We will talk today about the concepts of “reality” and ” frames control,” applied to seduction.
These notions are fuzzy, so we’ll try to make them clearer. This is important because assimilating them helps to understand the complexity of the world around us: these are concepts of communication at large, not just pick up stuff.
It is important first to understand that reality exists, but that each person sees it differently: each of us has a different and subjective representation of it. Edgar Morin speaks of “cooperation from the outside world and our mind to build reality.”
In Neuro-Linguistic Programming, it is said that “the map” (our representation of reality) is not “the territory” (absolute reality). The reality of a person consists of beliefs and rules. Our representation of reality is the card that allows us to locate ourselves in the world. You should know that if one doesn’t have life one desires it’s probably that one does not use the right map.
Be careful : here we’re talking about strong beliefs, ones that will push us to adopt a lifestyle in agreement with defined values. For example, a good belief that pulls us up would be to say, “I can influence the course of my life at any moment.” In more advanced cases, there is religion or reincarnation. The type that influences our thinking and our behavior. For someone who believes in God, and God is here and helps. Even if ultimately there’s no God (we don’t know), the one who lives with the belief that paradise awaits after death is less afraid of his own end and has a more serene life. It helps so it’s a positive belief.
There are also constructive beliefs that help in seduction eg “any interaction is positive (even rejections) in the sense that it gives some experience”, “it is possible to take the number of a girl in street then to see her again and sleep with ” or “every no moves closer to a yes.”
What will disturb in this article is to understand that, as stated by Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars « many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view. »
Our beliefs are not reality but all our beliefs shape our reality. This is why you have to keep an open mind, think for yourself and be tolerant with people who are.
A strong reality
All you do is dictated by your depiction of reality. Your attitude, your reactions, your body language reflect your reality and intensity. Having a strong reality therefore requires having a powerful inner game that is to say, a good mind.
My reality was forged by dint of sleeping with beautiful girls. Now I tell myself that I’m entitled too. The fact that they sleep with me is normal. And I know I am capable of giving orgasms to 99% of girls. This makes me very confident. This is a very positive reality that does not hurt anyone... and even if actually all girls don’t like me (far from it): I’m liked by enough to have a great sex life! Reminds me a line of OSS117: Jean Dujardin takes a rake and the only answer that comes to his mind is “what, you do not like men?”. Indeed, in his reality, a straight girl is inevitably attracted to him.
In addition, having a positive reality like this one helps to seize opportunities. Because we see things through the prism of our reality: when you are not positive, you often miss things because do not see or do not read the right way. On the other hand, when you think that things are possible, it’s a little like if you attracted them. That is why we must always strive to be positive!
If so many guys have seen, with me, their sex life greatly improved… it’s because they have SEEN what is possible to do. And when they began to believe, they behaved so that it also happens to them. (To enlarge your field of possibilities, I recommend you read my Diary of a French PUA where I tell my adventures on the field with girls.)
Warning: Some are so jostled by this reality that they are in denial and become aggressive or reject me.
The alpha male knows that his reality is more important than the reality of an unknown woman, so he sucks her in his reality or kick her out of his life! It’s regularly that one says I’m ugly and I do not know how to pick up a girl… and yet the results are here (reinforcing my reality) so I don’t give a shit about the vision of these girls. It even makes me laugh when I’m in a good mood. I even managed to convince some of the validity of my vision (and after I’ve fucked them).
I have approached the same way many girls : some have loved it, others have hated it. Which ones were right? None, actually. The important thing is that I did not let me down by the gossips and I continued my way by focusing on good results. Hence the need to surround yourself with positive people.
Impose your frames
The frame is, literally, the general framework of the interaction: this is the reality as it is apprehended by the communicators. Each interaction has its frame that must show YOUR reality. Watch my other video about frames here…
Reframing is changing this framework: it comes down to see the problem in a different way.
Examples of different frames:
“My drink is half empty” (negative frame)
“My drink is half full” (positive frame)
“My drink is half full of water and half full of air” (very positive frame)
Controling the frame is controling communication : it’s sucking people into your reality. This amounts to direct the conversation and check the direction that it takes. This is very important, in seduction, to don’t let girls suck you into realities as “men must invite women 5 times at the restaurant before bed” or “spanking is degrading.”
I prefer to communicate that “sex is normal and natural” rather than “only whores have sex on the first date.” This frame is strong and avoids me many headaches. But I can not say this loud out to a woman (saying it explicitly communicate some insecurity about it) it would not be credible, although it is reality. MY reality that helps me move forward in life, head high.
Sometimes, of course, my dates go wrong (that is to say, I do not sleep) with girls (about 1/10). But I do not let the bitter taste of defeat depress me because I know it’s just the reality of the girl that did not match with mine. That does not mean I’m “a disgusting big pervert” but “she was a little too afraid of sex and is not ready to get out of her comfort zone” or better yet “she did not seized her chance for once she might have come across a good lover.”
In my reality, the woman wins as much or more than me when they sleep with me… so they must deserve sex as much as me. But sometimes, there is nothing to do: women in front of me block and do not see the interest to orgasm when they have the opportunity if it’s not with a guy they love and who has committed to start a family even sometimes before having tried the girl. Except that “carpe diem”: maybe tomorrow we will take a brick on the head and die frustrated for nothing so it is better to enjoy this day. Well, it is my vision.
Beware, though, sometimes you have to compromise so you’re not a big rigid asshole (alpha is not necessarily a big asshole): for example, even if you do not like smokers, sometimes the cigarette with coffee after a meal is inevitable for an inveterate smoker. What then is the point of pissing her off for that? It would just lead to an argument and to do not sleep with the girl... on the other hand, if you want to spend your life with her, it’s different and you will have to tell her that the cigarette disgusts you.
Good frame / Bad frame :
She: If you do not buy me a drink, I’m leaving.
Loser: Do not go away… okay.
She: Buy me a drink.
Winner: Why don’t you pay me a drink if you want me to stay with you?
The congruence:
If you have to “think” for one hour about what to answer to stay in your frame, it means that you are not really in it… and then everything I spoke about becomes very difficult.
By the way, it’s really difficult… because changing your mindset into a mindset of winner is the ultimate goal of the game that will make you not only a man who attracts women but also a man successful in his whole life.
In the long term, an alpha frame should impose to you, should become a reality, a second spontaneous nature. So you’ll always be yourself, but a better version of yourself more confident, more sexual, more attractive…
Good luck for building your constructive reality, handsome guys!
I’m in Aix, at my parents, for nearly three weeks. I’ve not really picked up since I was on vacation: a little bit on Tinder… but above all I revived old southerners plans on FaceBook. I had two flakes: girls who wanted (one sent me pictures of her naked) but at the last moment one told she was not ready for love because still in love with her ex and the other was afraid of regret. “They overthink too much these girls,” I said to myself. Then I let it go, no desire get a headache right now.
Monday, I went to the testing center and I went to Red Trousers (see my Diary 2). This girl is still beautiful and hot. She told me she spent one month in Japan and banged a guy there who had a tiny dick : 5cm in erect… I found it funny but not her: she had to simulate to make him finish quickly. Because, in addition, he was not gifted with his sex.
I fingered, licked and fucked her : two orgasms. After we rested and she did a funny thing: she masturbated her clit while I fingered her by touching her breasts: BOOM third female orgasm (very powerful). That’s as much as the first time we had met up almost one year ago, yet… In short, I like this chick.
Yesterday I went to Marseille, I visited a girl picked up on the Internet. A little girl of 36, a typical Mediterranean brunette mother of two children who were on holiday with their dad, pretty. Finally, I found that her face had a lot of charm and she is pretty damn hot for a mom.
I went at her place, on the Corniche. I had too much to piss on the way but I was not going to go straight to the bathroom when arriving at her place so I went and did in the garden of a residence, quietly. Then, it took almost 1 hour to park in her neighbourhoods, what a pain! She had prepared a small meal for me then okay, it was worth the trip. She showed me her videos while taking a drink, because she loves making videos. There were also many books on the “synchronicity” in her room : she explained to me what it is but I’ve not understood this theory.
