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Is logistics important in order to make out?

Is logistics important in order to make outIn my opinion, the question of logistics is what shows that most that the pickup is inseparable from personal development.

If one has not good logistics, it will be harder. Logistics is a reflection of the lifestyle, so it makes sense.

Living in an apartment in the city center, close to cool stuff to do, a nice bar at least, will greatly simplify your life.


In Aix, I lived at 5 minutes walk away from La Rotonde (for those who know it). So it was easy to bring chicks home. Easy access for them to come directly to my place too. In short, easy to fuck.

I was in a flatshare. With guys and girls. The guys understood that I bring chicks. Girls, oddly, did not care too. Must say that from the fourth in one month, they were jaded.

But to avoid uncomfortable feelings, I went straight to my room with the girls… and then that’s it. It even made an excuse to sit immediately on my bed with a drink.

In this way, my ephemeral beloved did not meet my roommates. It was like if they were my neighbors. Chicks could keep a sense of anonymity too. Which prevents feeling any judgment…

Then, I think it depends on the apartment anyway. Mine was well insulated, large enough, you could not hear their cries of pleasure.

In addition I spent nice evenings that turned into crazy parties there. My roommates were cool but I imposed from the start it would be like that, that I was a PUA and that’s it. It was better than frustrating myself and blaming them for that…

With your parents

When I lived with my parents, everything was more complicated. I had to wait until they are not there or then go to the girl’s place. If she lived with her parents, we also had to wait until they are not there.

But, when a couple is “official” one can fuck with the parents there if official owners of the place say it’s OK. But admit it’s difficult and it makes one feel uncomfortable, especially for a one-night stand. Seduction requires privacy…

In short, if you still live with your parents, think long-term. And it’s not sexy for a man to be a “mama’s boy.” Having a place communicates independence, maturity, resourcefulness, etc.

There are chicks that will eliminate you just because you have no apartment. They will say you are not a man. There more we grow old, the more it becomes true.

When we cannot take an apartment we still can bet on alternative solutions (which still complicate the game) or we can do our best to provide the means (investment).


You can always try to go to the girl. And some like that, they like playing at home. But I noticed that most prefer to come to you. So you do not penetrate their privacy for a one-night stand (paradoxical, I agree).

The solution may be to warm them and tempt them so they will drop their principles and invite you to their homes so much they will want to “know you better.”

Otherwise, the solution remains neutral places.

I’ve already fucked in the street, cinema, or in my car for a first time with a girl. One of my friends without logistics did it in the toilets of a bar. I also was sucked in the high school of a girl.

I also did in the forest, in a park, the sea, in a hall, in an elevator, at the workplace, etc. I even touched a girl on the tramwau once with people around who were seeing nothing.

In short, you have to be imaginative if you have not logistics, and pray that the girl is a little adventurous !!! One can bet on it too: like, we will realize a fantasy.

But yes, it complicates everything. That’s why I say that the game, it’s not only fucking chicks, but also it’s improving your lifestyle.

At home

In Lyon, I have an apartment located next to a metro stop of line D (easily accessible). In a quiet neighborhood … but known.

I have a clean place, a little Feng Shui, in a new building … chicks like it. They feel comfortable there. I even have some decorations that show that I’m a good guy, like a Buddha. It facilitates the F-close.

For K-closes, please note that this is not really a problem for them to do it outside.

Living alone, in addition, can motivate to practice pickup, to do not feel lonely (even if sometimes it’s nice to be quiet). But living alone is also the obligations we have not at mom and dad’s place: pay rent, do laundry, shopping, housekeeping…

With that said, if you have no home, you do not have to tell them and you can play on the sexual tension in order to fuck in a neutral place or at her place, saying that it is closer or whatever. But in general I guess it’s better to talk about it before the date.

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Can we talk about ass in front of chicks ?

Can we talk about ass in front of chicks Why don’t we talk about sex in the same way between men and when there are members of the opposite sex with us?


This is the first thing I said when I heard some men say as an absolute truth that we speak better and in amore sincere way about sex when we talk between men.

Not only this is not always the case but I have often observed the opposite. And nights with balls talking about sex… it’s good when we are 18 years old, seriously.

It’s always this latent hypocrisy I guess that comes into play.

The guys are also afraid of being ashamed if they say something wrong about sex and to be judged. For women it is a little bit similar, too.

Is it sexism?

After all, filtering our words is treating girls differently just because they are girls.

This seems quite symptomatic of the difficult gender relations in our time. We are torn between modernity, diversity and yet still full of prejudice and gendered stereotypes. We struggle to give a sense to things.

Some girls feel compelled to play the offended as soon as it’s about sex and there are guys in the place (even if they talk blithely alone with their girlfriends and full of crispy information read in magazines female).

Many men, wanting to be thought of “good” guys, feel compelled to do the same as soon as there are chicks around.

Synergies creative & mixed groups

In light of studies on the subject, synergies in mixed groups are creative, even higher compared to groups composed of just one sex.

It could be instructive to discuss more often about that with the fair sex (I’m not speaking of mine).

Differences between men and women

By focusing on more than 120 properties ranging from empathy to sexuality through the interest in science and introversion, a statistical analysis conducted on a sample of over 13,000 individuals did not confirm that men and women belong to two identifiable groups.

This study suggests that, outside of certain physical criteria, the categorization of humans on the basis of gender is not pertinent because the similarities are more numerous and important than the differences.

The differences between brain of man and woman exist, certainly. For example, the male brain is larger and the female brain matures one or two years younger than ours. But as stated earlier, the psychological differences between men and women are not significant. The differences between the brain of a man and a woman are really exaggerated in popular culture.

Most of the distinctions we make, stereotypes, have therefore no reason to be. I like winnowing and teasing as I would do with male mates (with a stronger sexualization). I do not like the attitudes of divas nor the preferential treatment if she does not suck me like a queen. But I will not tolerate in guys neither. I do not pay all the drinks at the bar when I booze with a girl. Once it’s me, once it’s her, it seems fairer. Like with my bros. At the taekwondo, I don’t care if I fight against a woman or against a guy in training. Simply because there is nothing personal there.

Is it a matter of trust, intimacy, modesty?

We adapt our behavior to the link that we have with the person in front of us. I speak more easily of my STD to a doctor or a friend than with a stranger. Matter of trust.

I’ll talk more easily about my dick problems with my friends that my girlfriends. Just as I prefer to talk about it to my father than my mother. Although both they have wiped my ass when I was young.

This brings me to a question … Does intimacy develops more easily with people of the same sex? Do we think that they can better understand us?

Is it not ultimately a matter of intimacy, all that? Like if a woman entered a locker room full of men at the gym : general malaise. Is it modesty, to be right?

It absolutely does not bother me to get naked in front of the guys in the locker room when leaving the sport. Although I would find it weird that a dude watches my cock insistently. In front of a group of women, it would surely be different. I might be hard. Is not the purpose nevertheless not to show them our cocks so that they suck it?

With what I’ve written, one might conclude that the average straight man seems to have a homoerotic vision for intimacy. What man has never lived these intense moments, side by side with a stranger, dick in hand, standing at the urinal of a restaurant?

However, the game teaches us to think otherwise. To assume more. In the book, a guy gets to pee in a urinal with people around thanks to the game when he was blocked his entire life. If a girl comes into my locker room, will I try to fuck her? Would I be a little exhibitionist and should I have my hair shower in front of her anyway? Will there happen an orgy with my friends?

Because of a seductive report?

In society, we all carry a mask. We are not the same alone than with someone. We also adapts to different people. We do not talk like to a child the same way than with an old woman. We do not talk to a bitch we fucked twice like with our girlfriend for two years. Even if we should perhaps because people don’t like be patronized nor that we relax in general.

We do not talk to a girl that we would like to fuck like to a family member. Is the problem there that a man and a woman not related genetically are by default and sometimes despite themselves in a latent seductive report, at different levels depending on the context (even if the desired purpose is not always sex)?

I think so, and so most people want to maintain their social character. Although the report is unconscious seduction, sexual words would echo in the imagination of the other. When our friends would maybe laugh, maybe our girlfriends are going to repeat the thing to their friends, etc.

