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I love you Italian-style

February 21st, 2014

I had spoken to this girl on Adopt in September, I guess. We had to make a porn movie without camera together but that finally did not happen. The soufflé and my cock fell as fast as a guillotine that would décabite (cut your dick : bedick) you… like it is often the case with the chicks. But the situation however took an unexpected turning point: Padawan has recently approached her on Adopt and they talked about me (merci poto). Watch out, at the risk of shocking sensitive souls, I am in an incredible bad faith in the following extract (I am not really such a jerk at the bottom of me, I just keep up to the times) :

HER : How are you? I am speaking with one of your buddies apparently! He does not understand why I did not succumb to your charm … I said that I had especially not taken time to meet you lol
ME : Who are you talking to ?
HER : Padawan
ME : Lol . well it’s simple . I gave you your chance . you preferred postponing ceaselessly by taking me for a marionette who would be available when YOU would have decided it then it’s over now
HER : Yes I know I assume the full responsibility. All the same I did not take you for a marionette
ME : You didn’t deign to make any effort because you believed that Adopt was a distributor of guys like me so go on and bang some suckers, the one who have lose the most in this story it is you, love
HER : Lol too bad you think that but ok I accept no worries
ME : Too bad I think what, go on explain your point of view
HER : It’s a pity that you believe that I consider Adopt as a distributor of guys like you and that I am going to bang suckers because it is not true! I would never have allowed myself to consider you as a marionette, I have just not taken time for you just like for the others because I had more important things to do
ME : Well then how do you call this?
HER : And know that you too are missing something
ME : Always postponing for shitty excuses . yeah probably I missed something except that I have nothing to regret : it is not me who stands between me and what I’m missing… it’s you
HER : Ok
ME : Then unless you have now a solid and concrete proposal to make
HER : And in addition, by thinking well about it I have not the impression I have postponed a lot of dates with you! Look at previous conversations ! [she is right]
ME : Answer … not next
HER : Lol yes sir . what is a solid proposition for you ?
ME : A place a day an hour and no flake
ME : and sex
HER : Lol you’re very good, reverse psychology and straightforward it is really what works with me!
ME : So much the better if I did sting you to the quick then maybe that I had underestimated you
HER : Probably yes
ME : So will you stop flaking me?
HER : Does it bother you that I talk to your buddy?
ME : No I don’t care why ?
HER : Idk you quickly overreacted like “yeah go on and bang suckers” all this … lol
ME : It’s ok, he is not THAT a sucker

Amazing (I talk like an American dude) ! There are probably a lot of guys outside who are jealous because a girl they have never met ALSO talks to their buddy on the Internet ! Wow, I did not know that we still practiced ablations of testicles in the birth! Well, then, by force of circumstance, we spoke about her with Padawan and we invented a phony game : THE FIRST ONE WHO SLEEPS WITH THE ITALIAN/CORSICAN WINS. Usually, the hesitation of a woman when I suggest her going fucking for free without condom in a rotten motel sleeping with me ASAP is eliminating is but in this case I decided to leave her a second chance. Then, I had nothing to lose, that’s it what is good with this : it is like going to the casino (slot machines not to do errands) if you only could win.

Okay, so. I had another date at the end of the afternoon but the girl has flaked me (fortunately she did it early “I have a training that was not planned finally this afternoon“). I didn’t care, I had planned 2 dates today, knowing perfectly that both girls were feverish thus that at least one on two was going to cancel… so I sent to the Italian/Corsican on FB “thank you for confirming for this evening : 06 XX XX XX XX ! kisses darling
– Lol it looks like a business meeting!
– You will pass an interview
– Apparently”. The interest of the nickname “darling” here is the implementation of a frame: if she answers without criticizing, it is because she agrees to be my “darling” or “my love”… I also use this when I provoke nasty silly bitches : this contrast (that a guy is openly laughing at them while giving to them cute nicknames) really pisses them off in general. Awesome. The good side of this it is also because we quickly get used to this and we can more easily tell it to girls who interest us during a face-to-face sincere flirtation: it has generally an impact.

If none of the two had come, maybe would I have tried to contact a hot Polish prostitute presenting a recent AIDS test as her resume. With Paris Hilton and a Thai whore as members of the jury to estimate my performance who would have written a note on my buttocks with their favorite red lipstick. I know that the other girl flaked me because she did not make any counterproposal : she has just chicken out. What does not mean that she did not want to enjoy.

Thus here we are, she came to my place. 26 years, classy, working girl, Italian or Corsican cute little accent. A sparkling brunette with a charming face. Not bad. On the other hand, rather shy IRL, crossed arms, closed posture, etc.. After 10 minutes in my lounge, I found that time passed slowly then I said “I show you something if you want?
– OK
– Come on (compliance test)
– What is it?” I switched on the light “ohhh that’s your bedroom lol
– Yeah, and that’s my bed, do you want to sit down ?
– Sure.” Then we spoke about her Adopt dates and gender relations, then I ran my magic finger on every not hidden part of her skin that was not covered by cloth (roughly: her arms) and she asked “when will you kiss me ? Unless you don’t want me…
– Well I think it is going to happen soon”. Well, then, In the order or in bulk I don’t remember : I liked her pussy, handjob (no blowjob too bad : she must be shy), I went down on her again, “I can’t wait I really want you right now please”, missionary, rider, two orgasms, doggy style “ah you’re good”. After sex, she acted way less shy, the exchange of fluids creates bounds, cool. Sex first.

To answer her, I think that it depends on the person and the situation if I am good or not (a moose of modesty has just invaded me, I hope I’m not sick). This week it was OK, fucking modjo ! I made three different come in two days… and not ugly ones. The God of the Game is with me for the week of my birthday, cool. With this rhythm, I even risk the overdose of cyprine: I hope I won’t finish sick of women until 2048…

I give you kisses. Everywhere, everywhere. Yes yes, I insist. Smack. And buy my ebooks fuck I need money (to pay my consumption of cocaine and take some mistresses) !!! And make me presents for my birthday too! Thanks you !

The (inconvenient) truth about gender relations
How to sublimate your body language
Secrets for seducting on the Internet

May the God of the Game be with you !

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The German touch

February 21st, 2014

Back from taekwondo around 11:30 pm. I cooked small fried potatoes by watching a bullshit with cats on YouTube, just to recover. I moved finally towards my bedroom when, SUDDENLY, while I washed my teeth (maybe only two minutes before going to bed)… My mobile vibrated!!!

“Still awake ?” Number that started by +336, I said to myself it was certainly the girl I fucked earlier. What does she want from me at this late hour, this bitch ? I clicked the message and noticed that no, it was another girl who wanted my cock. I never register the numbers then it’s a mess. Being more organized would have been one of my resolutions of 2014 if I had been more serious. So I need to speak to you about this girl.

I had hastily approached her on Adopt, something like two or three weeks ago. She agreed to have sex, in theory, but wanted at first to go having a drink in a bar. As a result, I sent her to hell because I felt laziness. But I received a message a few days later from 6ft (the tall 30 years old woman I adore who is beautiful and with whom I have made a threesome last November):
– And now I have to reassure my friends you contact on Adopt!!! :p
– What ? Did I shock one ?
– Not really, but she was not very secure by the fact of not passing by the compartment “let’s have a drink in a bar”. She saw that we were friends on FB, she called me and I told her all the good I think of you!
– Well. Who is it ?
– Eva
– Ah yeah, but having a drink in town pisses me off, I’m not sure I will go. But thanks darling
– Yeah I know I’m weird . Who is she for you ?
– A friend
– Well how can I say that … Except the fact she is one of your friend , does she deserve that I move my fucking ass?
– She is a great girl (smart, fun, nice…) but I don’t know her in the biblical sense!

Well, all this motivated me a little (I had to defend my reputation established by means of this awesome letter of recommendation written by 6ft) : I thus visited her FB profile. Fuckable according to her two profile pictures… but I wasn’t that excited. As a result, when she suggested me screwing her last Tuesday, I was at my parent’s and I didn’t make the trip. Laziness again. I don’t care, that’s what I said to myself. However, yesterday evening, I had nothing better to do except sleeping and she offered herself to me free of charge. Then, I said yes.

When she arrived, I wasn’t disappointed: finally better than on her pictures. Her German accent gave her a sexy side, her very blue eyes, her hair and her red coat too. Her face reminds me Misha Cross’ face, but less thin. Actually, she has got charm. I am always wary when an enticing up to the end of nipples girl wants to sell her friends, this is why I didn’t got a swollen head.

She came back from a party around 3 am o’clock and apparently wanted to have more fun. “Can we sit down ? she asked.
– Yeah, on my bed.” There, we lengthened (do not look for the logic), and she started talking. The German touch : even barefoot, she avoided putting them on my bed. Bed on which took place surprising Southern orgies that even DSK caught envying (without the prostitutes rented on Amazon). She asked me what I studied, what I wanted to do later, etc. Fuck we don’t care. But it was nervous: she felt the tension and did not know how to manage it. The best thing to do, in that case, it is to be quiet and comfortable so that she becomes in her turn quiet and comfortable (conditions convenient to a sexual intercourse).

It is also necessary to watch our own physical language, it is one of the only things that can fuck up the thing (because our appearance was validated on the photos on the Internet but not our attitude – more information in Secrets for seducing on the Internet). Another thing that can make you fail, are the tricky questions. For example, she asked me “would you like studying German?
– I don’t know, certainly, I like the languages.” If I had answered “no I don’t like the Boches” or if I had put my finger on my mustache to imitate Adolf, that would have spoil everything. Well, you understood the principle. We do not attack tender spots in these moments (except the G-spot).

When I felt she was cooked to perfection, I moved my hand lighlty on her leg and she kissed me directly. She was in a hurry to succumb to my Gallic charm. I undressed her and made her a little cunnilingus. She enjoyed. Then she undressed me and sucked me. Nice blowjob. She came on me “You know I am allergic to latex…
– No prob, I also have condoms without latex, I am equipped like a professionel”. I was fucked rather pleasantly, then I overturned her and gave her an orgasm WITH ONE SINGLE FINGER on her clitoris, like E.T. could have done it (except that my finger is not red nor bright in the stick). She told me “waiteuh a minuteuh, I am very sensitiveuh afteuh the orgasmeuh”. Well OK, that’s good, I was dead. I sincerely turned her around to admire her tattoo that represents autumn sheets and because I liked her ass, I took her doggy-style. I was welcomed by a “oh yaaaaaaaaaaaa”. I came in my turn and fell asleep. I dreamed that I shot a poor quality porn movie with an old mobile phone in a cellar of Stalingrad.

