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How to manage the expectation of a distant rendezvous?

How to manage the expectation of a distant rendezvousHere is a case that comes up regularly: you picked up a chick and she has agreed to meet up with you… let’s say in one week. What should you do in the meantime to keep the flame? How to maintain her interest until the day of the appointment?

The wrong strategy

I think, and experience shows that agreeing on a date and an hour in a long time : it’s not enough to consider that the game is won.

What I mean is that stopping “keeping the feet warm” of the girl, during the time you’re waiting for the hot date is a bad idea because she may interpret it like : the commitment no longer stands.

It can work all the same, with some chicks highly motivated or with chicks who organize their lives a long time in advance. However, from experience, I do not advise to do it. The most common case is that she will forget it or will zap you during this week of waiting. Keep your eyes open, then!

Let’s see what you can do to maximize the chances she comes at the rendezvous in one week.

I take this opportunity to remind you that a girl who agrees for a date “next time” did not give you any appointment. We need the commitment to be clear and precise to think we have something strong. Do not be a spare wheel !!!

Sometimes it makes more sense to keep you mouth shut when you got an date. But it’s especially for dates that will take place “soon-now.” To avoid saying a bullshit.


The best scenario

The best scenario is, of course, when you share a great connection together, the conversation via texts or on chatting while waiting to meet up is fluent. These relationships are like evidence. They present no particular difficulty.

But when this is not going by itself or when one is busier than the other: this can cause problems. “Doing too much” requires a lot of energy and by doing that, you also take the risk of saying something stupid that will make us look “weird.” This is the problem sometimes: we want to make the shot, but in fact we often screw it up. On your side, while awaiting the appointment : stay simple and alpha.


The best compromise

The good compromise, in my opinion, is to answer her once or twice every day or every second day. It allows to have every time things relatively interesting to say. To stay in the newsfeed of his life. And especially to don’t be too needy, to don’t invade her.

Of course, do not bother to tell the girl when you will answer and why. Let her wait for the answer. Do not be a fucking AFC who is too afraid of offending his target for some shitty reasons. We can say that you will act like a little girl: you will learn how to make her want you and how to make her miss you 😉

If she is what comes over you, beware! Is she lacking of affection? Must see what is behind her behaviour : the love at first sight is rare but needy or low self-esteem chicks are not… and that can be really a pain in the ass to manage them. Sometimes it is better to next in these cases, even though it would be an easy shot, to avoid future inconveniences.

There’s also this solution : send ready-made routines like “so what color are your underwear today” every morning. Or send her an erotic text every day to keep the mood (from your collection already written of course).

Therefore this time interval can be used to create comfort and make them want to fuck you at the first date. You thus need time to get the date, but you can win at this game if you handle this delay in a good way.

On the other hand : not enough comfort or talking too hard about sex with a girl who is stressed by it, and you take this risk : she will maybe flake, as explained in the following diagram (stress : good or bad stimulation) :

Not enough stress bores you. Too much stress inhibits you. Optimal stress turns you on.

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“What kind of relationship are you looking for?”

Image : Amélie Poulain

Today I wanna explain what I think of this question that some chicks ask “what kind of relationship are you looking for?” They ask it to me especially on the Internet, but I’ve also read it by texts after taking a number and heard in bars before going home.

It’s behind the question:

In general, the chicks who ask this question want to hear “something serious”. They want to feel reassured about the intentions of the guy and feel good. So only the victims of social pressure need it.

There is however a minority of girls who will next you if you start playing the “good guy” because they know very well that it is surely a lie. They appreciate honesty, and I I like them for their non-naivety. That said, if you were really sincere while saying that having sex with you would engage her in a serious relationship, they will surely next youanyway because they probably do not want a spineless wimp.

In my case, most of the time this shitty question ends the interaction. I do not like hearing platitudes like that. A girl who does not think for herself and does not see where her interest is make me flee. Especially because they often say “serious or SEXFRIEND (like it’s dirty vade retro one night stand)!”


Your reasoning:

Most guys make the following reasoning:
– If I say “sex” and that she does not want to hear this … she will next me
– If I say “sex” and that’s what she wants too … we take a shortcut
– If I say “serious” and that she wants it too… I’ll see her but it will be hard
– If I say “serious” and she wants to hear “sex”… we lose a lot of a time in the better or a good sex session

Lots of guys are trying to play it “romantic” but actually just want to fuck chicks. Which continues the tradition of the assholes.

Oh yeah, the lambda guys thinking they are very original, tend to write a long tirade to impress the girl, a pompous thing to clear themselves of the terrible label “pig who wants sex.” They do not assume their role. Result: a corny praline answer that stinks like a lie. But they do not want that either (except single-minded doves). If we talk of commitment after three mails, we risk scaring them off (except the foolish ones).

My advice is : don’t worry about losing an opportunity: above all, do not take a headache. Answer what you want to offer her, and next it she it is not happy with that. In the worst case, too bad for her if she prefers being alone and frustrated waiting the Charming Principle rather than fucking a good lover without consequence. It is by doing this that many women will never experience the true pleasure. But is it your problem since there are many other women less pain in the ass with their insecurity that will burn them priority with guys?


Why this is a ridiculous question:

It’s one of the questions that come up most often in the mouths of girls (more than my dick), and yet I find that it makes no sense. Or at least, it only shows the narrow-mindedness of those who ask.

