love with you” (it was not a joke)… he met her less than 48 hours earlier. It, once again, had the effect of scaring the girl.

Fuck, in a goal situation, do not start thinking back to the times when your mom told you “women are looking for love and a good husband.” Maybe so, but in such circumstances, a girl especially wants a dick in her pussy.


Mistake # 4 – Sending too long text messages

The first texts were limited to 140 characters and it was fine.

Girls do not want to read an essay, at least not at the beginning of your relationship. Especially if you write like a goat. Send text messages rather short, catchy and make women talk!

If you are able to make them write more than you (in quantity and/or number of messages) then you own the interaction. It will be a very good sign!


Concrete example

I now will give you an example of the first text I sent to a girl I met in the street and I fucked after. I wrote two days after the numclose “So you are studying in St Etienne and you come back the weekend in Lyon if I followed? I’m in my office now… I hope you had a good weekend and the bar where you went out on Saturday night was good J”

Analysis: I restarted the conversation directly about what we talked about and I think I communicated rather positive things. I also tested the waters to see when we could undress each other. She responded by describing me her night out and by telling me when she was in Lyon and she also asked me questions about me. We texted during one week with one or two messages per day and I fucked her the following weekend.

Remember this advice I give very often: Strike while the iron is hot and try to meet up with her again soon! Your chances in general decrease with time.


Ah, I almost forgot: it’s not worth signing your text message with your name. She is supposed to remember you. At least, you should not seem in doubt because you’re supposed to be an alpha male who is used to be remembered.

Oh and it goes without saying but do not send 50 texts to a girl who is not answering you.

This is the end of this short article on texting. It was very basic but it cannot make time wrong to return to basics sometimes. See you soon !

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Multiplying opportunities to pick up ?

Multiplying opportunities to pick up

I finished my last video by saying that to have more success with women, you had to agree to maximize opportunities.

I can already hear all the amorous suitors bawling “but me I want to seduce THIS hirl you are an asshole” Well … fuck off … When you want to pass an exam, you watch a lot of yearbooks? When looking for a job, you send multiple resumes, right? When looking for an apartment, you visit several apartments, right? So why are you shocked when we apply it to the seduction ?!

Note that I am not saying that life comes down to multiply the oportunities of compulsively having sex until you are too old to get hard. I’m not saying either you have to always cheat on your girlfriends. I’m just saying that when you’re single and want to make out, it’s good to give yourself the maximum chance of success.

What is ironic and surprising is that by learning to be more successful with women, you will also have more success with THIS girl. I’ll explain why…


Why multiplying opportunities?

1 – You play it necessarily in a more detached and lackadaisical way if you have backup plans.

The idea is to do not put THAT girl on a pedestal. Indeed, if it is your only chance to get laid this summer, she will feel it and abuse her position of strength. You, for your part, will be more tense, nervous… because of the key issue. But, that’s all that you should not communicate, nervousness, and in addition it makes you clumsy!

You also would obey to her every whim easier because you would be a little desperate, a little bit in needy mode. And you would fail her virility test for fear of offending her. Nope, beautiful women comfortable about themselves do not want rugs!

You may be currently obsessed with “that girl” but maybe there is a better one around you that you can seduce easily… but you do not see it because you are making a one itis on a girl who does not especially want you, thinking you’re romantic. What a loss of time and energy!

2 – Multiplying opportunities is causing your own luck!

It allows to play on numbers and therefore you do not need to “lie” about your age or whatever. It is more sincere approach. You give yourself the choice by picking up several girls, and you will therefore find some with who there will be no need of tricks to conclude.

In addition, you will be more patient if you have other plans in the meantime. And oddly, it helps because chicks do not like guys in heat like dogs (waf waf) nor pressuring guy (“You’re beautiful do you wanna meet on Monday? No, Tuesday then? No, so Wednesday ? Thursday? Friday ? Go for Saturday? Sunday, please? “)

Practicing allows you to familiarize yourself with flirting and therefore be more comfortable. And to dare more, because you will less feel the fear of losing one girl in particular (you will see that it will work better that way)… Also, your game is getting better honed with practice! And you won’t fall in the Friendzone because if a chick piss you off a little too much, you’ll reframe her or next her without hesitation! In addition, by showing some strength of character like that, you will step up in her esteem… and will more likely to succeed!

If you expect it to be completely dead with a girl before going to another, by respect or I do not know for what well-thinking reason: know that women do not have as much pity as you… and you are a sucker very conditioned by society to believe that women are very pure, fragile, etc. ! If you believe that women always flirt and bang only one guy at the same time, you are totally wrong. Unless it is just an excuse that you have found to do not move your ass…

3 – Having several girls as targets does not prevent to be sincere

If you flirt with three girls that you really like, they will find themselves in competition. So you’ll become the prize. Also, we often wants what others want.