This morning, we a little talked before she leaves to go to work. She went on two online dates. The first one “he kissed me like a dog without lips” (it’s a quote). The second one, “he made me pass something like a job interview to see if we would be compatible on the long-term”. Seriously. “By the way, it’s what most of the guys do on the dating site, they ask you what you are studying, what you want to do later, etc. Always the same thing.
– A little bit like what you asked me at the beginning, right?
– It’s true.” Well, lightness, casualness. Damned, be more simple. Even if they are not often able to do the same thing.

We will remember as a main rule that it is better to move our ass than to sleep.

May the God of the Game be with you.

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After making love, she wanted me to estimate her performance (/20)

February 21st, 2014

This weekend, I did the doctor Clark’s liver cleanse. A bad time, I had, yes yes: sleepless night and runs during 48 hours. Worse than the period when I vomited with an incredible charisma some mojitos in a lugubrious street of the city center of Aix at the exit of a dirty club. Finally, I evacuated quite a lot of shit out of my body, green and yellow things that could be gallstones, but I have another big thing that is stuck in the bowel. It hurts, I’m waiting that it comes out.

I thus took advantage of these two days when I was OUT OF SERVICE to pick up on Adopt with my all new nickname “ORGANIC PRODUCT”. The first day, a girl sent me a photo of her in underwear. They were red, she was blond, I was hard. It is rare that a hottie quickly sends naked pictures like that (rarer than a hairless Portuguese but less rare than a Chinese with big tits). I am going to try to screw her, the process of negotiation is in progress. The second day, I was approached as follows by another girl:

SHE: why “organic product”?
ME: so that a hot girl (like you) wants to eat me, unless you prefer a mac do, darling ? :p
SHE: Mc do, organic, your body why not I like tasting everything… or alsmost 😉
ME: You’re right , tasting commits to nothing, if you don’t like it you spit out mouahahah ! Still in Aix today ?
SHE: Not today if you want on Thursday I am available between 4 and 6pm
ME: Normally it’s a 5 – 7 (happy hour) that we do, not a 4 – 6 mouahahah
SHE: You’re right!
ME: If you want to play it dirty all what you have to do is asking, you know
SHE: Lol why do I give this impression? it is you who are rather direct
ME: lol ! I said that in a rather affectionate way:) and the one does not prevent the other one lol
SHE: Hum anyway I have not said that I didn’t liked it 😉 you’re totally right
ME: cool 🙂 now that we clarified the situation let’s remove our clothes and stare at each other O:)
SHE: 🙂 hum you like putting me in trouble… I never know what to answer it is disturbing but in the right way I like you very much 😉
ME: What do you find difficult in this situation, honey?
SHE: Absolutely nothing! If you make love the same way you speak I will crazily enjoy!
ME: Well I would love to please you then ! 🙂
SHE: Do you have any idea where we could meet?
ME: yes ! my place ?
SHE: I would prefer a cafe, a more neutral place (yeah it doesn’t mean anything!) we can always go to your apartment after if we want to, what do you say?
ME: well I say that honestly if have you only 2 free hours, and that we go for a coffee we will do absolutely nothing in the end
SHE: I have another bus later;) and for a first date I wanted to remain wise… Well a minimum 😉
ME: Yeah. Well listen, I am against the principles like “for a first date I wanted to remain wise” and I don’t drink in bars 🙂
I remind you that it is not a relation of couple that I propose you, eh, I can be your buddy and give you orgasms from time to time!
Thus here we are, we can meet in the street and go to my place, or then otherwise you can find another guy who will accept that you tell him where, when and with whom he can make love (there are a lot of suckers on this site darling) !
SHE: Well I have never said that I wanted to be your girlfriend, it was just so to be careful, don’t you know the word “psycho” because there are a lot out there!
And the word “wise” includes a lot of preliminary in my definition!
So where do we meet tomorrow?
ME : I see ! I understand you’ve to be careful !
I like your definition
Well I’ll meet you in front of my building then when you will have seen that I am not a old pervert, you come over and I make love to you directly during 2 hours?
SHE : That sounds perfect

Just a quick explanation on online pickup for a reader who asked me how to seduce on the Internet.
1) You need a nickname that draws the attention, and that marries with the theme of the site. Otherwise it is like going in a disguised party without disguise. Or the contrary, I do not know what is the worse.
2) A description that makes a good sorting so that all the idiots watered by Twilight in intravenous injection from their birth do not come talking to you… and that those who want a sex thing at the bottom of themselves come. NB : in this handbook case, this girl had written on her profile “no sex things” : It is thus necessary to trust rather their acts than what they tell. A chick who writes “no sex things” : it doesn’t mean anything concretely, this is why I don’t even read the profiles anymore. If she writes “looking for something serious” it is to take away the starved vultures and to choose herself the cocks that will be entitled to her Promised Land. There are a lot of girls who put “in a Relationship” on FB too, but it is just to don’t have all the starved on their back (for example the guys who send pokes everywhere like me). In brief, their strategy of defense is coherent but is a pain in the ass. I would like more sincerity and more orgasms.
3) Photos in which you are a character, not in which you look like a wanker, topless in your mirror with your pubic hairs that come out of your pair of underpants.
4) Being direct and assuming, not being afraid of the judgment of the stupid, tight-ass and conditioned girls, like if it was completely normal to take some pleasure when we can with someone we like. You just save time, that’s it. These girls wouldn’t have sex with you anyway, and even if you managed to fuck one by magic, it would be a bad leg. The purpose is not thus fuck the girls to whom you speak, but it’s speaking to girls you can fuck quickly without complicating things. The sorting, the statistics, we always come back to it! Fuck, I did well to make a high school diploma in sciences!
If you want more advice to pick up chicks on the Internet, you can check Secrets for seducing on the Internet!

She came, we took the elevator to go in my tower. She told me “you’re more shy than on the Internet” as a provocation. So I slowly caressed her naked arm with my hand, then her neck, then descent in dive on her tits. She threw herself upon me “you dude, with all what you’ve written on Adopt, you’d better be an animal, otherwise all my friends are going to laugh when I am going to tell them”. Then, she kissed me. We undressed, we went on my bed, she sucked me. Oh my god, she is very good at it. Best blowjob of 2014 for now. Then I went for a cunnilingus with my forked and teasing tongue “ohlala it is the first cunnilingus of my life that is correct… well no, it is good, it is just that the others were crappy. Hmm I like your fingers too, and I would adore caressing your lobes of ear, do you mind? Oh yes I like your nimble fingers!!!
– sdkjgdklsjgsdlkjs (me, trying to speak with the mouth full of cyprine)
– hmmm so good. Do you find me talkative?” Then, she rose on me and fucked me such a rider. I turned her around and took her doggystyle “yesssssss harder, oh yes it’s SO good, you’re a GOD (true story), the most enduring man I ever met yessssssssssssssss”.

After sex, she asked me “what’s my sexual grade / 20 ? me I give you a 17…
– huu well heee, 8/10 for the blowjob and 7/10 for the rest, so 15.
– OK…” Then, we discussed, she is nice and cool except that she usually hangs out with dealers “I like bad boys”. She had only 8 lovers in her life, including one during 8 years. As a consequence, she was surprised when I told her how many lovers I had (much more). She told me the story of one of her friends who did not have sex since 1.5 year and who told her “oh all the same it has been only 1 month since you did nothing and are you in lack yet, be careful this guy you want to visit is probably a psychopath”. We recognize here the frustrated girls, or those who have never really tasted the pleasure of the human enjoyment at the first date. I love debates like that, could be in a collection of the best conversations under MDMA.

In my Facebook “other” inbox I received something. The message of the ex of this girl who asked me like a fanatics and jealous starved dude “how do you know Victoire ???” I almost answered the truth, but finally I said to myself that the discretion and the respect for this girl were going to be my new trump cards in 2014. Knowing that I am as reliable as a promise of François Hollande…

I salute you, dear PUA colleagues. I also salute the Peeping Toms who read this text but who did nothing this year. I finally salute the girls who read me in secret then touch their panties during the night in their bed like sensualists sleepwalkers. Well, kisses. I’m done here.

May the God of the Game be with you !

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In lack of lustful transgressions

She wanted sex because I wrote her porn texts

January 31st, 2014

I approached your sex. I liked pretending to suck you but I preferred kissing your pubis a small moment, I went back up towards your dick-head to deposit my lips, there slowly, taking advantage of the heat of your sex. Then I took care of all its length by licking it from top to bottom before stopping in front of the frenulum and finally took it in my mouth. I made round trips while licking your frenulum in the inside by masturbating you with my hand at the same time, I really appreciated the sensation of hardness in my mouth.” It is the message that a girl sent me on Adopt. True story. I had a tumescent pleasure (for the illiterates who don’t know the word it means “inflates”) while reading it. On the other hand, I don’t know what she meant by “licking my frenulum in the inside” ?!

As a result, in lack of lustful transgressions, I invited her to my place in the afternoon. I was entitled to some tests that I overcame as follows :

– She says I’m a “Don Juan” : I don’t know if I am Don Juan or not… Anyway, I don’t like the word. I prefer to think of myself as a feminist who fights for the sexual freedom of women! The term Don Juan is too often negatively used by women while I fight so that those same women are freed from this fucking social pressure, and can have fun… and so that the guys learn how to accept it and how to take advantage of it instead of saying they are whores! Now I do not see myself as a Don Juan because I don’t think I’m special, I am just a guy with maybe more nerve that the average dude, who moves his ass and enough became a philosopher to don’t care about rejections…

– She says that I am a guy who accumulates the “evening conquests (one night stands)” : One more time, I have to rebel! No one said that they were evening conquests ? I make every effort to sleep with girls during the first date yes… then 90 % of time we see again each other (because they insist and I am not against the idea or because I really liked the moment and I really want to see them again). And then, I do not make conquests only in the evening, in the afternoon too!