Women do not realize that by eliminating systematically those who answer “I just want to have fun”, they actually miss meeting interesting people and goods guys.

Indeed, it is not because we are looking at first for a sexfriend that we are not a good person. And I have often seen one-night stands turn into a serious relationship. It even happened to me several times. But it is by choice, not by constraint, because we would commit to long-term in exchange of 10 minutes penetration.

I refuse to categorize my meetings because that would erase all the shades and all the magic that offer meetings. In my view, the dichotomy between sexfriends and serious relationship does not really exist, it’s much more subtle, Love. We can sleep with a girl at the first night without question and end up married to her two years later. While we did not envisage anything “serious” at the beginning… It even seems more sincere than signing a contract on the Internet even before having “tried” her.

Conversely, we can very well think during the first date that the person is made for us but realize a month later that it is not at all the case. We then lost time and have a drag on the foot. Simply, do simple: do not ask that kind of question too quickly and allow the interaction to evolve naturally.


Nevertheless possible answers:

“I let it be and see how it’s changing …”

“I do not take a headache. ”

“Why cutting corners? ”

” Isn’t a funny relationship better than a serious relationship? ”

“It is not decided in advance, a relationship is not a contract: it is depending on a lot of factors we do not control. But the idea is : I’m open to everything…”

“I take what life gives me.”

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5 traps for beginners in the game

5 traps for beginners in the gameThe road to redemption is long when you’re an AFC who wants to become a man sexually fulfilled (I’ve been there and I observe the guys I help). This road is long because once you start getting results, you meet new problems. Here are 5 pitfalls that you may have encountered during your beginning in the game or that you will meet.


1/ The guy who over-rates his targets

We all did, I think, in the beginning. “Oh guys, I made out with a 8
– No, that’s a 6, man.”

It is understandable : when one rarely touches chicks, every girl takes a heightened value in his eyes. In addition, it makes him feel proud to have touched a hottie. Also, you get used to beauty by running success, so you become more demanding.

But the problem is if you over-rate is that you are more likely to be addicted to a girl really under the level you might have. And you could think you’re good while you’re not yet. I think that as long as one has not fucked a real hottie (like a HB9) one cannos realize what it is like and is really naive.

There’s also the guy who under-rate all the girls for not having to move his ass during pickup sessions, for not having to try anything, or in order to justify the fact he did some shit, etc.


2/ The guy in a relationship with one of his first successes (they all think they had beginner’s luck)

This guy has thought for a moment he will never have a girl. He has narrow escape! Then, once he starts fucking one he relatively likes, he idealizes her.

Sometimes dominated by his hormones, he prefers to see his girl rather than his buddies. He spends his Saturday nights fucking her instead of picking up to find one better.

There’s no problem with being a couple, that’s not what I’m saying. What I am saying is that it is a mistake to be in a relationship by ease with the first girls who wants us, while we don’t know how it is elsewhere…

Well, then, this is a choice, the ease or the combativeness. With respective rewards that go with it. I do not advise to never be nice, to never to make a couple : The couple can be cool but it has to be a decision taken after reflection. I generally advise to wait at least three months before making an assessment to decide what we will do with this girl. Are we really in a relationship by choice? Or by default? Or she has forced our hand? Do we fantasize about many other babes we see in everyday life? If so, the couple is doomed to failure.

Be careful : when I talk about combativeness, I’m not saying we should be governed by our dick. A PUA is supposed to follow a code of honor : such as not trying to fuck at all costs, do not hit on the girl or the target of his buddies, etc. Respect, with men and women, is a value that must be impregnated. There are others, but let’s start with this one…


3/ The guy and the one itis

This unhealthy idealization leads:
– Or to deception (the guy who knows deep himself he can do better and stays with the girl for convenience) but is too much of a coward to break up;
– Either to the one itis (the guy is convinced he is in love with the girl while this is not love but a problem of ego… an unhealthy obsession). Victims of OI so much want to believe in love at first sight that they provoke it and then use it as an excuse EITHER to continue to see a girl that is not good for them (too lazy to go back on the field or they are feared of hurting the girl when he will break up) or to be whine during months and play the victim of unfair love.

It’s hard what I’m going to tell but I guess that cheating on the girl is healthier than sinking into depression because of the unhealthy obsession. I picked up a lot of guys with a spoon because of this problem so I know what I mean…

The danger with the OI, is that we may know that it is irrational, we may be warned … it is very bad anyway. To avoid this, like many other problems: avoid getting excited prematurely … when it comes to women, the situations often gets down as fast as it hot high.


4/ The guy who thinks AFC are always right

This kind of guy is still full of illusions about women, but he projects them on the success he has made through the game. He is interested in seduction community but do not assume it, he does not want to become “like that”.

Typically, this is the guy who starts kissing girls but that will not quickly go farther with his conquests because “he is a romantic” not like us : we are “poor dogs in heat who do not respect and women and do not understand life” in his eyes.

