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In short, I fucked without condom

July 30th 2015,

The cohabitation that went wrong

I’m writing here but there’s still Virginie home. Except that she pisses me off, you see. This is my emotional purging. Just like the overflow of the washbasin.

We had alread spent several days together but two weeks and a half it’s not the same thing! We will have held up one week (with tolerable tensions). However, what would happen, happened… Monday, it really exploded. Stronger than the cum of a guy who just gets out of prison after 5 years and pays a whore.

She started by criticizing me because I’m snoring. Understand: I snore a few times but I’m not a big snorer. I slept with enough chicks and friends to find out. But according to her : I snore too loud at night, and it is unbearable. She therefore feels compelled to go sleeping on the floor in the bathroom (is it logical or a weird idea?) In addition: there she sleeps badly, has back pain in the morning so is irritable and talks to me in a bad way. On the other hand, if I reply something, she bursts into tears.

It’s tiring me because :

1) I’m helping her. Even if it makes me happy I would have preferred starting with ONE week but she insisted on coming TWO weeks “it’s everything or nothing,” she declared.

2) I feed, accomodate, pays her restaurants, cinemas, bus tickets, etc. I pointed out this fact, but she just said “my mother gave me €100 for the month so I can not participate.” Seriously. And she does not find it not normal that her mother gave her only €100. Fuck, the mom is still in charge, Virginie is a student (and brilliant) !!!

3) I feel guilty because, sometimes nervousness made me say things I regret.

In short, the morning I can not take a shower, comb my hair nor even go to the toilet because she sleeps. So I have to piss in my kitchen sink. Yucky!

Tuesday I tried to make an effort to calm the situation but it was not enough. I even peed in the sink because I was again entitled to a crisis until 1am (she had locked herself in the bathroom, where are the toilet, of course). The solution according to her, that I sleep in the bathroom even if I work the next day and that to not wake her up, I have lunch sitting on the toilet. Yes, yes, she really offered me this solution. When I said it was an stupid idea, she  went crazy “SO YOU’RE SAYING I’M STUPID ??? “

I objected that if she really wanted to sleep, she would sleep the day even if a train passed. But no, it’s impossible for her to sleep during the day, period. Deal with it, Fab.

At noon yesterday (Wednesday), after having no news from her, I sent her a text message to see if she wanted us to lunch together. Answer: “I already ate.” It was too much, I feel that she wants war! And even when I hold out my hand, she bites. I have a lot of stress at work but when I’m back home, it’s even worse, for some days. Does she try to attract my attention because I’m too busy with work for her taste (she is on holiday)?

Last night I decided to pay her a night at the hotel to be quiet, so she can sleep without having back pain and that she can think. Besides, I should have charged her (€39): I’m not her father. And I’m tired of paying for everything, for in return, that she sulks. But hey, I’m too nice and gallant, it’s not new… so I paid (some will say « sucker »).

And I always hope that she takes into account my comments and we can finish this cohabitation in a pleasant way. There is still one week to go. It is possible if everyone pitches in! And, after that, I will see I still want to continue to see her… Besides, if she understood what I told her, she will propose to reimburse me or will invite me in a restaurant .

On ther other hand, if she does the same thing again soon, I’ll see myself forced to kick her out. Yet I am attached and everything, but it’s just unbearable. Yesterday, I had a heavy heart from seeing her taking the direction of the hotel. I also gotta work on myself, I know I have flaws and everything, but I think that since I’m helping her for 15 days… she still must make a little more effort than me. I may be wrong, according to the female logic.


The game of the day

Since I was a little angry and everything, I decided that instead of moping and asking myself one thousand questions all night, I would rather invite a girl and fuck her. I felt I needed to clear my head and something else. It was a chance : I had one in my viewfinder of sexual American Sniper. Here is the conversation on Adopteunmec :

SHE: Good evening,
I do not know what to tell you, in fact; I just wanted to send you a message, then I’m done 🙂

ME: Cool.
If one day you just wanna undress me or make me kisses on the abs… do the same thing 🙂

SHE: Haha! of course.
Interesting your profile; it is rare to come across a description without a misspelling, well done!

ME: Lol thank you! What did I win? 😉

SHE: I do not know, what do you think you deserve? 😉

ME: A shower together or a naked massage

SHE: Yeah a massage, it can always be negotiated!

ME: Did you not find me too direct?

ELLE: Direct, certainly. Too much, I do not think so.

ME: Thank you darling. Cool but then you also will be naked. There’s nothing like skin-against skin feeling to relax !!!

ELLE: What’s your name?

Blah […]

SHE: I am near Monplaisir
For massage, the problem is that I’m a little bit A DICK haha

ME: haha no the dick that’s me;)
if you want I’ll give you a first massage then guide you
Monplaisir ? it is a sign lol
What are you doing tonight?

SHE: Okay, at your peril haha
Nothing planned

ME: We could meet up at what time?

SHE: Listen, let’s say 9pm, it would be good?

ME: I don’t know

ELLE: At your place I mean

ME: My place around 9pm?

ELLE: If it suits you

In fact she arrived around 10:30pm, this slut. So late that I thought she had flaked. I was also about to write her a virulent message when it rang. The problem is that I’m supposed to be trying to convert myself to the philosophy of Buddhism and meditation: understanding, compassion, forgiveness, tolerance, etc. But I still can not detach myself from my negative emotions and am sometimes too impulsive! I am working on myself and read a lot of books about it.

Well. So I opened my door to a tall Métis. White traits, beautiful, hot, pretty refined glasses, dark skin. I could describe her as follows “a coffee with lots of milk, please!” She was talking very slowly, it smelled like the good tranquility of the Caribbean. It has its charm! With her aerodynamic haircut composed of soft hair, she works in a drugstore : she therefore sells condoms, tampons and viagra.

We sat down on my bed. She asked for a glass of water without GHB. We just talked for about 15 minutes, then I stroked her back. She shuddered. So I started caressing her everywhere, and she had her hand on my dick as a response. From there, it was good!

I went in underwater mode under her clothes, I fondled her breasts, clit and have fingered her. She started to make noise like crazy. Another hypersensitive black girl! For the record, I had already fucked a black and it was the same. Some white are also hypersexual but let’s say “statistically” (regarding my experience anyway) this is rare among white and more common in black. Thanks to her, I had probably traumatized my neighbors and/or made my neighbors want me, last night!

In short, then I undressed, licked her, etc. She came. The walls trembled because of her cries. Then I got up to take off my shirt and there… turnaround. She grabbed the flight, kissed my belly, opened my pants and everything. I thought she was going to suck me but no. She switched me on the bed and came over me. I wished she suck me though, fuck.

Instead, she was deceitful: she started to rub. Then more and more closely. Then sank on me. Without condom. I told her to stop and everything… to put on on a condom, she replied “yes” but continued. On the other hand it was really good! I knew I fell back into my old suicidal habits, but… carpe diem!

In short, I fucked without a condom. I asked her if she was taking the pill : she said yes. I then asked her if she had done tests “Yes three weeks ago and I have nothing.” WELL IT’S A GOOD POINT!

The thing is, since she may very well have fucked without a condom in the meantime. It’s long, 3 weeks in the life of a nymphomaniac! And if she proceeds like that with all the guys, I can be afraid. Especially that my Virginie, I also fuck her without condom. And she was the only one so far. I do not know what I’ll tell her to do not do it with her now. I feel a little dirty, as irresponsible. I can not decently fuck her again without condom before having a test.

Anyway, after that I caressed her again and she orgasmed again. The fact she was a really hot black girl complexed me a little bit. I thought, “maybe she is used to fuck with blacks with a huge cock and everything.” Let’s say it’s like football, the blacks are more athletic and the whites more technical! Just like Griezmann!

Btw, at one point I saw she had kept her socks during sex. One blue and one pink. Lol.

At midnight, she was in a hurry to catch the last train. It’s easy, Lyon, to kick out girls and take advantage of the urgency to take pictures while they’re getting dressed! 😉


Other thoughts

1) Regarding AIDS, I do not think the risk is huge. Nothing justifies the heavy 4-week treatment starting within 48 hours after a risk the doctor said I should take. Anyway, in my situation. So: on September 10, I’ll take a fucking test with fingers crossed. I think I will take this opportunity to make a complete check-up, too. It’s been over one year since I have not done it. In fact, it would be good that I no longer think too much about it meanwhile, it is useless anyway: it’s done it’s done.

This is what I found on AIDS:
– Insertive vaginal sex (man penetrating a woman vaginally), probability per act: 2-5/10000 “bad luck” to be contaminated. Or 0.05% (equivalent to 1 transmission over 2500 exposures).
– In France in 2014: 150 000/66 000 000 = 0,003% of sufferers.
– My risk = 0,003 * 0.05 = 0.0001%. It is not huge anyway! I have more chances to be killed by a car. But hey, I’ll still use condoms with strangers in the future. Moreover, apparently getting a blowjob has a “low probability of transmission, but not zero.” I never used a condom to get a blowjob. Am I a person at risk? I do not know anyone who gets it for a blowjob, for my defense. Are we not entitled to pure pleasure without constraints?