After a moment, she said she thought I was a liar, and I was a sexx-starved. It was a kind of test. I could tell she was stressed and unsettled when I stroked her thigh casually on the couch. I said, “if I prove to you that I fucked yesterday and therefore I am not a sex-starved, do you remove your top?
– OK.”
I showed her the text messages exchanged with Red Pants thanking me for orgasms and she said, “you’re not my type because of your leather shoes and polo because I like the guys that look more roots (I dont know what that means) but you’re still charming’re so we can fuck if you want.”
She showed me the way to her room, then removed her top and pants directly. She then undressed me. I licked her: cunnilingus orgasm. A funny thing: at some point she has spread herself her lips so that I lick her clit better!
Then she really wanted me to fuck her so she put the condom on my dick, fixing me in the eye: it was really exciting that!
Her vagina was very dilated by her two deliveries and, no doubt, by several huge dicks from Marseille… So, not too many feelings j’n’avais but when I took her doggy style she started screaming to the rhythm of her beautiful ass and tatoo, it made me come! I did not even try to refrain.
She was really tired after sex (though we only fucked once) then she ate a icecream and talked to me for a long time. She told me I was good in doggy style, it’s nice.
She said she also lost a former partner who wanted to save a girl from drowning in Spain but died of exhaustion in the sea, last month. She started to cry. In short, she is really touching, this chick. I tried to cheer her up, tell her that maybe death is better than life (at least one is not forced to work). But that kind of crap had no effect on her.
She still thanked for sex, and for having made her laugh… she said she needed to fuck a nice unknown man, to overcome her fear of inviting a stranger into her house… in short, to live, period! Another good deed for Cyprineman !!! My karma seems to be doing well at the moment…
I was thinking on my way back: people who have seen death up close (like the Banker (see my Diary 2)) no longer see life as stupidly as before. Before me, this woman had fucked only 4 or 5 guys since she is divorced for 4 years, and had never invited a stranger home. I managed to charm her enough for her to let herself go, that’s why I’m a PUA online. I hope it made her feel good and will allow her to make a step forward in her sex life.
I also saw the friend of my mother during the holidays, the one who is a bit psychic and who advised me to go to a seer to get out of my depression (see my Diary 2). She told me that I had no entity on me now! It’s good to hear even if a part of me was skeptical any way!
Well, now I just picked up my screening results (I have nothing) and, this weekend, Virginie is coming to see me before I go back to Lyon.
Kisses and have a good holiday…
I hope you have a tanned cock (tanned tits for women).
Today we will speak of feminism and street harassment. I have already addressed this issue in an article entitled “What about the current debate on street harassment?” I’m going this time to share with you my perspective (as a witness)…
The story
I remember I fucked a girl who said she was a “feminist”. When she told me that, I immediately distrusted because that term no longer means much today. There are indeed too many pseudo-feminists who currently misuse this term and have fun engaging huge polemics from confusions and fight for almost the same thing than the PUA.
Post-coitus, the girl went crazy on topics such as “for an equal work, a woman earns less money than a man, do you think it’s normal, you?”. Well no, it’s unfair, it’s a fact. And besides, when I’ll live with a girl, I’ll be glad she makes more money because it will make US have more money.
She said she wanted to behave like a free man: fucking me on the first night and not calling me after without feeling dirty/shameful/dishonored. I told her to do it and that I would be happy if more girls felt free to do that : society would be less sexually frustrated and everyone would feel better.
The street harassment
Finally came on the carpet, the street harassment. She began by telling me that women were pissed off all the time in the street. So I asked her if i twas her case personally and she said “NO, but many women tell it on the internet.”
I told her that she should be careful when she reads stuff on the Internet because many girls invents a life online just to grandstand: there are so frustrated in life that they will compensate by being aggressive. It is also often the race to outbid on forums “me, one whistles every 100 meters, I’m tired”, “me it’s every 50m, because I’m so beautiful.” No doubt some girls are in good faith but just got paranoid because of all the crap one can read on the Internet. Then their “paranoia” makes that they really will FEEL harassed. And since they FEEL harassed, it is a general truth for them: men harass women.
When a woman is making up and chosing nice clothes to get out, it’s normal to attract attention, that does not necessarily mean that those looks reify her. And then you know we just as easily look insistently a girl who is very beautiful than someone who is damn ugly or just a detail that draws our attention. It is true that it is not very polite, but we must deal with it, we are in a ceremonial society where everyone scrutinizes everyone. The eyes are usually not threatening. Paranoia and egocentrism should not lay down the law…
I am not trying to minimize because when I talk about it around me, almost all the girls I know have had at least one bad experience in the street… but is that enough to generalize?
After I showed her my blog to see what she would say… and, sure enough, she called me a big asshole. Without trying to understand what I do. I speak of pick-up and seduction so I am necessarily a big pervert, misogynistic, manipulative, narcissistic and liar… So, I showed her that we, PUAs, are teaching things that are in line with what the authentic feminists want because our art revolves around personal development. Yet many women hate us but are unable to explain why.
For the record, one of my friends approached Marion Seclin in Paris (a famous pseudo-feminist). He told me that this girl who preaches tolerance and freedom of expression has cold-rejected him without even he had time to open his mouth. In addition, he said that as he approached her, he saw that she had a mustache. It makes me laugh that because we are coming to such extremes that many “fake feminists” make themselves ugly voluntarily on behalf of their cause. Anyway, who cares, it’s too bad for them but does it make happy to be ugly?
In this table are grouped things that differentiate the pick-up and harassment.
Walking insistently around a girl despite (or because of) her refusal to discuss.
Respect : do not be an ass… do not try to force things.
Whistle and insult women.
Politeness and courtesy, do not whistle chicks, it is useless.
Do not insult accept rejection without feeling affected.
Being rude: touching your cock by watching a woman in a public place.
Do not put a girl uncomfortable, on the contrary.
Dangerous and menacing guy.
Bold guy wishing to cause a good meeting.
Denial of Man/Woman equality legal status. Considering a woman not as a person but as a consumer good.
Man who appreciates the fairer sex.
Aggressiveness of frustrated: « A woman who dresses sexy deserves to be raped. »
“Wow, thank you for dressing so sexy, it makes my eyes feel good.”
Reductive terminology : because of the guys who use that kind of vocabulary, many women do not see (supposedly) what is positive when a stranger tells them they are pretty.
In the community of seduction, we recommend to avoid compliments on pure physical appearance. Instead, we will make them focus on things like accessories. On things she has chosen.
Inappropriate behavior: I read that many guys would follow the girl to her house if she ever had the misfortune to answer politely.
The game helps the guys to stop being sex-starved, to have more normal behavior, which makes them less aggressive.
Pick-up disguised and not assumed.
Be frank. Use the direct game.
Hypocrisy : considering that women who have sex are actually sluts.
PUAs are for sexual freedom of women. But the goal of gender equality is to mutually help each other.
I also told the girl the time I was attacked on my way home after a night: 4 junkies have beaten me, for no reason. What I mean is that there is not only who women feel insecure and who are pissed off in the street in France. It’s a society problem. It’s dramatic that events such as assault and rape occur but this is not a reason so that it turns to the collective psychosis. Otherwise, it would be the end of the beans.
I think women are right to complain when men touch them when they do not agree, when they are insulted by men because they do not want to talk to them. They are right to complain when they are called whores because they are not interested. And they are right when they are afraid to be followed up at home by people (often drunk) who are not invited. But we must not let it go crazy with large deviations in this movement called “modern feminism.”
This girl started to agree that we were in the same boat and it might be smarter to pull together. It’s not the feminists we do not like in the seduction community, it’s the bitches who are pains in the ass in the name of feminism (in fact, I think I’m more feminist than them, I guess I want more good for women than these people). In fact, if we do not like them, it’s mainly because their movement is being emasculating men.
Wikipedia: Feminism is a set of movements and political ideas, philosophical and social, which share a common goal: to define, establish and achieve political, economic and cultural, personal, social and legal equality between women and men.
Emasculation of men
In the past, women have been victims of a lot of violence. They were not the equal of the man and even today there are still unequal treatment. They do not want any of it, I understand… but I do not think they should avenge on us, modern men. Yet the current extremist movement has the effect of emasculating men and virilize women (does it make a woman happy to be virile like a man ?). But what attracts when it comes to men, it is their manhood. Paradoxically, this movement does not make women happier : they do not have the men they like.