The thing is that while he his playing the gentleman, his target was was fucking another guy (I’ve been this guy)… or her ex (I’ve been this guy). Or, she will get bored of waiting his cock after four dates, will think he’s gay, and will not answer to him on the phone. Boom! Men are often more marshmallows than women…

This kind of guys will continue despite all our guards to say I love you too soon, to get excited too quickly, to behave like the dog of the girl, will too quickly imagine that she is the perfect woman for him and that he is her ideal, will suffocate her by one way or another (gifts, calls, texts, stress, etc.)

In general, a balanced bitch feels fear and flees when she is facing this kind of behavior. And anyway, your relationship is starting on a bad start for you, you would be the “submitted”. But the worst is that sometimes it could work: with LSE, chicks with problems, etc.

Warning: there are some girls who like pigeons because they make them feel good and because they will not need to make too much effort for them.

Thinking we are superior because we believe in love is a big bullshit. You have been warned! I’m not saying that love does not exist, just that it’s rare so those who fall in love every week should question it.

Feeling superior is a bullshit anyway: in the seduction community, we are here to help each other. To join hands. To understand. Not to judge or anything like that. Often the ego traps us so we don’t open our eyes, and we always say the others are wrong…


5/ The guy who prefers to give up and who claims that the game is shit

When we discover the game, our old beliefs are facing the reality of the field. No, the girls are not romantic little fragile princesses who only wants something “serious”. Yes, they sleep on the first night, sometimes with strangers, sometimes with women, etc.

Yes, even the one you’re trying to pick up for 6 months in mode “I take my time because I’m a nice guy” … I do not know how many cocks she hosted in her vagina since you’re playing the nice guy.

I’m not saying that to be cynical, but women lie a lot about their sexuality (they give a soft imageof it), and there are only pigeons to believe all their bullshit. I do not say this negatively, we are being brainwashed with this vision of the woman, but it is not good for us or for them. Women also suffer of being conditioned. Maybe not as much as the guys (because women’s balls are not cut) but still.

So yeah, the game is hard. Like life. Either you take the red pill and discover what is really behind the female, and it’s not always pretty. Either you take the blue pill and you stay in the world where girls are fairies. But in this case (denial), just do not give Puritan lessons to those who have chosen another way.

I’m not saying that all girls are whores. But I’m not saying all girls are good girls either. And it does not matter. But, what is serious and bothers me : it’s the guys who are willing to fuck chicks uncultured, vulgar, stupid, etc. just because those girls are dressed sexy. If one practices the game, one is not supposed to be sex-starved to death. Only looking after the physical and talking about love, it’s a fucking nonsense…

If you have recognized yourself in one of these cases, know that you will surely take some big slaps in the face again before being good with women.

Other errors in bulk to finish : the one who will buy all the products about seduction, the one who will never buy anything, the one who thinks he knows everything about women and can advisemen after only one year of game (or even sometimes less and even sometimes he wants to be “coach”), the one seeking a couple for the couple for the principle, the one who hates the women and wants to take revenge on them, the one who lies about his “exploits” (often to the point that it does is not even sound realistic), and many others…

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Translation and comment of the text « Baby Woman » by Emily Ratajkowski

baby woman
Condé Nast (through Vogue Taiwan)

The text :

The original essay : here

My translation : here



I was modeling only occasionally at that time, but I found the same people who faulted the modeling industry for being oppressive and sexist were frequently missing entirely their own missteps and faux pas. Their comments felt much more personal and thus landed that much harder.

Bottom line : the hardest and most cruel people are not always those we suppose will be.

The implication is that to be sexual is to be trashy because being sexy means playing into men’s desires. To me, “sexy” is a kind of beauty, a kind of self-expression, one that is to be celebrated, one that is wonderfully female.”

This is because the sexy women have some power, so are feared or sometimes envied, and people try to keep them quiet. Especially with young people like Emily who have big tits very young: they can return men to their old demons of pedophilia for example. Men who are afraid of women, of their beauty or who are weak in front of all that should, in my opinion, more practice the game. Envious women : they should enjoy their femininity instead of trying to silence the other and silence women who have fun.

Why does the implication have to be that sex is a thing men get to take from women and women give up?

Good question. When it’s a woman, and in addition a woman of character and a model for many young people, who wrote that for her fans, this will maybe make you think more than when I speak. That said, this is what I wrote in The (inconvenient) truth about gender relations.

Now… has someone an objection or everyone understands that this is nonsense, especially that the condoms exist (cf. evolutionary psychology)?

Where can girls look to see women who find empowerment in deciding when and how to be or feel sexual?

Probably not in the box.

Life cannot be dictated by the perceptions of others, and I wish the world had made it clear to me that people’s reactions to my sexuality were not my problems, they were theirs.

True. People have many problems with their sexuality and project them on others … instead of questioning (easier). But the guys are concerned as I see surly people every day on my blog. Make no mistake about it. It’s hard to be a woman, but it is harder and harder to be a man too (cf. feminism) !

Honoring our sexuality as women is a messy, messy business, but if we don’t try, what do we become?

I find that it is going better anyway since women assume more to be sexy when they go out at night and everything. However, they do not go after their step and still have big problems with their sexuality… with freedom, finally.

The thing is that men are starting to do the same now. Note, there will be less big jerks like that. But this is not necessarily better because people are more frustrated … so dangerous and in danger at the same time.

“I think of women […] worrying about how their sexuality might accidentally offend, excite, or create envy.”