There are standards to be respected but do not abuse

If I hold the door to a girl, that I help to carry her shopping, if I leave my place in bus for a pregnant woman, does it makes me an horrible sexist?

It’s stupid to want at any costs do not meet the standard, until eliminating the “good” stereotypes and friendly uses… I will continue therefore to do not fart in front of the chicks I want to fuck. Not because it’s not natural to drop a fart, but because it could block her and delete me from her list of contenders.

A girl who comes naked in a locker room guys can turn us on, but we will also say that she is crazy. That’s the thing.

Do not break our idealization dreams

Toilets are often separated, and it would bother me that a woman hear me shitting. Just like that would bother me to hear someone shitting and it is a pretty young woman who goes out the crapper. Perhaps as much as her by the way.

The girls poo and emit smelly farts, certainly, but color rainbow sky with glitter, right? Oh, right?!

Do not cook (too much) rules

When I play a game with a girl and she wins, I applaud but neither more nor less than if she was a guy. I do not play either below my level to make it easier for her. I hate to see guys cooking with the rules in their favor to avoid vexing women (hoping to fuck them).

The reports are thus healthier. More authentic. More genuine. Everyone feels respected, and it is not uncommon in these conditions, that we then start flirting in a more uninhibited and speaking of sex or other stuff we usually are not supposed to in a group mixed. A girl who can speak without hypocrisy of those subjects that inspire us (they are like us) becomes even sexier in my eyes anyway.

And that’s why I try hard to do it in front of women. I often surprise them or sometimes refers to their own blockages and thus puts them uncomfortable. But never mind, I feel more free. More real. The real ones will enjoy !

It would be damaging to limit our originality because of the thing we have between the legs. Why not becoming Human, and looking beyond the roles that we were given at birth ? The relationship with the opposite sex would so become less problematic, less anxiety. And the reason is because we would not only talk to a representative of her sex, but to a whole person.


Let’s say that in general (there s always some counter-examples blahblahblah): Girls do not understand guys as well as other guys, because they are not guys, they have not been raised as boys (sociology) and because they have no dick (biology). In sum, because small differences between us matters and are hindering us.

But we are maybe (probably) wrong. From my experience, a girl who is happy to talk to me about sex without too many obstacles is often cool and open later.

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Is sexual prizing the key to her… ?

Is sexual prizing the key to her… Assume your sexuality. That is the watchword of my game. And it works pretty well.

I have desires, pulsions, fantasies. And I assume them. That’s it.

The thing is that women have too. And the fact that I am “worse than” or “like” them, reassures them. It puts them comfortable. They do not feel judged. That’s why it works showing your cards the first one.

Moreover, they feel a certain sexual confidence coming from me, so they say to themselves “Well, for once he will surely be a good lover, him. In addition, he bangs a lot of beautiful girls, will he want me? If he fucks me it means that I’m pretty.”

I do not like routines, lines… I do not like the game based on a physical appearance that requires an enormous work or an extreme social proof. I like the simple game, based on a state of mind. I love being an alpha male that gives them pleasure and makes women orgasm like crazy.

My advice ? I suggest that you make your interactions more sexual. I suggest you to go faster right in her pu… I do not want you to be stuck in too polite interactions, social interaction… (damn who said frustrating friendzone?)

Sexual prizing also works if you just want to find a girlfriend. Indeed, by training to fuck good, it is women who want more and some would pear so that I become their boyfriend. Being a good lover can retain! Not only men who can be held back by what they have between their legs.

I see myself as a pretty simple guy. I do not look like a womanizer. I am not trying to convince the girl I’m a good lover so she sleeps with me. I do not seek validation. I give her a chance to experience something unusual. I choose her, be careful, but she must proves she has the level and deserves to have caught my attention. I do not like stupidity either. I like girls, thin, firm, slightly muscled, with beautiful long hair, very feminine, fragrant with love and with some strength of character.

I want to see her reach orgasm. I want to give her orgasms. I told her. The naked truth … and if she doesn’t believe me (because most guys are bad in bed or because she is totally sexually inhibited and full of blockages), too bad for her. I’m not her shrink. But, I try a little to explain her the concept of comfort zone and everything. So she understands where her interest is and why she feels stressed. This way, I can see if she is prone to avoidance strategies too. We never change a person. Let’s give her a chance or two, maximum three. And if not, leave her in her shit. You cannot open the field of possibilities to people who are not receptive at all.

Thus, the reaction of the girl to my proposal (enthusiastic or rejection) is not personal. This is her relation with sex that is involved. I am absolutely not tied to the result, even if the chicks who deflate piss me off a little. But I know I will have others.

I do not either get big headed because I’ve fucked a pure hottie after only two hours of conversation.

The difference between most guys and me is that I don’t care about indicators of interest, having “a hypothetical shot” with a girl. Ultimately, I do not give a shit as long as she stays when I am pushy, when I am taking initiatives. I work just in time.

I do not try to please her before trying to sleep with her. My approach is not prudent. It is courageous ! Even bold, sometimes. And she, is she? I love bold women. It makes me hard. And there are more than one might think in reliance on appearances.

I do not dwell on trying to convince her that I’m an exceptional guy, that, she must feel it (or she will notice in doggy style). I’m not convinced that we have to seduce for hours before in order to get the right to try to sleep with the girl (frame of too romantic girls). I play by my rules. Does she play with me? No woman will decide on my sex life. If the proposal does not suit me or she pisses me off a little too much with her fucking doubts, I next.

It happened to me having sex with women just because I had touched them the right way, I had turned them on. They confessed to me after I was not their type but they enjoyed like crazy.

I would say that contrary to the strategy of most guys, we will fuck more and faster by declaring lover rather than future boyfriend. Note that I do not fuck sluts. I even deflowered girls like that. I had “serious” relationships that started like that too. Sometimes the chicks want a breath of fresh air or is looking for simplicity. They are not angels. They are curious, most love this sex a little hard little that guys do not dare to give them (the doggy style is not so widespread as we might think).

However, this does not prevent you from (and I mean it’s a DUTY) winning her trust. I rarely slept with a woman as soon as she walked in my door. We mostly discussed before, they tested my story (she’s right, but it should not be excessive either), reassures herselft (so she sees that I’m nice) and so it makes up the sexual tension. And I also need to be won, it is not a foregone conclusion for her because she has a pussy and I have a dick (basic frame of the guy ready to anything to have sex, widespread in our society). Even if her pussy is wet and my dick is hard.

It is during this phase of trust building that it is important to do not ruin the sexual tension with nervousness, keep it simple and humble, and tease her. Your communication and body language must be good (not need to be exceptional either). And you must dare. You must assume in front of her too.

I often talk directly about sex. In fact, I start most of my interactions speaking of sex. And then I reveal myself if I feel like it. It’s a strategic choice and being clear about my intentions avoids me friendzone. I first test the women, their relation with sex. If it is bad (often in today’s society) I do not fuck with her because I know from experience that 99% chance are she pisses me off. If it is good, we can have an interesting conversation that will surely lead to good sex.

Women love good sex, the thing is that many do not even know what it is. Too few guys are able to procure it. Raising her sexual desire, OK, but you have to be good after. Otherwise, it would be ridiculous. The guide of good lover is here for that purpose, don’t worry!

The isolation, the atmosphere is also important. That is why the dates in a bar piss me off. They do not help to raise the sexual tension thoroughly. Since we know we will have to move anyway before fucking. And it surely will cool us a bit. It’s still easier if we are sitting on a bed together. Intimacy helps keeping it a secret too.

I’ll get you in the opposite position to explain better sexual prizing: you talk to a girl. You do not really like her, she is a 6/10. But she describes you very subtly how she sucks, that she knows how to make some guys come in less than 4 minutes with only her mouth, and she tells you how a guy told her that her ass doggy style was the best in Lyon. As you begin to imagine the scene, you will be cooked. It sparks your sexual desire. And if she then invites you to come (if you are sure that this is not a trap to kill you or rob you), you surely would go fucking her. She won (you too).