But that does not prevent you to sincerely like the three of them.

It just allows you to step back and avoid building castles in the air, or getting too excited and thus scaring the girl (by sending 150 text messages a day, for example).

3615 mylife now…

Whenever I’ve met girls with whom I had a long/serious relationship, it happened by chance. I slept with lots of women, and then I met them during a doggystyle for example and THEY caught my attention. I was not hungry for pussy nor in demand, it’s just that they were awesome girl, with who I immediately got along well.

It saved me from being in a couple by default. It allowed me to be with girls that I liked and that really corresponded with me.

It allowed me to discover the true love, not the one you think you’ve found because we see it everywhere in books, TV, movies, etc. What I mean is that we are more likely to find love while not looking for it. By spending time with people will force yourself to be couples to make love, and so spend time that could have been used for creating opportunities with people with whom you would have had a real spontaneous and deep connection.

I would say that most people take the problem upside down and that’s why it does not work for them, in general. Instead of meeting and staying with someone because they really correspond… they agree to meet people in a predefined framework “I agree to sleep with you only if you want a couple with me after.” This mentality severely limits their degree of enjoyment in life and their opportunities to meet more people with whom they have naturally a strong sexual and psychological compatibility.

Of course, we all have in mind very cute couple who met in college and are still together. But if you have not had the opportunity yet to meet you one true love, it may be that you do not take it in a way that gives you the best chance to succeed…

Maybe it’s by wanting to do too much, wanting to control everything, that we make a mistake…


How to multiply your opportunities?

Here is my prescription for guidance but there are plenty of other solutions, of course:

1 – Nightlife. If you are a student, go out at least 2 times a week. If you work, at least once in bars to discuss and open groups, for example.

2 – A minimum of street pickup. Because they are much more heterogeneous encounters. And because it trains you to talk to women without music around.

3 – Register on at least one app and a dating site. Indeed, it allows to be seen by women (and sometimes even to receive messages) even when you sleep or do something else. And in addition, by writing, you may dare more to turn women on and you will see that it will work. Then you will just have to do the same with the girls you will meet in real life!

Bisous les amis anglophones.

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Peacocking: not such a good idea?

The peacocking has always existed in various forms throughout the history of mankind. In many tribes, males tattooed and wore feathers (not in the ass) to attract females. In some Asian tribes, males wore hats during specific phases of seduction. The unconscious of a woman is thus genetically attracted to peacocking. It is, in any case, these postulates that decided Mystery to incorporate peacocking in the game. In this context, it means dressing to attract attention. This is a reference to the peacock that spreads its tail feathers in the form of a range to attract a sexual partner.

The interest of peacocking

It facilitates openers as a topic of conversation. Sometimes, you will get approached by girls (and guys) that will talk to you about your accessories. This is good for your social proof.

It gives an alpha status because a man needs big balls to take to dress in a way that stands out. It sets you apart. It is a High Value Demonstration because proves that you’re not afraid of what other people think.

It allows to visualize yourself otherwise and thus can positively influence your inner game and your body language.

A good peacocking reduces your flaws and highlights your physical qualities.

It plays on the unconscious of hot babes.

An accessory can easily become your signature, such as the strip of Julien Doré which surely helped him to mark the minds of viewers and win the French American Idol. Or such as the Johnny Depp’s moustache.

Limits of peacocking

It can look really good if you have enough charisma to carry it, but otherwise you’ll just look silly. You may also quickly be labeled as gay or marginal.

A sense of fashion is needed to dress like that with class: there must be a certain harmony in colors and materials. A guy in red and pink with brown shoes and a green belt, would be just horrible. Chances are you’ll be easily AMOG (be kicked out by another alpha male) in this case… If you do this anyway, you must in any case have a great talk back!

One might also be tempted to say (just like for the guys who like too much tuning): “This is a person without much personality that is testing his assertiveness… He is so uninteresting that he is trying to get noticed like that to compensate for his small dick.”

Anyway, I do not think it would tempt me to approach a peacocking girl. Seriously, would it turn you on, a girl with yellow nails, purple lips, wearing a red skirt with a green denim under, a blue striped top and a monocle?

Finally, do not copy the style of Mystery, the inventor of the concept: it works for him because he is a magician. But if you do not do magic, his style will not go with your personality.