A woman is not a man. She may be equal in rights, we will never be identical but complementary, you must understand that. This is even the heart of the problem. The equality would dictate that we all have the same treatment. Fairness, it would be equivalent treatment. As in math, we recognize that each solution of the equation is different, but yet they are strictly synonyms (x²-1=0 so x=1 or -1). In sport, for example, women do not generally compete against men. Yet it doesn’t offended anyone!
I think the so-called feminists (those that are closed and aggressive) should understand that if they want full equality: it would remove privileges such as all the free stuff for them and paying for guys. Or if they speak badly to a guy, he could punch them without being an asshole (which is unthinkable). And when they will want have sex, they will have to go out and pick-up (and take rakes). It is not reasonable to demand equality in all areas and superiority in certain.
If women want to approach in the street and to pay drinks, in the name of equality, we think it’s good. They will then understand that approaching unknown people in the street, it is not easy. There is a huge adrenaline rush, the fear of what other people think, we invent excuses not to go, etc. Getting to approach women, even in a club, it is not something easy. So why trying to blame the few men who still want to approach?
Approaching someone in the street should not be considered “unnatural”. What are the other ways to meet people today? The circles have become very closed, a lot of women do not find a guy that suits them because they have not the choice (hence the growing importance of dating sites and meeting apps). I know many women who, in fact, are flattered to be approached. GQ Magazine has also assessed in an article to $66 the value of a compliment from a stranger.
I must tell you how it goes, in general, when we pick-up a girl in the street (it almost became a heroic act). First, you must know you’re likely to fall on girls that are directly on the defensive : not open-minded, frustrated, and very complicated. When one woman is approached, in addition to the difficulty it represents, sometimes she uses a frightened look that shows the woman think we’re a rapist, a serial killer or a dangerous madman. When approaching women in a group, they often appear contemptuous and use derogatory comments. Like “who does he think he is? He’s ugly.”
What bothers me is that their bad behavior can traumatize shy guys who take their courage in their hands for the first time to approach a woman. Yet we all have much to gain to encourage such behavior. If we do not approach someone we like, we potentially misses something. And if noone approaches anymore, it’s the end of everything. We would become individualistic, frustrated and hurt self-esteem, as many people are yet, by the way.
The logical consequence is that the goods guys do not want to approach the princesses who send them to hell before the first sentence pronounced (often without even watching our face). And this is understandable. But then women complain because they do not meet guys or only fall on assholes. Men also are unhappy and frustrated, in fact it’s a lose-lose scenario.
False feminists are making men lose the little balls they still have. And others women let them do even if it makes them unhappy…
A gap between men and women
We must return to Earth, the street is for everyone. There’s no need for a “special place” to meet people (we are not all lucky enough to pay €20 to get to VIP parties).
So, we catch up on Tinder as long as it’s free. It’s good a moment but we also need to face the reality of the ground sometimes. The street is good because there is no social separation: we should not deprive normal men of their freedom and a chance to meet women who only attend the VIP areas. This is not the VIP area that makes the interest of a man.
Yet according to these pseudo-feminist, approaching them in street would violate their freedom to walk alone in a public place. With this logic, rejecting us would violate our freedom to have sex or our freedom to be ugly… And by conditioning the guys to do not approach because they are afraid of being called perverts, don’t they violate the freedom of the women who want to be approached? It seems that these false feminists have never seen a handsome guy in the street and the fantasy of the unknown is a myth.
Many women I spoke to complain about not making spontaneous encounters in real life. But the pseudo-feminist fight is not for nothing in that problem. Is it then really the friend of women? Or is it the game, the true friend of women who will reconcile women with men? 😉
Those who are wrong are those who spit in the soup and cry because just we have made them a compliment on the street. Women who think like that unserve the purpose they think they serve. It is necessary that these women stop playing the victim. Talking to a woman in the street or in a bar, this is not an impermissible intrusion into her private life as some pseudo-feminists claim. If they prefer to turn sealed (always the same social circle, no fancy, never out of their comfort zone) that’s their problem. But there is nothing disrespectful in approaching someone in the street (when it is for a survey or a charity, noone says anything…), so why this disrespect as a reply ? Because of this attitude, too many guys now think talking to unknown… it’s wrong.
The real problems
On the other hand, there are true cases of harassment (often by riff-raff, men of power and superiors). Unfortunately, there are also sexually assaulted. People who’d say “you got raped but you were dressed in a skirt so you deserved it” would be idiots. Regarding the clothes, I think everyone can dress as he/she wishes as long as there is no indecency. It’s called respect. On the other hand, those who kiss by surprise the breasts of a woman who nevertheless said she was not interested, to save face on TV, are like dogs. Just as those who insist during 3 years and who make a woman drink alcohol to get to kiss her in a bar. Now, the game teaches guys to do not behave like dogs.
Feminists are right to complain that sometimes when women are attacked, idiots find a way to ask them if they have firmly expressed their refusal to be mugged. They are angry because they feel that men often pose to victims of assault a share of the responsibility. Of course, this is not tolerable.
That said, I have heard similar stories but about men: guys accused of rape on the mere word of a woman who was lying in fact, just to piss off an ex. Or men who have not been granted custody of their child to benefit their ex wife, yet notoriously hysterical that will traumatize them, just because they are the fathers and not the mothers. Unfair stuff, excesses, are found everywhere.
The solutions
Feminists say they are tired of being approached in the street but yet I know many girls who complain that it never happens to them and wonder if they are pretty. All women are not in agreement. This is a problem: what to do? Listening to those who spit their venom and not picking-up or pleasing those who like to be picked up and say it (but quietly because the others make them feel guilty : « if you do not support our cause and if you like being picked up it’s because you’re a whore ») ?
First you should know that if you spend your whole life to especially never want upset anyone, you will never do anything. So stay virile and continue your personal development process although the society says “be frustrated and shut up! And do not try to get out of the flock, accept your fate and shut up!” If you do nothing wrong and are not disrespectful, there is no reason to feel guilty. You do that as much for you than for them.
Next, understand that it is not because we dared to approach a woman that she owes us something. I advise you to withdraw as soon as you are not meeting enthusiasm (the interaction may last only 2 seconds). If they pretend not to be happy when they would like to be fucked : that’s their problem. The most important is to especially protect you from trouble like harassment and rape. No shadow of doubt should hang over!
Their mentality should also change because they are women who thanked me much for having a little insisted and told me they were very happy to meet me in fact even if they were cold at the beginning and they especially do not regret not because they have orgasmed like crazy. This is the big problem of the social pressure that fight against the real deepest instincts of women. But when in doubt, do not insist… if I am sometimes allowed me to do so it’s because I was sure of what I was doing (I know how they works now). When it comes to the guys who do not have much experience in pick-up, it is for women to learn how to show visible signs of interest. And to stop blowing cold if they want something hot. Everyone must do their part of the job !!! Otherwise it’ll make everybody crazy.
In France, we make great efforts to pick-up while they are difficult. And then they complain about the efforts we make by saying it oppresses them. And the worst is that the chicks that are pains in the ass like that are often zero in bed. So we will take a headache, so that they take ten times more fun than us (but that’s another debate).
In some countries, the customs are totally different. And women more comely (less aggressive as truck drivers). However, this is not an excuse to go abroad in the North, East or Australia: a battle needs to be fought here in France and is not yet lost. Abandonning the vessel and his comrades would be an easy solution.
I don’t think that the false feminism as advocated by the site who wanted its workers to post pictures of their tits on a wall of the premises is the solution. The game can be. Be interested in the message we really drive, do not be blocked because of received ideas.
Think for yourselves! Otherwise we will not get out, we live in a society that starts being a mess and it will be worse and worse if it continues.
I slept with Evangeline Lilly last night! Well, I admit: it was not really her, but she damn looked like her.
I’m really euphoric this morning because she was really my type : not tall, brown haired, blue/green eyed, thin, with a beautiful face and a small nose.