I have no recollection of any girl who directly came to my place but did not sleep with me! The real challenge, it is to make them come to my place directly or to go to their place directly! Most are not enough adventurer, want to have fun but are afraid, do not want to be thought of as easy girls, etc. The paradox, is that those who make the effort to come to see me (risk-taking)… then, it is often them who suggest meeting again (reward).

Yes, we can say that most of the girls are prudish, but finally not that much because as I told you, when I slept with them, they often show their real face ! Unfortunately, they often want to go have a drink in a bar before having sex, I find it boring. If I did so, I would certainly sleep with more girls, but finally it is not really what I’m looking for! Rather to live nice adventures with a dose of surprise, and with absolutely no headache. And I take advantage of it to make a sorting: the pains in the ass, tight-ass, profiteers, the girls with problems… will never take the plunge.

– “You copy/paste the same thing to all the girls?;)” : of course not, you’re the one, NEO.

– She talks about drinking alcohol before having sex: I think that alcohol (I mean more than one or two glass of wine) damages the performances and prevents from really enjoying (the girl & the guy). It would be a shame all the same!.

– She says “All right, I’m OK, I’ll give it a try, even if I am not used to do that, it is usually after 1 or 2 drinks that I go to the place of the guy.” : Deal ! Well then I hope you like the novelty ! I remember this sentence “It is from the moment we go out of our comfort zone that we begin to live” ! And the “I’m not used to”, I don’t buy it anymore !!! 😉

– I invite her to come over and have sex and she tells me “Ah well but it’s strange : you have not even seen me IRL?” : I saw pictures of you but if really you want to be reassured about that, you can add me on FB… but your mindset lets me think that we are going to get on at every level.

And the life lesson is ? The morality it is simply that, to get laid, it is not a question of being handsome (she told me that I was not her type of guy but that well she liked my way of writing) nor of having skills of seduction nor a status or whatever. No, the attraction between men and women is almost always underlying in every interaction. What prevents us from really satisfy inner needs and everything, it is the social pressure. The social pressure (including the fear of the girls to don’t be up to it), it is 90 % of the problem of the PUA. Indeed, the girls do not want to be pointed as an undocumented black migrant would be it in a private and bourgeois high school. Let’s meditate together on that, brothers.

She finally came, we played to a game (strip-heards-or-tails) and I finished naked the first one. She went on the ground and sucked my urethra on the sofa. It was good. Then, she lengthened on that same sofa and started masturbating. It excited me to death, so as a result, I became quite hard again. Thirdly, I took her in 4 positions whereas she continued to masturbate herself. It was awesome especially when she came while I destroyed her while she caressed herself! It made me come at the same time, hey ! Propelled by the power of my ejaculation, I almost beat the pelvic world record. It seems that my bulimic narcissism needed that.

It’s a girl-boy, she speaks about sex and feels at ease with her sexuality just like a guy. For example, I told her “I am going to fuck your mouth if you continue” and she answered “you I am going to swallow your cock if you piss me off “. Excellent ! One more freed girl coming from a school of professional wankers art (a graphics thing). She shouts like a crazy as soon as one touches her, she thus has a hypersensitive sexuality. Good for her.

For more information concerning the tests that the girls make us undergo, you can read my book about gender relations. For more information concerning how they can send you a message in which they say that they want to blow you while they have never seen you, you can read my book about online dating.

Tremble (like the hands of a drug-seeking junkie), I am creating an army of compulsive fuckers!!! Mastering the ancestral art that is the doggy style, being able to come whenever wherever like Shakira, their cunnis are as good as cream puff pastries filled with chocolate. Totally hermetic in the moods on the pillow while wearing Calvin Klein silk underwear : I will only be satisfied when one of my soldiers will have succeeded in making out with Marion Maréchal-Lepen ! Lets’ attack !!!

May the God of the Game be with you.

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Tell me, didn’t we sleep together last week?

January 18th, 2014

On Wednesday, I had a virtual walk in the herbs of Pallet-Adoptaguy-Town when I suddenly saw, fidgeting in tall grass, the profile of a young inhabitant of Aix, unknown in my sexo-pokédex (one of the most prominent quality on the Provençal territory). Her first name was enough to make me damn hard because it is the same than a wild hottie from Nice who was in my class a few years ago. Hey no, naughty boys, when I talk about a hottie inhabitant of Nice, I do not speak necessarily about the one who has a calendar in her name.

In brief, a little disrubted by the beautiful, I took out my pokésex with the same dexterity than a Ash full of ecstasy.

Species : inhabitant of Aix

The specie of the inhabitants of Aix, it’s this kind of girls who are a little bit haughty because full of money but well-dressed (for the same reason). At the age of 5, they are shitty curbed babes. At the age of 18, they never go to school because will take over dad’s business, have the face burned by their 7 weekly sessions of ultraviolet and go out only in a certain very expensive club of the city center to drink in one go magnums of champagne that cost 2000€ (big blues in front of my bank statement at the moment). For an average guy like me, we can only count on Jean-Claude Dusse’s misunderstanding to make out with them (no cash, not going to the private high school, does not work as a waiter in the aforementioned box – if it was the case they would want to be destroyed in the crappers and even would come demanding their owed spontaneously). Or on our gift to cunnilingus or on our electric tail like Pikachu. This girl has a peculiarity, she is a friend of the girl of the ice cubes, for those who have read my first diary. Yes, it’s a small world in Aix, just like Tyrion.

Type: fire, ice
Size: 5.3 feet
Weight: 120 pounds

With no time to spare, I took out an on-line Poké Ball. Roughly my quite excited fingers started typing alone the keyboard the first bullshit that came into my mind (I maybe need to see an exorcist). Tell me, didn’t we sleep together last week?
– Ah yeah, asshole, you never called me back.
– Sorry I’ve been busy, btw your friend was very nice too. Did you recover from your 6 orgasms yet?
– Yes I will tell her, your buddy was awesome too. Yeah I’m hardly recovering from it.
– We should do this more often then. Your place or mine ?
– It is a little early for that.”
Then here we are, one thing leading to another, I used some speed-seduction on her (turning her on thanks to NLP) : what had the effect of exciting her to death. She made me dream when she answered “I went out of the shower, I read your message, I had to go back taking a cold shower”. And she concluded “Well, you can invite me all the same to have a drink at your home and we will see
– OK wear your magic underwear then.
– Magic, magic, they are going not to go on the floor on their own all the same;)”
. Seriously, I realize that I a little picked her up like even Chuck Bass would not dare to approach a groupie at 4 am in the morning. I’m kinda proud of it !

Last year, I a little abandoned speed-séduction for the benefit of fast-séduction (aggressive pickup, sex within one hour) but I realize that both are complementary. More details about these methods to make the girls directly come to your place in Secrets for seducing on the Internet.

Well, RDV yesterday, Friday @ 9pm, In front of Cézanne’s statue in Aix (it is her who proposed the place, she probably just wanted to check if I was fuckable before coming to my place). I received a message at 8:55pm “I’m gonna be 10 minutes late
– Damned, is it the time already ?!”
I cut my nails, cropped the beard and washed hair as a matter of urgency and in cold water (my water heater is broken, fuxelife) then I went there. We arrived more or less at the same time. Great! I hoped that we would still be that synchronized once at my place. She gave a kiss to me by sticking against me and everything. I thus sexualized, told her to hold my hat in the elevator, she asked why, I answered her that it was to have free hands to fiddle with her. A spanking followed. Finally here we are, easy-going atmosphere, it is cool. I pleaded that my roomy had to sleep to bring her directly in my bedroom “ah it is the first time I am in the bedroom of a guy within 3 minutes. By the way your approach is awesome, it feels like we’ve already slept together in fact”. She said having no social pressure and being a player. Yummy. She had brought a bottle of I-don’t-know-what-but-it-was-alcoholized (well-bred, cool, I had nothing to offer to her so it was a good idea) then we had a drink there.

Well, she wanted to put some music and we made gymnastics love, 3 times I guess. She opened the window and the shutters, I believe that she wanted to be seen, it is maybe her small exhib side. In brief, it was sports: we broke a lamp and a glass. She has attractive tits that hold very straight : I looked under them, no scar, they were true. I also licked her and she greeted the performance by saying “usually a guy cannot make me come like that the first time we see each other”. Finally here we are, it is at 3 am in the morning that we both gave up. I planned to sleep the sleep of the just but not, she turned in the chamber until 5 am. Such a girl : I remove make-up, I am going to drink, I go for a pee, when I am in the bed I flounder. Seriously, at this hour, even Steve Aoki, he sleeps! That a little pissed me off but well on the other hand I was very happy that she came over.

As a result, I was a little dying during tae kwon do this afternoon but it was worth it. I like this sport but it totally drains me (sometimes our sessions last 4 hours). So, not too much modjo to go out picking up women after. Moreover, that reminds me, by undressing me she made a remark that flogged me a firm erection, something like “do you lift your heavy weights ?
– Yes why ?
– I can tell.
– Thanks.
– I love your canine, you remind me a vampire, I find it too sexy.
– Thanks.
– Play for me with your guitar…
– No.
– Why is it just here to look pretty ?
– Yeah exactly.”
If she knew that in fact it is really the case and that I do not know how to play guitar…

I get the impression that she wants me to visit her at home one day or another. Why not, I love luxurious villas. Finally here we are, I caught a new Pokéchick. I am going to send her to professor Oak so he studies her and I hope that he will offer me a badge to greet my performance.

Anyway, I will not be a virgin of January and “I want to be the very best, like no one ever was“. Next step : Teaching frenchkiss to Martine Aubry (just kidding).

May the God of the Game be with you!

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Autobiographical bullshit that make you waste your time

Hi everybody, welcome to my online diary. I have already told my sexual life in Diary of a French PUA so I think that it would be repetitive to simply do it again. By the way, some people said that it was not my best ebook, fortunately it is not anymore the only one. This time, I thus decided that my laborious wild imaginings would have a theme : online dating. Here, I am thus going to speak especially about the girls I fuck thanks to Internet (and maybe even about those whom I would have preferred not to fuck). You’ll see what we can do with a simple Internet connection!