The thing is, we’re trying to do them the same thing. It works pretty good too to send erotic news to the chicks to describe a fuck session with you (speed seduction). The thing is that it must be imagined, in her mind. You put her the idea in mind.

– Bet on your pussy licking, and you will fuck more and more! Few men are able to make a woman orgasm with only their language (and/or their fingers) but I swear they love it!
– Make her understand that you are not an amateur nor a sex-starved. That she will not be frustrated after a penetration of only two minutes while she imagines and hoped she would enjoy like a little crazy. Emphasize that you attach a great importance to the orgasm of your partner, even after having finished.
– Show a little value and that you are not a pervert (humor, social intelligence, teasing, etc.)

What’s difficult is to communicate your expertise in the bed without seeming to brag nor anything. As if it was completely normal. And unfortunately we must respect some basic conventions (we should not mention sodomy in front of strangers, for example).

Discretion is paramount too. A girl I fucked in another life told me that the chicks were not scared to warm me, sending me crap by texts or anything because they knew that I am very respectful and discreet. It’s probably not obvious with my blog but know that it is impossible to recognize a girl that I fucked. I am very careful to detail.

Indeed, socially, it is hard for a woman to take initiatives with a lambda guy. They do not want to have a bad reputation in their chest or work because they behave like guys (what an injustice when we think about it). So again, do not judge. And make them understand that we do not judge. That it is not deemed makes the girl more confident. They dare more under these conditions. And above all, if you are an “unknown stranger” for her, she will be better able to let it go in the bed. And you too. It’s been a good egg! It’s a win-win scenario.

Please do not act like a needy. She must realize that she has as much to win in sleeping with you as you do.

I advise no man to wait until the woman offers sex for free or come and seduce. It does not work if you’re not Bradley Cooper or the hot waiter in a famous club, I guess. Warning eh, I would love they usually come picking me up by displaying their desire to fuck me that same night. But doing that would require it to be written on my forehead “exceptional lover.” Yeah … it’s not really the role of a woman to do our work for us. They will dress sexy, will make prolonged eye, yes, maybe … but for the rest…

The girls are the “price” because there are plenty of guys as sexy as us (sorry) outside. But the good guys in bed, it does not run the streets. So become the prize, sexually speaking. Classic scenario: you kiss a chick in a club and one hour later she is kissing another guy (which does not mean she will sleep with someone that night: too many inhibitions and social pressure) . On the other hand, fuck her like a God and she will have eyes only for you.

There will be not more resistances or shit like that, in this situation.

Offer her first sex with no consequences, just to test the sexual connection between both of you. This will facilitate your fuckcloses. And then nothing will prevent you to continue to see her. But they do not all want a couple (and it does not question that they are good girls rather it shows they think and do not put the cart before the horse despite the pressure exerted on them by the society).

That was the moral of the story.

Note that many still refuse sex without consequence or anything even if it would make them feel good. Too much fear in them. Too much social pressure around them. Negative imagination probably too. Too many past disappointments. Religion (even if some take it in the ass) ? Too much shit so we’re all happy and fulfilled (there’s not only sex in life gnagnagna assholes will say and I agree, but it’s important for our balance so it is not surprising that we all are neurotic in today’s society). You know the drill. Now that you know the rules, your turn. For you and for them.

May the God of game helps our rehabilitation approach.

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The true meaning of 10 breaking up sentences

meaning breakup phrases
MirandaKeurr — Travail personnel

I was wandering on YouTube at lunchtime and I discovered this video of AndyRaconte: The True Meaning of the Breaking up sentences.

I thought it was well considered, frankly. Breaking up sentences (like most sentences to put nice rakes) are often indeed crappy excuses.

In her video, Andy had fun giving the true meaning of these excuses. What hides behind. She says it is based on real facts and a lot of research on forums of se… loveeeeee. It does not surprise me.


Below are my favorite ones:

1/ You deserve better! = I deserve better!

2/ I think it goes too fast … = You invaded me and you’re starting to scare me …

3/ I love you, but as a friend. = You do not excite me at all.
(on the other hand there are friends who turn us on)

4/ I do not know what I want … = Can I keep you on hand in case?

5/ I know you’ll find someone good! = Anyone as long as it is not me…

6/ It cannot work but you’re someone great. = Do not kill yourself, I do not want to have your death on my conscience.
(this is often the case in most excuses)

7/ I’m still thinking about my ex … = You’re just a gap-filler…
We agree, getting back with an ex is like swallowing your vomit.
(I especially agree with the part about vomit : if it did not work the first time, it’s for a reason)

8/ I need to focus on my career. = I just want a sex.
(“but if a tall, handsome and rich guy wanted to marry me, I would say yes”)

9/ There is also the simplest technique, the technique of the coward : it’s just playing dead. There’s no one anyùpre, you will not answer to calls, text messages, messages on the answering machine or on FB and you will wait until the person finally understands after a few days or weeks that you are no longer together.
(sometimes cowardly person is so coward that she does not assume she is playing dead so occasionally she sends a message that basically says she is unavailable or too busy to meet up – must see roughly if the message communicates disinterest)

10/ The most devious excuses because can be done very easily: “I need a break.” = I fuck someone else and I just need time to know who I prefer.
(or so: I want to break up definitively but gently so one step after the other)

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The notion of Comfort Zone

The notion of Comfort ZoneA. The Comfort Zone…

…is a key concept when practicing the game.

CZ is reflected by the usual behaviors that a person uses to be maintained in a not or few stressful state (but not really stimulating state). We remain in what we know and what do not stress us, which reassures us …

It’s a kind of comfortable prison and it leads the person to build walls at multiple levels, which gives him or her a sensation of security… most of the time not real.

In this area, the person has set limits, stood guides and rules, established beliefs… to maintain a certain degree of comfort, he or she looks for routine and known situations that minimize risk taking.

Except that this comfort is far from optimal. But either he or she faces the resistance to change. Humans do not like that one shakes his habits or his way of seeing life.

People prisoners in their comfort zone do not dare to confront the new, the unknown and what seems to them uncertain or difficult to control.

They prefer staying home alone, even if it is annoying rather than going on an adventure. The problem is that the one who never finds the courage to leave his comfort zone may regret and miss many cool things, and they progresses more slowly than someone more daring (this concept applies in personal, love, working life, etc.)

– This is you when you do not approach a girl.
– It is you again when you do not dare sexualization.
– It is she when she does not come over at your place while she wants to, she is turned on.
– Etc.

It can go very far, the comfort zone. When I had my anxiety attacks, leaving my house scared me. Playing sports as well. My comfort zone had become tiny: with myself in my room.

Fortunately, the game taught me to always seek to go further, to me always climb a step higher. It helped me to survive this.

That’s why I laugh when chicks fucking freak out and invent crappy excuses or insult me to ruin everything. The stress can make people incoherent. I think that these people did not understand life. Never lived anything. Always had it easy…

You should not always see evil everywhere, either we do nothing. So if there are more chances of making a cool experience than being pissed off when we have nothing better to do than watching TV, I suggest you to keep in mind the following quote:

“Life begins out of your comfort zone.”

You will never do anything extraordinary if you always stay in your comfort zone. There are those who are capable of (5% of the population) and the others. It often has a big connection with creativity, self-confidence, optimism…

“It is better to live with remorse than regrets.” Act, and you will see (but don’t do stupid things) ! Your CZ will become bigger.


B. Related Concepts:

Social pressure is the influence of a group whose result is to impose the dominant standards of attitude and behavior. This influence leads to behavioral changes, attitudes, beliefs, opinions or feelings of individuals. Thinking for yourself helps combat conformism and submission to authority.

Example: It is she when she does not sleep on the first date while her pants are wet and she does not plan to be in a serious relationship with you.

Avoidance strategies: This behavior is a defense to not be faced with a feared or anxiety-provoking situation. So if various strategies are not or no longer enough to maintain a sufficient self-esteem, the individual may have to resort to an avoidance strategy. We find among them the strategy of lack, leakage, aggression and many others…

Example: This is where from come the false excuses (female or male).