2) I found a LAIR that looks nice in Lyon. They describe themselves as beginners but look cool. This is by far the more important thing to me. I propose an exchange “their knowledge of bars and city against my knowledge of direct game.” With possible budding friendship. After all, everyone has a human side to bring to others. There’s not only the game in life!

The only thing that bothers me is that they fawn Nicolas Dolteau… while I find he looks gay and I also find he gives very basic advice… but hey, it’s not the worst either. The worst is Selim, I guess, he only serves to rotate his money machine. Moreover, on his blog, he has dared to write in a moment of honesty, “yes, gone are the days of laughter and songs but I’m not paid to discuss (well in fact a little bit, but with customers, sorry, fans …) I am willing to absorb tens thousands of fan’s notifications for my business, but only one off topic makes me really angry. “

3) Otherwise, I lost 2kg on the 4 that I took in my new life. I feel good!

Well, courage! May the God of the Game be with you!

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Why some women choose to wear the Islamic veil

Why some women choose to wear the Islamic veilNews : the Montaigne Institute has published a study on Islam in France. This shows that the Islamic veil (hijab) is contrary to popular opinion, a practice more supported by women than by men. How is it explained?


The results of this study

“About 65% of Muslim (religion or culture) are in favor of women wearing the veil and 24% support the idea of the full veil.

Contrary to the prevailing opinion which suggests that men are more conservative than women, the veil is rejected by 26% of men but only by 18% of women. Men are also more likely than women to say that “everyone does what (s)he wants.”

These results show an ideological commitment to veil of a significant part of the Muslim female population, up to the acceptance of the full veil (28% of women).

About 35% of respondents say they wear the veil (all the time or in an episodic way). This figure appears to be increasing in relation to surveys conducted in 2003 on these issues (+ 11 points).

The figures indicate that intermittent veil practices are relatively infrequent and that women who wear and remove the hijab in different contexts (schools, professionals) are quite few in relation to the entire population of Muslim culture.

It is found that their motivations are:
– Security ;
– The desire to show their belonging to the Muslim faith;
– Imitation of others.”

Source: the report “a French Islam is possible”, whose author is Hakim El Karoui. But beware, just like with all statements on sensitive subjects, the results are to be taken critically.


The dichotomy Madonna/Whore

If we enlighten these statements with the dichotomy “Madonna/Whore” developed by evolutionary psychology that calls “Madonna” the type of the faithful woman who invests in the education of children: a safe bet that men seek to marry. And that call “Whore” the mistress, elusive and completely unreliable, these women fascinating of freedom and confidence who condemn the men who will marry them to a tormented life… In fact, cannot we wonder if those women want to wear the veil because it communicates “I am a Madonna and all those who do not wear the veil are whores”?

What classes a woman in the type “Madonna” or “Whore” varies among cultures. Being classified as a “whore” can be very positive in our country (see for example: Clara Morgane, Zahia, Miley Cyrus) but can lead to stoning in others. Nevertheless, the current situation in the West is a rather recent historical exception, being classified as a Whore generally always had negative consequences for women, except maybe for beautiful women, or in any case, exceptional ones.

This remained etched in the brains of women, even though the society has evolved and they now could be as sexually free as men. We can also notice that calling a girl a “whore” is the way the most used by women to reduce the average value of the other women and increase their own value. For example, it is not uncommon that when I’m very direct with a woman, she answers “I’m not a whore but you should ask the other girls in the club I’m sure a lot of them are just waiting for it !”

If the Madonna has, in general, more value (which is obvious when it comes to natural insults and other conflicts of female intra-sexual competition), it is essential to take into consideration the characteristics of the person and the environment to determine if this is a good choice. But it offers a first element of explanation to the finding that women who responded to the survey support this practice more than men.


The evolutionary explanation

Evolutionary psychology makes it easy to explain this phenomenon. Indeed, no woman wants to be a “whore” because men do not usually bring their resources to such women. So can we deduce that Muslim women wear the veil to show men they are credible and deserve to get married?

Certainly some very beautiful women would not need to do that to get men… but they are much less numerous than ordinary women. The ordinary women can therefore easily submit the gorgeous women by the simple law of numbers. In addition, through the veil, we no longer see that some are more beautiful than others…

If you want to learn more about the dichotomy Madonna/Whore (or Puritan bitch), I advise you to read:
Evopsy and Seduction
The (inconvenient) truth about gender relations

Then the women surveyed allege security; certainly, remember that in some Arab countries, Muslim women are more protected than others during raids. Through the veil, the men there can quickly know if a woman is ‘legal’ for rape or not. Can we completely rule it plays in the fact that Muslim women feel safer when they are veiled in France? Of course, it is neither you nor I who threaten their safety here; I find it sad for them to be in such a situation in their country! But it is just a part of the scope of violence against women, and we know, alas, that it almost always occurs in the immediate family. Difficult therefore to exclude, unfortunately, that some wear the veil to avoid being battered.

When they say they “want to show their faith”, again, we can wonder to who and why… since in France it is not an obligation, as everyone knows, and may even attract some trouble as consequences in some circonstances! What is certain is that they do not send a signal to show they want to be picked up, and that is not very conducive to healthy exogamy (the fact of seeking a spouse outside your social group)!

Finally, the “conformism”! By doing so, they leave the not veiled women to criticism, vindictiveness, insecurity… that’s not very nice!

On the other hand, they never admit wearing the veil by coquetry, because the mystery adds some charm (although it hides the hair which is a big potential asset to a woman) ! Yet, can we exclude it? The exotic eroticism of the veil for some is certainty, for others a fantasy, or a literary cliché… I personally am not sensitive to this kind of mystery… and you, do you?

People who spit on the game and the seduction community should consider actively cultivating before giving their opinion on everything and anything. Since the learning of Seduction teaches us a lot about the society around us. The proof is here, in this article!

And, honestly, €29, for understanding female psychology… this is not over priced! Especially when you know everything I give for free on my blog!

See you later, my friends.

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A firepussy for a pretty elf

A firepussy for a pretty elfJuly 16th 2015,

The 14th was the day of the fireworks. Last night, it was rather a firepussy for a pretty girl. She has seen all the colors (red, green, blue)! BIM! BAM! BOOM!

It all started on the Internet, in this blessed holiday of July 14th that did me some good. This absolutely not deserved rest allowed me to swim in order to cool off and to pickup a naughty girl at nap time, my hair flying to the rhythm of the ventilator.


1/ The innocuous dialogue and my comments

Below, a lot of virgin excuses (I say it affectionately) and of defused shit-tests (because I’m worth it).

ME: Hi darling
(Comment: I tested her directly to see her reaction)

SHE: You’re fast!

ME: I will probably beat you when it comes to the length of some stuff
(Comment: first sexualization to see her reaction)

SHE: I easily believe you when you say you’ll beat me when it comes to the length of a lot of stuff, but I beat you when it comes to the size of my tits (at least I hope for you huh)…

ME: Lol. Haha! How to know ?! If you want we can compare! And because I’m fast I’ll try to take my clothes off to see if you’re doing the same

SHE: It’s hot outside, take your clothes off, and you can be sure I am in… If it was winter on the other hand… Not sure ^^

ME: That’s it I removed my clothes. I am now in a black boxer. And you ? Enjoy being in summer

SHE: Lol
(Comment: this fucking one word answer (can block the conversation) shows that she is uncomfortable but the above answers show that she is interested so I decided to put my foot in it)

ME: Are you shy?

SHE: I will not make you dream I’m warning you… With this heat I’m very intolerant to my bra so I’m in white sports bra and black shorts full of cat hairs. Sexy right?
I’m not shy in normal times, let’s say that I had not much experience I am rather shy/not yet fully comfortable in the intimacy, but hey, I learn fast 😉

ME: The hairs are on your breasts or your bra? 😉 not really sexy, I hope that when’ll you come to see me you will wear paired underclothes !!!
You’d learn faster if you do it with a good and understanding guy 🙂
(Comment: I am a little bit selling myself here but I think it is true that I’m particularly cool with virgins)

SHE: Failed, the hair are on the shorts (she slept on me and was using my chest as a pillow) Besides, job tomorrow and sports night, my cat is gonna happily jump on me when I get back…

ME: I miss my cat now Ahahah… bravo! How are you going to catch up?
What will you do tomorrow night as sport?
Me too I will jump on you if you want;)
(Comment: I give her an opening)

SHE: I won’t give you Gaia, that’s for sure, it’s mine!
But I’ll give you one of my chocolates, you’re lucky because I normally do not share…
I’m in a gym club, Wednesday is cardio dance classes (better than the Zumba we practice a lot of styles) and Thursday is Pole Dance/sauna or hammam…

ME: Hahaha!
I will not touch your pussy then;)
OK for chocolate, you give me this when? I am very greedy.