The woman is too sacred by “the nice men” to be happy. The nice guys are not sufficiently respected and become a money machine for profiteers (men and women). Sexual misery benefits to some even it creates pain…

Women suffer (to a lesser extent) to be attractive, men suffer from being labeled “perverse” when they attempt something because they are attracted.

Fucking vicious circle !

Big up from L.A. to all the politically correct people

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Never change your plans for a woman

Never change your plans for a womanIt is quite difficult for me to explain to guys that they should not date a girl at any cost, at any time. I’ll explain why in two pages on Word.

I speak here only of girls who are not your girlfriend: of course you can make sacrifices for a girl once you are in a relationship with her, or in any case once she deserved you give her more value than your routine.

The other exception is if you did not have sex for a long time, if you are sure that the girl is open, and you cannot place her on another time slot.


It communicates bad things

First, why would I cancel my Thursday evening swimming session for dating a girl instead… so that it is precisely the only niche that we could meet up BECAUSE she does not want to cancel her sports sessions nor her slumber party?

You would communicate that you are really a sex-starved ready to anything for her by doing that. And since you hardly know her, she will not feel flattered unless she’s stupid, she will just lose respect for you.

If you were always available when she wants, you would communicate that your life is meaningless and you do not do anything interesting.


If it goes wrong

If it goes wrong, you would regret your workout in addition to the girl. Double disappointment, in addition of the fail with the girl: the one of having been ruled by your cock. Like a virgin !

Besides, you know very well that a lot of girls do flake… so if you have canceled everything on your side and that eventually she flakes (date canceled at the last moment), you are doubly fucked.


The balance of power

There’s more chance that that she is a pain in the ass for you if she makes no sacrifice to see you when you make a big one for her.

In this situation, she has invested nothing in you, while you really invested in her. The balance of power is so clearly in her favor. She will be tempted to abuse and break you. Give your hand to a woman and she eats you arm. No, frankly, taking a step towards the girl first, yes, but she has to make efforts too: remember that you are a chance for a girl (positive belief).


Do not put pressure on the girl

You need to communicate some cold blood. Your impatience can put pressure on the girl, put her uncomfortable and it will be tempting for her to say no, by ease, even if she likes you.

If you cancel something for her, you will put her necessarily some pressure to come and indeed (you will stress a bit like when you put money in a game of chance): she may feel it, not feel at ease, and therefore not come.


Do not be a spare wheel

Oh yeah the girl was not available but finally the guy she wanted to see canceled… ?! She therefore re-contacts you to occupy her free evening… you’d be stupid to accept if you had something else planned now on that time slot.

Women should not be a priority at the expense of your gym workout, your friends, your family, these things…

On the other hand, they may be a priority at the expense of a night alone with your TV…

But put yourself five minutes in the shoes of your friends if you cancel your football match for a pussy that you barely know … “He has lost his balls” they will think out loud!

The only hole that you can patch is… oh no there are three, but none is her schedule !!! 😉


Do not cancel a girl for another one

One should not cancel a girl for another one (even if she is better). Or you must use a very good excuse. The girls are not stupid … vex a girl like that in her ego and she will not give you a second chance.

Sometimes I dated two girls on the same day at the same hour, praying that one of the two cancels by herself, feels guilty and makes a counter-proposal. If it doesn’t happen and that my favorite confirmed, I so canceled the one I liked the less a priori. But it is only in cases of extreme urgency that I allow myself to do that. It’s about respect !

Finally, it regularly happens anyway since my free evenings for dates are quite rare (1 or 2… maximum 3 per week). And, in addition it has to be free for the girl too, so it’s not very easy.

The conclusion : do not cancel anything to see a girl who has not deserved this favor yet. Date her when it suits your. If after a while, it’s really impossible to do otherwise and you really want to see the girl: you can make a minor sacrifice. But … alpha male forever!

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How to cut your beard in the classy way?

How to cut your beard in the classy wayI received last week, an urgent call from my mother: it was absolutely necessary that I watch “The queens of shopping” because it was unusually “King of shopping.” In the episode of last Wednesday, the famous stylist and image consultant Cristina Cordula explained how to trim your beard. Here’s what was important.

Why I felt concerned:

I am fan of the beard style for almost 10 years (especially the beard of three days) but often I’m too lazy to shave and I regularly find myself with 1 centimeter or more of hairs. I admit that it still unfortunately grows a little anyhow, because of my negligence.

In fact, I don’t give a fuck. I do not put everything on appearance, far from it. However, I find it interesting to know how to sculpt our beard to enhance our face for special occasions. This is what I will explain today.

And no, you do not need to be “dressed up” to be able to make out. This is just a bonus for stylish people!

Advice :

0/ Beard is shorn homogeneously . We choose the thickness thanks to the trimmer shoe : each his own, I do not meddle with this choice of style. Cut from bottom to top.

1/ Now make sure that the beard cut your cheek. In fact, do like if there were an imaginary line that started from the bottom of the ear and was going to the bottom of the lip. Cut everything that is above this line, clean!

2/ Cut under the Adam’s apple. Inevitably, the neck is cylindrical so that’s a rounding effect. But just imagine the straight going wrong. And that line  goes wrong in 3D just on the top of the Adam’s apple. From the face, it seems that there are fewer hairs on the sides of the neck, but it’s just an impression. I hope I was clear…

3/ Make clean the edges of the fly (the column of hairs below the mouth).