The term right-thinking is a term criticizing a conformist or moralistic point of view, who agrees without further reflection to the alleged values ​​of the established order. A do-gooder is someone whose ideas are conformist, traditional.

Example: it is those who insult me ​​because I am a womanizer while they would be happy to do the same in fact (conscious or unconscious frustration).

Political correctness refers primarily to denounce the attitude conveyed by politicians and the media, which is to soften excessively or change formulations that could hit a categorical public, particularly in terms of ethnic groups, cultures, religions, of equality, of disabilities, social class or sexual orientation.

Example: it is those who are shocked because I dare to write “doggy style” even if they like my ideas in fact.

“For getting girls like you’ve never got, you will have to do things you’ve never done before” … which also will take you to think differently.

Do not tell me that the quotes are Dolteau’s like an idiot said the other day PLZ… because translating English quotes (often consensual) to put them on photos of hot chicks to get likes on Facebook don’t make of someone a great author, a god nor a genius. The lack of culture of some people shocks me some day.

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The link between Comfort & Sexualization

The link between Comfort & SexualizationI have a reputation as aggressive player that follows me like a dog would follow a girl to sniff her ass. It means that I am one of those who sexualize the most… the and faster. Let’s say my overall message is that I recommend trying to be “offensive” with chicks to quickly realize if there is a way to fuck or not. I do not like when an interaction lasts too long.. and I never fall in the friendzone. I also have an easy “next”.

The basis of my technique is fast sexualization like in fast seduction method, the % of success is enhanced by personal development. Then when we fuck the girls, sex skills are used to give her a so great fuck that she wants to see us again and she becomes addicted to you or you simply achieve FuckCloses after fuckcloses.

It works well on some chicks, to go straight to the point. But sexualization works better with the girls when there is some comfort built before… rather than on an unknown caught on the fly and cold-sexualized. For example, when I’m with my friends, and a friend of friend I do not know is there : I first talk normally, and without transition, I send a big teasing (with a smile). If she responds with a smile in return, and says something like, “You’re an asshole” while giving me a punch on the shoulder, I continue my ride. I’ve already fucked chicks without much comfort (like in this FR) but it was not the best fuck of my life (not theirs I guess).

I like to do like if I was tactless. But in fact, I use this technique to test the waters. I try something and I observe the reactions. If good reaction, I sexualize, and in case of bad reaction, I next. And most of the time I have a good time… with the girl or at her expense. If my sexualization takes, I spend a speed (and then she will play with my shifter). This way, I do not even take “rakes” in the strict sense.

When the girl is shocked or outraged or whatever, that’s when it goes bad. In this case: either it comes from my teasing, that was a little too strong or bad taste, or it’s the girl who has a problem in her mind (lack of confidence, hyper-susceptibility, tight-ass morals , etc.)

If my teasing was poorly chosen, I would say her reaction is understandable. Need to go in her shoes a little. If a girl I do not know in a party tells me “fuck, you are very ugly you,” I do not think it would make me very hard nor that it would make me want to know her better nor to play with her. So be careful with the “negs”. I prefer light jokes and double meanings.

Teasing a girl, it works well in general (but they are people that have no humor). No matter who you are dealing with, if you want to conclude, you need that interaction remains “healthy” … it must be done like in a tennis match where everyone returns the ball in a cool atmosphere. This dynamic even if it is based on teasing and provocation is often conducive to a doggystyle in the toilet. But, being “too aggressive” and “shocking a girl,” if it is in a wrong way… it just make you being a stupid jerk. The limit is to wonder : if we behaved in the same way with a guy, would he punch us in the face?

Ideas that Work:
– Play a little “the alpha man” and see if she follows your frame ;
– Ignoring her a bit at times, showing a little less interest in her, to drive her crazy. A guy who ignores a girl, it can have a big impact. If she comes back to us, make out with her.
– Blowing hot and cold, it can work well. But she must be a minimum interested at first. Otherwise we would just be a weird guy who asks questions and who ignores her.

WARNING ! If a girl is afraid of us, it means that we have sent her a strange image (weirdo). Some girls are nervous when they are attracted, but that’s absolutely not an absolute truth. I do not like these generalizations! Some girls, especially when they are not in high school anymore and assume, stop being nervous virgins when they are attracted to a guy (just like you no longer jump around when you talk to a girl that you like. Well, I hope for you).

The ambiguity, confrontation, innuendo, hints, the game and all that, it is fun… it often amuses girls. But honesty, rationality, it does not necessarily bother them. A girl who is bored: this is the worst thing that can happen, of course, but that’s not why you should not be honest and sincere. Do not adopt binary reasoning! Not everything is black or white in life, it is usually a matter of shades of gray (almost 50).

Human relationships are too complex so it can be said that rationality and honesty create boredom. They are far too complex so one can say anything, anyway. Yes, a punchline attracts attention. Yes, it’s better to be ambiguous and to play… but in order to create a deeper connection we will probably have to go through a spiritual an opening spiritual/personal/psychological phase. In short, talking a little about our lives, our passions, what makes us up in the morning. And it’s nothing necessarily boring. It is also part of the game.

A tactical approach (a strategy as another but which illustrates what we just talked about):

1) To don’t be thought of as a pervert because of sexualisation, it is important to first show that we are socially accepted. When you approach her in a private party for example, may it be with a punchline or not, it’s good to talk about your friends in common so she is reassured.

2) Then you can tickle her on her lipstick, if we feel that the current flows smoothly: “This is the lipstick you put when you want to make out with a guy right?” If she laughs, it’s good.

3) After, we create comfort: We can laugh with complicity of a too drunk guy who dances like an epileptic earthworm. The discussion goes on drunk people, then on the parties. She talks about a party in Amsterdam where she saw a guy throw on himself before slipping on his own vomit. “Ah, you went to Amsterdam?
– Yes I lived there a year blah …
– I also love traveling blah (connection).”

4) Next, we isolate her and we can tease her again “I serve you another drink?
– Yes.
– Shit, your lipstick smeared on the glass. It’s disgusting ! We’ll just get another one in the kitchen!”

5) We continue to tease a little from time to time like that to spark the flame or taking another slap on our shoulder. Girls often tap my shoulder by calling me an asshole. That’s cool, I guess. Must say that I love to make a mess (on facebook or in bars) and then to make out chicks that are “fun.” Well, and once they have passed all these tests, we can try to kiss her with a low risk of failure.

The moral is that you can piss her off a bit for fun but you can also share sincere and profound things. This is perfectly compatible (it’s not boring at all on the contrary, but it’s your job to tell your story in an interesting way and to talk about interesting things) but it is especially DESIRABLE.

There is a theory that says we should not play it dirty like that because the more a girl perceives us as superior to her value, the more we can fuck without any game.

I partly agree with that. This is even why we invented DHV (demonstrations of high value), storytelling, etc. But I’m not a fan of these techniques, I prefer the natural game, empathetic and sincere.

As I often say, Ian Somerhalder probably does not need to make much effort to fuck. But, I’m not sure that being Ian Somerhalder but NEVER making jokes or any effort would allow us to keep a great girl for long. I would add one final subject: what the field has taught me is that if one is too far above or below the value of the girl, it will be difficult to conclude.

Indeed, once again, put ourselves in the shoes of the other to think : if we see a celebrity like Melanie Laurent, we would be stressed because her value would be much greater than ours. It does not put us very comfortable, and, as we all know: being comfortable is the basis of seduction. This suggests that the same goes for the ladies. A too high value would not necessarily make her wet outside the cinema. How would they react in front of the actor on whom they fantasize? They probably would get cold feet.

The ideal value is therefore a little above her value. At least, I speak about your perceived value, your projected value compared to the value she gives to herlseft in her mind. The purpose of the game is still to bang chicks better than us. To realize capital gains. Anyway, this is my vision of the thing. Always playing higher league. If you are already super handsome, super rich, super everything, sorry but you have no merit to fuck models. It is my vision of the thing too. The game is done so that no exceptional guys bang in exceptional circumstances great girls!