Peacocking in France

In France, the peacocking seems to me not as adapted as in other countries (England, Japan, United States): I guess we are not very inclined to originality… Here, a guy who goes out with a cowboy hat and a crocodile skin jacket has more chances to be mocked by people than to be admired. Note that the countries I mentioned are still known for their bad and poor taste, it makes one think!

I advise you to do not follow the US advice and therefore don’t be particularly outrageous. A hat in a club, it is a safe bet but it’s not unusual. I recently tried with a captain’s hat, it’s not bad… plus I asked the babes “have you ever kissed a captain?” This could bring a quick kiss. There’s also the ties that can help, especially if you have the balls to answer these kinds of things when you are asked why you always wear a tie “it’s to tie naughty chicks up!” The shoes that make you seem taller can help too. Otherwise, you can also do in the quirky humor with a Donald t-shirt, for example. But in general, I’m not really into peacocking.

Honestly, where I live (not Paris), I do not think it tremendously helps. On the other hand, if it is done incorrectly, it can quickly be a thorn in your foot. In any case, I do not see the interest in deliberately dressing ugly like did Neil Strauss and Mystery. It allowed them to make out because the girls thought they were the show bizz stars. But here I do not observe that it works this way in clubs.

In conclusion, if you can do that well, why not? But for my part, I do not think it is done for me.

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The Perfect Girl Isn’t A Bitch

The Perfect Girl Isn't A Bitch

I want to share with you today a reflection on the girls. Most women have no sense of humor (I’m just kidding bitch), so I specify for any purpose that I wrote it for fun. Anyway, my mom told me that I had the right to publish it. Little warning : if Muriel Robin awakens in you any sexual interest, thank you for not reading the rest of the article.

In immersion

I have long prepared for writing this message: I spent several days reading women’s magazines. Moreover, I even pushed the conditioning further: to penetrate the soul of those beggars, I repeatedly moved to the kitchen to cook. I also cleaned up my apartment, once.

However, I have noted in my readings a cyclic redundancy, one same topic is always coming up. Explanation : their brains attacked by very romantic comedies, they mostly think connecting to reality through pure readings. So thank the author with a radioactive chin, Fredo Beigbeder, for some literary shits that undoubtedly sell some dream to the basic chicks. Believing becoming disillusioned with the prince charming after finishing the huge book, it comes out in fact that they end up convinced of his existence.

The perfect man

After these terribly extensive researches, I profiled the scoundrel coveted: the perfect man is a subtle mixture of the princes of Walt Disney, looking a little bit like a forty doctor in Grey’s Anatomy. He would be muscular to protect the princess from the danger, but not too much. He would hairy because it’s manly, but not too much. He would be attentive and generous, he would listen… but not too much. He would have a big dick, but not too much. At the moment, he is incarnate in the eyes of the crowd by Ian Somerhalder (since he did stick back his ears).

That is the exceptionally true summary of what the incredible woman of the XXI century believes having the right to expect from a guy. But why will she never find him?

1) Because he doesn’t exist: a guy who respects himself doesn’t give a shit about being perfect. He eventually pays attention to be thin to fuck a little more than average, but in his heart, what he wants is just a missus to cook him a lasagna dish and bring him his beer while he scratches his balls watching TV.
2) Because if ever this man exists : no woman would deserve him. Yes, it is the greedy female who kicked the innocent male out from paradise. So fuck you, bitches!

The perfect woman

Our revenge : now let’s make the portrait of the perfect woman, and let’s see why us, males, are entitled to get her. We are the elite of society: the world is built with the strength of bearded. From the spear stuck in the guts of a damn mammoth to the planting of weird vegetables to feed the tribe, it is the man who has allowed our species to survive.

I already hear lesbian feminists screaming like pigs “Asshole, without us there would be no species because it is us who makes the babies” I simply reply to them “Shut up, cod. Without our delicious sperm, you would not make any baby!”

This is the man who created the first societies; it is also him who has changed his societies into the more elaborate system that we suffer today. The republic, the school, the religion, the porn movies, the racism and the incest, all those wonders are our inventions.

End of a justification based on absolutely logical arguments that, as you can see, is flawless. The coming from Mars can therefore claim the conquest of a creature to his height : the perfect woman.