SHE: I was wondering when would be the first link to my pussy XD too easy…

ME: It’s not because it’s easy that it’s not funny
Cool for the sauna. Another opportunity for me to see you naked!
Where do you live? Me 3rd district

SHE: Disappointment for you, the sauna/steam/jacuzzi are collective and not nudists XD
I’m at the limit of the third, but in the 7th subway D… if you see…

ME: Yes! me I’m street ** *** if you see … 🙂
I’m actually bored I’m all alone and I have no desire to watch a movie alone. Wanna come over and watch something in underwear (normal in this heat) ? Sorry if that’s too direct just ignore

SHE: I do not see where it’s but Google is my friend …
Too bad tonight I’m doing something with my roommate ^^

ME: lol ok no problem. Tomorrow?
At least you’ve got one friend;)
(Comment: there I punish her for her refusal)

SHE: Tomorrow I told you I go to gym ^^’ (Wednesday and Thursday until 22:30) and I already missed a pole dance session last week to obey my osteopath so I can not miss the next one or I will have muscles soreness next time ^^ ‘(it hurts…)

ME: Lol all that so I give you a massage 😉
Seriously well I will not insist I’d become weird! Make a counter-proposal when you want to invite me then;)

SHE: I never say no to massage but when I said it hurts I was mostly talking about the friction because of the bar (go for a joke there, I’m used to it XD)
But hey, I’m free Saturday…

ME: Saturday do you invite me to watch a movie in the same clothes as previously exposed?
Lol for the friction and the bar, I know something. (You forced me)

SHE: Well yes but no, not at my place, and I do not hang out around my roommate half-naked ^^ ‘
I have a perverse enough mind so the jokes with the bars have already been done…

ME: OK! But this weekend I have family at my place so it’s not possible!
You do not have a bedroom for each one of you?
So if you really don’t want to come over it does not matter we can continue to talk
(Comment: in fact a girlfriend is coming for 2 weeks, I have already talked about that)

SHE: Yes but I wear a shirt when I leave mine ^^ ‘
Otherwise we can go out and get a drink, or you are completely against this kind of practice? ^^

ME: I am not against but it can quickly be frustrating after!

SHE: As want, we can still wait…
Otherwise, seriously, do you often propose it to unknown?
(Comment: shit test again)

ME: Only with the approach of the full moon.

SHE: Oh … And a lot of girls are interested?
(Comment: same pattern)

ME: it’s okay I’m not complaining. Then I need to see what’s behind. Probably a lot will get cold feet or piss me off soon
(Comment: here I want to push her to think where her interest is and to act differently from the crowd)

SHE: Ok ^^ ‘

ME: If you want tomorrow I finish work at 6 6.30 so we can have a drink…

SHE: I do not want to be a pain in the ass but tomorrow night I have to go to sport and before I have an appointment I cannot miss ^^ ‘

ME: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you collect the dates! well because I proposed too much it is now your turn to do so I won’t propose anymore
(Comment: she pissed me off)

SHE: Well let’s say it is an appointment that I cannot and do not want to miss ^^ ‘
Eh! I proposed too! 😉

ME: well I hope you will be in the same state of mind with our rendez-vous
yeah but it’s your turn now, each in turn

SHE: Not the same kind of appointment but yeah 😉
So, as it seems to be a problem this week… Next week ;-)?

ME: Lol
Yes why not ! Let’s keep in touch!
Can you hear the fireworks?
(Comment: at this moment I was disappointed because I knew very well that I was not sexually available to other girls than my open relationship who will visit me the next 2 weeks)

SHE: Yes I can hear and happily Gaia isn’t afraid… And you? Near Part-Dieu the sound must be loud…

ME: And you are you afraid?
Lol that’s it you geolocated me!!!
You are close to what?

SHE: Afraid of fireworks? No^^ ‘
I’m not far from Garibaldi

ME: Yeah we’re really not far from each other

SHE: Yes, but Lyon is not so big in fact…

ME: do you know what is big too?
you might even visit me after sport in fact
(Comment: I like this kind of joke)

SHE: Coming after sport? You really want to see me for the first time when I just left sport? This is not the best impression to give ^^ ‘

ME: lol you’ll take a shower if you sweat too much

SHE: You’re weird ^^ ‘
(Comment: she is trying to destabilize me)

ME: No, I think not. Why would it be weird to shower when you sweat?
(Comment: I reframe)

SHE: I usually I take my shower with application, but I said it in relation to sport. The first vision “just after sports” is not the best…

ME: Better to see after sport than not at all

SHE: You can also wait a bit it’s not urgent huh ^^ ‘

ME: Yes, but procrastination is not great lol

SHE: Oh but I do not procrastinate ^^ sport will fuck me up enough…
(Comment: of course she procrastinates because she is stressed)

ME: I can boost you after

SHE: I will ignore the last remark ^^
Is it a joke or are you really a “sexpert”?

ME: I don’t lie or I’d be ridiculous once naked
why do you ignore it? You’re so shy !!

SHE: Shy for this kind of comment, yes I admit …

ME: luckily I’m not shy me lol
otherwise we’d not go very far lol

SHE: I admit you have courage (or you’re bold and something makes you so confident) but when I do not know the guy I have difficulties to be myself…


ME: so come over tonight and we will try to make you be yourself
10:30 p.m. if I follow?
(Comment: I’m putting her under pressure but she will thank me later)

SHE: Tonight I will come back from sport… Looks like you do not want to understand ^^ ‘

ME: well yes, come just after precisely or we will postpone (I don’t know when) ! We need to enjoy life a little when we have an occasion !!!

SHE: But I do not know you and have never seen you. We’re only talking since yesterday… It’s quick anyway…
(Comment: what a lot of limiting beliefs, but hey, she cannot know that she will fall on a nice good lover)

ME: So what? I thought you liked spontaneity! and too fast is better than too slow

SHE: But I have to be back not too late I also work tomorrow and wake up early – ”
(Comment: a lot of fucking stupid excuses)

ME: I also work at 8:30am ^^

SHE: I need to wake up so I can take the train at 6:30…

ME: Yes!
But we do not live far away from each other!
You know that little stress you feel will not disappear even if we meet up in 15 days!
So why not overcoming it now ?
Then let’s have fun a little when we have a chance because too many work and not enough fun that’s not a good thing.
Don’t worry, you can take a shower here and I’m not an asshole I will be understanding towards your shyness huh
(Comment: nice speech)

SHE: Listen I’m going into a no phone room so I’ll tell you just after…
(Comment: at this moment she is uncertain)

ME: lol that means no… know that if you take the easy way you’re just going to miss a good opportunity to have a good time. With that, if you come you’ll score points in my eyes if you can get out of your comfort zone. See you later… or not. Kiss kiss
(Comment: still the same speech)

SHE: I have no address to join 😉

ME: cool you’re coming? ** Street ** ***

SHE: The waiting time is over, unfortunately, I am now in the subway… It’s too hot outside. I’m tired by my sport. And I am hungry.
(Comment: she was freaking out when the time of action was coming but wanted to feel good so invented excuses like what it was not possible to come over but she was trying to do that in a way I cannot blame her)

ME: the waiting time for what? I’m eating
I am waiting for you
come to Garibaldi you will be next to me
(Comment: I do not buy her bullshit)

SHE: Next to you is less close to Garibaldi than my place ^^ ‘

ME: I do not understand ! when will you be here ? do not procrastinate during a long time please because then we would have few time and it would be boring ^^ if you want it in fact do it, because we have only one life
(Comment: speech part 3)

SHE: only if you will walk me back to Garibaldi after?

ME: okay let’s be crazy

SHE: I guess I’m here

ME: cool
wait a minute I’m taking my jeans on
*th floor

Note: I use * instead of stuff I want to keep confidential.


2/ Once home

Around 10:30pm, on the screen of my high-tech intercom I saw a nice figure. Very feminine. In a sexy dress. Or a tunic, I always confuse. In fact, I do not even know the difference. In short, it was bound to be exciting.

I hesitated to open the door topless but I finally preferred to casually wear a polo in front of her to turn her on.

She put her gym bag in the hallway and sat on a stool. She asked for a glass of water and told me she had eaten a cereal bar on the road. OK, so if it’s good for her it’s good for me. We talked a bit about everything and nothing, her studies (work-linked training), my job, heat. This is a girl who describes herself as a geek. She creates websites, logos, videos, etc. It is not very well paid apparently.