After it is sure that, Melanie Laurent, I would go without hesitation. But it’s because I worked on myself to have more nerves !!!

A + playboys!

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Beware of seducer’s clichés!

Image : Johnny Bravo

What is the image that one has of the “seducer” (in the collective unconscious)?

In a few words :
– A guy who is over-confident.
– A guy who has super classy look, or at least a studied one.
– A mysterious guy…
– A guy a little haughty, macho, sometimes a jerk or conversely a very polite guy.
– A guy who brags or conversely a very modest dude.
– Etc.

First of all, I would say that being comfortable in the company of women, being well in our sneakers, this is not necessarily a seducer’s cliché. It’s just that being relax tends to put others at ease. So we have more success : in discomfort, it is difficult to seduce.

The real problem is when these qualities are simulated or overplayed. In this case, it is reasonable to assume that they are not authentic. Playing a seducer’s caricature, that’s what is ridiculous! It’s a bit pathetic, in fact. For example, despite all the beautiful girls I’ve slept with, I am not “over-confident.” Most of the time, even the super-hot chicks are not hyper-confident, by the way. It’s like that. On the other hand, with the Game, I accepted my weaknesses (and my qualities) and I’m pretty good about myself. For example, at a time after I was assaulted I had anxiety attacks and I had trouble getting out of my house. Going back on the NPU field is a victory for me!

Remember: A man or woman who accentuates to excess certain qualities (or weaknesses too), definitely try to mask his or her vulnerabilities, sufferings and doubts. We all have some, but those who usually hide have much more than those who show and assume them.

Personally, I’m pretty lambda and it suits me very well. Because we have absolutely no need to play the womanizer to seduce women. My advice: do not fall into the cliché! Just be more serene with the girls and dare more than the average of other guys.

I feel like I’ll break a lot of myths but, for example, when I see a guy who plays the mysterious guy, I say that there is probably not much behind it (sorry but it is often the case). A guy who plays it too much H2G, I think he’s scared to conclude with chicks (inexperience, fear of women). This is not because a man is surrounded by many women that he is a big fucker, maybe he is a professional friendzoned. Besides, I’m not THAT surrounded by women, I have my circle, but often I do not become really friend or close with chicks I’ve fucked. Too bad, indeed, but well. It’s life ! Finally, it is not because a guy is very very muscled or handsome that he fucks a lot. My first padawan was at least HB9 yet he had difficulties. The physical appearance is not everything, even if it helps. This is thought the attitude that we can tell if a guy is a seducer or not. A guy who does not approach but claims that chicks fall on his cock by magic, personally, I don’t buy it. I know women too well to be fooled at this point. Or maybe it is just the case of 0.01% of the handsome guys. In any cases, it is because the physical is mixed with other qualities (power, money, social status …)

It is not written on my forehead that I fucked with a lot of women. I know guys who brag, who dress with very expensive clothes and everything, adopting a hyper assured body language but yet who have not touched girl for years (they compensate the blank). The girls I meet in bars cannot guess that, with only one finger, I would make them orgasm more than their last 10 guys together.

On the other hand, it’s written on my blog: it turns on some, it blocks some. Some are turned on but want to piss me off for the principle “I am not like the others, you will not have me so easily, I’m not like that, etc.” (between the last minute resistance and the shit-test, etc.) Sometimes I fucked them anyway (they just wanted to play), sometimes not (it scared them to fuck with me they probably think that I ‘had STDs or they were afraid that I compare them with other hotties – when I told you they do not have much confidence in them despite what some claim -? pff, couldn’t they just enjoy ?)

What makes me laugh is when I fuck a girl in NPU and then I add her on FB. She thus becomes aware of the existence of my blog and my life as a PUA. Reactions: some have never spoken to me again after because of that. They are people who like it. Even some have introduced me to their girlfriends. Yet, I’m the same. Also some invented me a life “yeah you make the apology of rape, etc.” Uh, really? Where ? There’s no more considerate, kind and respectful than me. She has not read anything the girl, but hey, she bullshits me.

In most cases, the chicks react badly when they face my blog. Why ? Because thinking for themselves, it is difficult. So just because I assume to be a little kinky, chicks associate me certain characteristics which we have spoken about above (jerk, arrogant, macho). Let’s get to the point: I’m not really an asshole, I’m rather a teasing dude. I guess I am someone simple, accessible. And I am honest unlike most guys. What often surprises the women who investigate further, it is that behind my facade of “serial-Fucker”, they discover a hyper-sensitivity. I’m not a robot, I don’t practice impersonal fucking.

Conversely, there’s the “politically correct” clichés. Often from guys who are pissing off women because enclosing them in a wise and prude image. Their idea: The Seducer is gallant, romantic, polite, elegant, refined, respectful … There are guys, let’s call them “theorists of respect” who want to give a hyper-friendly guy image of the woman and all. .. and who will criticize fuckers like me … all that for what? To fuck the chicks. In a word, they think they embody the ideal of the lover in all its perfection. An ideal that the Hexagon’s women tend to question, either. Those guys don’t fuck but don’t understand why, they’re so frustrated.

Respect, it is a matter of context. This is not at the time you take her doggy style that you respect her to excess. It’s a question of timing! In addition, they love it in general (with a spanking), so if you do not doggy style them because you respect them too much, it is in fact a lack of respect.

I prefer a woman who knows how to have fuck than a woman who is blocked and calls me a big pervert when I say a raw word. The normal chicks (not the extremist feminist nor the lesbians hating guys), it’s the same. Open your eyes ! Sorry to break one more myth. But if you want to fuck more, be less tight-ass. It was the final punchline.

Finally, keep in mind that there are several definitions of the concept of seducer. They are people who are happy with kissing chicks only (me that piss me off when there’s nothing behind), others are like by girls but don’t touch them (I prefer be liked by a minority and fuck a lot than being liked by majority but not touching much), and then there’s those like me who believe that fucking hotties (not priced) is the only truly reliable test to see if we have a good Game. There’s probably other categories of seducers.

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Nonviolent communication

It is a concept that I discovered by reading books to try to get me out of my depression, last year. It is in any case a good way to improve our interpersonal communication and understanding of others.

The idea

Nonviolent communication commits us to reconsider the way we speak and we listen to each other, fixing our attention on four elements: the observation of a situation, the feelings aroused by this situation, which needs are linked to these feelings, and finally what we could ask specifically to meet our needs. NVC raises quality of listening, respect and empathy, and created a reciprocal generosity current. Some people use NVC to better understand their own needs, other to deepen a relationship, establish effective working relationships or managing political situations. In many countries, people use it to resolve all kinds of disputes and conflicts.

It is in our nature to love giving and receiving. However, we have learned several forms of “alienating language” that lead us to express ourselves or to behave in an offensive manner with the others and ourselves. One of these forms of alienating communication is the use of moralistic judgments that imply that those whose behavior does not reflect our values ​​are wrong or are bad. Another is based on comparisons that can hamper kindness toward ourselves and towards others. The alienating communication also prevents us from being fully aware that everyone is responsible for his own thoughts, feelings and actions. Another bad feature of this type of communication is to communicate his desires as requirement.

In summary

I honestly express how I feel, without making any reproach or criticize :
1) what I observe (see, hear, remember, imagine and put no evaluation in it) that is not contributing to my well-being “when I see, hear, XXX”
2) how I feel (emotion or sensation rather than thought) compared to what I see “I feel XXX”
3) how this need affects my values ​​(rather than a preference or a specific action) that awakens my feelings “because I need / I attach importance to”
4) I clearly demand what could embellish/enrich my life without this being a requirement. The concrete actions that I would like “would you like to XXX?”

“When I see that you never suck me, I feel repulsive, because I need you to show me you love my body. Would you be willing to suck me after I licked you? “

I listen with empathy how you feel, without hearing blame or criticism :
1) what you observe (see, hear, remember, imagine without putting your feedback in it) or is not contributing to your well-being “when you see, hear XXX”
2) how you feel (emotion or sensation rather than thought) compared to what you observe “you feel XXX”
3) what you need that affects your values ​​(rather than a preference or a specific action) that arouses your feelings “because you need / you grant importance to”
4) I receive with empathy what could embellish/enrich your life without this being a requirement. Concrete actions would you like to see “would you/would you XXX?”