4/ Attack the mustache by removing hairs growing anyway, make a clear line with the edge of the mustache. Also, it’s important that one cannot think our beard goes in our nose. So we withdrew nose hair sticking out on the mustache.

5 (bonus)/ We also tame the hair of the mustache that goes down along the mouth from the side. At the height of the mouth, it’s good.

6/ Make it clean around your lips (it will avoid you to put some pasta sauce in your ‘stache). There should not be any hairs hanging on your lips. Again, it must be clean.

7/ Shave (or pluck) hairs growing on the ears.

8 / Avoid the single eyebrow (inevitable waxing here by the way).

9/ I would not recommend waxing the eyebrows (but between the eyebrows why not if you have lots of hair). Eyebrows too much waxed, it can quickly look effeminate. Except if it is the desired effect, let’s just take off the eyebrow the hairs that are really unsightly. I refer to the eyebrows “normal”, it is obvious that if one has a fucking big plate of hair above the eyes, in “Francois Fillon” mode, one is thus forced to remove hair to increase his success rate with women.


cut beard
Rama (Wikipedia Suisse)

10/ Comb the beard. This method will give more personnality to your face ! I think this applies rather to the barbs of 10 days since a beard of three days is supposed “to look neglected”. But hey, each his own style! Recall finally that blonde are supposed to wear alonger beard than brown-haired people (so something is visible).

…and that women are not supposed to have beards !!!

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Women’s orgasms explained !!!

Women's orgasms explained !!!I want to write an article to clarify the situation to my readers about female orgasms. What to think? What to expect ? What should you know? Not that I am God and that I know everything, but I do have some experience so I’ll tell you what I observed. Feel free to leave a comment to flesh this knowledge!


1/ I start with a typology of women reaching orgasm by the time they need:

A. There’s those who enjoy fast

It is a case not unusual but this is not the most common, either. I often encountered this case among virgins I had trained to enjoy. You lick three minutes or you penetrate during five and they enjoy. Chicks must know how to orgasm, be comfortable and have some knowledge of what they like and how. These (lucky) girls can have a lot of orgasms during a normal sexual intercourse, like 3 or 4 and up to 7 or 8.

Orgasms are not necessarily less powerful than for those who take longer to enjoy. It actually depends on several factors like their mood, their health, fatigue, etc. But let’s remember that in good conditions: they can have very huge orgasms quickly if enough excited! Love can help to orgasm too.

They may not enjoy at all if the guy is really bad. It was the case of Virginie with another dude than me… he a little discouraged her. The poor girl ! In short, so it does not happen to you: cf. The awesome lover’s manual

B. Those who enjoy after an average time

It is the most common case I meet. These girls need between 10 and 20 minutes of cunnilingus to come.

There are a lot of women who say they dislike cunnilingus but when I eat them out, they enjoy in a quarter of an hour: the problem is that most guys do not know how to lick. (cf. The awesome lover’s manual)

C. Those who take a long time to enjoy

Chicks who have difficulties to enjoy often struggle with all their partners. I know you would think it’s because I’m bad in bed but I banged enough chicks and I made enjoy more or less 90% of them so I know what I’m talking about. Sometimes it’s not your fault: they are just “hard to come.”

I had to lick from 30 minutes to 1 hour and 30 minutes so they enjoy. These girls will love you for taking the trouble for them and will surely thank you with a good blowjob. Also, if you see them, they will need less and less time to “let it go.”

D. Those who are unable to let themselves go enough to exult

Sex is still good for them. But they fail to “let it go”. I do not voluntarily speak here of girls who cannot have orgasms but I’m talking about girls who could have but do not (99% of women who never orgasmed).

Among those who have never enjoyed despite an active sex life:
– A man never gave them enough pleasure;
– Or (and this is most often the case) they have a mental block or fear of the unknown (they do not know what awaits them if they stop controlling). Typically, these are women who like to be in control (not especially in bed but in their everyday life).

They are never “really” satisfied, they constantly want more. They are a little discouraged, some are wondering if they have a problem. They need YOU !!!

Helping them let it go is difficult. But do not drop the case. Find out how she likes it the most, bring her to the brink of orgasm (her limit) and talk to her, reassure her, encourage her, what do I know… I unlocked a few like that, with perseverance and understanding. Of course, I had put them before in a comfortable position, like on a bed, not on a washing machine !!! Sometimes you will have to see the girl several times before you succeeding.

E. Those who ejaculate

I have not met a lot of them. But there could be more than that there are, if women knew how to make themselves cum (there is a big unexplored potential of pleasure). These women enjoy easily and quickly, can have many orgasms in a row (like 15), and the feelings are better than in conventional orgasms. I’m not telling shit, I saw it with my own eyes. A woman who ejaculates begins to rediscover her whole sex life…

On the other hand, after 15 orgasms, they are exhausted and spend a good night!


2/ I continue with a typology of the orgasms they reach :

A. The orgasm that rises suddenly and orgasm rising slowly. It depends on how she is taken, and on her state of mind.

B. The light orgasm, orgasm and moderate powerful orgasm. It depends on how she is taken, and on her mindset.

C. The orgasm that fills and orgasm that makes her want to have more. We, men, have a tendency to be emptied after an orgasm but with women it’s different: some are knock-out and cannot continue sex, others are boosted and are drugged until they fall asleep (or their legs do not support them anymore). In some women the clitoris is sometimes too sensitive after orgasm or during the first stimuli: fortunately, it doesn’t last!