I listened a lot. Anyway I could not get a word in edgewise then became resigned. She was probably very stressed for talking that much. Anyway, at some point, I positioned myself behind her and started to caress her shoulders, her face, etc. Then I slid my hands on her stomach, her legs, etc.

Then I kissed her in the neck and shoulders and then started to rub her crotch over her thin dress (or tunic, fuck). She suddenly said nothing more. It had a powerful impact on her. And I talked to her like if nothing was happening at the same time (I touched her everywhere), it was funny because it was hard for her to be consistent when she answered. So I went under the dress, started to rub over her string. Then I paused when I felt she was really wet, to caress her boobies. Finally, I went under her panties and I caressed her clit. She enjoyed, she was shaking and everything and almost fell off her stool. Fortunately, I was careful, I caught her.

Then we stood up. I looked into her eyes. She has very pretty green almond-shaped eyes well highlighted by beautiful black eyebrows. Her reddish hair is nice too. She has sharp and a little pointy ears like elves. Maybe she is an elf. Thinking about it, I took off her dress. She found herself in underwear. A nice white underwear was hidding fairly big and firm breasts. She has got pretty little pink nipples. It’s cool. Her string was black. I’ve also taken it down by leading her on my bed.

She told me that it was not fair so I put myself in boxer. I rubbed my cock against her pussy and my boxer became wet. I went down and I licked/fingered her. It drove her crazy. She contracted from everywhere, her belly and everything. Her legs were shaking, she gasped. She was close to orgasm but said “stop, stop”: she was very afraid of losing control. Typical and usual reaction when a girl do not yet know her body. Solution : either you go and force it in one time (she must be easy to release) or you go there gradually to tame this feeling (like the fox of the Little Prince).

She told me she had not fucked for several long months. Her last guy could not get hard. Damn, he does not know what he missed by not fucking her hard, this asshole. Her ass was really not bad. She said, “but where did you learn how to do that (speaking of cunnilingus)? You’re the first man I’ve met who also thinks of his partner!
– In the south !”

After she came on me, we put on a condom and she fucked me like crazy. Her libido was kindled. Then I fucked her doggy style, just like she deserved it. It really cleaned her up! I removed the cobwebs with my broom and my hiss!

After the intercourse, she confessed that she did not even know how to kiss with tongue and asked me to teach her. I did. She was glad, and happy. Good!

Then she told me about her problems. Her stress that spoils her life (she too appaently). By the way, I made an anxiety attack this afternoon at the office, it sucks, I did not feel my hands anymore, I felt strange like if I had no body anymore and I was sweating and everything, my legs were shaking I had the impression of being in a parallel world. Anyway, it happened and I’m not dead (my colleagues have noticed nothing). The problem with this girl is that she talks a lot about herself but does not seem to be interested at all when you talk about you. I guess, it’s human. I don’t care! Her problem it’s rather OCD (storage, the stuff by color, etc.) So this is my third crazy girl in Lyon !!! Finally about stress, it seems that keeping a journal helps f you want to tame emotions, accept, understand, etc. So I’m glad I started a third Diary !

Finally, she said she did not regret at all for taking on herself to come to me. She was happy and I have a little reconciled her with men. It should be a lesson for the others frightened virgins! After that, she was hungry. So I gave her a yoghurt then I took my shower. She ate and went under the shower too (with this heat you sweat like a Sumo).

I walked her back to her place. It was not a short distance. But a promise made is a debt unpaid. She thanked me “for everything, really everything.” On my way back I had the nose on my phone by walking and I ate a floor lamp. Just like in a comic.


3/ Lyon’s LAIR

Last digression, about the players of Lyon. There’s no LAIR here, actually. There’s vaguely an inactive FB page. So, I have posted a message to signal that I was creating an active FB page “LAIR privé sur Lyon.”

There’s a guy who answered me to explain how their LAIR works. He said “yeah it is is no longer an active LAIR just some old buddies who still go out together sometimes.” He added his phone number and asked me to call him.

Another LAIR organized like the SNCF, it’s promising! I said I did not like the phone (I did not want to spend an hour on the phone) and he started to give me some lessons like “yeah but you know, the game is something that makes you get out your comfort zone and everything.” I was almost ready to kill him “shut up your mouth my poor I surely fucked more chicks than you and all your buddies together” but I used self-control. I am making progress in self control! Anyway, violence, especially verbal, solves nothing.

I suggested a compromise with Skype and he did not answer. I send him another “? “But he has not answered two days later, and he saw the message. Maybe this guy is very friendly but has an awkward communication, that’s all. In short, I give this LAIR my benefit of the doubt. And it must be said that I do not “need” them even if I’m curious and I would like to meet them. But beware, I do not want any kill-joys nor negative people in my social circle, I have given enough!

Fucking sleepers you are in Lyon! May the God of the Game be with you anyway!

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How to seduce during a date?

How to seduce during a date


seduction first dateThe date is a stage of seduction which consists of meeting up in a neutral place. Sure it’s better to know someone before taking him home, but hey, on the other hand, you are as likely to be attacked by someone you know than by someone who basically do not give a shit about you (statistics).

You can watch my video about how to get ready for a date here.



On your way to get to a date, try to think of something else to avoid stress. Once there, if you do not see the girl, call her. It is more suitable than texting in such moments!

When you say hello to her, put your hand on her shoulder, to make it a bit sensual. The gesture must be confident but not pressing or you take the risk of making yourself look like a weird guy. You can even try to guide her to go somewhere by putting your hand on her down back (not all the time but briefly).

I think it’s better to sit in front of each other than side by side: experience shows it works I better. Probably because it allows for a good eye contacts.

If there is a seat, be a gentleman and offer her to sit on. If you have a choice, you should prefer to be positioned against the wall. This will limit the her field at the rendezvous, and she will not be disturbed by by the comings and goings of other people behind you. It will help you to create “your bubble.”

Drink : order what you want. But even when I was still drinking alcohol, I did not get drunk during a date. In fact, this is not a good strategy to make her drink until she loses control nor to put some GHB in her drink.

If you make a date at home, ask if you need to bring something. If she comes, plan some wine or another thing like that to drink.


Getting along well

There are positions to be adopted to better succeed, I personally adopt a rather nonchalant body language but not slouching. Of course, do not stare at chicks’ ass all around you during a date.

Check the position of your friend and evaluate the signs of interest she gives. Make some mirroring sometimes if you remember. That is to say: create a subconscious connection by synchronizing your gestures asymmetrically.

Be the same than when you made her dream enough to accept the date. There is nothing worse than the loudmouth that become very shy when in front of a girl.

A date is not a job interview, do not prepare your discussion topics. This is not the time to cover her with compliments, that would make you lose value (needy mode).

It’s true that it’s better to avoid like plague some subjects, like : politics, religion or stances. Generally, I avoid too strong opinions, I do not make a speech in favour of a particular cause or at least I do not speak about it during the meeting, I wait to know her better, it avoids hitting her personal beliefs (and also that she hurts mine – it avoids headaches). About her ex? Sometimes it can be good to talk about him, one told me that he fucked her very badly and everything but it is generally recommended to avoid this subject sometimes too sensitive.

On the other hand, you must sexualize of course. It would be good to make a whole video about it and about how to avoid Friendzone (as well as body language)! Do not be afraid if she talks about sex, assume to get her comfortable with it. But do not talk only about sex either. The idea is just to put it in her mind, if she had not this idea already! You can tease her, about her nervousness due to having a date.

Making her talk about her is paramount. Although sometimes in the beginning you will have to launch her by making the most of the conversation. Knowing how to do that without giving her the impression of answering police questions is a major asset. Ask “and you? ” to turn her questions back to her is effective because chicks often ask about what they are interested in. Common interests are important for a girl.

If you talk to a girl you like about cinema, naturally propose to go watching a movie the next day, for example.

In any case, you must absolutely not let your hormones make you lose your mind and look like a douchebag. Each girl has her definition of a douchebag and her own criteria, that’s what’s hard! But hey, there’s universal things. For example, never say, “well, I’ll poop.”

Orient the conversation towards positive things, not too many factual, rather some emotional.

When you talk, make the distinction between bragging and marketing yourself. Telling your little piece of history or your stories without trying to brag, this is done subtly and not boastfully.

A little small talk, it’s also important to look normal. It’s sad but it’s like that… “But we do not care of what my father does for a living, will we fuck or not ?”

During the visit, it’s easy to make some kinos on her hands. That is to say, for example, asking to see more closely the ring or bracelet and taking this opportunity to fondle nonchalantly and sensually this sensitive area. It can even be a compliance test: will she play the game? How will she react? (For more informations, see my video about the cooperation test).


The end of the date

Should you pay the bill? Yes, why not, but tell her « you will pay next time. » Make it look like that’s not much. But if she insists, let her pay. Remember that in the savannah, the lioness goes hunting for the king of the jungle.