Description of the gazelle:
– If possible, large tall, but not too much. She must still be at least 10 centimeters shorter than us so she doesn’t disrespect us.
– Her boobs do not have to be huge, but they should not hang like my grandma. If we had been a bit excited by dairy cows, we’d have become farmers again a long time ago.
– Her butt should be curved to be hardly slammed during doggy style, but not too big so that we are not ashamed when fiddling with in public.
– Her hair color does not matter but the perfect woman still must have hair (except Natalie Portman).
– Her eyes should be bold: we must be able to read in it those romantic words “I will swallow it when you want.” Her eyes must also be able to express the extreme pleasure, the fear of being punched if she badly ironed your shirt and compassion when OM lost against PSG.
– She must wear with an elegance that commands respect the shorties close-to-the-ass. The string must also be part of her dressing.
– She is pure, but experienced.
– Into clubs : she moves her ass like Shakira and the other guys watch her with envy, but fortunately she only sees you. Besides, she dances all night without sweating.
– She has the ability to move from the more bitchy attitudes (perverse and unhealthy like a porn Slovak actress) to an attitude of young lady from a wealthy family.
– She is smart because sometimes after the blowjob of the Sunday morning, you can be in a philosophical mood. Thus, the chick must keep abreast of the news, she must know the great authors and the great movies, but less than you. She does not reach your highest spiritual elevation: you will always be her master.
– She’s 10% lesbian.
– Her name is not ridiculous, and you can roar it powerfully to call her, without being ashamed in the street.
– She often fights in the mud with her girlfriends. They also make battles of duffel bags with only their strings in your living room, as soon as the opportunity arises.
– She is flexible, but never asked to be flexible at the time of coitus. After you have finished destroying her on the back seat of your Aston Martin, she can contort as you want to vary the positions during the second round.
– She’s in love with you, unconditionally and absolutely.
– Do I have to insist on the fundamental qualities: housekeeper, cook, seamstress and nurse when you feel bad…?

Written by: a jerk from Aix.

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Seducing through communication

Seducing through communicationToday we will enter the heart of the matter (not your girl’s pussy): how to seduce through communication! Basically, what follows is the basic foundation of the game… it really underlies all the methods of the seduction community.



First, I must explain a very important communication concept: the frame.

It’s hard to find one single word that translates the concept of frame so you’ll have to read this long explanation : in every social interaction between two people, there are two perspectives, two different frames, two visions of things that clash.

This reality of frames colliding during each interaction is true not only in seduction but in all the interactions. For example, with your boss at work too, frames fight. “If you want a pay increase you will have to work more
– If you do not give me a pay increase, I’m going to work elsewhere and you will lose a collaborator familiar of your working folders”
. What you will learn in this video will so be useful to you throughout your whole life! IT’S AWESOME !!!

Frames collisions are usually unconscious but now that you have discovered the concept, you will be aware of this and will therefore act on it and turn it to your advantage.


2 / Frame vs  Frame

When a guy and a girl meet, it is unfortunately often the frame of the girl that wins. Why unfortunately? Because the classical frame of a chick is “Me, I’m a pretty girl, I have lots of proposals all day, you’re a man among many so I don’t not care. I will not pay much attention to you unless you buy me some drinks…”

If the woman keeps this perspective, this view of things, it’s almost sure it will not work with her. The basics of your communication are unhealthy and unbalanced. The goal is to reverse her perspective, and to impose your alpha male frame.

“What I propose is unique. You will not have much other opportunity like this in your life… I like you, but I can easily find plenty of other consenting chicks. So if you are tired of all the sex-starved and zero in bed guys, let me give you lots of orgasms. ”

If we can impose this frame subtly (not explicitly like I just did): we will then reverse the process and there will be many more opportunities. Thus, if one is in the mindset that this is a chance for her to spend time with him because he has so much to offer : it’s much more likely to work! This is a mindset of a confident guy.

On the other hand, if we directly say to a girl “you’re so beautiful and nice, I really want to make out with you…” there’s very little chance that it works. It is too plaintiff and desperate. Moreover, in the community, we have a term for it, it’s “needy”.


3/ How to impose your frame?

It may seem intuitive-cons but please do not start with rational arguments. Instead, start by changing their emotional perspective.

When you interact with someone, it is primarily the reptilian brain (the ancestral brain that regulates basic behaviors – this is the primitive part of our brain) that must be addressed. Because one must first draw the person’s attention. The best thing for this is to emphasize an emotional approach, and (I’ve said that already) it’s not only valid in seduction.

The reptilian brain primarily react with risk. So, add a little danger in the interaction like you would add a little Espelette pepper in your pot. That’s why a somewhat bad boy attitude works well. But we must not do too much because otherwise it is really too scaring (we just want to make a little emotional shock). What works well is to behave in a somewhat provocative, irreverent way, to be a little mockingly.

To hold the attention of a girl:
– Having a high social status, being rich, being famous, being someone who has a form of popularity in a certain environment, etc.
– Creating a high situational status by acting in a confident way but with some nuances of humor, originality, etc.