“If I understand when I tell you that I consider you as my best friend, you feel lousy because you need a good lover fucks you in doggy style. Would you like to come to my house tonight? “

In detail

The first component of NVC is to clearly separate observation and evaluation. When we mix observation and evaluation, our interlocutor risk to hear criticism and to resist what we are really saying. NVC is a dynamic language that discourages frozen generalizations and replaces them with circumstantial observations. We will so more willingly say: “In twenty matches I have never seen Ocampos scoring one single goal” than “Ocampos is a bad soccer player.”

The second component of NVC is to express our feelings. By developing an emotional vocabulary which allows us to clearly and accurately describe our emotions, we can more easily establish a link with others. Showing our vulnerability by expressing our feelings can help to resolve conflicts. Finally, NVC distinguishes the real feelings of words describing thoughts, judgments and interpretations.

The third component of NVC is to identify needs that our feelings stem. The actions and words of others can be triggers, but never the cause of our feelings. Faced with a negative message we can choose to respond in four ways:
– Judging us at fault
– Blaming others
– Identifying our own feelings and needs
– Identifying the feelings and needs that lie behind the negative message from the other

The judgments, criticisms, diagnoses and interpretations on the other are expressions diverted from our own needs and values. When the other heard a criticism, it tends to put all his energy to defend against or attack. Better we can combine our feelings to our needs, the other can better respond with empathy.

In a world where we are often judged harshly when we identify and reveal our need, this can be scary.

By learning to take responsibility for our feelings, we usually go through three phases:
– Emotional slavery where we believe responsible for the feelings of others;
– The execrable phase where we refuse to admit the feelings and needs of others matter to us;
– Emotional release where we hold ourselves our own feelings but not those of others, knowing that we can never satisfy our own needs at the expense of the other.

The fourth component of NVC draws our attention to what enriches our lives and the one of others, and invites us to mutually formulate clear demands. We try to avoid imprecise, ambiguous or abstract formulations and use positive action language by stating that we ask rather than what we do not ask.

The more precisely we express what we want, the more likely we are to get it. From the fact the message we send do not always coincide with what is received, we can learn about ways to know if our message has been correctly understood. When we speak to a group, let’s be particularly attentive to specify the precise nature of the reaction we want. Otherwise, we may initiate unproductive conversations, that make the group waste lots of time.

Requests are seen as requirements where the recipient is convinced he will be criticized or punished if he does not obey. We can help our partners to believe that indeed we express a request and not a requirement, we would appreciate that they access our desires if they are really willing to. The point of NVC is not to change others and their behaviors in order to get what we want. You cannot make someone do what he does not want in fact. That’s to establish relations based on sincerity and empathy which, ultimately, will satisfy the needs of everyone.

Empathy is an imprint understanding of respect for what others live. Instead of offering empathy, we often tend to give advice, to comfort, to give our opinion or expose our feelings. Empathy does require us to do the emptiness in our mind and that we totally listen to each other.

In NVC, whatever the words chosen by the other to express themselves are, we simply listen to his observations, feelings, needs and what he asks. We can choose to paraphrase his words, to show that we understood. Maintaining empathy leaves him a chance to fully express before our attention to find solutions or his comfort request.

We need to be ourselves “full” of empathy to be able to give to others. When we are on the defensive or unable to empathize, we need:
– Either to stop breathing and doing emergency return on ourselves;
– Or howling in CNV that is to say, to express forcefully what happens in us, by applying the principles of NVC;
– Or even to withdraw to give us time to think.

Developing our ability to be empathetic keeps us honest, vulnerable, defuse the risk of violence, a refusal to hear without seeing a rejection, revive a conversation, and even to hear the feelings and needs of a silence. We often manage to overcome the paralyzing effects of psychological pain when maintained a fairly strong connection with someone who can get along with empathy.

It is perhaps in the way we treat ourselves that NVC plays its most important role. When we make mistakes, we can use the grieving process of NVC (ie to satisfy what need we have done this or that mistake) or forgiveness to learn to grow up, instead of imprisoning us in moralistic judgments on ourselves . If we evaluate our behavior in terms of our unmet needs, this is not the shame, guilt, anger or depression that lead us to change, but the genuine desire to contribute to our well-being and the others.

We also cultivate compassion toward ourselves by making the conscious choice every day of our lives, to act solely in the service of our own needs and values ​​rather than duty, for an extrinsic reward or to escape the shame, guilt and punishment. In reviewing all the things we undertake to do without any joy and by changing the words “I need” into “I choose to” : we find more game and integrity in our lives. In seduction, we MUST not do anything. You can make the best game of your life and it’s not going to work. Or the worse, and it will work. The trick is to maximize your chances. So coaches that make you feel guilty by saying that you MUST DO THAT and otherwise it will not work, well, they piss me off.

Criticizing and punishing others are all superficial expressions of anger. If we want to fully express the anger, the first step is to discharge the other from liability, in order to bring our full attention to our own feelings and needs. We have more chances to get what we want expressing our needs than in judging, criticizing or punishing the other.

The expression of anger is done thought four stages:
1 – pause and deeply breathe;
2 – identify the judgments that come to mind;
3 – be aware of our needs;
4 – express our feelings and unmet needs.

Maybe that, between steps 2 and 3, we will choose to show empathy to the other to allow to better listening to us when we express our demand 4. But we are never really angry because of the act of another one, since the feelings are in ourselves. We can be angry only if one is predisposed to it, if it is the straw that broke the camel. Often one is angry against each other because one is mad at himself for something.

It is necessary to take time to learn the process of NVC, and also to apply it.

In situations that leave no room for communication – in case of imminent threat for example – we can sometimes be persuaded to use force in a protective purpose. The intention is then to avoid injury or injustice, never to bring individuals to suffer, to repent or to change. The repressive use of force tends to generate hostility and build resistance to the behavior that one seeks to generate. The punishment begins the accuracy of reporting and self-esteem, and focuses our attention on the consequences of the act by forgetting the original intention. Blame and punishment do not elicit the motivations that we would like to inspire the other.

NVC fosters a new relationship to ourselves by helping us to translate our negative thoughts into feelings and needs on which one can act. Our ability to identify our own feelings and needs, and to consider them with empathy can free ourselves from depression. We have then to realize that, in any circumstances, we always have a choice. As we learn to focus on what is close to our heart rather than our failures or those of others, NVC gives us the means and clarity necessary to maintain a calmer state of mind. Finally, professional psychological counseling or psychotherapy may also use NVC to establish a genuine and reciprocal relationship with their patients.

The usual compliments often take the form of judgments, as favorable as they are, and are sometimes spoken to influence the behavior of others. NVC invites us to share what we appreciate, just for fun. We state:
– 1) the action that has contributed to our well-being;
– 2) the particular need we felt and that was satisfied;
– 3) the feeling of contentment born of the satisfaction.

“When you took the time to suck me until the end and you’ve swallowed my cum, I felt fully satisfied because I needed to feel totally desirable, so I flat in a nirvana like Kurt Cobain . “

When we receive a thank this way, we can accommodate without experiencing feelings of superiority and without false modesty, we rejoice with the person offering her gratitude.

For going further

To learn more about this concept, I advise you: Words are windows (or they are the walls) and Healing: stress, anxiety and depression without drugs or psychoanalysis.

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The very essence of pick-up

The very essence of pick-upThe pickup science is too depended on “Human” : we cannot write absolute truths. Indeed, no attitude works everywhere, all the time.

Snipe explains why it’s normal and why that’s a good thing in our podcast.

However, one cannot infer that this discipline is totally submitted to the subjectivity of every one: it is not only a matter of context. Indeed, there are attitudes that are statistically more attractive than others. In other words: there are characteristics that allow to have sex more than others… maybe not a particular girl and certainly, but on average, we can significantly improve our social, love and sex life through the game. And that is an observable fact that one can quantify.