It is moreover why I wrote a manual about online dating (nothing crazy, one more best seller) to complete this newspaper. Indeed, I said to myself that the association of both would be commercial as one pleases, that I could finally live off my art and even become so rich that I would not know anymore what to do with my fucking cash. And finally, illogical continuation of things, I shall buy a very kitsch red cabriolet to parade on the cours Mirabeau (kind of champs Elysees in my city) and make me suck effortlessly by all the magnificent superficial neurotics wishing to become apprentice models… It is beautiful to dream and to share my psychotropic frenzies with my poor readers who got lost on this blog by thinking that it was a porn thing.

More seriously now. For those who don’t know me, if I claim to be a Pick-up Artist today (no it is not a new car), it is not only because I slept with more women than most of people. It is especially because I enjoyed doing it in original situations. But last year, I still improved my game: by watching a seminary of Brad P the work #1 PUA, the last questions I had about the science of seduction found their answers. I am forced to the seduction like a young trendy gay would be forced to fellatio but do not confuse me with Hank Moody nor Charles Bukowski: I stopped drinking. Otherwise, I live in Aix, a city where the slightest parking space costs 20€ / half an hour thus, yeah, I am a little broke. It is in the South, in the sun (au soleil with Jenifer).

No need to tell you Freudian bullshit about my childhood nor anything… here’s the straight. Know simply that I was born… crap, I forgot my date of birth, it was a too long time ago! That my job it is to give some pleasure and to teach the others how to do so. And no, however unpleasant it might seem to my psychoanalyst, I do not want to frenchkiss my mother… rather to slap her mouth sometimes. But I am a kind boy then I hold on, like Gainsbourg. Having said that, if today, I often digress in uncontrolled skids, the education I received is probably the best excuse I have. My main hobbies is to be a boy of wrong company. And physically, I belong to Johnny Depp just like Valérie Damidod belongs to Cameron Diaz.

I like claiming the status of misunderstood genius but because I swore not to tell you bullshits here, I have to recognize that I am seriously neurotic. But in the best sense of the word… if there is one. Keep this paragraph in mind during your reading, at least you will not be surprised when you will read that I eventually freaked out seriously this year… Some people think that it is because of the aggression by 4 drug-addicts I suffered last year. A rape by bisexual women would probably not have traumatized me so much!

I have always been a fucking hypochondriac. This irrational fear of the disease did nevertheless not prevent me from regularly having sex without condom until recently. This is why, I spent quite a lot of time at the detection and medical center. But, as you maybe read it in my first ebook, I make big efforts and it has been several months since it didn’t happen anymore to me. Now, I have a girlfriend, “an open relationship” who’s called Virginie.

Frustrated by the unbearable final of the season 8 of Dexter and by the fact of not leaving for Australia (because I have to study for my final exam I failed last year : -0.75 points), I am going to have to let off steam by traumatizing in my turn certain inhabitants of Aix a little tight-ass for example by making them discover the enjoyments of the doggy style with spanking. I am also going to hunt my congeners typical inhabitants of Aix: suicidal, idle, rich, drunk every Saturday night and with some flour on the tip of the nose. Tits and ass as firm as the politics of François Hollande, our dictator President.

I hope that thanks to the idea that you follow my adventures on the Web, I am going to put myself a good kick where I think to don’t sink into depression. Furthermore, the possibility of re-reading my adventures is logically going to help me to become more and more effective: we get to learn from our mistakes. In that respect, we are going to be able to qualify my fornications as… “intellectuals”. Basically, you are reading some modern literature… but very very modern !!!

During these politically correct times, I take (with a malicious pleasure) the risk of arousing the sarcasms of the critics from Aix. I would be hardly disappointed if you were not shocked at least a little after having read some of my most daring adventures. I would also be disappointed if I didn’t receive any message on FB perfumed with the cyprine of my readers and containing a combo dediboobs/duckface as attachment. The call is launched ! I shall be finally disappointed if none of my readers jump one day on me into the street by pushing hysteric shouts while putting bra on the head. Well then… I expect that a large number of people won’t like what I write, because in France we especially appreciate well-thinking and lies… just have a look to this this movie in which one would want to persuade us that Manu Payet is completely credible in the role of the guy who bangs two hotties without making more effort than delivering a bad game.

The girlfriends of my readers will not love me because they will think that I push their man to depravation. The boyfriends of my readers will be jealous because their girl will think of me during sex. I thus essentially aim at a public of open-minded single people. If you think that I am a big jerk, well, fuck you… Otherwise, I’m glad to count you among my readers. If you are wise, one day I will maybe publish a photo of my triple legendary sex (yes, it is because of the nuclear accidents).

Well, I stop the autobiographical bullshit that make you waste your time. Besides, you are probably not sure if I just write the shit that come into my head in order to troll my own readers or if I am serious. Now, this introduction is way too long, I have pain in fingers due to typing. You’ll have to find the answer on your own!

See you in the next post for the first adventure of 2014!

May the god of the Game be with us !

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Funniest messages received on POF and FB

Like I said, I had created a fake profile on POF and FB (a girl). Here is the best-of of the messages I received with. I did not even have to provoke them nor to wait for a long time to be entitled to it! Enjoy !

“how u doing”

“hey whats up”

“Hey there what’s up”

“Hello 🙂 how are you??”

“Heyy, how are you?”

“Hey there beautiful 🙂 how’s it going?”

“Wanna be my girlfrien? I forgot the d because you can get that later”

“I find you attractive and I will cut the chase by asking that do want to discuss the proposition to meet tonight?”

“Sexy! 🙂 Good morning :)”



“hi u there”


“Hi! Up to anything crazy this weekend?”

“hi u so beautiful ^^”

“Hey you have such a beautiful smile”

“I’m Marc. I’m a few years older than you and not knowing if you had any preference of age range I figured I’d introduce myself anyway. Your profile doesn’t say a whole lot about your interests so I’m not sure what we might have in common.”

“Hey sweetie”

“look at that face”

“Bonjour love, how’s a chat,drink and food sound?”

“You look absolutely yummy. 😉 Where are you from?”

“Nice picture”

“Hey I just wanted to tell you that you have a gorgeous smile. My name is Joe it’s nice to meet you. How is your day going?”

“Hey, I hope you’re doing well. I just read your profile and I enjoyed what you had to say. I’m 43 years old, young at heart, fun and looking for an intelligent and attractive woman for an ongoing mutually beneficial relationship. Maybe you just need some spoiling and support each month. 🙂 I also enjoy meeting new people and I’m looking to find someone to hang out with for such things as dinners, drinks, shows or whatever else we both enjoy. It’s also very important to me that we establish some sort of friendship and connect on some levels. I would like to hear more about you. I’m also willing to send you a picture if you’re interested in talking. Please let me know how I can reach you to chat further. Talk to you soon. :)”

“sure u looove black cocks”

“hello can we make a friendship :)”

“Hieeee can I be ur frnd”

“peace luv unity”

“Life is going to be better when these is someone like u”

“Bonjour beauté 200euros pour une fellation (200€ for a blowjob)” from a old fat dude

“My lucky baby how are you ! You are very beautiful !”

“my awesome baby . I wanna see your sexy pics.”

“send it on private”

“Oh ya your very beautiful in your pitcher 😉

“Hello my favourite are you?”

“hey how is goin on life there:)?”

“Hi sexy you and i can go to town”

“i’m looking to this lady infront of me, sexy as it can be tonight i want a slut , would u be mine ? i heard u was freaky from a friend of mine now i hope u dont get mad at me, but i told nate u was a freak. he saids he wants a slut, hope u dont mind, i told him how u like it from behind ;)”

“hey babe how are you?x”

“Hello beautiful girl 🙂 my name is aytül I’m from turkey. How are you ? What is your job ? How old are you ?”

“hi how r u sexy”

“just got pulled over by a cop writing my first response to you. He gave me the whole “texting and driving” shit speech and was about to give me a ticket. But I showed him your picture and and explained what POF was. He let me off with a warning and said that I better get your number.”

“Ohhhhh sex…..”

“ewaths your nam”

“are you online honey”

“ciao bella” (or Spanish messages)

“ciao dolcezza”

“bonjorno come stai bene”



“If u or your friends ever want AMAZING weed…call or text me at XXXXXXXXXX any time of the day or night. Great quality and counts. Pickup only. Pass it on to anybody u know that smokes please and thank you:)”

“you can come to me in the summer to spend your holidays and I’ll show you my country “the” Morocco “””

My boyfriend and I noticed you on here and found you extremely attractive and down to earth. Would love to see if you would entertain the idea of getting to know a laid back couple for fun, adventurous times.”


Now, translation of French messages:

“hello i’m porn actor (dorcel tv) I guess we met there?! ;)”

“Hello I’m Stephane’s wife , thanks for not chating with him anymore”

Hello!! 07XXXXXXXX can be useful, or not, see you soon I hope!!!”

” Sorry I’m late”

“It’s hard to be interesting… I admit I work for the SNCF(French National Railway Company)… and you”

If you want to get acquainted with a mature and nice guy do not hesitate ;)”

” Hello, are you waiting for the prince charming?”

” I want to eat you!!!”

“You don’t like me :(?” It’s a first message, yes yes !

” Hello ! Are you coming from Venus ?”

Good evening,
I would like to get acquainted but I am quite hopeless to approach girls I think !
Anyway if you want to talk you are welcome.”

Hello your profile is really different from all the other profiles I have seen…”

“Hello how are you? My name is Arnaud. Sorry for the a little bit basic approach ^^.”

Nothing would more please me than discussing with you. Your profile hardly left me unmoved. I thus seize my keyboard to meet you with the hope that this short text tempts you to know a little more about me. Hope to read you soon”

“Hello miss.
I want to tell you that I’m not here talking to you because I have nothing else to do in life. I’m here because I’m looking for a serious and human relationship !”