D. Multiple orgasms, continuous orgasms, brief orgasms: better a brief orgasm than no orgasm at all. But continuous orgasms or multiple orgasms are obviously better. For this, you must keep up and the girl must be psychologically and physiologically adapted to that too.

E. The G spot, the clitoris, the deep spot…

I read a lot of studies on the questions: vaginal or clitoral women? What I think it’s that this is more or less nonsensical: the clitoris and the G-sport correspond in fact to the same thing. They are the two ends of the same pleasure center.

Most of orgasms are actually a mixture of both. I like licking/fingering, it’s the ultimate combo. But what is most stimulating and helped her releaseing? Some are easier to enjoy by one side than by the other. Often you’ll need to do both if you do not want to spend the day there…

Apparently the feeling of the orgasms is different too. There’s not necessarily any that is better, it depends on people: just that sometimes it is more difficult to achieve at one end than with other one so it is perhaps more liberating (enjoyable) when it happens. But most girls are still clitoral even if I use the combo of the two stimuli.

As for the deep spot, I’m undecided. Sometimes when I’m fingering from behind I think that this is what I touch (and it works). Still, for me the dp and gs are attached to the vaginal orgasm and that’s all.

F. Other types of orgasms

Sometimes there’s chicks who have nipples orgasms.

Sometimes some have or have had orgasms without physical stimulation. During my sleep, I even ejaculated once like that. I was an erotic dream (I was fucking an actress against a wall), I woke up I ejaculated (it was very good) and I went back to sleep. Without having to masturbate at all. Perhaps the sheets have jerked me without my knowledge?

Sometimes there are chicks that get enjoyment just by being rubbed over their clothes.

Sometimes there are people who love anal orgasms. But I’m not a specialist, I prefer the normal funny box… why should I go into the poop box?


3/ I finish with my opinion on female masturbation :

Whatever the politically correct people and the ignorant say, I believe the number of women that touch themselves all alone is about 4 over 5. At least 50% of young people regularly do it, like 3 or 4 times a month. About the old women, I do not know, this is not my category. But I think it decreases with family life and menopause.

Masturbating can calm them down for a time but they will need a real dick in the end. It’s like when we masturbate: it’s still ten times better when it’s someone else who does it! It is much more exciting, there is less control, etc.

Inevitably, we know our bodies so it goes straight to the point… but we are deprived of anticipation, feminine energy and all that makes the true power of pleasure and satisfaction. For women it’s the same : a sextoy is not a man.

In conclusion: is it better that they have a strong orgasm or a lot of little orgasms ? Who cares if they are satisfied, in fact, but I would say a strong one.

It’s been a while I had not talked about sex like that, so if you miss it, feel free to read The awesome lover’s manual !

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10 details for selecting my targets on Adopt


I share with you today the 10 most important things I look for to decide if I will contact a girl on Adoptawomanizer or not (I will not say usual things like “the feeling”).

1/ Either I use the Quick Search (most often): I alternate between “new” and “old” profiles, as I’m running ages. Either I pass by the page “research” and I open them all and then I send a charm to the beautiful babes who visit my page in return (or I expect instant messages).

2/ The first criterion I look at is the distance. In general, I put 10 km. For a girl, driving a big distance to fuck a stranger (who will probably be disappointing), it’s not easy, she would really have many reasons. It would take a lot of effort…

3/ Photos: she must have a cute face and multiple photos on which she doesn’t look closed. She must be my style too, the riffraff (even if they are pretty): I zap. I know very well that I would have no connection with them (they like feather dusters like David Luiz or the footballer style like Griezmann – sorry but even if a cock can fit into a pussy, everyone is not compatible with everyone). I am wary of too-hot pictures stinking fake like I am wary of too alluring descriptions. I like to see a little natural pictures that show what the person looks like in real life, and a genuine description.

4/ Since the goal is still to fuck, I look at her body and especially the ratio height / weight. Ten kilos less than the size (like 1m70 for 60kg) it’s OK. 15 is ideal. 20 it’s either brilliant or disastrous (anorexia). I look at her figure, like “balanced, sporty”: it shows how she sees herself in her mind.

5/ She must having been connected on the last 48 hours. I do not want her to answer me in 6 months.

6/ I look at her description. All those who are beginning to put “the sex-starved disengage”, “no sex friends”, “I’m not an easy girl like other chicks on this site I respect myself and I have values” or any other kind of caveat: I zap. It will probably be a pain in the ass to fuck. She probably will be a pain in the ass period : so much hatred toward men and sex makes me flee. “I’m looking for my one true love”… can you tell me what it is plz ?

I also zap when it is not assumed like “I do not believe in dating sites” or “just here to see” or “a friend registered me.” She will probably never meet anyone on the site. Or a slacker who will bear her shitty attitude and will need three months to have sex with her (it will be bad and she will not call him back after) and during that time I will already have chained 15 one night stands and found two awesome fuckfriends among them.