At the end of the date, propose to go home or try to kiss her (not in the bar but rather by leaving) even if you do not feel with this idea… 1% chance of success is better than 0 % and then… even if you never see her again after that, know that you would probably have not see her again anyway, so that’s something taken on life! And no regrets is my policy! And if she does not want, too bad for her! 😉

So it is better that the place of date allows her to come over fairly quickly, just so shet does not cool down on her way to seventh heaven.

You can use the excuse of showing her something you’ve talked about to take her home. Or assume and normally she will understand to what she is commited if she says yes. No smart girl would go alone in the room of a hetero-sexual guy if she wouldn’t want to fuck him.

If you did not fuck after the date, in this case, do not send the first message directly after the date. Wait she does first!


Some mistakes to avoid

Do not go on a date with a friend.

Do not join a girl who is with her friends.

Do not join her if she has something planned one hour later.

Do not wait if it is doing something before.

This is a very bad idea to wait, even if she looks very sure on the phone, very motivated and very excited to see you. If she is not completely available for you, it is better to postpone the date. This will prevent you from having date with the friends of the girl who will judge you, dates rushed because of a lack of time and it is not a good idea to wait because she has something planned before and desperately wait for her because she already has something planned, but does not know at what time it will end. Do not be a spare wheel on the condition that she has nothing better to do that day! Enjoy the time you have reached to see more available girls. Respect yourself !

If during the date, she says she has to leave because she has a headache. Or because one of her friends needs emergency assistance: it is an excuse, do not send texts to propose a second date after such an affront. Anyway, she will probably not answer. Time to go home, she will have already have deleted you on Facebook, Tinder and her repertoire! Women are usually not really honoest when they do not want to us (nor when they want us) it’s a shame but it can lead to humiliating misunderstandings! You have been warned!

If she is late, do not wait more than 20 minutes (unless she has a good excuse) and do not tolerate more than two bucks. Girls should respect you to desire you!

If an interested girl cancels a date, SHE must make a counter-proposal. You do not have to beg for the “privilege” of seeing her (it’s a bad frame). You can watch my video about frames too !

Do not spend 1 hour on the phone during a date while she is waiting for you. Do not answer the phone unless you have real emergency, it is not polite.

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Her underclothes were unpaired

Her underclothes were unpairedJuly 11th 2015,

What happened with girls lately?

To lift my spirits (and “to kill time” as would say people who do not assume) while I was still spending 1h per day in public transport, I reinstalled Tinder. This idea resulted in 4 adventures.

1 / The first week, I had a date with a nurse. Cute but a little bit chubby… here, they do not know olive oil, they put some fucking cream everywhere, so it’s not a surprise… It is the city of Gastronomy foremost while, I am from the city of Kalashnikov (we don’t share the same values)!

Parenthesis opened. Besides, I also began to get fat, I have already put on 2kg weight since I live here. Parenthesis closed.

Before the date, by texts, the nurse told me she wanted to fuck me, but unfortunately, she was menstruating (the oldest excuse in the world so it’s hard to know if it’s true). So, we met up in a bar instead she sucks me directly at her place.

I thought it would be a long-term investment and that I would fuck her the following week… but big mistake! We had a good time, she had a good laugh, I sexualized. But at the moment of saying “goodbye”, I tried to kiss her neck, several times… and she drew back all the time. I finally did it, but hey, it was weird. Hot with words, distant with acts. She eventually confessed she had a boyfriend and that, ultimately, she did not want to cheat on him, blah.

So, I told her to contact me when they would have broken up (because, yeah, with such a mentality, they may not stay together long). I have attached a photo of me, shirtless. It was a bit pretentious but I don’t care. I do not like when one makes me waste my time that way, I find it disrespectful, so I’m disrecpectful in return.

Especially that « time », that’s what I’m missing the most right now, after « sex ». The thing that got me pissed off it’s that after this disappointment, I returned to my cousins at 10pm : I had to cook something and everything, I went to bed late… and, « sleep » is the third thing I’m missing the most now. Well, it’s not a totally negative experience because I still had a good time and found a nice bar on the banks of the Rhone. There’s lots of people out there,  enjoying aperitifs on the lawn next to the barges. It has a romantically sexual side that I like!

2 and 3 / In the meantime, I talked to two other chicks on Tinder and received some pictures of their breasts and legs on Snapchat. I have not yet seen their buttocks but it is expected soon. One is on holiday in Avignon. The other is spending a few days with her parents in Normandy. This is the wide gap between the two! I hope their are supple in bed too !

So, I will see to take care of their case next fall, if they do not get cold feet meantime. Because yeah, chicks “strangely” let themselves go more, when real sex is impossible because of distance. It shows that they like it in fact. When it’s time to make it for good, on the other hand, many start being stressed, imagining crappy scenarios and prefer staying at home watching TV than having orgasms. Of course, they invente shitty excuses to try to justify such a stupid behavior. The trap here is to believe we have done something wrong. Sometimes yes. But sometimes no, when you have a clean game, you just realize that many girls “do not have what it takes.” They must realize it’s really hard and frustrating to do it to a guy, way more than if he had no hope.

4 / Last week (I had no time to write before sorry), I visited a chick who is a seller for H & M. We discussed on Tinder for a while. Then a blessed day, she gave me her number point blank. I replied teasingly “we talk with numbers now?
– This is my number, it will be more practical.”

Then daily by texts, I asked her what color were her underwear. She apparently said the truth and it was funny because she was often unpaired. Sometimes she even told me she was sleeping naked… it turned me on. I am just a poor hetero! I sent her a picture of me shirtless to kill time and she said “yummy“. Oh my God ! My cyprine detector panicked!

Here are some legendary sexts exchanged:
– “It is now hard at work and I’m not talking about my dick”
– “I would have enjoyed making love to you this morning before work”
– “I’m hard, you’re all wet?”
– “I have a pretty incredible erection at the moment, it’s a shame to spoil it by doing the accounting”
– “If you laugh at my joke you’re half in my bed
-haha haha then I laugh twice so I’m completely in. “

One day, during one of our regular philosophical discussions, she told me she gets tested every 6 months because she really loves sucking and swallowing. I replied that I understood because I loved licking. She invited me at her place the following weekend. So it was not a little pussy with guys just chatting to kill time and ready flake (canceling at the last moment with a shitty excuse) because scared to have a too powerful orgasm! It was apparently a real tigress, did I say to myself! Just for that, she deserved a great Cyprineman!

The evening of the date, I sent “I will be in 14 minutes at the address you gave me
– very precise
-… Yeah, you’ll see what precise things I can do with my fingers too”.
Actually I arrived 45 minutes later. The course looked smalleer on the plane, but it was a good thing I was late because her gay roommate just left working in a haunted hotel (he is a receptionist there). It turned out that he sometimes tells her stuff he sees at night and it scares her. Good, I just had to comfort her behind. gays are our allies!

I climbed the stairs, I was out of breath just like after a quicky in an elevator. A beautiful blonde, long hair with green eyes opened to me. Seriously, really not bad, the chick! She was just wearing a t-shirt and her panties.

She wanted to kiss me at the outset on the landing but I defered the moment to bring up sexual tension. So I gave her a kiss on the neck. Then we went to her room, holding hands. There was a rat. Seriously! One more crazy girl (it’s the second madwoman I meet in Lyon). But hey, I was too hungry for sex then I ignored it. And it was not really a problem, for what I wanted to do…

We kissed for a while, then I started fingering her… she was too warm, so she removed her top. I understand her, you should know that this is the dog days here: it is almost 40°C warms at the moment and I’m not exaggerating… in addition to the pollution, it is suffocating, it is not easy… the south for heat that’s better, there’s at least some little fresh air!

Anyway, it was my turn to remove my polo then I took off her naughty shorty. I licked for a while (I was thirsty because of this calor) until she came. She commented “when I have an orgasm it knocks me out”. She then gave me a good blowjob, it was very good, and has lied down, turned her back and fell asleep. I took a picture of her ass and I left. I’m not such a bitch like that usually but in this case I found it was disrespectful to treat me like this, I’m not a dildo !!!

For confess, I would gladly have fucked her after. Anyway, as I prefer oral sex to intercourse, it was ok… I wasn’t too disappointed! I just really needed to unload!

It’s incredible how I have no time between subway, work, fatigue, the swimming I continue with great difficulty, etc. It became urgent for me to organize myself otherwise, to find a flat. Otherwise, there would have been one less womanizer on this planet (cause of death: implosion of sperm)! I got home early after this adventure, so I could sleep to catch up on my sleep. I slept the sleep of the just.

Yesterday, I sent her a text message asking if she had the result of her tests, but she did not answer. What a bitch! I have a right to know if she is seropositive, right?