If I was Ben Affleck, I would not need to act funny or charming for licking a pussy. Chicks would throw on my cock as soon as they would see me on the other side of the street. Not all chicks of course, but a lot of girls though. I would so be responsible for many road accidents. I prefer to be responsible for underwear accidents.

This is not because Ben Affleck is cute that I say what I said, but mostly because he is famous and recognized as a fuckable guy (preselection).

I’m not to the taste of all the chicks (like everyone else). Some I met thought I was ugly and did not want to fuck me. Others found me ugly too but I have doggystyled them anyway. The difference between those that I have fucked and those I have not fucked? I don’t know. Charisma or attitude has probably attracted those with whom I had sex. That said, they are women who found me handsome but I did not sleep with them either.

There’s just too many parameters to consider, and some depend on the girl herself : like, if she is afraid because she never goes out of her comfort zone, if she has no experience in bed and freaks if she knows you’re a womanizer or if she is afraid of the comparison with the other girls with whom you’re sleeping. In this case, there will be conflict between her, herself ans she and except reassuring her, you can do nothing about that. Even trying to convince her is not always enough, sometimes it will definitively block her.

The physical appearance is not essential but it helps, let’s not be hypocrites. Your clothing style has to be taken care of. It’s always easier when you’re a little bit elegant. Although I’m often too lazy to change clothes before going and I fuck anyway… do not take me as a model in this domain!

Work and Culture

With a good job and a future, that’s even better. About culture, if we do not include the stupid bitches of northern Marseille it is better to write without spelling mistakes (for picking up on the Internet or by texts) and to have a little (of culture, huh). But no need to spread it like jam.

The power also helps. The more influence you have, the more you’ll have facilities to have hot babes in your bed. I’m sure Norman fucks a lot thanks to his popularity on YouTube, even if it is obvious that he’s a fucking AFC and that without it he would still be virgin. Each one has his technique; the important is that it works!

Be soft, gentle

A silent look is worth a thousand nervous speech. This is the concept of not breaking the sexual tension developed in this book. To learn how to avoid nervous movements and the importance of being or seeming at ease, I recommend rather this ebook.

The girls (and the guys) do not like being pissed off. Me, in any case, I like what is out of the ordinary, fresh, what distracts me for a moment of everyday chores. For example, a threesome !!!

Being soft, it is an attitude that leads to success. Straight to the goal, like the OM team. Do not overdo, do not do too much shit (do not talk too much, do not be too brittle, derogatory, invasive, attentive). People take enough headaches like that, sometimes (often) where there’s no place … so, let’s be cool, and do not voluntarily surround you with sources of problems (even if they are hot).

To seduce, let’s not play it weird, do not brag, unless it is some second degree humor (in this case she much understand it it’s not beforehand won). Rather rely on listening, empathy, daring, teasing and active listening.

Do not prohibit clichés: the evidence often leads to originality. In improvisation, it is recommended to go from a trite trick and to embroider. Wanting to be 100% original from the beginning to the end of the interaction is taking the risk of finding nothing to say but also the risk of looking like a weirdo. Before breaking a social convention, it is necessary to master it first.

Show her some interest

I know a few authors recommend to never show your interest first. But ignoring a girl all night because we are a pseudo-H2G-alpha-male which who does not approach and does not try his luck unless he is 100% sure… is a bad idea.

Do not hunt down like a dog guy, but show a little genuine interest in her and her life. Adapt to her, calibrate (we cannot make dance a paralytic girl) and use kinos.

Make her compliments, when it is sincere.

Talking about sex

Sexualization is double-edged. It must be done, but in a good way! Not being thought of as a pervert is an art, passing her shit-tests (she wants to see if you are not an evil man or a sex-starved) is sometimes difficult. Do not be too vulgar, disrespectful, do not get upset even if it’s the hundredth time you hear the same shit-test “does it work, that line, it with the girls usually?”.

It is a question of social intelligence. There’s times and places to talk about sex… even if I like to do shit and it’s funny, again, do not take me as a model! But yeah, when it’s done right, she dips her panties. She may not admit, she may not fuck with you, but there’s a chance that it makes her feel something anyway.

There’s also a fairly common mistake which is to ask for sex directly. Certainly you would lick her pussy like a God and she would enjoy like crazy but she will surely say no anyway. I noticed that it works rather better when I invite them for a massage, for a glass of wine or for watching a movie (although we both know what will happen because we have talked a lot about sex before and she has been receptive).

In short, there are chicks who love fuck and to talk about sex like guys with guys, others pretend to be shocked and then go talking about sex with their girl-friends. I think if the girl is normally constituted, it stimulates her a minimum to talk about doggy and spanking.

Respect yourself

Do not tolerate more than one flake (who has flaked will flake). Do not tolerate being the spare wheel of a girl. Do not ever try chicks that have already rejected you. This attitude amounts to stir the air. When I have no plan, I appreciate the tranquility. You must be full of illusions to believe that if she said “no” 9 times she will say “yes” at the 10th.

That was for the girls in your contact list. Now, when a girl rejects you please learn how to difference a real rejection and a simple resistance. And in consequence, go on or give up.

Being healthy-minded

You know I have been depressed so I know this: being well in my mind, it’s super important. If you do not feel well in your life, you will not be good with girls. When things are not going well, we pick up less chicks. When things go really well, it works almost by itself. There are days with and days without.

The girls too, there’s times when they are more or less receptive. Take the same situation, the same actors: the result can vary a lot from one week to the next. You cannot influence too much the availability of the other (emotional or physical). All chicks that you come across in the street don’t want to be picked up. But let’s do our part, let’s try and remain available. That’s all we can do.


A smile, a punchline, a nice shirt, not giving importance to fails because it was understood that 95% of chicks (people too) are idiots and having a local … that’s enough in itself.

Otherwise… one becomes what one is. You learn to express yourself without being too afraid of what other people thing, you dare more, you assume more, etc. In other words, you come out of the mold. Not everyone wants to become a womanizer and I respect that. But it is still necessary to have the choice and the opportunity to be a womanizer before saying that you do not want to be it. Otherwise, it’s called bad faith.

Well, there would be a lot of other things to say, but the point here was to publish a summary of what works. When in doubt, keep it simple.

I wish you a good contribution to female pleasure!

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Why and how to relearn manhood?

It’s not Man and Woman, but women and men. No generalities but only special cases. There’s feminine in the man and masculine in the woman. Men and women are not identical, undifferentiated or interchangeable but complementary.

To male behavior-oriented competition, intense pleasures, respect for traditional roles, rationality, women oppose emotion, sensitivity, caring in society, quality of life, the desire to give a meaning to her life. Feminist totalitarianism versus male tyranny. Is there a possible compromise… a win-win scenario…?

Relations between men and women are the central subject of literature and history of ideas since the dawn of humanity.


Why relearning manhood?

– The single worldview hurts many people, but they do not admit it (to themselves). Lambda guys have an attitude submitted to the whims of women who do not do anything because they do not dare.

– The Church did not try to change men, but handle their appetites. To put it away from view to pretend they did not exist. Modernity believes eminently superior. It does not demonize sex. It assumes it very well. It is released. It even no more requires marriage. It respects individual freedom, human rights, etc. This is why it less tolerates delinquency, evil, sex without love, tariffed sex, horror, sex for sex, sex drive repeatedly without specific purpose, without feeling, no past, no future. I think the release in surface serves to compensate, to offset the fact that the guys have no balls anymore and that girls no longer wet for manly guys. The fantasies of most people, which brain was well washed, are now satiated on the big screen, not in the bedroom. And besides, it’s good for trade.

– One source of the problem is those who decide the fashion trends: they lead humanity to consenting bodies of women without breasts or buttocks, without roundness or softness, to body of men, long and dry. In other words, fashion designers (mostly gay) transform women into men, and force men to love women who look like men. Do you see what I mean?

– Men have, on statistical average, lost masculine energy. While women adopt more and more manly behaviors. Unfortunately this is the reality of the field: men send more feminine energy, women more masculine energy. And often, when a guy takes his balls, he is looked like a UFO. Guys are becoming more feminine, they adopt feminine behavior: they One Itis too quickly, want love at any cost, do not want one night stands, etc.