“My initiative is simple and humble , my sobriety wants to get acquainted and why not meeting you while going out of this virtual world and promises you a world full of knowledge , smile, tenderness, respect, listening and more….”

Above all, I am anxious to specify that I am not a kind of “fat obsessed pig” or a weirdo….”

“Hello. I’m here.. Finally found you .. do you wanna marry me?”

“Hello, Yoann 23 I live with my dog the only female who lives with me :p can we talk?”

If you want we can discuss to see if we have common points.”

“yooooooooooooo what do we do tonight?”

” I had decided to try to pick you up because you are perfect but I am a little tired now so you’ll have to do the job for me”

Opened or closed?”

“hello I live in senegal.”

Hello, if by any chance you want to meet a beautiful and soft guy and not a horse of the whole, answer.” …………… “baby ?” ……………….. “???”

“hey honey”

“Hello I’ve already seen you in a party, unless she was your double lol “

“Your eyes are like a shotgun, I’ve no body amor but I’ll take the risk because you’re so hot ;)”

“Hello master!! I am subjected to the feet of the women… Fetishist of feet and shoes” … “I’m ready to pay to be the doormat of the girls..”

“I am a Cro-Magnon man”

You are too beautiful it’s serious!!! I’m melting”

“Woow very nice eyes perfect mamamia lol”

Hello I like you and wanna meet you , I know it is direct but nothing is compulsory it is a simple request”

“First time I send a friend request on FB to someone I don’t know not but Madam is really hot…. then I innovated!”

“Snapchat: XXXXX37 add me and you’ll see everything!!!”

“I would want to photograph you for my project of art “sublime machine” !!!”

Knock knock?”

“Naughty ?”


“u’re so ugly I want to kiss u…………….. ”

“hello can we talk ?”

“are you faithful ?……;-)”

“sorry for this intrusion but I find you so attractive with very sexy lip:-)”

“yo plz give me ur phone number to talk my name is mamadou”

“hello, did we already meet?? ^^”

Kisses of love and friendship “

“hello it’s me”

“I hope I’m not interrupting anything?”

I am depraved, I am going to humilitate you “

“hello where are you from? do you want a sexfriend?”

“If you don’t mind I would like you to do something I love??? always shave your pussy”


hey sexy, do you want to meet me ?? I am sarah , a 21-year-old Moroccan, and I have a webcam !!”

“you’re so hot… stay as you are”

“Do you like threesomes?”

“I kiss you everywhere”

“Lache moi ton phone-tel, j’ai pas l’temps de te parler … It’s a song of Booba, he is a great man!”

“Hi. I know you have a lot of friends but if you give me 5 minutes , answer to my texts , so we know better each other I would be happy”

A rare beauty!”

“I saw you and tumbled off my chair”

“Hello are you looking for a job ????”

I like your sweet little face do you want to go have a drink to chat?”

“Do u want some weed ?”

“good weather today… board ride ?”

“if you’re single give me one single chance to live with you and to marry you , I work hard , I have money , I’m looking for a serious wife , I’m 31 , I work in a restaurant”

“escort ?”

Extract from “Secrets for seducing on the Internet

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Online dating : the key points of the Mystery Method

In this free part of the ebook, I am a going to talk about the “Game” in a general way… then in the paying part, we will really totally focus on the online dating. Fair enough ?



A successful date aims to sleep with the girl

First of all, what is a successful date (your objective)? In my opinion, it is a date that ends with you sleeping with the girl. Not less.

Why ?

– Sex is a huge investment for a woman. Once you’ve slept with her (of course here I suppose you’re not a bad fuck but it is not the subject of this book), you’re given more room to maneuver to design the kind of relation you wish. This is why many “good” girls get drunk with their friends to muster the strength to have sex and sleep with a guy just because he was there… then they continue to see him frequently. It’s the theory of commitment and coherence. Furthermore, coming back in the bed of a guy with whom she has already slept, it’s 100 times less social pressure for her (social pressure – – -)! Poor girls, we must understand her…

– Sex allows to break the ice and thus to quickly lead the interaction towards something more intimate. I often noticed that when I slept with certain girls after 10 minutes of conversation, the ice was more broken than after 2 or 3 formal dates with others. The post-sex relationship changes dimension : you became a close friend.

– Too much unresolved sexual tension kills any sexual tension. If there is a lot of sexual tension between both of you, and during too many dates in a row (too many = more than 3), it can make things awkward (and she will think that you have a small cock). It would even be possible that she stops seeing frequently because of frustration, and thus wanting to play it gentleman will make you lose everything. I know a lot of people who say that the best part is the game of seduction… just before sleeping with the girl or kissing her. I agree, it can be funny during a moment, but one day, it will be necessary to do something more concrete (besides people often say so because they are too scared to take action). I remember a girl who wanted to play this silly game with me then I decided to don’t sleep with her before the 10th date.. to experience. I can assure you that she did not love that (nevertheless she was a classy girl: a working girl from a good family) and I’ve never been able to get a 8th date. It is regrettable but it truly shows that the politically correct has limits. Then do not take literally everything people say.

However, the more you have options (i.e. you try to chase two doggy styles rabbits at the same time), the less you care if you sleep with her during at first date or not. And you will sleep with her more often at the first date. This is a paradox… But you will notice with time and experience that : success breeds success. You have my word !


How to make a success of a date ?

Here are things you should do during your date:

– Stimulate her with as much different positive feelings as possible. Use your words, the tone of your voice, your body language and your environment (music, etc.) The time spent with you will so have a real impact on her and will remain burnt in her head (as well as in her small panties).

– Acting in a more and more intimate way during the date. Too many dates finish with a strange, clumsy and inopportune kiss in front of her door or in the car because of a lack of physical escalation during the date. Why is it so important ? Because it clarifies things : you do not have the slightest intention of finishing in the friendzone. It underlines as well the fact that you are sexually confident… and an active person in your search (of sex or love: in other words, of women). Remember that a woman in general does not want to feel responsible for her own seduction. Besides, they love the men who assume themselves and take what they want (alpha characteristic).

– Making so you feel comfortable like if you knew each other more than superficially. Like if you were already in a more intimate relationship. You should try to create a feeling of familiarity, intimacy and confidence : it will distinguish you from the stuck and awkward dates she often went to (90 %). And she will feel like the connection between both of you is naturally (magically ?) really good.

– Sexualize to sow the seeds of your sexual relation. By making her comfortable with the sexual subjects, you set up the frame according to which “sex is amazing, and it is the most natural thing of the world“. It is one of the most important ingredients to make a success of your date and finally sleep with her just after.

Too many guys go on dates and agree to submit themselves to the common practices that don’t pressure their girls (far too formal thus not really adapter to the intimacy we were talking about). They go to the cinema, to the restaurant or do other things like that as a first date. Sometimes even, they pay everything for them : serious mistake (if you chase several doggy hares at the same time it’s going to be expensive & by paying for a girl, you make her feel indebted to you… thing that psychologically puts people off… it is not at all your purpose) ! These guys clearly have read too many novels or seen too many movies (that are made to make teenagers dream and give a wrong vision of what a good date should be). It is too much romanticized, old man-game and inappropriate. This legend according to which “nice guys” fuck “hot girls” that is taught as morality in the Hollywood movies feeds their fantasy (being loved “for what I am without needing to make any real effort”). Life is unfortunately not moral.

The truth is that if you want to take out your pin of the game, you have to be ambitious during your dates. If “something magic” has to happen between you, it’s great… but do not wait that it happens alone, and rather give yourself the best possible odds.


Lousy preconceived ideas

Now, let’s talk about what is some shit (preconceived ideas and old lousy fantasies).

– The fantasy of the man who has to court the woman by singing the serenade under her window and by offering her flowers : one basically always assumes that it is the man who has to “hunt” (chase) the woman… who, she, has to play it hard to get. Even if it corresponds more or less to the laws of the evolutionary psychology (a woman looks for a man who has enough resources to take care of her children)… in the modern society, it creates lousy states of mind that do not help at all during the process of seduction. Women are in this logic seen as prizes to be won. Thus sleeping with her becomes a trophy she can give to the man who accepts the competition with the others to win her favors. It is according to this position of inferiority (hunter) that most of the guys agree to play the game. Attraction and intimacy are things difficult to obtain when you agree to communicate that you are the one who hunts the other one. To get more success, you have to change at first your state of mind on this point. You will thus attract more quality women, and you will sleep with them more quickly.

– The fantasy of the nice guy: the average man is afraid of being a man in our societies. He does not embrace his real nature of virile man who has needs… he does not act according to his deep instinct of male. It’s because of this fact that the notion of “nice guy” became so pejorative. I am not suggesting you to bang your chest by roaring out nor to drag her in the kitchen by catching her by her hair to seduce her. You are certainly a kind person, well-intentioned, who has a lot of love to be offered to a woman. Just like me. However, as previously said, the modern man lost this link with his deep nature and his sexuality :

* we are conditioned to respect the social standards, to make our needs come after those of others, to do not step out of line, to shut up in a general way about the injustices of the system;

* we are conditioned to think that the women who have fun in a sexual way are exciting whores but with whom you should not make any commitment and maybe not even sleep because they could give us a disease;

* we heard a lot about ideal models of lousy love: it’s what we can read in Fifty shades of Grey, or watch on TV (for example Briget Jones), what we lived when we were in the primary school and when we just held the hand to our lover. Ideals models that sometimes totally contradict the real world : I heard conversations between girls that were way more dirty than everything I’ve ever heard and said with my buddies.

Women in fact love men who are kind (they would be crazy otherwise), but only after they showed attractive alpha characteristics. A guy who is exciting (≈ alpha) is a guy who is in the contact with his man’s nature. The problem, it’s that “nice guys” adopt a too feminine attitude, waiting that she takes control of the relation (even sometimes for the first kiss) and put her on a pedestal. It puts too much pressure on her small feminine shoulders and place her in a male role she does not want. A normal woman likes feeling like a woman. And moreover, you too like feeling like a man and like that she is feminine, right ? Then, let’s stay in this configuration.