This double of the actress is podiatrist and is 34 years old but looks like a girl of 20 years. Her belly is super flat and muscular (she swims too). Her breasts are not big but keep straight. Her legs are delicious. One might think that I am exaggerating but this is not even the case…
I thought what happened on Monday night with the blonde hottie was exceptionnal but I admit Lyon spoils me right now : the city entrusted me another one of its sex bombs. I approached her on the Internet, that one too. I write you down the approach to inspire you!
Her profile said: “I can be as nice and placid than unpredictable. As soon as I have time I like to go out and have fun, but after having enjoyed celibacy I am looking for a man who will tame me and mellow me ! “
My first message was powerful “I think I will tame you but I’m not interested in mellowing you 😉
– Oh you think? Lol
– Yes if you leave me a chance
– Why not
– Great ! Wanna come over for a massage ? A real one, huh, do not imagine bad things;)
– Oh good idea 😉 I am not in Lyon these days, maybe this weekend? I’m back for a few days before leaving again.
– Yes you will see it will relax you! I even have some essential oil I just bought a diffuser. Perfect. I hope you spend a good holiday and are doing good trip! Are you having fun? OK this weekend that suits me… Friday?
– Well I tell you later ? I am just back a few days and many things are already planned.
– OK… but do not worry, I do not think you will regret your decision to come to me 🙂 or Thursday it actually does not matter to me
– I hope so;) you’re where in Lyon ?
– Tomorrow I’ll be very late, but we can say on Thursday… I’ll reconfirm !
– Go for Thursday 🙂 you will not regret it!
[No more news until Wednesday evening when she tried to piss me off]
– Tomorrow at 9pm, it’s still good? 🙂
-Isn’t it possible on Friday finally? 😉
– Honestly it is 1,000 times better for me tomorrow [I’m not your dog even though I like to lick everywhere]
– Ok I’ll try tomorrow
– You will have be entitled to a nice massage because you’re coming when it suits me
– Cool where do we meet then ?
– At my place ?
– Yeah well I generally do not like to meet a guy directly at his place.. I only agree because you promised me a massage
She arrived late but with a bottle of white wine. I like well-mannered girls! I politely wetted my lip because I no longer drink alcohol. She, meanwhile, has drunk almost half of the bottle. Must say we chatted for over an hour.
I quickly learned that her sister lived near from me. She saw my library and my books on meditation/Buddhism then asked me lots of questions about. I told her my paranormal experience and she told me hers : one day she saw a black shape in her house… she was 8 years old, was very afraid and went into hiding. The next day her hamster was dead, she is now convinced she has seen death. I freaked out when she told me that so I directed the conversation to more exciting topics.
We talked about her sex life. She did not wanna tell me first but I started and after she opened. I told my orgies and the afternoon I fucked after a session of body painting. She told me that one night she directly visited a guy met on the Internet, she undressed in front of his door before entering while he was waiting naked on his bed: they directly fucked without talking before. It was one of her fantasies. Her other fantasies are: 2 guys for her, and 1 guy and 1 girl for her. She tried once to have 2 guys for her but one of the guys did not get hard. Too bad for him !
I FINALLY asked if she wanted to see if I massaged well, she replied “why not? “So I grabbed her up and removed her top. I told her to get on the bed and she removed her skirt herself. I said “forgive it and take it on.” She did it by asking “why?” I have just taken if off myself by approaching her and looking into her eyes. It was very sexy. Just like her pretty blue underwear. She layed on her stomach, I turned the essential oil diffuser on, grabbed a cream that smells good, took off my polo and put myself astride her.
I gave her a massage for a while and then I followed up with the combo “fingers in her pussy with one hand and clit caressing with the other hand.” It lasted a long time. She trembled, had spasms everywhere, she almost came but stopped me! She sucked me a few minutes, very well indeed, and said “I never finish a guy like that sorry
– OK “. I wanted to lick her but she did not want: she said she doesn’t like it and it is very hard to make her come anyway. Never mind, I took care of her with my magic fingers.
She wanted to resist but I obliged her to orgasm by taking her firmly. I admit that it took a long time. I was like a locksmith trying to open a safe. I listened carefully to the changes. Then she came over me. We fucked WITH CONDOM (I’m proud of me). She jumped me while I admired her great firm breasts and her very cute nipples. We went on a missionary with and without raised legs. Then in lotus. And finally, doggy style. She fucks and kisses very well, she obviously is a woman of experience.
She told me after the battle she had mistakenly accepted my request on the site but after she wondered “why not?” When she decided to get up for a glass of water, I really wanted to take her up. But I was too tired. Then we got a hug and she left. She texted me to wish me a good night … and it worked.
It may look easy when I tell it but remember you first must convince the girl to come to you, then have a correct BL (be a little bit dominant) and give her orgasms.
Well, tonight I’m on vacation for one month (the office is closed). I do not think I will fuck another girl from Lyon before going back to Aix because I need to sleep and I have several episodes of Arrow to watch!
Anyway, picking up in a big city like Lyon, changes life. I’m sure if I lose my job (if I have more free time in fact), I could fuck 9 or 10 girl per month. Anyway, maybe I’m dreaming. But according to Snipe: 4FC/month it’s already a good PUA level…
I trust his judgment because this PUA is my reference in France. Unlike Nicolas Dolteau who says he is the “best seducer of France” but blocked me directly on FB when I left a comment on his page to explain that I do not agree with some advice he gave. I’m not saying this guy is bad, just that he is best in marketing than in pick up.
This article aims to make everyone happier in bed. In other words, I will give you my secrets, as Cyprineman. Orgasms guaranteed!
To follow this tutorial, you need:
– fingers ;
– a tongue ;
– a cock;
– a woman.
1) The power of your fingers (G-spot and clitoris)
Before fingering her, you have to warm up. I had already made two articles-videos:
– How to kiss a girl;
– The erogenous zones.
Feel free to watch it (again) !
Now, let’s go in the thick of it.
First, take the entire genital area with your hand (everything is important) but go easy… because everything is sensitive. It is later that you will specifically attack Mr. Clitoris.
First, pat the area over her jeans to tame her. Then open her pants and do it over her string. Then, when she will start to get wet, go under the last underwear.
You will be in contact with her most intimate skin, it is necessary that your fingernails are short and clean (it’s called respect). The first touch may be accompanied by a SMALL cringe, it is instinctive and normal : you know the privacy and extreme sensitivity of the area. Warning, if she says “NO”, it is a NO and stop everything : do not take the risk of being labeled a rapist.
The move to caress there… it’s either rub up and down or in a circular manner. Or around the clitoris or REALLY ON THE SPOT : all depends on the sensitivity of the girl!
To help, here are two little diagram to help you find the clitoris and the G-spot:
Once she is really wetted and open, you can finger her without hurting her. Do not hesitate to lubricate your fingers with your saliva a little more if necessary.
Start by using two fingers (index and middle). It’s most of the time enough. Some want 3 or 4 fingers but it is better to wait that women say they want more before trying it. When they guide us, that’s cool!
Do not completely take your fingers out of her vagina for up-and-coming but rather do a “hey come over here” type of movement. It’s a bit like scratching… To do well, always leaves at least two phalanges in the pussy and you can make back-out movements with the length of the third.
When fingering, we will try to tickle the G spot. If the girl is lying on the back, it is up, on the top of the vagina, a few centimeters away from the entrance only. You will recognize this area because the texture is different from the rest of the vagina, rougher. It is this stimulation that make some women ejaculate.
One can very well combine stimulation of the clitoris and G-spot: either by taking it with both hands or by using the thumb of the same hand. After a vaginal orgasm, a woman is often too sensitive to be touched up again, contrary to point G that can endure multiple consecutive orgasms. In fact, both orgasms give different sensations.
For details, watch the video demonstration:
2 / The power of your tongue (everything about cunnilingus)
Put one hand on her stomach with your thumb which pulls the skin up to release the clitoris (useful for girls who are not VERY sensitive). In addition, it will show you if the girl simulates because with one hand on her belly you will be able to feel her spasms during orgasm.
Lick, do like a cat drinking, with the tip of your tongue a bit hard.
We can also add fingers for the ultimate combo. This way, you will also see if her pussy tightens on your fingers (she contracts very strong at the moment of orgasm) and thus, again, we can find out if she really orgasmed or if she has simulated.