5 / And in the near future? There, I still have to take care of a lot of stuff like bank, social security and many other formalities! I will also continue to pick up on the Internet because it works well here. Anyway, it is statistical: Lyon is much bigger than my old village so there’s a lot more targets. Seriously, the population is about 10 times denser than Aix-en-Provence. In addition, it’s a different mindset here, I’m not saying that there is no pain in the ass, but well. It’s something else… and since my old life made me reach saturation, it makes me feel good, this change of scenery.

Well, I don’t know many people in Lyon even though I already made out with 5 or 6 chicks who live there (before I moved there) and I have a good friend. I will also try to meet guys who are in the game but I will try to avoid the suckers and immature boys (like I said, I do not have much time for childishness and ego battles). I’ll select guys who will not be too likely to piss me off with their false problems of virgins conditioned to look for a love story with the first bitch a little interested in them they find (no I’m not jaded, it is just that I have seen many times this so pathetic scheme). I will see if there’s a LAIR (gathering of people who are in the seduction community) around.

Next week, I’ll host for a fortnight Virginie, my open relationship. In fact, her parents moved to Grenoble but they have not found accommodation yet. She thus does not really know where to sleep during the end of July then, as I am too nice a lovely guy, I’ll help her.

In August, I have 3 weeks of vacation (the firm where I work is closed): I’ll try to go back in the south at least fifteen days to see my cat, my dog and the sea that I miss greatly.

For me, the serious game in Lyon will start in September! Meanwhile, I’ll just do it as a dilettante…

May the game of the god be with us!

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How to get ready for a rendez-vous ?

get ready rendez vous


get ready dateToday we will see how to effectively getting ready for a rendez-vous, without overdoing it! I’ll tell you how I do, because it works most of the time. There are three aspects to the preparation: physical, mental and material!



– Mowing the beard (or shave it). Seriously, it is useless to take care of your beard for an hour, especially if it’s in order to look like a guy who does not care for his beard.

– Then: mowing pubic hair if they are too long. A tip: do it above your toilets.

– Cut your nails and remove any black dirt encrusted below, it’s important if you want to finger her in an hygienic way. Seriously, otherwise, a shame and does not make women want to see the rest (your sausage).

– It’s time to take a shower especially if you have transpired during the day, before the date.

– Wash your hair if necessary, if they are oily. Wash your teeth so you won’t stink.

– Wear a classy shirt or t-shit/polo, it’s not worth suiting up. It can be a ground to reject you, not sticking to the image that was given to the girl: if one plays the cool guy, do not come dressed up like a penguin. You have to value yourself but remain comfortable in your clothes. Avoid clothes that have the scriptures or big logos, especially in your back. And dirty underwear.

– I prefer eans unless I come directly from work (case of emergency) and I am wearing a suit, but in this case, I explain…

– It’s not worth testing 4 outfits especially if it is to finally go back to the first. This is the stress that you would make you do that… but, stress is your enemy in seduction. Be careful in choosing shoes (check that they are in good condition and not grimey) and belt. Never wear white socks with dark shoes.

– Then your hair: Again, like with the beard, do not spend three hours in front of the glass like a narcissist.

– Sprinkle A LITTLE perfume.

– No need to spend an hour in front of the mirror waring makeup if you are not a chick. See if you have no boogers, hair protruding from the nose and ears or your fly open…

– No need to do pushups in order to look muscular.

– No need to prepare 2 hours before the date, even if she has to wait 5 minutes, it’s not a problem. It’s happened to me to get completely drunk to a date in my youth and I fucked the girl so since I relativize. The purpose of a first date is not to be perfect but to have a good attitude, to be relaxed and to communicate it.



It is not worth repeating 150 times your openers in front of a mirror. It will not change your inner game, anyway. Do not internally replay the possible scenarios, especially if it is to imagine the worst!

It is not worth preparing a list of conversation topics to get into. You can quickly check her interests on her Facebook profile if it reassures you but remember that the goal is to make her speak of her and of what she likes. So finally you’ll just have to get comfortable, to tease her a little and show your interest. But, if she notices that you have stalked her, it will not be good…

You must go for a result at least a kiss on the mouth, in the best case a fuck. This winner mindset will make you sexualizing a little bit the conversation instead of staying in your abstinent comfort zone. If you really think it would not work, do not attempt the kiss. But make sure it’s not an excuse that you imagined on the moment (and will regret later) to reassure you by saying that if you try to kiss her, you would frighten her and not see her again. Do not be silly, chicks know very well why they accept a date. Only stupids and hypocrites say otherwise. This requires that your friend understands that this is a date and not an appointment to become best friends… never agree to go into that kind of frame! The forced Friendzone does not exist for sexual men! Besides, a guy who does not dare to take initiatives rarely see chicks again!



If she comes to your place directly or if you plan to take her home:

– Remove the paper towel from beside the bed. Do you love masturbation so much ?

– Prepare the bed (at least pull the sheet)

– Remove the affairs of another girl that could still be in your bed

– Do not leave too icky stuff lying around, do not let a mountain of dishes (at worst even if she ultimately does not come, it will be done)

– Always have something to drink at home. And a card game or another trick to get comfortable, if necessary

– Take two or three condoms in the back pocket of your trousers or then place them under the bed but do not let them prominently on the bedside table, in mode “YOU SEE, I KNEW THAT I WAS GOING TO SCREW YOU AHAHAH”

– Do not bring a bouquet of flowers

– Have some cash, but do not pay for everything or then say “you will pay the next time/next glass”

– Regarding the choice of the place, if you go to a neutral place before going home: avoid the restaurant, cinema, and these clichés stuff. I know you read a lot on the Internet that it is better to go to a place where you know many people because of social proof… but I prefer avoiding it, to do not be constantly interrupted and to be able to focus on my target. When I have to date a girl outside, I often choose places I know with a friendly atmosphere, pretty quiet places.

Good luck !

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Cyprineman arrived in Lyon!

In this third (and possibly last) volume of Diary of a French PUA, we’ll talk about sex, (online, street, night) pick-up, seduction, personal development and gender relationships. As usual…

But we also will discuss more serious matters. Love: what does a PUA (a serial fucker) when he falls in love with a girl? Active life: how to bang four new hotties per month when you spend 45 hours a week in an office? Fantasies: what actually looks like the inside of a libertine club?

For those who do not know me, my name is Fabrice Julien and I am a true libertine. I’m 26. I come from the south of France (Aix-en-Provence) but I have nothing to do there anymore, I already gave orgasms to almost all the hot chicks living in my former town!

So I recently moved to downtown Lyon, providential land of 69. How I found myself in that pussy eaters’ city? I spent 4 interviews for a job, one in Paris and three in Rhône-Alpes… and I have been chosen by 2 companies in Lyon. I chose the one that inspired me the most.

Anyway I’m happy because everything I learned in English ebooks and seminars about personal development (I do not like French literature on seduction I think we have missed the boat on the American community) allowed me to have exactly the job and the apartment I wanted: I managed to convince an employer to hire me without real experience and a landlord to rent me his apartment without bail. All this work on myself was not just for getting horizontal with chicks!

It’s been three weeks since I work here. At the beginning, I was staying at my cousins, a little outside of the city. They live in Gorge de Loup, for those who know. It was nice of them to help me but, seriously, I had over an hour of transport to go to work… I suffered a really shitty life “metro-work-sleep!” I am sad for people who do it their whole lives. For this to be livable, it should at least be “metro-work-abs-doggystyle-sleep”. End of digression.

It’s been a week that I have my flat: it changes my life. It is fairly well placed between Part-Dieu and my office. So I can sleep a little more, walk to my work and write nonsense stuff in my diary at night (instead of falling asleep like if I had drunk some GHB – I need to verify the composition of the water fountain in the office). I’m happy because I just received my box: I’m gonna be able to watch amateur porn and spend my nights on 9gag!

Seriously, I hope I’ll finaly get a life outside of work… I hope that I will now be able to play sports and go out in order to pick-up chicks the weekend! But it will not be easy because we work almost 45 hours weekly in my accounting firm (and it’s not figuration – me, who was living a sweet student life, what a change !) I can’t wait that my body gets used to this pace of life in order to ejaculate more, further, stronger.

In fact, the thing is that I have “health” problems that ruin my life. Some of my readers already know, I suffer from anxiety attacks since I have been assaulted in the street (among others causes): I suffer from post-traumatic stress for over one year. I needed time to accept a doctor but now I’m getting better. Moreover, it is also to get rid of a maximum of negative anchors of the past that I changed my city… Well, I do not want me to complain. Anxiety disorder with agoraphobia is not an easy thing, but it’s still better than cancer. So let’s be positive! Thanks to Lyon, I want a fresh start, to get back in shape and give orgasms to 36 pretty girls because that’s what’s missing in my hunting board to reach a nice round number. I should precise here that I have already told most of my past adventures in my Diary of a French PUA 1 and 2 there is even some evidence in, and there will also be some in this one too, I’m not a liar, but JUST a guy who shares his experience to help his readers understanding their opposite sex.