– By feminizing, men are sterilized, they prohibit all boldness, every innovation, every transgression. Fortunately, my blog is there to train a generation of alpha males who act as if they were masculinity islets in a feminized world. They are called macho, they do not care.

– Women are caught between the “doctrine” that told them to frustrate themselves and their envy, their instincts, which lead them to taste a real hard cock. Will they see for themselves where their interest is?

– Powerful women push away men from them. If we refuse to see the troubled relationship between money, power and phallus, we voluntarily wear blinders. Everything happens indeed as if women were investing the scene that power and money deserted, as if the unconscious link between phallus, money and power remained steadfast, despite rehabilitation campaigns we regularly experience in the media. Power is no longer where it was. It is now in finance and in the upper echelons of the industry. Where there are no women. The power is evil, death, phallus, man. Nobody in the young generation of our country wants to take on this burden. Because power is the capacity to kill the opponent at the ultimate moment. It is, ultimately, the death instinct. This is why power is the biggest taboo of our times.

– There is a discrepancy between the acts and words of men: their bodies, their instincts, their cells still speak, the old man is still there without the brain of the new man who tries to put words, a sense to that he did. And women are gobbling anxiolytics. And men are rushing to sexologists to talk about their impotence problem. Men do not understand what happens to them. Women either. They do not realize that their obsession with “respect” send them back to the Puritan starting point from which they come. The sacrosanct respect works like a machine that destroys the desire of men. Faced with this feminizing pressure, undifferentiated and egalitarian, the man lost his bearings. The lambda man is too afraid to dare to tell the woman how much he desires her… and in every position! Symptomatic: Porn takes the opposite of the society and is sinking in a raging violence. The men take revenge of a reality where they feel more and more dominated.

– They blithely cover their impulses, their male desires with a sentimental speech worthy of women’s magazines. They don’t want to feel guilty : they do not fuck, they love. They cannot control anything, it is love that carries them on its winged horse. They often are not even aware of their duplicity, as they are alienated by the predominant rhetoric (= social pressure).

– The society is facing a major contradiction: advocating an exclusive individual freedom, it promotes divorce in self-service. But to manage the devastating effects of this massified divorce, it accumulates constraints to frame the excesses of male sexuality. MALE only.

– This creates demographic problems: for thirty years, we are happy of the perfect control, between contraception and abortion, of fertility by women. We never realized that the end of this story is sad, it is precisely combined with the end of the story, with the phasing out of European peoples.

– In practice, it involves the settlement immigration: they fuck our women. They come from a world where men are not feminized, they behave according to their instincts, but where their impulses are contained by a rigid frame, family and religion. Now they live in a country where the rigid frame exploded. They are conquerors in an open city. And women love that. It is sexy !

– The feminization of men causes immense distress, unbearable frustration for them, intolerable misery for children. How to respect men who cannot even fuck their wives?


How to relearn manhood?

– “Casanova rather than the Princess of Cleves“. The alpha male wants to breed with as many females as possible. And he is not ashamed!

– Tolerance has its limits because it means losing the respect. So I do not tolerate any behavior, and a lot of chicks like when we show them the limits. We are no longer in their eyes, a “sex-starved” like the others. In the 1970s, we were called macho, but it was the girls who insulted us! So reframe the submitted effeminate guys who call you macho.

– Women’s magazines love effeminate men reconfigured by plastic, aesthetics, gay refinement. The man who pleases them is the one that looks like them. The difference, physical, social or psychological, is now equated with inequality, new mortal sin of the time. We are far away from the truly virile man (by the way : masculinity is mostly an attitude), the alpha male. That’s why a guy should never have more style than his girl. I’ve seen guys with a mono-brow or long hair on the top of the shoulders that exceed their shirt and I find it very ugly. But a beardless guy and too neat, in addition, it’s laughable.

– It is not about becoming violent, but it would be nice to have the balls and the drive to defend when one is attacked in the street.

– I describe the ridiculousness of a generation wisely coupled at 20 like one would be at 60, I lampooned boys submitted to a sentimentality of girls. People are lost in the desire to be a couple. The couple, now, is the way to go. While it is ephemeral. All the more ephemeral it is sacred. My brother, for example: we have never seen him alone since he met his fat girl on the Internet. He only moves with his girl and lately with his stepmother too. They are then cut to his family (on my side but also his cousins ​​from his mother’s side) to chain bullshit on bullshit and now they are almost be ruined. This is how the principle of coherence leads in a couple when we marry the bad woman (my brother’s wife is a first class asocial and he is has not enough balls to reframe her).

– From an early age, people are encouraged to be a couple. They cannot conceive life, desire, encounter, in another way than in a frame immediately installed. Sometimes the elements of the couple change, but regardless, these are not people that count, it is the couple. Love is the sacredness of the time. But words lie to us: the more we love, the more it is hard to make love. The more one worships, the more one feels respect, the less one fucks well. Love is associated with the mother, and therefore prohibited sex that goes with it. The old dichotomy between mother and whore, modernity rejects this horror. Let’s be aware of it!

– If love is classically considered as a guarantee of solidity, we know that there are lasting relationships even after the disappearance of the love impulse; that in couples therapy what is called attachment is far from negligible value. Besides, what is love? I think there are many people who are more in love with the idea of ​​love than with the person they say they love. And you ?

– The man must now be a predator of desire. He should no longer flirt, seduce, shoving, attract. Every seduction is assimilated to a manipulation, violence, constraint. The lambda man finally gave up on it. It is him who must heal. Who must be transformed. Who should bind desire and feeling, sex and family, drive and loyalty. But this is not a problem when practicing fast seduction for example, pickup with only “the cock and the knife.” All cards are laid on the table. And we respect the choice of the wife to go home and touch herself alone while she might have enjoyed ten times more with an alpha male. We think it’s stupid, but hey, what can we do at our level? Except giving a lot of pleasure to them that take the leap so they will want to do it again?

– The man has no right to desire, no more the right to appeal, to pickup. He must love, only love. That’s why when ordinary people see that my blog is about pickup and seduction, they demonize me and stigmatize me without trying to see beyond the tip of their nose… personal development. Do not do it !

– For years, it was decreed that women could also act like men, separate desire and love… everything happens today like if women acknowledged without saying that they had tried, they even had fun, for a moment, not long, but they could not assume. Encourage them to assume!

– A study has shown that young people today no longer know how to fuck. They make love. No wonder, then, why chicks have less and less interested in sleeping without love… as most of boys are bad lovers. I guess, most do not even know what a good fuck is! Women should thank men to fuck bitches : they are less pitiful lovers after. It’s good to try some girls before getting a couple.

– Women can finally realize their unifying, totalizing or totalitarian dreams, they want everything together: love, desire, status. Marriage and fun, children, romance. Everything. Most of the time, they have nothing. You cannot have everything, that’s not how life is. Men have now adopted this female speech. They want to love too. Formerly, it was an artificial speech that they served to women to have sex. Too many guys are actually a couple by default or convenience, just to get laid once in a while. And too many girls are a couple just because they were told that this it is what was expected from them, too.

– Sincerity: I practice and it is sometimes disarming… so much women are no longer accustomed to it.

– Formerly, to ward off their fear of women, men were playing superman; now, they mimic the woman. We can still play superman. Cyprineman !!!

– I encourage you to listen to rap music: rap singers admit and assume a joyous don-juanism without complex and sometimes violent. Our lobotomized children do not admit they would like to imitate them.

– This is the US that was born the feminized man. The castrated man. But this is also from the United States that came a vigorous masculine reaction, with these groups of men who are relearning their manhood in forests. It’s also there that was born the Game. 😉

– I want to give you the ability to say “no” or “stop”, to women and other abuse of everyday life.

– In these circumstances, it is not surprising that a PUA, an auto-proclaimed libertine, multiplies the gains with such ease: would we, the guys in the seduction community, be the last hard phallus? That should piss off some lobbies!