You can put a pillow under her buttocks for a more comfortable position.
Average time to come with something like this: 10 minutes.
Some women at the time of orgasm, have a kind of flight reaction, you will have the “force” them to enjoy, for their own good. It is the loss of control fear ! Themselves do not control this reaction…
After oral sex, you can wipe on her legs by kissing her, or on the sheets.
Ladies please do not hesitate to return the favor, especially if it’s just shyness that hold you back. There’s nothing worse than licking a selfish girl. Just as exciting is licking, sucking will make you really wet ! If you feel like it, of course…
Gentlemen if you think that licking is being subjected, it is a bad state of mind. To seduce: it’s better to love women, to love their bodies and want to give them orgasms. There’s no place for taboo : we do what makes us happy and pleases the others. The important thing is to give pleasure and take some!
Gender equality is that blowjob and cunnilingus, it’s equivalent. Too few women know that they can come with a cunnilingus. Too much believe that sex without love is zero. We need you to prove them wrong by being good lovers!
For details, see the demonstration video:
3 / The power of your cock (fuck like a god)
Here we will see how to give orgasms with your cock. But it’s cool if she had some before you take her, with preliminary.
Some think 5 minutes of preliminary followed by a selfish penetration, it’s cool for a woman. Obviously not, you need to be a better lover than that! With you, women must have the chance to take off like crazy. It will give you a great value and you will really be confident…
Sex is not something men snapped to women who are nice enough to say yes. Good sex is a privilege that you accorde to some lucky girls : this is a good state of mind!
Some essential positions:
– The missionary with the lifted pelvis. She must take a position to make your dick slap her G spot.
– She on you, let her fuck you or fuck her. There’s the feeling of penetration and rubbing her clit.
– The doggystyle (with spanking if she likes it). She must arches her back, again to touch the right area.
You can stroke her clitoris and/or breasts while you take her. Buttocks too. You can also kiss the women. Women love the overall touch.
For details, see the demonstration video:
All my tips to make world a place of sexually fulfilled fuckers are grouped in The awesome lover’s manual ! Inside, I detail a lot more things, and there are several diagrams of the anatomy to better find your way. And numerous studies (including one on the real fantasies of women).
If it shocked you, too bad for you, but someone must do your sexual education and take your broom out of your ass. I’ve seen too many girls over 20 years who had never orgasmed… So gentlemen, it is your responsibility !!!
Yet, it was rather a bad start between the physio and me. She had a profile without a photo and a shitty description on Adopteunmec… I quote: “Picture on request, because of my job, I do not want to be on the schedule… I’m looking for someone healthy, with a good life and who knows what he wants. A well-educated man, ambitious, attentive, cuddly, epicurean, traveler… would be a good start; for the rest we will see in use :)”
And besides, she dared to send me a really aggressive first message “You are a very sick right?
– I could say the same thing
– LOL why?
– Given your expectations on the site
– I do not think so 🙂
– You will see
– I’ll see what?
– When you’ll have met two or three weird guys or bad lovers
– The weird ones yes it’s done
– Bad lovers you do not know because you do not fuck?
– It must be that
– Just asking
– So yes, I know
– I think our communication has problems
– I do not think so. I’m telling you that I know that there are bad lovers, but here like everywhere else
– Can you send me a picture please?
– Hmm I do not know. You look weird all the same
– Maybe different but I do not know if that’s a bad thing
– Explain
– Well, you’ve met only weird guys that looked normal. Now, you’re talking with a guy who do not take it seriously and you reject him for that
– I do not reject I am suspicious
– And you think you’re not weird you?
– Not me 🙂
– Well think again lol
– What makes you say that?
– Well a lot of things. Your profile without photo. The aggressive way you have approached me. Now it’s difficult to send me a photo while on your profile you’ve written on request lol
– I’m not aggressive 🙂
– This is all you have understand among what I said?
– Not necessarily. Relax
– I’m relaxed I’m waiting for your photo
– If you give me an email address
[She sent me a black and white picture but I could hardly see her…]
– One single picture ??? 🙂
– It is already a good thing
– Me I uploaded 8, darling
– It’s a contest? 🙂
– Yes, a contest of good will 🙂
– I sent you another one
– Cool, the dress is almost transparent 🙂
– Not exactly
– So I did not really understand what you want from me
– Nothing in particular. And you?
– I want to see if you are a good kisser, for starters
– No one had to complain. By the way what do you do in life?
– I’m an accountant and you? OK so we will see it then… are you free any night this week?
– I’m a physiotherapist. On Friday I go on holiday it’s hard
– Cool but it is me who will make you a massage for once 🙂 Me too am leaving this weekend so it postpones to September if we do not meet up!
– I hope you love challenges for the massage… 🙂 I’m back late August
– Yes I do 🙂 me too but that is not a reason to procrastinate
– It’s gonna be complicated. If I can I’ll tell you which night
– Okay or you’ll have to reopen me when you’re back
– You can also reopen me you know
– Well here it is you who refuse therefore it will be for you to come back to me, my dear
– There are only 2 nights!
– It’s manageable
[She then asked me what I planned to do and I told her to come to my place… however after trying unsuccessfully to get invited in her office to fuck her.]
– I will think about it. For now I’m going to bed…
– Alone 🙂
– Who knows
[Yesterday morning, the night wearing board… turnaround, I received this]
– Maybe I can tonight finally
– Good. What time ?
– Calm down it’s not sure yet
– Ok but I have to organize a minimum
– That is to say? You know I’ll be very uncomfortable
– Why would you?
– Because it’s not me to do such a thing
– I see ! I will help you to feel comfortable! And that’s good, too, new experiences. Where are you in Lyon?
– Secret 🙂
– Lol YOU’re gonna make ME suspicious
– You should not 🙂 I do not want to see you at my office
– You know, I’m far too busy these days, I have other things to do lol! But well as you want. I have to visit my cousins after work then you’ll tell me what time you come so I can organize
[She asked me where I live and made a shitty comment]
– This place is dangerous 😉
Basically, she tried to find an excuse and tried to force me into any errors for not coming having sex while keeping a clear conscience (she had yet some desire in fact). But she fell on the wrong dude because I did not fall into those traps. Another victory for the aggressive game against social pressure!
Arrived home, about 9:15pm a small blonde dressed in a little strict way. Older than the last one who came directly to my place. A little less thin too. But hey, it’s still a quality ass. Especially seen how she played the princess, she deserved a fucking correction.
We drank orange juice to get acquainted. Her friend was harassing her via texts to find out if I was a freak who would cut her and bury her in the Parc de la Tete d’Or. She has not received many responses during the evening. Not because I killed her but we were busy!
First, I made a massage. She wanted to choose music: Christine & TheQueens. Ok. Then this princess did not like the lavender essential oil, so it was a massage with moisturizer. I massaged the paranoid physio, that’s funny. She even taught me a few tricks to further improve my massages but told me that for a non-physio, I’m doing “quite well”. Right now, it’s a little my technique, the massage: therefore so much the better!
After massaging her back, the plan was to go down between her thighs. And to lick her pussy. Then, the plan was she takes care of me a little bit before I take her. However, after enjoying, she masturbated me but did not suck. The moral is that if chicks want us to call them back, they should think about sucking especially if you licked them until orgasm just before! I fucked her all the same… but well. Another negative thing is that she does not like spanking. But the positive thing is that she is a good kisser.
By leaving, she was looking for her clothes that had been scattered and was surprised : there still was Virginie’s chemise in bed. At least she will not take me for a sex-starved guy who has not fucked for months (so who is easily manipulable).
One hour later, I got the text message “I’m safe home”. I answered “by the way, what’s your name?
– Lol you do not know my name! :/
– Tell me, I’m curious!”
She nevertheless ended telling me. Proud of my victory, I started an episode of the show Arrow, so I can fantasize about Thea Queen… then I fell asleep. I dreamed that I fucked the actress but I fell asleep right in the act and her brother found me in his bed, in the position of Jesus on the cross, naked and alone. And besides, I still had the condom on my cock. He looked at me, said “you should be ashamed, you will change my sheets.” I woke up with a jolt!