How do I find my new city/life? Very nice. Seriously, I like it! Almost all the girls bike here, so they have sexy legs. There is another exciting thing I discovered, it is the subway: there is an affluence of pheromones there with this heat. And with this subterranean proximity between people, in my opinion, almost everybody wants to have sex. I sometimes found myself stuck to girls wearing shorts on the subway and I gotta admit I got it half-hard (I’m a man with sexual desires, you need to anesthetize me if you want me to stay totally soft). Finally, all that to say that it really changes me, in my former city there is no subway (and God knows that I’m metrosexual).

People here are much calmer, more sociable, more friendly and open than in the south (north for me it’s above Avignon). There’s no comparison! How rude and excited there are in south of France compared with Lyon! I do realize I now. And I’m also speaking of traders and everything … it’s really another world here! It has nothing to do and I do not regret (yet) having exiled myself.

Compared with Paris… I do not even compare, here it’s super cool, like I said. There, to my taste, there’s too many morons completely pretentious who believe being the center of the world. I’m not saying all the Parisians suck but the directors of the Parisian company where I had a job interview were fucking assholes. I even left them, slamming the door. These motherfuckers made me drive 8 hours to Paris to call me a “wanker Southerner.” All that shit because they have seen on my resume (they did not read it before calling me) I was a beach attendant near Saint Tropez in my young years. So jealous ! Stay in your Parisian pollution, because you’re worth it…

In my work, however, it goes well. My colleagues are cool, I get along with them and certainly do not want to mix the game (the science of seduction) in all this because I do not know how they would take it if they found out my hidden face of respectful womanizer… very few people are open minded… so this will be my secret garden ! Well mowed, as I like. There’s still two big bitches in the office so I am wary. One of the viper is a quite sexy bitch with glasses but she is the niece of the director, a real ass-kisser that tells him everything. In addition she does Ramadan so I cannot even bang her. The other is simply not fuckable : fat, ugly and vulgar. Anyway, I said to myself that I would not mixe orgasms and work.

My objectives for this year?
– Kicking stress out of my life;
– Succeeding in my work;
– Meeting lots of people and having fun;
– Having a healthy pace of life and losing weight because I already put on weight (2 kg) in this region famous for its good food;
– Still improving my understanding of the game;
– Fucking 36 hotties (because I like the accounts that are round like Emily Ratajkowski’s breasts);
– I want this diary somewhere between Sex & the City, Girls and Californication. Except that, here, everything is real.

I hope you enjoyed this introduction. Otherwise I don’t care (sorry) because I’m writing for myself first of all, to empty my… mind. And to put my thoughts in order. This diary will be as personal as my underwear.

Inhabitants of Lyon, keep your adult daughters, your sisters and your mothers safe from me! Cyprineman is here to ravage your field!

See you soon… Inshallah.

May the God of the Game be with us !

FJ Cyprine

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The best advice I can give you

The best advice I can give youAt first I started the game in order to have sex with beautiful women. I admit, I was sick and tired when the others made out with girls while I masturbated.

But once I started to fuck 2 new girls per month (after a little more than one year of game): guys wanted to know how I was doing.

Few men will admit it but many need and want to know what I do now. And frankly, it makes me feel good to help my fellow men getting what they want (sexy girls). It’s even a new motivation for me now, sharing my knowledge with those who trust me. The timing is good.

But yet, they and I should eat humble pie. With the game (like in life), the idea is to always be a student, to never take our positions for granted. There is always something new to learn in seduction. A new way to use an old technique. Or a completely new approach for finding some quick & easy sex / a long-term fuckfriend.

If most guys really acted on only a small part of the things I talk about on the blog – two or three percent – their problems would be solved yet! Everyone would bathe in a sea of cyprine and I would look at my young Padawans proudly, like a pimp smiling among his girls fucking rich clients.

But things do not happen like that, right?

I’ve been doing this long enough and saw enough guys to know that if I’m lucky, maybe 15% of people who read me will fuck a lot of beautiful babes.

And the other 85%? I don’t know. Many will sort out the advice “I agree with that” and “I do not agree with this.” Of course, people rarely agree with the things that would really change their habits or beliefs. In other words, many reject what would really help them… so they just make poor efforts while staying in their comfort zone. Then they cheerfully complain about not having the wonderful results they were promised. Phew!

What I know for sure, on the other hand, is that there is certainly a lot of reasons for the fact that guys do not actually take action. Many excuses, lots of bad faith: it is easier to spend time criticizing the process and methods than to make real efforts.

Here’s the naked truth: if you do not take it to heart, if you are not seriously implied in your personal development process focused on seduction, if you have personal beliefs that hold you back, I can not really help you. I know you deeply want it, and maybe reading me gives you a clear conscience, but you must act! It’s just like with workout (and anything in life) : You can pay for a sports club but if you do not lift weights and do not adopt a healthy diet, you will never be “huge and sex.”

Let me be clear: everything I share with you works, it worked for hundreds of guys in recent years (indeed I thank them for sending me their feedback) and it will still work for some. But it only works if you actually take it into account. Only if you take it seriously and invest to improve your life, your success rate with women… then stop “thinking” about sex all the time and move your ass to actually take some girls in doggystyle.

My life has been revolutionized by the game. The game has changed my life and I know it can change yours too. That’s why it makes me sick when I think of all those people who are unhappy in their situation but who do nothing to change it. Because I was in their shoes, and I know that we can get by. It’s too bad…

It does not make those people bad people. It’s just that, honestly, youcan not help someone who has not decided to help himself (or who has decided to fake it). I can help you effectively if you are motivated and hardworking, if you really aim to get out of the hole and sexually change your life for the better – and, what’s better than a bouncing, in front of your eyes, of a pair of young natural tits, to the rhythm of young hottie working her hamstring while riding your cock all night long?…

I think it really is time to take action… to do things, to prove yourself that sex is not an insurmountable problem. Are you a serious man? Are you determined? Are you consistent?

If so, the best place where to start I know is here. I have been in your shoes, not knowing how to catch the problem. That’s why I decided to make an effective plan to help you (click the link). You will find quality work that will let you understand how the game works and how to become an expert. But there are no free lunches, and we must know what we want in life, do not just do half the job. I personally needed quite a studious summer of work for theory and more than a year of field tests coupled with the reading of a few ebooks and the watching of some seminars to maintain my knowledge. Are you ready for that? Is it worth it for you to work so hard? You can succeed a little faster than me if you have good sources (I lost a lot of time reading crap) but, anyway, there’s no miracle…

I hope you are not getting discouraged but I’m tired of these people who do not know what it means “investing” in a project. I’m pissed off by those who do not have the mentality of a winner – i.e. stop crying, stop thinking about an ex… and go for it – but certainly do not want to acquire it.

You can change, you have the right to change, you have the right to fuck hot babes. But do you deserve it? You’re the only one who has the answer. Tip: always go to the end of your efforts and do not listen to your lazy or your internal avoidance strategies. Show yourself worthy of your ambitions! Before you say that all the girls are cunts, and the Game does not work, have you really put the odds on your side?

Kick your own ass and stop passively watching your younger years and your sex life pass you by!

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Men on Tinder: decoding their profiles

Men on Tinder decoding their profiles

After a whole night spent on Tinder watching guys profiles, I can tell it is not awesome.

I think it is important to see what others are doing in order to stand out effectively.

We’ll see the profile types that bloom on Tinder through 15 categories (sometimes some belong to several categories). I’ll tell you what profiles are good ideas (you score points) and which ones should be avoided (you lose points) within each category.

If you are looking for inspiration to create your profile, or you if do not currently match with many girls, this presentation will enlighten you surely. If you already are successful, then the bad examples will just make you laugh (it’s good for you)! It should be noted here that it is not to be, and sometimes if you have not been receptive to a profile, others may be.

Girls have the right to give their opinion in the comments, but they are not secure from being the subject of a future study, too! 😉


Type profiles:


1 / those who write something funny as a catchphrase

There, it’s make or break. It is still advisable to avoid looking like a weirdo.

Asking a question after his joke may be a good way to initiate a dialogue, to receive instant messages from girls.

Warning: self-mocking, that’s fine, but on condition to do not devalue yourself.

Good example:

– “They call me elephant. I have a huge… memory. ”


2 / those who assume

Even if one just wants sex, it is advisable to do not say this explicitly because of social pressure. Be clear without being vulgar.

In this case, the photo, is really important.

Keep the writing neat, and the spelling too, absolutely.

And finally, when you assume, assume all the way… especially after, on the chat, with the girl. Nothing is more ridiculous than a guy who gets cold feet!