“Nice guys” are often poor guys neglecting themselves and seeing the love relation as an one-way road. In spite of their good intentions (pleasing people and especially women at all costs) she feels ill at ease if she is only receiving and never gives. If she has nothing to invest in the relation, the woman cannot completely touch her feminine nature. Acting like a AFC (average frustrated chump) it’s a little bit like offending her femininity… I exaggerate of course, but it is not exciting nor sexy. It is not what a well-balanced woman wants. What shows that the “nice guy” is a sucker, it’s the fact that many women admit they keep him waiting and make him pay before sleeping with him, whereas they fuck during this time with other guys (even if they know them for less time than the Nice guy and does not want to make a commitment with them).

If you are not seen as a lover (a man with whom she can explore her sexuality with impunity) you thus have the choice between :

1) falling in the friendzone;

2) Falling in the “kind-boy-perfect-as- a-husband-who-will-take-care-of-me-later” zone. What is not a bad thing for you… if want to undergo your sexual life and get married to the first girl who will agree to sleep with you.
In each of these two zones, on the sexual plan: you are fucked.

A guy she sees as a potential boyfriend will only see a single facet of her. And it’s often not the dirtiest. On the other hand, and sometimes at the same time as she tries to pick up a potential boyfriend, a guy she sees as a lover is doing a lot of naughty things every night with her… and it is even him who decides when they see each other or not, etc. It is the dark side of women. But you can be a boyfriend (or a husband) AND a lover: it is the complete man, the perfect man (or almost).

Thus the morality is : be at first an alpha lover, and then a “boyfriend” if you want. “Nice guys boyfriends” are fucked in 99 % of all cases. A small table to help you to find your way there (a balance between both lover/boyfriend, it’s very good)…

The lover The boyfriend
Not always available
Like what is prohibed
Sexually experimented
Driven by passion
Safety (security)
Share his resources
Predictable, almost needy
Doesn’t want to pressure her
Emotional and financial stability
Social conformity, no originality
Acceptance, submission

– The fantasy “he / she is so special”: too many guys told me “this girl is different from others” or “your techniques won’t work with her because she is not like the others”… while they know her for 1 week or less. Many guys have too many illusions and fall in love too easily. The consequences of the fact that she is so special for them (because she is interested in them thus she stands out in their opinion) can be that they are going to want to do too much, to be too classy and too gentleman, and to pay too much for her… and finally scare her off (TOO MUCH OF EVERYTHING…) Then they will be disappointed and will conclude “all woman are whores”.

It is important for a woman to see how a man behaves with the waiters, the vendors, etc. 3 dates allow her in her opinion to get a good idea of who you are and of if you correspond to what she is looking for or not… if ever she knows what she is looking for. Often, they settle this rule to ease their conscience.

The problem for women, it’s that quite a lot of guys change their behavior when they’ve slept with them. They become less reliable, patronize her, answer very slowly to her texts, and do not pay any more as much as they did before sleeping with her. This change of behavior frightens women.

No matter how many dates you went on with this girl, the balance of the relation tilts very often in favour of men after sex. Because it is an important emotional investment for a woman, we have already spoken about it! Some people think that the simple fact of bedtime with a woman creates chemical substances in her brain that make that she becomes attached to the guy just because she slept with. Many women had unpleasant surprises with men after sex, thus they established rules for their next dates.

I am not here to be your moral guide, but I chose the road of the honesty and of the frankness for my future relations. Not only it protects everybody’s feelings, but it also helps us create more powerful connections… and stronger ones. During my quest, I often noticed that my frankness was often suspect even pushed away… so ironic !

Women should never criticize you because you are an alpha virile who knows what he wants and who assumes the fact he enjoys making love. Some do it, but it is them who are to be pitied, because it shows that they are conditioned, frustrated… In other words, in practice: badly fucked.


The most frequent errors

If you have for habit to take women on romantic dates (like candlelit dinners, cinema, etc.) it will be difficult for you to satisfy all the following criteria. Too bad for you…

Even for those who are good at doing the talking, this kind of date sets up a bad dynamics in the interaction and reduces your chances of developing a more physical relation.

When you go to the restaurant with her before having ever fucked her:

– she unconsciously puts you in the “nice guy” category that she is used to reject (bad association);

– you have difficulties to do some physical escalation (because of the table between both of you);

– too much social pressure because of the conversation that should be intimate and of people all around (walls have ears);

– by wanting to pay and to impress her with your money, you would risk looking “try too hard”, by refusing to pay and by obliging her to divide up the bill, you would be thought of as a “skinflint”. The only acceptable compromise here it is to pay one time in two (1/2 date).

When you go to the cinema with her:

– problem with having a conversation;

– any attempt of kinaesthetic escalation will be felt much more hardly because there will be no conversation to disguise it (your conversation is supposed to calm the logical part of her brain until the emotional part gets the upper hand) ;

– the movie will maybe be more interesting than you for her;

– if the movie is a shit, you will have to save the night, but she will be in a bad emotional state of mind;

– you once again fall into the trap of dates so “clichés” ! Thus creating attraction will be compromised from the beginning because of your lack of originality.

I think that it is better to keep this kind of dates for the girls with who you already go out, or at least with whom you make out, if and only if really want to go to the restaurant or to watch a movie in good company. In phase of seduction, if ever you invite her to eat or to watch a movie at your place, it changes everything of course. In this case, it becomes a daring thus exciting date, because anything can happen. I’m not saying that she cannot shake you in the cinema into the darkness, but for a first time and according to the kind of girls you date, it will be delicate. It’s a good idea to make it easy for her, at least at the beginning.

When sexual tension is not released, it is sometimes funny over the short-term, but in the long run, it plays negatively on your relation. So, fuck her ! I sincerely think, by experience, that it is better to sleep with her too early than too late ! Because it is what she expects from you + because you will take in a way control of the relation and do what you want then. In addition, acting sexual as fast as possible accelerates the process of seduction, whereas being frustrated, thinking about sex but not assuming, hinders the development of a healthy relation. Calibration is key in this case too : according to the woman and according to the situation, timing won’t be the same.

Certain women have rules defined in their head, and even Ian Somerhalder would not make them break it. At least in theory… Every lock has a key as they say, you can thus choose to model at her convenience, to wait 3 years just to sleep with her… so putting aside your personality, your ambitions and your cojones. It is obviously not what I suggest. There is thus a sorting that must be done and you will learn in this ebook how to avoid this kind of girls who offer finally more problems and frustration than solutions and pleasures. And you will more assume your intentions!

The rule of the three dates before kissing/fucking a girl became public domain, but it is an enormous shit. You can sleep with a girl after 10 minutes !!! And no, she is a whore!!! It is rather because you did it well. And thanks to you, both of you will have fun…

When a woman uses the rule of the 3 dates (or 10) with you :

– understand why she does that (certainly a way of protecting herself… It is then interesting to understand against what she wants to protect herself) ;

– always be the exception to rules in your mind, rules are made to manage the sheeps which intelligence is limited, but you are a pioneer ;

– make her want to sleep with you, first of all thanks to the rapport created between both of you, then by making her understand that you admit that her situation is delicate when it comes to sex (social pressure, other guys who were jerks or bad in bed…) and finally turn her on a little to see how she reacts.

By clearing at once up that you are not the basic guy, you won’t any more fall into the “clichés” of the trying to pick up. What immediately makes you become somebody interesting. And by underlining the fact that she tries to pick you up too in return, you create a dynamics that works in your favor.


The key points of the Mystery Method

The Mystery Method provides sequences : attraction before comfort, comfort before seduction (sex). All this by physically escalading and by leading her towards an intimate place where you can feel enough at ease to sleep together. I do not generally like methods, because I reached a quite good level so I’m able to enjoy freestyle, but I have to admit that methods are very useful, all the same, to know where we are in the seduction process. They give a frame that can be useful… especially for beginners! I am thus going you to develop a little more on this reference method which is the basis of the community of the seduction…

To bring your mission to a successful conclusion, you must be good at :

– stimulating her feelings and demonstrating a high value (attraction) ;

– making so that she shows you her value… to make her understand that you appreciate her for something else than her physical appearance (qualification) ;

– creating a rapport and an intimate connection (comfort) ;

– turning her on and undressing her (seduction).

If you follow grosso-modo this progress, you will probably be able to sleep with her and start a relationship. You will optimize your chances. It should be noted that the phase of qualification is included in the comfort phase.



You have (to seem) to be someone funny, because this way you can more easily break rules. The excitement so created, or euphoria, inhibits the logical part of her brain and allows to deal with her emotional brain which is finally more free and more sincere.

For that purpose :

– tease her ;

– misinterpret what she says in a player tone (first of all imply that she is attracted to you, then later, that she wants to sleep with you – it’s daring but nerve pays) ;

– play games (riddles, battles of thumbs, reading the lines of the hand, playing the mentalist with people around, etc.) ;

– show that you are not a dead man of hunger who wants to sleep with her at all costs… but rather that you are someone all the same sexual who assumes. This nuance is extremely important, she does not want to feel that any girl could be on her seat or might do as well as her for you. Roughly, it is necessary that they cannot think they are exchangeable.



For a serious relation, it will be necessary for you to create more comfort than if you just wanted to sleep with her. A woman must know enough about you so she has good reasons for thinking that you are the one you’re claiming you are. I’m not saying here that you’re suspected of impersonation, but she has to feel relatively safe and enough trust you to invite you at her place or to agree to come to your place.

I am not a medium but I can tell you that you’ll be tested, more or less consciously, more or less finely, during your meetings.

She will want to see if :

– you really are the attracting guy that you claim your are since the beginning;

– she will really feel comfortable with you in the bedroom in the point to get naked, what she has to win with it and how you will manage the “after sex”;

– you can enter her life, and which role you could play in it (lover, one shot, husband, etc.) Roughly, if you can be of any interest for her or if you are a coal nut more than something else (I’m kidding, it is not as dichotomous as that, but it is so that you better understand).

The rule says that, more you will create comfort, more you will make tilt the balance in favour of “potential boyfriend” and thus more you will need time and efforts to sleep with her. It is thus not necessarily good to create too much comfort.

To create comfort quickly, effectively and in good dose, a good way is to reveal your passions and your purposes in life. These things that make you wake up in the morning. When you speak about it, put some passion in your voice… not for good measure, but because if there is no passion, it is because these things do not fascinate you. This is called genuineness.