I also next the sectarian ones like “only blond” or “only more than 1m80” (when you know that the girl is 1m60, you laugh) or “only Muslims please.” Because the attraction is not really based on that, you truly must have a closed mind to think otherwise.

I finally zap the teenagers, those who think we should support them whatever happens “I warn you I am very boring well it’s normal I am a girl” and those who cannot write correctly. I hate morons, and it’s a shame for me because there are many. Some will say that just for a sex session I don’t care but frankly I would share nothing with such chicks so…

7/ I send a “outgoing / teasing” first message so I can see if she has a sense of humor. It is a test for her. I use either her description or her photos for the first message. When there’s nothing to do, I bounce on the fact that her profile is empty. I do not send a standard crappy message like “hello how r u?” Last thing, the more her sexo his column is filled, the more I approach directly.

8/ I send a second message that starts sexualization. I see if she fit into my game or if she blocks.

9/ I feelers to meet quickly enough (maximum the following week in general). If she begins postponing or inventing shitty excuses like what that’s impossible to meet up, “I am in Shanghai for six months” or “not so fast”… I zap.

10/ If it does not come directly over (or invite me to her place) despite I explained my intentions, we have done a bit of comfort, and I have a minimum excited with my pen :
– Or her reasons are admissible and we meet up in a neutral location not far from one of us, she has the right to be prudent and to test me and everything but I hate when stupid principles hinder spontaneity ;
– Or I know it’s just a way for her to postpone the day she lay in the water and it simply will not work even if I move my ass out of my apartment and make efforts to reassure her, I zap.

It’s still a fucking big sort, I grant you, but I assure you that if you’re having 2-3 new interactions per day, at the end of the month there is a way to fuck half a dozen.

It also avoids a lot of disappointments. Or flakes. And other bullshit. There always always a few, but well…

Some chicks will surely insult me ​​by reading it, they will say that I judge too quickly, I do not give a chance luck to everyone, I cannot know them just through what they have written on a profile, etc.

This is partly true, but if cold reading exists and works it’s because we can “read” people roughly speaking rather quickly with an acceptable error rate.

What I can tell you is that those are MY personal criteria, and it works for me. I have already made exceptions for chicks without photos that approached me for example and I spoke to them but they sent me pictures anyway before we meet up.

I also watch other stuff like does she makes sport, what she reads, what kind of music she listens to… Finally, I am suspicious of those who put their name and surname as a nickname on the site, I find it weird.

I am not intolerant. I am demanding. What pisses off people is that we can quickly almost identify them while they all believe being totally unique and original.

Follow my advice and you’ll be in your warm place in their pussies. For more tips: Secrets for seducing on the internet!

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Sexual connection (spiritual article)

Sexual connection (spiritual article)Sexual connection: what do I mean?

I do not speak here of the “emotional connection” that makes the girl feel good with you (comfort phase). I speak indeed of a “sexual connection”: this is the name I give to this indescribable thing that makes your body and hers getting along famously (or not).

I just searched the web but I have not found anything about it there. So either I am completely wrong or Google misguided me (on the chakras) or I will highlight something that the PUA community has missed so far. Whatever actually matters is that YOU become aware that IT exists.

Have you ever fucked a girl you barely know, but you could feel a fusion torque during sex? During the time your legs were in the air, it was the perfect arrangement like if both of you shared the same body.

To me, a very strong sexual connection approaches the passion and avoids that one gets bored in bed. It’s creates the fact that we all the time desire the other one. That you do not get tired despite his or her flaws.


Can we predict that we will have a good sexual connection?

I do not think you can predict in advance with who you will have a super sex session or not (I do not speak from a technical point of view). Sometimes I have been surprised : the girls on who I would not have bet, shy or virgin, but I had that je ne sais quoi that drove me crazy. That je ne sais quoi would also probably left another man marble.

I also sometimes fucked hot babes without wanting to see them again. This is not related to physical appearance. This is a need you feel or not (and not a lack of sex).


Is this sexual connection necessary to orgasms?

The sexual connection is not required to give chicks orgasms. It is not essential to have good sex either. But, it is essential for having a very awesome sex session and for wanting to fuck and fuck again and again the girl.

To give orgasms, a good technique, putting the girl at ease, or the only state of mind of the girl may be enough.


Sexual connection and technique

I do not think the sexual connection is related to the technique. I sometimes had very good sexual connection with inexperienced girls… but not with libertines.

When these libertines sucked me it was good (better than a lost night watching TV) but there was not yet that little spark, that little extra something that makes that we could fuck all night without getting tired.


Are there other types of connections?

I think so. I’ve loved spending time (and sleeping) with girls with whom sex was not great. Yet the simple contact with their pussy and something was going on between us. I already had brain connections, neurotic connections, unhealthy connections, etc.

I also had outright sexual connections with girls with who I shared neither the lifestyle nor the opinions, nor anything at all … And yet, I have never regretted having done these experiments. I think we try too much to rationalize or analyzing sex. While these urges are stronger than us. Maybe are we just too scared to admit it? That chance is stronger than our will.


How to tell if you have a good sexual connection with the girl?

Talking is not enough. From experience, I have told you, I have often been surprised: great sex with almost unknown or seedy sex with a girl I dated three times before.

The thing is that a sexual connection can make you or her want to know the other person better after sleeping with him or her. Like, you don’t give a shit about her, you fuck her… and it’s so awesome in bed that you are seriously interested in the girl after.