3 / those who do not assume

It is those who are trying to reassure the girls, talking as if women did not like sexfriends (basing on limiting beliefs) while spitting in the face of people who are just free… they do not deserve our respect because, in addition, it is often hypocritical. These are those who say “I’m not a dog, I’m better than those who think about sex.”

My advice :

– Do not lie about your intentions because your believe that the chicks do not like sex.

– You must also stop belittling people who are on Tinder, especially when you’re on Tinder too. Do not say you are there “just to see”.

– Do not ask girls to send the first message. If one is on Tinder, so let’s play the game.

– Assuming is a key to seduction, so this category is counter-productive.


4 / those who believe in the charming princess

On Tinder I found a distressing thing: a lot of guys start playing the holier-than-thou like chicks. They were contaminated …

My advice :

– Stop denying your sexual impulses, like thinking that sex is dirty. Especially since most guys say that sex is bad to be thought of as gentlemen… to actually fuck the chicks!

– Do not show that you are desperate. Even if one is sincere in his approach! Give a rather positive image of you!

– Do not write sad stuff to try to go for a romantic ( “I’m a wounded man …”) but that in fact just show that you have not forgotten your ex.


5 / the “not original”

For example, many that say “do not worry, we say we met at the wine bar / museum / supermarket, etc. ”

This kind of stuff shows that they especially do not assume.

Those who say “I am beautiful rich and intelligent, and I want a girl who understands the second degree humour” it’s the same!

These things were maybe a good idea one upon a time but it was too relayed by people and now it shows a lack of originality.

Avoid geeky stuff. And the stuff found on bad seduction sites.

“I do not bite… or if I do, it’s nicely! “Another thing we found on thousands of profiles!


6 / those who are too demanding

It is those who allow themselves to write a list of criteria: she must be beautiful (blonde, tall, big boobs…), smart (but less than me), she likes a certain artist, a filmmaker, she has a good sense of humor and she sends the first message. But if she says “hello how are you? “I next her.

My advice :

– Do not be aggressive directly.

– Do not sound too pretentious.

– Having a list of criteria to fill you will make you miss many nice girls.

– A meeting is mutual adaptation. Everyone must make an effort.


7 / those who shouldn’t have writen anything

It’s always better to attract attention by writing something, but sometimes it’s better to do nothing if we are not able to make a correct thing.

My advice :

– Do not start with “I do not know what to say,” especially if you have something to say later.

– Avoid anything that might suggest that you have nothing to say.

– Do not write negative things about you. As such you are poor or that  you only use Tinder in the toilets, it gives a bad picture of you! Although it’s pretty funny.

– Do not make huge monologues or big text blocks. It’s discouraging.

– Those who do not put pictures or not a picture of them, are also taking a bad start. Damn, a girl should be zoophile to like the photo of an emu!


8 / those who play it “Keywords”

At least that way, there’s no words so it’s difficult to make mistakes in these conditions (although some get there).

The success of these profiles surely depends on the mindset of the girl who sees it, if she belongs to the “hashtag generation,” why not. But this is not ideal!

It is yet less boring to read than the big text blocks.


9 / those who probably do not know how to write so use emoticons instead

Avoid, it’s not very seller and it feels really “teenage/kid”.

In addition it does not always make sense.


10 / those who use quotes because they can not speak for themselves, or have nothing to say

Anyway, always assume that these are quotes by putting “quotes”.

The good side is that it allows you to sort if people know this or that film. Same culture in theory = common discussion topics.

Avoid looking like a vulgar guy like bawdy song.

When hyper-known tricks are used, it just shows that the guy cannot speak for himself and has no inventiveness.

Choose a citation adapted to the context, on Tinder. There’s personal development quotes that are well suited. Example: “The best way to predict the future is to create it” for passive babes who are waiting for Prince Charming to do all the work for them.


11 / those who advance strong arguments

It is those who, to sell themselves, put forward a well-chosen quality supposed to seduce girls.

My advice :

– Avoid “hello how are you” and “I am not wicked.”

– Say that one knows how to cook, especially pancakes or pasta, you should know that it is quite common.

– I’m not a fan of writing down your size and weight in the description. It looks like these men are either boastful or complexed.


12 / those who play the “poets”

Avoid cliché ellipsis “…”

Although we can say true things, it’s often ridiculous. Do not write stuff that you could not assume in front of your friends.


13 / those who play the “rebels”

It is those who want to take the opposite view of classic profiles using irony. The girl needs to be able to interpret the lines as humor then do not be too hardcore.

My advice :

– Do not show hatred or frustration in your profile on Tinder.

– The best is when it’s easy, funny and powerful, like “I love the spinach at the canteen. ”


14 / those who play the card of mystery

Putting pictures where we never see your face, it’s not very seller.


15 / those who have read my ebooks and play the “PUA”

For more tips, have a look to my ebook about online dating : Secrets for seducing on the Internet !

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The infallible method of seduction !

The infallible method of seduction !Many guys (who believe in Santa Claus – but especially who understand nothing about the game) are looking for lines, routines and techniques that would work all the time, everywhere… and with every chicks, while we’re at it!

I know, what a dream a priori (and this is the stock in trade of many swindlers)… but such a power does not exist. Moreover, even if a magic pill you could give it to you, you would not want it.

Why ?

Because for most guys, looking for something that works 100% just proves they are afraid. They are shitting on themselves. However, women can smell fear. This is absolutely not attractive and is often one of the main problems of the guys still struggling in seduction. Once you’ll get rid of fear, you’ll royally don’t give a shit about if it works every time or not… you will have fun, that’s all!

For other guys, the utopian dream of never being rejected simply demonstrates that their ego is huge. They are not actually present in their interactions with women, they are instead trying to prove things. It’s like those who are bulging torso like baboons when they see a woman, trying to impress the girl and the other guys in the room, trying to seem interesting… it’s not good. It is too self-centered and intelligent women feel that these guys are not sincere. Now the goal of game is not to have a big ego and make a perpetual contest of who has the biggest dick… but to move away from it, to live a better life!


There are lots of women out there… some are compatible with you and others are not. You must accept this first thing.

The aim of the game is not to fuck 100% of girls you approach. The goal is to quickly see if the girl you have in front of you meets your expectations or not.

You want to push her into a corner so that she shows her true colors.

Your intention should be to test the girls and get away as quickly as possible from those who do not match your expectations, or your research (two different things).

What I mean is that you should force women to tell you quickly to go to hell if ever they should do so, instead of wasting 20 or 30 minutes in a conversation that would go nowhere.

You would save 20 or 30 minutes… and God knows many things could happen during that time. For example, finding a hot girl, maybe even a threesome WWM… You never know. We cannot know.

And even if you do nothing during that time, it will be better to prepare the rest of your life in your mind than to get bored with chicks who are not interested but who have not the courage to tell you to go to hell.

We’ve all experienced this kind of shitty interaction: when you’re struggling, and the girl does not help. Often the guys still stay and do the show, hoping for a reaction. They ask questions and tell funny stories but the girl only gives one word answers.

The problem in this case, it’s not you, it’s HER! Contrary to what many ignorant crooks would like to make you believe: when you have done your best and that it does not work with a girl, it’s not always your fault.

Some girls are very useless. Stay away from them! The worst are the cunts who would like it to work with a guy but who are not doing their part or who do everything to knock him off course.

What do you expect from a woman?

Of course, you need to test and sort chicks according to your criteria, your personal research. Some guys like slack and tight-ass girls, everyone’s taste is different!

Personally, I’m looking a woman full of humor, intelligence, openness, guts and with good sexual energy. Let’s say I put pressure and give babes 1 minute to do not show me otherwise. Online, I give them 2/3 messages. Often less… If the girl does not pass my tests, I disappear or I troll her (depending on my mood). I do not want to waste time and energy with a girl who doesn’t know how to talk, laugh and fuck.

In addition, you can say what you want, but even if no test is foolproof, this selection process is attractive in itself. Much more than the one of most other guys because you are not motivated by fear or embarrassment. Nor by your ego…

You are motivated by a constructive belief i.e. there are are many women out there on the same wavelength than you, and you only have to test a few to find one. Moreover, it is with this kind of guy that women want to have sex, not with sex-starved dudes. Think about it: when you invest time, energy and money in a girl who makes no effort, you only demonstrate that you are not a guy who has the choice, and that you’re not confident enough to don’t tolerate such unhealthy behaviors. If you want to give a second chance to these girls, try at least to reframe them, to tell them to don’t take you for an idiot, to don’t play the princess with you… but especially don’t tolerate passively they treat you like shit, build respect! Don’t buy their bullshit!

It’s nothing else that I teach in my various ebooks, and particularly in The (inconvenient) truth about gender relations. This book will help you to acquire the most important belief, this mindset that is THE secret that actually will make you more attractive to beautiful women.

See you soon,