Be spiritual and enthusiastic. They like mystery and intrigue… any personality is seemingly full of it. For that purpose, let your emotional side speak. You will thus communicate on a channel that they get well.

Make her understand how you see the world. We all see the world through the prism of our own reality. This is called “faiths”. But also show that you can stand up on that. With that said, for your personal comfort, I advise you to adopt positive faiths and to see a little life through rose-colored glasses as much as possible… on one hand, because anyway it changes nothing to the facts : thus it’s always better to be happy (even if it means contenting yourself with few) and on the other hand, because few people are really positive in fact thus it is soothing and attractive (more than a killjoy or a guy who sees plots everywhere… I know some).

Fear (approach, social or sexual anxiety) can paralyze you and prevent you from doing many things in your life. But it is necessary to say to yourself that fear doesn’t remove danger. That the life is an adventure, or a game. The more you will have a vision alpha of the life, the more you will see yourself as winner and the more you will be charming. Except for the eyes of the girls who are programmed to like losers (for example the LSE – low self esteem). But it’s a different story and because I want that you aim high (the top of the basket), this problem is not supposed to happen even if there is a lot of LSE on the Internet. Something else: certain people who will read this free part will think that I am a monster and that I have probably a lot of problems to be interested in the seduction and especially to see it as a science. It is another kind of faiths… I can assure you, even with more than 5 years of experience, that my vision of things is so much, otherwise more, acceptable and constructive than the one of these people (no counter-example).

We can also create comfort in a passive way. For that purpose, you have to seize the opportunities that will offer themselves to you during the meeting. Like opening the door for her or guiding her somewhere (leader). Make so that she feels safe, for example by putting your hand at the bottom of her back when you cross the street, in a protective way.

Do guy’s things. Holding her hand in the crowd : it doesn’t only mean that you do not want that she gets lost. It also communicates that you pay attention on her while you’re having a walk on the way of life. It is subtle but women are very sensitive and emotional beings. Way more subtle than us. They are very good in sub-communication. Always wonder what you sub-communicate (and not only what you communicate with your words).

Then, you try to do so that things become sexual. The problem with the phase of comfort, it’s that you will maybe be tidied up in her “potential boyfriends” mental category. By sexualizing things, you appear more sexually concrete and you go away from the image of the future-but-hypothetical-extraordinary-boyfriend (that you will never be except if you are the prince of Monaco… but she is going to fantasize). Sow the seeds of a fast kinesthetic escalation (roughly, warm her tactilely)!

I can hear you asking me : but in this case, why getting bored creating comfort if we just want to fuck her? Because without comfort, the cold sexualization would be unlikely to work.

Soft ways of sexualizing :

“Tell me more. Why do you like XXX ? I am sincere, even if I did not want to sleep with you, I would ask you for it.”

“When you talk about that, I can feel your passion in your voice, it’s sexy. Tell me more… or rather don’t, we should speak about something else because it gives me not really Catholic ideas (sex).”

A frame, it’s the underlying and emotional context of any interaction. It exists everywhere in the society : in any communication, there is a frame. Imagine, for example, when you talk to mister Dupont, your philosophy teacher. Imagine now that this mister Dupont is a lieutenant, either a psychologist. See how with the same person, the context would be different, thus your attitude would change. The attitudes of the protagonists adapt themselves to the frame of the underlying communication.

If we apply it to pick up:

– you can choose to be a kind boy, considerate, who patiently waits that the girl decides that it’s time to let you sleep with her, and dependent of his girlfriend to be happy in life. You often send her texts or phone to her, and buy her very expensive presents. It sets up the frame according to which you are not exciting. Roughly, you can see her as a hardly accessible girl for whom it will be necessary to you to make a lot of efforts;

– otherwise you can also choose to act in a daring, exciting way, to be ambitious and unpredictable and to never say “no” to an adventure. You surprise her and so test her limits and realize her fantasies. Her emotional state when she will be with you will be totally different. There will be this special spice. You set up the frame according to which you are exciting. Here you choose to see her as a girl with whom you’re certainly going to sleep, unless she is too tight-ass to see what is her interest (sexually speaking).

If you do not set up a frame in your favor then the others will choose one for you, at their convenience, rather one easy for them and one that does not disturb them too much. You will lose very often if you are passive. Anyway, a frame of kind boy will never be favorable to a fast kinesthetic escalation as far as it would be perceived by her as something strange. A little bit like a passive-aggressive: when he gets excited, it surprises everybody and we do not understand what is happening. By quickly clearing things up, by imposing that you are a sexual man, you completely transform the dynamics between both of you. And if she is not happy with that, she leaves : bravo, you saved time and saved some energy. The cherry on the cake is that with such an attitude you will influence her psychological state, and thus improve your rate of success.

For example, if you are clear with the fact that you are not someone who judges, she will more be tempted to have fun in the bed with you. Fear and social pressure in a relation : you can limit them even delete them if you put a good frame in your interaction. She will certainly test you to be sure that you are who you claim you are, thus do not start telling that your ex is a whore because she banged 3 guys since you broke up. Be positive : rather say that “good for her if she has fun, if she has orgasms, it’s something cool taken on life anyway” and that moreover you have for principle to never leave your partner not satisfied, etc.

Your purpose is to fix frames that help you (she wants to sleep with you) rather than to let her fix what she wants (she wants to test you to see if you deserve to make out with her in a few weeks). Claim you are the prize in the interaction, and you will maybe become the prize. In any case, you will more be it than if you did nothing and passively accept your fate.

How to fix such a frame ?

– Interpret things she does as an attempt to seduce you. But do it in a relax, funny way. If you are not credible or too authoritarian or if you are not comfortable yourself when you do that, you will meet some resistance and rejection. Because they have an ego too: when somebody accuses them too extravagantly of trying to impress him, they often react by putting him back in place.

– Find things she has or does that please you, and link them with sexuality. For example, “I like the smell of your lip balm, if you continue to put it on you, I guess that I could not refrain from kissing you everywhere… everywhere…
– ah well so I will put more of it right now!”

You can do it in the form of a game or a challenge too. But funny and with second degree. Me, who am a notorious womanizer, I like saying “ah you know, many girls before you tried to take my virginity”. If she is from the beginning or was put in the good state of mind, she could answer “yes but, me, I am going to succeed“.

Sometimes, they will try to impose their frame. Something saying that you have to pay for everything to deserve possibly-maybe-one-day their sexual favors. This is all good for them, in a sense: they stay in their zone of comfort and you pay for her (sucker !). If their frame is too strong in their mind (I call this kind of girl “princesses spoiled by their parents”) it is possible that there is nothing else to do to sleep with her than complying with their requirements of neurotics (but in this case run away otherwise she will maybe be a pain in your ass during a loooooong time). Otherwise, it can be a test and you can try to reframe to see if that works… Anyway trying does not cost anything. The one who has the strongest frame will so influence the other one.

Women are programmed to like alpha attitudes such as protection, etc. Even the most feminist one. Except the neurotics sometimes. I’m talking about emotional, physical and financial protections, in an ideal world.

Try to become a man who knows what he wants, where he goes and with what kind of women. And who does not have a change of mind as a weather vane. The more you will have a strong virile presence, the more you will be an emotional protection for her. Also try to be emotionally positive. Somebody funny, informal and funny. Sometimes it’s difficult, but in this case, why not following a therapy : if really you have things that haunt you and prevent you from being happy even when you’ve just fucked a HB10 (if you feel you need to get it off your chest) ?

If you are strong, confident and a leader during dates, you will maybe break the rule of 3 the RDV(Rendez-Vous) because she will be more likely to be guided by you in a bed, without feeling guilty because she will not feel responsible for her own seduction.

Most of women are programmed to don’t assume their own seduction. This is why they settle rules. They do not want to feel as being a whore who manages the trying to pick up. In such a case, they can feel this feeling like if they were a male, if they take control, and so… feeling uncomfortable then losing their attraction. Once and for all : making them comfortable without “too much” will allow you, statistically speaking, to screw more and faster.

It is not easy for the most part of us to act as a leader. Because alpha are rare by definition and dominate the masses of the beta males : there is much more beta males than alpha males in the nature. But we can work on it, and we can improve our Game. Especially that an alpha is not necessarily alpha in all the domains (even never) and a beta is not a useless person (well, normally).

How to train to become a better leader :

– place your hand at the bottom of her back, take her hand when you cross the street either enter somewhere or cross the crowd. As a general rule, be the one who introduces the physical contact and the first one who stops it. If she feels a lack, it is BINGO.

– be emotionally positive, funny, humour in a light manner. See yourself as the master of her emotional and in particular sexual state.

– the responsibility for managing the conversation lies with you. That does not mean that you have to speak all the time and boast. On the contrary, you have to make her talk a lot. You have to manage the conversation and direct it to interesting/exciting subjects. Avoid subjects that generally do not help in seduction, in particular all that is negative and that can make you appear as a loser. You can play (to guess, to make her guess) to games or practice your cold reading. A woman wants to see, among others, if you are socially intelligent. Talk about her passions, yours, what she likes, her fantasies, hobbies, her challenges in life, her dreams… and yours !

– decide where to go and what to do. Have a backup plan in case she would not like what you had in mind. Get closer to the bed : If it starts raining, to be cold and that you are outside, or if the conversation starts to sink, change place (why not suggesting going to your place?).

A woman will test you. She will want to test your limits and estimate your strength of character. In the same way as YOU, you stare at her tits and ass to estimate her. They generally know what they look for and on what they are ready to make concessions (no one is perfect).

If you fail her tests or if you let her exceed the limits, you will meet more resistance (encounter more difficulties to have a possible sexual relation). The more you will be soft, weak and influenced, the less you she will feel attraction for you.

By showing that if she pisses you off too much, you can leave and that you will find others women you’ll screw (but that it would be too bad FOR BOTH OF YOU), you show that you are a valuable man who has other options (and that she had caught up to here your attention). That you have criteria and requirements (you are not a submitted pussy). That the first silly bitch you meet cannot suck your cock. And thus that you do not put her on a pedestal like most of the guys certainly do especially if she is a very pretty girl. This change will affect her.