Well. I’m at work now. So I can not fussing too much but it’s still the third crazy girl I had sex with since I am in Lyon (after the crazy elf and the rats breeder). I will be on holidays Friday… I’m going back to Aix but I will still try to fuck 1 more girl during the month of August.
Kisses to all the fans, hateful and envious persons! May the God of the Game be with you! And for your well-being, sleep with the head at the north!
If you think you MUST be handsome to seduce, this is a limiting belief. It gives rise to unacceptable excuses: “I’m not handsome, it is useless that I approach, so I stay in my comfort zone.”
Sorry but this is not an attitude of winner! It is not by thinking like this way you’ll get results! If this is your case, you have to shake your beliefs and habits for more success in seduction.
You do not have the right to give up, give your best with what is under your control. That’s the kind of attitude chicks love!
The perceived beauty
You must first differentiate the capital beauty (innate) and perceived beauty (you work on). It is the latter that matters in seduction. Some guys would be fuckable if they were well dressed. So you must take SOME care of you. But excessive work out, very expensive clothes and all these ways to compensate… will not help you if you do not have the right attitude. The success is mainly a state of mind… it comes from your mind! But you can do some sport to stand straight, you can keep an eye on your silhouette and be a challenge!
The important thing is to be enhanced. Basically, we do with what we have. Instead of devaluing and blocking on what we physically dislike, it’s better to learn how to play with your strengths.
Beauty and personality
In fact, girls often try to use the same criteria that us, but basically, they react differently. This is why they use terms like “beautiful” and “ugly” to describe a guy… but it’s not really appropriate. That makes sense but it is a mistake! When girls talk about a “very hot” guy… they do not have the same standards than us, they do not mean the same thing than a man.
We must realize that men and women are not identical. While we are 80%interested in her physical appearance… most women are 80%interested in the personality of the guys. It explains why men agree harmoniously on girls who are “beautiful” while women have different and varied tastes. If you remember that experience that I did, you know that the same actor may be a 10/10 to a girl and a 4/10 to another. The thought patterns are different, and soi s what triggers attraction for one sex or the other!
Also, be aware that very beautiful women are not necessarily seeking beauty in a man because they already have got it themselves (the game works best on the uninhibited hotties). And we also know that each one has his own definition of what is beautiful and what isn’t. The Chinese generally find very beautiful European men (it is partly because it is exotic). Many of my friends who went to Asian countries had a lot of sex but once back in France, it was hard again for them. I also spoke with Eastern girls met in France: they say that the guys here are much more beautiful than in their countries. So, if you feel ugly here, remember that the French women spit a little in the soup anyway and many girls in other countries would love to bang a French.
However, more and more women and men are under enormous pressure to beauty. This is surely the society that wans it, to sell more clothes, makeup, accessories, and even cosmetic surgery… Anyway, women with a little common sense (not superficial bitches who love reality shows) often favor other qualities (but for how long?)
Padawan, my wingman in Diary of a French PUA 1 was a very handsome guy who had a shitty love life before knowing the game. And even now, when I move my ass more than him, I fuck more. Being beautiful is an advantage, but not being handsome is not necessarily a disadvantage… it’s just normal! If only handsome guys were able to fuck a girl, 80% of the guys on Earth would be virgins and our race would be extinct.
One of my friends is in a waiter in a very famous club in Aix-en-Provence. He is fat, not beautiful, wears a long beard a bit disgusting and has a double-chin. Yet plenty of girls are waiting for him at 6am to go home with him. In fact, it is his social proof that makes him sexy. Objectively, he is not beautiful, yet full of chicks want him. What is best?
When I was at the university, the most beautiful girl in my class made out for several years with a little guy (1m65), fat, who did not take care of himself and walked like a duck. In fact, I know a lot of girls who have not found their boyfriend beautiful the first time they saw him. But a type is just a preference, that did not prevent those guys from getting their way eventually… and they made the others jealous!
Personally, I have periods when I have more success than others… yet I am the same man with the same physical appearance. Sometimes the modjo, the swag or the God of the game actually lives in me, sometimes less. Sometimes I have a better body language than other times, etc. These are the things that matter enormously but important parameters that we too often forget!
Beauty and attraction are not necessarily going together
It is undeniable that “very ugly” men have difficulty in seduction while “very beautiful” men have facilities. But these categories are a minority. For “normal” people, judging their beauty is subjective and depends much on the sexual energy they communicate, their position in the social hierarchy, their charisma, etc. We all know that a well-dressed man, radiant, charismatic, may “look beautiful” even if, objectively, he has nothing special.
Yes it is easier (socially acceptable) to behave as an alpha if you’re beautiful… but those who do not have the chance are yet those who need the most this attitude!
You can also read Kant (l’Analytique du beau), he explains that beauty is not perfection and it is separate from the appeal. I am not reinventing the wheel.
As you’ve probably noticed that some guys who do not have a great physical attract women, you have probably found some handsome guys who do not usually attract women (they are “flavorless”). What is really important is not plastic beauty but the aroused attraction.
I too long WAS SAD because I was not handsome enough while since I am interested in seduction… I fuck more women than if I had been very hot and was not interested in the game. This is the same reasoning with being tall rather than small. If you can fuck tall women by being small, why do you want to be tall? To dominate more naturally. Yes, it’s true. And…? If we can communicate the same things differently, it’s the same. So, if the game allows us to hot girls without being beautiful and tall, what is the point of all this? A question of ego? We don’t care!
Charm and psychology > Beauty
My philosophy is that it is better to be beautiful than sexy. And that is possible thanks to the attitude (see Serge Gainsbourg and his legendary provocation that allowed him to bang the most beautiful women of his time). To shine, work on your body language, your beliefs, your conversation, your clothes, on how to be a good lover and communicate it, etc.
Other advantages and disadvantages of beauty
Beautiful people are more likely to be envied and to get some sand thrown into their wheels. They have more “chances” of being sexually assaulted, etc. In addition, the hot men are placed very high from the start and remaining at this level in the eyes fo women may be difficult. While an average guy who would surprise positively with his attitude would pass under the radar! In fact, or the hottie will easily find one night stands (if he can control the sexual tension) or the chicks will make him wait because they see him as a potential husband. This is double-edged, like many things in life…
One can finally ask if i fact, beauty really brings something. Being plastically beautiful, it still helps in life sometimes. For example, people place their trust more easily in beautiful people (scientifically proven effect called “beauty halo”). It is easier to find a job, etc. Although, it mostly depends on how you introduce yourself. In fact, I think the best is to do our best with what we have without torturing with questions like “and if I was ?” Period.
You meet every day in the streets a lot of beautiful women who have slept with more ugly men than you. In fact, it is always better to be beautiful than ugly just like it is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick. But if are not, will we lament our whole life or will we work on our game to pull out? It’s only about a philosophy of life… it’s up to you !!!
It’s the same thing with size. If, despite my medium size, I made out several times with chicks who were more than 1m80, it is that there are women who do not care and are watching something else than these details. That said, there are some who are very afraid of what other think “woah I do not want a guy smaller than me” and prefer a not beautiful but tall to a beautiful but smaller guy. It is their choice but I think it’s stupid if you accept that social pressure dictate your life… especially if it makes them miss good lovers! Anyway, that’s up to them.
I advise you to free yourself from these considerations! Thus, you will feel better, life will seem more beautiful and you’ll look more attractive because you’ll exude positive vibes and have good energy. This will give the impression to girls that if they spend time with you, they’ll always have a good time, and they will more want to see you! Remember that people who assume are seen as more sexy… it’s not a secret.
Here, I wanted to communicate positive things, I wanted to make you want to fight with the weapons nature has given you. Courage and keep in mind that with a practice of the game, your love and sex life can only get better! Good luck, because it is not easy in these times.
When I approached her online, I did not think this chick was so hot. In fact, I’m the kind of guy who approaches a lot and quickly without being really selective… and then I choose among the receptive girls. It allows me to talk to every women in the same way. Besides, some find it really strange when they are not placed on a pedestal…
This girl had just as a description on Adopte “I fall for the cooks.” So I opened with « so you like the cooks? I’ll make pastas 😉
– Nice but I’ve seen better;)
– Haha! soup and orgasms?