Above all, never let yourself be dominated by the reality of the person in front of you. If she says “I am willing to have a drink with you but I will just stay an hour” answer her “this is not a problem because me I can only stay 45 minutes.” She will understand that you are more the price than her and she will see you differently, in a sexier perspective …

Here is how to handle the various obstacles:
– With women who feel superior: be irreverent and cavalier;
– With busy women: use a time constraint (you are more busy than them);
– With not very interested women: use the prizing (make them understand that this is a chance for them to talk to you) but in a rather subtle way (you should not look like a braggart);
– With analytical women who do not hear the emotional speech : play on the mystery, the suspense, tease them… sell her your kidney shot or your magical tongue (but again not directly, rather leave clues that let her think about it).


The idea is not to manipulate women. The long-term goal is to make this inner strength that you need to learn to communicate genuine. This is the most honest and the most effective way to seduce. Btw, if all you provide is true, you communicate it more easily! Your inner game (your true inner strength) always influence your outer game (your behavior with people). But your outer game can influence your inner game too so I advise you to start thinking right now about what you’ve just read and to try it on the field!

You may be really detached initially with women to have the strongest perspective and conviction. But for this, multiply your opportunities.

Well. If you liked it, please subscribe to my Youtube channel, bitch! 😉

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Paris, capital of pick-up ?

Paris, capital of pick-up It seems that Paris is the capital of fashion, but is Paris the capital of pickup too?

First, at the international scale, it is obvious that no. Sorry but the capital of pick-up would clearly be in the United States. Besides, the best resources to improve are generally in English.

At the French scale now, it is true that all the famous “coaches in seduction” are based in Paris. From this perspective, yes, Paris is the capital of the pick-up in France. Why ? Surely because there is easy access to the media. Moreover, it is good for the pickup because it is huge, there are many people (statistically easier to fuck), and there are many foreign (the population is renewed). It’s also good because it is deemed to be the “city of love”… so the travelers come with the ulterior motive of getting banged.

However, there are many very good players and PUAs who do not live in Paris. We must not believe that there is only in Paris that we can make interesting things (don’t be snob). There is a huge potential in Lyon, for example!

I think it is a pity that the other cities are abandoned like that. There are good things to do there! Why do French people who want a coaching or personal advice would be forced to go to Paris?

The problem is that elsewhere, eg in Aix-en-Provence and Lyon (I speak of what I know), there is no real solidary community. There are groups of guys who meet on forums to go picking up together and who sometimes become friends. In Paris, there is the CCP, the closed circle of Parisian players, but that’s it! There is neither real assistance nor real feeling of belonging to an underground organization, as it may be the case in the United States. The game there is really a kind of fight club!

Moreover, the coaches talk about each other: they do not hesitate to advertise when a guy is good, allowing everyone to move on (the social mobility of fucking works). In France, the market is locked by some well-referenced sites which nevertheless offer no real quality (sorry but it’s true).

I have contacted all of them, and they clearly all refused to talk about me or my product as long I I would not affiliate myself in their distribution platform network. Basically, they want to play “who has the biggest (audience)” and keep the monopoly! For people supposedly trying to help their readers, keeping secret the best work, it is not glorious! My personal conclusion is that these people do that for the money and know very well that if the general public had access to real quality work (not grassroots articles), people would see a difference. Their solution is to silence us! Because, honestly, they would just talk about The (inconvenient) truth about gender relations in their newsletter by putting their affiliate link, and they would make hundreds or even thousands of euros for no work !

I am not lying, one of them answered me “I do not make any partnerships” and he made one month later a common video with a sportive Youtuber (no competition in this case). Worse, I had written an article to another site to propose a link exchange, but they just changed a few words and published my text keeping my punchlines… without my link, of course… I’m really fed up with these dishonest people! Is it obligatory to be a real asshole to succeed in life?

Frankly, I do not want. I won’t stoop to that. But I am sure that all together we can do something.

This is a call to all the seduction bloggers, and more broadly, to all those who have a blog or a vlog about personal development: unity is strength!

We would gain so much from creating a quality personal development network in France! Comedians on YouTube already do that, btw. They talk about each other, make videos where they invite each other to share their networks. So why not us? We have a common cause too: making French people fuck like gods!

Feel free to contact me if you are interested in this project! The only conditions (guarantee of serious) are to have quality content updated regularly and a network of at least 15,000 monthly visitors!

Anyway, if you have a network, be aware that by registering on 1TPE (free) and using your affiliate link (easy), you can receive 50% on each of my products you will sell!

I kiss you.