The only reason why a guy would not assume to put limits on a behavior that disturbs him, it’s the fear of losing the girl (submission). It is all the more ridiculous if he hardly knows her. We say that a rare horse is expensive : that’s what is going to make your value, and that’s a good thing because you are a stud. Not only you have to remain a challenge for her, but she also has to feel an emergency, otherwise she will put you on waiting list. It’s her motivation to act (experts in marketing know that playing on the competition urges to the purchase). But so that it works, she must be attracted, interested, and recognize in you a sexual potential.

How to do so?

– If you walk together and if she goes into a shop, you can leave her a few moments and go to see something else. It communicates that you are not needy and that you are independent.

– You can move forward without waiting for her… or let her walk in front of you if something catches your attention. Don’t do that in a dark and dangerous street all the same.

– Be firm on your limits, but do not become a big idiot (too much badly placed arrogance communicates an ill-being, what is not attractive).

– Have fun wrongly breaking the rapport, “When I will know you better, I will tell you a secret“. Then, you can say any bullshit when she will have insisted a lot to know what is this fucking secret. Something like “I’ve been told I am king of the cunnilingus“. It is called push&pull (two steps forward, one step back).

– You have minimum criteria, you are demanding with women (they like that a man has standards, this is why they are demanding with themselves, generally).

– Enjoy disqualifying her in a player way, like “You and I, it will never work, because you watch “Les Reines du Shopping” (French stupid TV show for women)………………………………… I’m kidding, I watch it sometimes too, it’s funny“. I remember a girl I disqualified too hardly (a smocking hot 17 years old hottie when I was 24) and thus I’ve lost her. I had said something like “you are too young for me” and she took it literally then starting a relationship with a guy as old as me.



Plan little in advance if you want to fuck her at her place, at your home, or in your car. When you go on a date, always have an idea of what you could do with the girl and where, in an ideal world. Then wonder sincerely why it would be impossible. Often you will realize that it is about a glass prison. It is an audacious world map (breaking this imaginary wall) but the nerve pays ! Otherwise you can sometimes enjoy walking in the street with her then “ah ! it’s funny ! we are in front of my apartment ! what coincidence… do you wanna come over ?”

Invisible sexual tension (weird reactions, clumsiness) is present in any interaction between the people who are attracted. Do not waste it! It is normal and natural, then assume it and play with it. Feel at ease in the sexual tension (it requires some training). Start with the touch: for example when you give a kiss to her to say hello, put your hand on her shoulder or her hip. Then, escalate the interaction as I speak about it in The (inconvenient) truth about gender relations.

The feelings of women are very powerful, once they’re stimulated. It can urge them to make decisions (positive or negative – she’ll slap your face or suck you on her knees) that they would not necessarily have made without pressure. My philosophy has always been that being fixed is always better than staying in the inactivity. It’s another interesting world map that allows to move on quickly and without too many damages if the girl is not on the same wavelength as us.

By awakening her sexual desire, you stimulate her emotional side and not her logical side. You so take away her objections and the social pressure. In one second, she can be taken by a tsunami of hormones in her panties and do not be able to think anything but being fucked by the beautiful guy in front of her, and too bad if usually she does not sleep at the first date! She will just think about pleasure over the moment… and about consequences later!

You should develop your skill/talent to warm women. With your words (we will study it in this ebook), with your body language (read How to sublimate your body language). Creating sexual attraction, evolution (like a Pokemon) of the latent sexual tension, does not depend on the logic (way that us, men, are nevertheless used to think). Practicing the language of women needs knowledge and practice, but it’s more than powerful once integrated and applied. It can even become a second nature ! Of course, every woman is different, but knowing a whole arsenal of techniques to turn women on and quickly escalate tactilely will help you in any case. Even more if you play on the statistics!

The only way to make love with a lot women a lot is to lead them. It can appear as an advice at the same time obvious and doubtful for an average guy who does not practice a good type of Game… but a woman will almost never do your work of man for you.

If you follow the stages suggested in this book, you will have many dates, and you will fuck with most of them. And it is not called “cheating”. If you have a good approach, a good profile, if you prepare her on-line by telling her the good things, and then that if you confirm this attitude during an exciting date, she will want to sleep with you very quickly. You will have the impression that it happened magically, and both of you will love that!

Know that the trying to pick up and especially online dating puts a lot of pressure on the protagonists of the interaction: if you thought you had a lot the pressure, then know that she doubtless feels even more than you. Women undergo a non-natural pressure (social pressure) way more powerful than us. However, if you adopt a not judgemental approach, you can set the most intelligent women free from their glass prisons. And you will enjoy in peace together !

Come on, let’s go ! Now that we are more clear on the principles of the Game, let’s adapt all this to the Game on the Internet. What follows is a COMPLETE AND CONCRETE book (50-50% between theory and application). No matter if you are a sniper or a horse that likes bumping against them (it’s a metaphor), you will find what you are looking for in this ebook about online dating. See you…

Extract from “Secrets for seducing on the Internet

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Online dating dangers : red alert

Digital identity involved

Users of dating sites expose themselves to a series of swindles that are moreover the object of petitions.


Lies about the profiles

Works were led on the truthfulness of the profiles on the dating sites. These studies found for example differences according to the genre, men lying more on their size and women on their weight.


Romance scam

A very wide-spread problem as regards the authenticity of the registered users is the multiple cases of Romance Scam : a shape of swindle in which groups of Africans are been thought of as businessmen and send beautiful promises of love to mature women on dating sites. They then ask them to send some money for a purely invented emergency. According to the official statement of the damages that the FBI published in 2011, the declarations of the American citizens amounted to more than 50 million dollars / year. On an international scale, the damage is every year estimated to more than 100 million euros.


Blackmail attempt (webcam)

Your interlocutor appears as a person being interested in you, gains your trust. By unconsciousness, you activate your webcam and are involved in a more intimate conversation. The trap closes: the swindler took advantage of it to record you and then has images susceptible to strike a blow at your private life. The blackmail begins : they threaten you to upload the video online if you do not pay an important sum of money.


Sites infiltrated by prostitution

Some dating sites, in particular erotic ones, are infiltrated by prostitution.


Hostesses of dating sites

Some dating sites rest at least partially on a quite particular economic model: They hire “hostesses” who, by the creation of fake profiles, are in charge of arousing your interest enough to make you subscribe and so that it is extended, or still that numerous calls to premium-rate numbers (or clicks towards viruses) are made. These swindles are denounced by many victims on forums.


Deceitful communication: lie on the number of subscribers

A lot of “members” are often old inactive profiles, to whom the site took care of not asking for the deregistration. The number of subscribers claimed by those sites is moreover betrayed by the number of visitors underlined by the independent agency that measure audiences : Alexa Internet.


Lie on the gender parity

Although most of dating sites claim they have as many female members as male members, but we observe that there is sometimes in fact 2/3 x more men than women. (1 woman <=> 2/3 men)


Deficiency regarding legal information: absent Prescribing Information Text

Some dating sites do not respect their legal obligations i.e. supplying information such as the name of the company (with the SIRET in France, SNN in the United States, NINO in the United Kingdom etc.), the mail address as well as the phone number or the e-mail.

General terms of use are not often transposed into the user’s legislation.

(It is besides recommended to go only on famous sites to avoid credit card frauds realized by phishing.)


A with difficulty applicable right to withdraw

The French law allows, regarding remote sale, to withdraw within seven days that follow the subscription. It is submitted to the non-use of the service, a condition difficult even impossible to satisfy for an Internet user who is redirected since his registration on the profiles of the other members.


Termination and tacit renewal of the subscription

The code of the consumption plans the tacit renewal of the subscription when it comes to an end. It thus belongs to the consumer to make expressly the request of termination and, besides, they have to do it two to seven days in advance according to general terms of use. The dating sites do not often warn their customers of these modalities of termination. According to 60 Millions de consommateurs (French magazine), it is necessary to deactivate the automatic renewal in the space attributed to the user account. Certain sites based abroad, like eDarling or Be2, were the object of complaints (=> European Center of consumers).


Your manhandled personal data: risk of permeability between dating sites and social networks

The dating sites, just like social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google + or LinkedIn, want to become integrated and to stand out on the Web. To do it, they develop the interoperability to create footbridges between themselves and other sites having a customer database adapted to their business development. A dating site like Badoo or Zoosk is then going to be a member of numerous requests that an Internet user can click inadvertently when he is connected on his Facebook account. This is the way a lot of people found themselves despite their willingness registered and referenced on dating sites. It was able to damage the e-reputation of some of them, like this priest who had to give up his parish. The deregistration is not easy, and even later, you’re often still referenced there. Several complaints against Badoo were lodged with the CNIL.


Permeability between dating sites

Canadians who had joined on found themselves registered on other dating sites belonging to the same company “Global Personals”. This one is not moreover necessarily a true owner of sites, but simply sells its services.


Personal information leaks

In 2013, the Australian editor of dating sites Cupid Media has let escape the personal data of its 42 million users.

Extract from “Secrets for seducing on the Internet

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Online dating : the balance of power in favour of women

Women have the power in seduction, we know that for a long time at a profound level. But on the dating sites, it is the even worse than somewhere else. Us, men, are thus perfect targets for getting plucked. I led a little experiment so that you became aware of the scale of the phenomenon (sic).


Little experiment :

* A profile of cute woman that was created 24 hours ago on POF (not very active site in France but totally free thus pefect for my experience) has already received:
– Visits : 189
– Likes : + 99 (the site cannot be more precise)
– Messages : 124

* A profile of cute guy (I uploaded the photo of a buddy that girls generally find hot) that was created 24 hours ago on POF only received:
– Visits : 11
– Likes : 1
– Messages : 0

I visited 100 male profiles with the female profile and 100 female profiles with the male profile just to launch the project and to observe the reactions. Knowing that, although it is not comparable, we could say that the guy is hotter than the girl. That’s what gives pause for thought… But don’t worry, after having read this ebook, you will have understood why.

Extract from “Secrets for seducing on the Internet