– It is a strange mixture;)
– You must try before you can tell whether you like it or not lol
– Said like that, you know I think I’m not wrong if I say that it does not a good mix
– Everyone’s tastes as they say
– That is true
– So… just the orgasms ?! If you refuse it’s you’re so jaded that you no longer believe that a guy can drive you crazy
– Oh, I hope a man can
[I have not answered after that because I found that she did not invest enough… but she resumed the conversation 4 hours later while I was at the zoo of the Parc de la Tete d’Or in the process to see that the red panda has more success than me with women…]
– Suddenly you say nothing 😉
– I was thinking baby. What you’ve just written me is positive or negative?
– It is positive 🙂
– Cool then what do we do?
– What do you think ?
– As a first hot date
– Yes
– Do you want a massage?
– Usually when a guy proposes a massage he has something else than an innocent massage in mind 😉
– Generally yes. Does my franchise shock you? [I assume here that I want to fuck her : when estrogen meets testo, in general, we get a boom!] – Not at all… Sorry for replying a bit late .. rough night: /
– Ouch I hope you feel better now, cutie. If you want to spend a better night tell me;)
– Yes I feel better now 😉 In any case I will have a better night
– Haha 🙂 available this evening?
– For a massage right? 😉
– Exactly
– Haha 🙂 I am demanding (for massage)
– When are you coming ? 🙂 [From there it’s my favorite part of the conversation: it’s about reverse psychology] – Why do you think I’m going to come?
– Actually you would surprise me if you were coming but I will reach out to you… it’s up to you to see if you want to have a good time in gallant company or do something else, I’m just doing my part of the job by proposing 🙂
– That would surprise you? Really ? 😉
– Yes ! According to the principle of comfort zone: 99% would prefer to stay at home watching TV because of the adrenaline rush that one feels when one is being massaged by a sexy stranger
– Maybe I’m one of the 1%
– It would be cool for both of us 🙂 at what time do you wanna come then?
– You’re not a psychopath? Just so I am somewhat reassured
– I am not, even quite a psychologist 😉 and you are you a psychopath ? [here I return the question to push her to qualify] – And penguin hunter during your free time;) I’m not any of that 😉 I’m very nice [she speaks of “penguin hunter” because I said in my description it’s my job]
– Me too 🙂
After that, we chatted, “where do you live, give me your number baby, etc”. I ended up inviting her to eat with me at 8:30pm, the same evening. She arrived at 8:18 p.m.: I was still in shorts reading a book on my bed, I put my apartment quickly in order while she was getting impatient outside. “And the door is supposed to open by magic ?” I received this fucking text.
I got dressed very quicky and everything, then I opened the door. 1m70 (but she was taller than me with her heels), 50kg, blonde, green eyes, beautiful face… a true hottie. However, God knows blondes are not usually my type! But her: dressed very classy, style daughter of doctors, rich and everything. Mamamia!
Coming from a moderately wealthy family, and knowing that my mother was a teacher in a rich high school in the South : I suffered a bit of inequalities of wealth but I have also always loved fucking hard the daughters of the rich. This girl is 24 and has a Master’s degree in hotel management… and before managing her own hotel, is a waitress. Her colleagues and customers want to fuck her. She told me a colleague sexually harassed her. I understand the desire of this man even if I can not support his way of expressing it. Hot and waitress, there’s enough to jerk off under the table during lunch! Besides, I said I’d go to the restaurant with my meal tickets, and she made fun of me by saying “you have not the means.”
I had not much to feed her. She was a little upset but… she also said that I did not look really awake (I just woke up after a 2 hours nap). But I think that my indifference still seduced her. I have served gazpacho with dark chocolate. It was a kind of picnic in my living room.
Then I transitioned from the dining table to the bed, I told her we would be better sitting on it. I started stroking her leg nonchalantly: she made a weird face but said nothing. She continued to tell me her life. I started my essential oil diffuser but my machine has not impressed her (I hope the other will). She said she likes nerds and is a nerd herself. So I put my glasses on to offer her a massage and she agreed. I asked “how to dress?” She just took her top off by replying “I would have said ALL NAKED but it’s too early.” I positioned on her, then I took off her bra without asking for permission… no protest. I was on her back at the beginning and I went down. So I started to massage her ass, then took off her jeans by sending mixed messages “Go ahead but keep your string anyway
– Uh it’s a shorty”. I complimented her (sincerely) on her body. Those who say that we must never compliment a girl can cut their cock. It is only at the beginning of the interaction that you should not do it, so the girl doesn’t think she’s a queen.
I massaged the buttocks, thigh, inner thighs… and then I got back on her head. She relaxed well. So I touched her breasts. And I undressed myself without saying anything, which made her laugh. I was in shorts and she in a string uh in a shorty sorry. She was very hot but yet had some complexes, she said that her tits are not big enough (maybe she just wanted me to say « you’re perfect »… but no). It remembers me a very pretty girl who got operation of chest : she is not worse after the operation but the fact she is “fake” is blocking me now.
In short, I gave her kisses and licked her back, then I licked her pussy. She said it was “good”. I have asked about her sex life : apparently, I’m the first man since her last long-term relationship “in mode I’m in love and all this stuff” is over. She had a crazy period before that. That’s it for her sexual experience. About experiences out of the ordinary, she just made a 3some with 2 guys and would like to try with a girl. It’s good to know !
I told her about my experiences. I tried not to tell much so she doesn’t think I’m a liar. After I licked her, she jerked me off with her feet and came against me and gave me a handjob. I started moaning: she said she loved it because is a very hearing girl. She was so excited she sucked me then. She put her glasses on for fun by saying that she’s a “naughty secretary”. Damn, yes, she is!
What a good blowjob! It’s called the “emotional lift.” I explain: she sucks you until you’re about to come then stops and licks your hypersensitive glans. I do not find this part very good but it seems that some guys love it. Then she repeates the operation several times! I could not handle more. I ended up sending her a giga dose in the mouth… but what a blowjob! I was dead after I was shaking all over and everything.
We talked about sex and I did not get soft. But I was too K.O. for fucking her. Indescribable! She asked me to nickname her “golden blowjob.” True story ! She said that in bed, she likes to be dominated. Especially in doggy style with spanking. And she loves 69! Cool !
After that, we chatted: we were almost asleep against each other… and then at 0:30am, she realized she had missed the last train and that her mother was waiting for her. Must say that I was installed on her buttocks and she was on Léo (my cuddly toy : a stuffed leopard who kisses on the mouth the chicks who visit me). Nevermind, she took a taxi. And texted me to tell me she was fine once back home!
Otherwise, for Virginie, after the slump of last weekend, the relationship has improved. We feel good together again. Since my last FR, we have said what we had to say to each other and then after, we each took into account the feelings of the other. We can say we have moved on! The long-distance relationship has not destroyed us yet!
The Friendzone (“Friendship Zone”) refers to a social situation where a person wishes to have sex with someone who wishes to maintain a friendly relationship.
The subject is complex, but concerns many a little bit shy young men. Moreover, according to some psychologists, men are more likely to experience Friendzone situations in the context of a relationship with a woman: they tend to be more easily attracted by their friends than women by their friends, and would also tend to overestimate the desire of women to have a romantic or sexual relationship with them.
2/ Is it really a friendship?
The Friendzone has, contrary to what its name indicates, not much to do with friendship. Friendship is a word too strong for what we’re talking about here. Besides, there is something pejorative in this term… this becomes evident when someone asks “is he your boyfriend?”And the girl answers” no, JUST a friend.”
When a woman decides to say “I prefer that we remain friends,” she rarely really wants you as a friend: she usually tells you that because it prevents her from being too nasty to you. From there, you enter what is traditionally called the forced Friendzone. In many cases, however, your target will move away from you very quickly after that… If this is what happens, you will not stay in the Friendzone: soon you will find yourself… nowhere (that is cruel, but it’s like that).
But there are times when your target will not leave, and where you can keep in touch with her for months and months. But that’s not friendship either. It is a relationship where a girl tells you that you’re great, you’re an amazing boy, she does not understand why you do not have a girlfriend but paradoxically she tells you about guys she fucks, calling you when she needs help but does not make much effort for you…
In fact, in both cases, you are less than a friend: rather an acquaintance, a mixture completely asexual of friend, confidant and Teletubby. Or maybe it is an unilateral friendship and if you accept it in the hope of one day dating the girl… you’re a sucker!
3/ The FZ in an evolutionary perspective
Women build relationships with members of their social circle for a whole lot of other reasons than having sex : being with the most popular, being with guys who will ensure their safety, being with people who’ll introduce them to other people, etc…
If you are one of the leaders of the tribe, with a number of features making you an attractive man, they certainly will make out with you. Only sometimes, a man may not be at all attractive but can offer a whole bunch of advantages. For a woman, it is then not very interesting to make out with, but it is very interesting to have him in her social circle. They want to have the cake and eat it too?
Since such a man is in her social circle, but is not her partner, then he can only be a “friend.” Moreover, this word means that it is the duty of the man to have nice touches to her. But these men are not their friends. They are resource providers (or people they are obliged to see) for who they have no real consideration but they keep to her “in case”.
3/ Why?
In general, we find ourselves in Friendzone with a girl because we too much acted like an “innocent” friend and not enough as a potential lover, we missed the opportunities to concretize or we had a lack of charm and charisma…
Many women tend to strictly categorize their relations: either one is as potential friend, or a potential lover. It’s very rare that a man trades a label against another in the eyes of a woman. Or, if they have never seen in the new guy a potential lover, he’ll probably never become one.
There is also the scenario of the man who timidly tries to make a girl understand his intentions, girl who makes the ostrich by ease.
Although the girl liked us, if we tried nothing but continued to revolve around her, then it is too late because doing nothing is doing something… “nothing.” And when we don’t dare to show our balls, we lose value in the eyes of women. In addition, for a girl, a guy who is in love with her but with who SHE is not love, or she is not attracted to : it’s because this is a guy who failed to be attractive. So, finally, can we say that the FZ is the destination of the guys who do not have enough value for women to sleep with them?
4/ How to get out of the FZ?
To exit the Friendzone, there’s not 36000 solutions. There is only one and yet the method is not foolproof: take her hand and place it on your balls! Just kidding…
First, forget the love letters, declarations of love and more or less subtle remarks on what you feel for her… first, because you are 12 years old anymore, and above all, because this creates discomfort. However, the discomfort is the mortal enemy of the guy who wants to get along well with a girl.
You must understand that you are like a brother in the eyes of this girl you want to seduce. A woman who sees you as a true friend will tend to remove you any erotic potential. It is comfortable and reassuring for her.
Even if they say they like honesty, if you are really in the FZ, you’ll need a good game! Be aware that you are going into a minefield, and if you rush things, or lack of subtlety, your relationship with this girl may be tender or ended.
Please see this girl as “a long-term project,” and until things are unlocked, pick up other girls to practice and become alpha. Becoming obsessed with this girl and falling in love with her would be the worst strategies that would make you more pathetic than anything else in her eyes. Show her that you are a normal guy, who knows how to meet new people, have pleasant relations with them, etc. And above all, stop being her shrink, at least not before having fucker her.
We must transform the “friendship” in sexual attraction. But to me, it is simply better to never fall into the FZ, to never accept such a frame… it will save you from having to try to get out.
Because anymore, if you are in the Friendzone while from the start, you want the girl, you have allowed this situation to exist by not immediately having imposed yourself as a potential lover, so you have screwed up by letting the relationship evolve into something you did not want. It is your responsibility to assume more, be more frank, to do not give false hope of friendships to girls!
If you met this girl when you were already a couple, she probably did not even categorized you. And you presented yourself as a guy who is capable of having a relationship with a woman. Since you are single, do not let her store you in the category of “just friends.”
I have long been a subscriber of the FZ, I fantasized about my friends, I was a friend of ladies… but now I will not fall in the FZ any more. All my relationships with girls I can potentially interested are sexualized early on.
Here are my tips to avoid falling into the FZ:
– She must be aware that you are a guy with cravings and desires that go with it. Be clear about your intentions, “I’m a man and I want you.” – Be uncompromising when it comes to the frame of the relationship. Do not accept not assumed frames. If you accept something you do not want is that you do not respect yourself. This is probably because you have not enough targets or do not master the game. Sometimes I put the chicks back to the wall, I take them out of their comfort for sleeping with quickly… but anytime I’m ready to lose the girl to win her. – Jealousy: she must be remembered that other girls like you, and that you like other girls. – You must have a sexual behavior: a lot of guys go to gym, dress very well or grow beards and have a sexual appearance… but this is not enough! It is not even necessary: I do not have the physical appearance of a model and yet I fuck more than many of them. – Do not remove the sexual tension by being too nervous, too shy, too embarrassed or too respectful. – It is very important to use sexualization (I’ll have to make a detailed article about it): dare to touch her, dare intense eye contact, innuendo, (nice) teasing… bother her gently for reaction. Thus, she will not be bored with you and will feel that you are interested in her as a person. Do not they say “that tough love”?
5/ Friendship between men and women
The concept of the FZ was considered misogynistic by some feminist groups who think it underlies the need for women to have sex for having the consideration of men.
In fact, a friendship between a man and a woman can indeed exist, if the man and the woman each experience a feeling of shared friendship. However, it can not exist when one of them feels attraction or romantic feelings for the other one.
Personally, I agree to be friends with a woman if I had sex with her. Because after I’ll no longer desire her in secret and I’ll know she respects me enough to confide her body. Note that I do not become friends with all the women I sleep with…
I agree to be friends with a woman without having slept with if she does not attract me at all but is sympathetic. In this case, it’s up to the girl to decide if she wants to be friends with a guy who does not like her. It may be a good thing to FZ a girl, for example to access her social circle and her friends. My many stays into a Friendzone also probably contributed to my understanding of the fair sex.
The conclusion: I do not accept a relationship that frustrates me just to please a girl. In fact the FZ it’s just when one of the protagonists would like more but submits to the frustrating will of the another one for fear of being rejected.
A downside to finish: the FZ it is sometimes natural, not intentional! You should not always see bad intentions when it comes to FZ…
What I will talk about today is an exercise I practice since childhood: the street-fucking. Although, as a kid, it was mostly the street-kissing. This ancient activity has long been practiced by our ancestors.
Just like fly fishing gathers old fossils during a spring Sunday, our shared passion for the realization of a bestial act on the floor of a pedestrian street around 3am is gathering us today around this article.
Cro-Magnon was not the kind of guy that gets bothered by logistics problems, the guy fucked where he could. In these so dangerous time for humans, it was necessary to ejaculate the sacrosanct puree before being eaten by a saber-toothed tiger or some kind of fucking creature, just to perpetuate the human race!
Our ancestors therefore participated regularly in fucking street sessions, aka the art of taking doggystyle a naughty girl discreetly behind a rock. Today, societies have urbanized territories, the ground has changed but the sport remains the same. A good session during winter, it revives blood circulation and it boosts the heart with adrenaline spikes.
My background is very street but I am diversified into aquatic areas and luxury carpets. As an experienced practitioner, I will provide you some tips I did not learn from my grandmother:
– If possible, always have a sport mattress with you to lie your female down to avoid she destroys her back on spicy herbs, or be a gentleman and put your shirt on the floor to protect her.
– Also always have a pair of knee protection with you, Hockey style. This will protect your physical integrity because the strokes of hips in four-legged position, it kills skin.
– I also recommend a flashlight, street-fucking being mostly practiced at night, you will often misplace your wallet. The flashlight can also be used as a dildo or baton in case of aggression by elderly people.
– Some phosphorescent condoms to fight like a Jedi Knight if you practice with a partner, as a triad.
The four questions I urgently ask a woman to know if she deserves to get up on the ladder of my esteem are:
– Does she like having sex outside?
– Would she stop in case of flagrante delicto?
– Fuck, is her favorite position doggy style?
– And spanking, what does she think of spanking, dammit ?!
As sure as Luke had to face his father, as sure as the Force will inevitably guide our cocks to lustful pussies, our destiny is to practice sex on concrete. I think everything is said. Personally, I always have my street fucker kit in a suitcase, which I take everywhere with me. Joke.
Go out, the heart full of hope, suitcase in the arm and the eye determined!