I would say thanks to learning than by being more open rather than being defensive, you are more likely to experience powerful sexual connections (it must be that someone takes the first step). We could have with many people (we are made for that) but never with everyone. Chicks want to choose to whom they give power over them.


Is the sexual connection always reciprocal?

I do not think so. It happened I have loved fucking chicks that did not wish to see me again after. I have often been contacted again by girls because they had enjoyed it while on my side, I did not want to do it again with them. Ultimately, I was glad to have done a good deed for them but I did not want to see them again. No matter how hot they were or how they were invested in bed… It may seem unfair, I realize, but it’s like that.

I think there are energies circulating among humans, “good chemistry” some people say. Well, these connections may exist only on a sexual level. But the best is when there is ALSO a brain connection.


Where are the sexual connections coming from ?

I often wondered and the truth is that I don’t know. The universe? Past lives?

More rationally, I think there are factors that do not depend on us. I think it was Freud who said that similar neuroses attract. Then, there may be hormones in general and in particular pheromones that can also play a role here.


Does everyone know what that connection is?

Like I have said, a strong sexual connection seems indescribable: it looks like the obvious but remains inexplicable. I have serious trouble to ask over words so feel free to help me in the comments.

I think most people do not know it in their lives. Most people are, anyway, committed in by default relations. They sometimes suffer more than they live a fulfilling relationship.

Most people know nothing about the art of sex, or it is never spontaneous, or it is mechanical or chaste, etc.


What is the interest to find a girl with whom there is a strong sexual connection?

First, I said that sexual connection may be there, but to varying degrees. But the best is when it is very strong. It seems to me the equivalent of those people who understand each other without having to talk.

Then I think you will understand when you will live it (do not confuse it with a one itis : sexual connection is something rare). That is when sex WITH HER will be irresistible for you.

I soon get tired of women in general. It is the novelty that excites me, motivates me. I happened I had regular girlfriends, who managed to drive me crazy even though they do not offer me this novelty anymore.

They always and spontaneously wanted to make me happy, and it was mutual.

They gave me priority over other men with whom sex necessarily lost a lot of attractions.

Science has proven that there is a clear link between the quality of sex and the level of interest of a woman for a man, the hormones released by the brain after orgasm are also those that induce the feeling of love .


Warning :

When I started, I was in couple just to be a couple. I fucked with chicks I dreamed cheating on because… I was hard mechanically and not by genuine desire for HER. I had experienced nothing yet and I believed I was arrived.

“All I know is that I know nothing.” Socrates

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Why relativizing the religion of the condom ?

Why relativizing the religion of the condom We often read that you should always put condoms, if not you are a monster who has AIDS. I want to relativize everything. Once more time, I wanna carry the opposite of the single thought… (put I put condoms)


AIDS (HIV) : you’re unlikely to catch it…

First of all, my generation is hyper-sensitized to AIDS. But there’s not much cases in fact. I quote sidaction website:

“The most affected regions are Ile-de-France (44%) and overseas departments (8%). The PACA region is the second region of metropolitan France the most affected by the epidemic with an HIV discovery rate of 109 per million inhabitants. ”

There’s approximately 5 million people in PACA, it therefore makes 545 cases in one of the most affected regions. Not huge.

In France there are 67 million people, it means 7,300 cases. It would be really bad luck…

“Despite the finding of a trivialization of targeted prevention strategies, youth continue to be concerned: 11% of those who discovered their HIV are between 15 and 24 years. But senior citizens are more concerned, since 20% are 50 or older. “

It’s hard for the 11% … by the way, that does not make me want to bang more milf.

“Among those who discovered their HIV status:
– 56% are heterosexual (39% foreign born, mostly in sub-Saharan Africa and 17% in France);
– 42% are men who have sex with men;
– 1% are drug users. “

Finally, for prevention, rather prefer partners born in France, who do not take drugs and heterosexual.

There’s then 0.20% of transmission probability for the insertive vaginal sex. I specify for idiots that someone who does not have AIDS cannot transmit it.

I’m not saying condoms are useless, be careful, but I’m saying that’s not the AIDS you should fear the most.


Effective against other STDs and STIs

Do not ask me the difference between STDs and STIs, I don’t know. And I don’t give a shit.

I have had the misfortune of catching some kind of crappy stuff like papillomavirus or balanitis. And kinda quickly, after only a few unprotected sex with a girl who did not know she had it. Testing Center, they looked for hepatitis, AIDS and everything and said we could go for it with no risk… and then I caught those shit because of their negligence. After that, it was a hassle to get rid of it!

I condemn here hyper-sensitivity against AIDS but the neglect of the rest of crap lying around. Who are not serious (they did not have to cut my dick) but well. The warm piss or whatever, I do not really want to catch that kind of stuff.

My conclusion here is that it is better to seek advice from a gynecologist (for chicks) or a general docteur at least for the guys with complete analysis before saying that we have nothing.

My second conclusion here is to go seeing a docteur if we had problems with a ladle girl. The kind of girl who jumps on you to warm you then who sinks without a condom on your cock. You do not have time to react. After that, it’s hard to stop and you’re trapped and you feel guilty. One may wonder if the girl acted like that with all the guys or anything… that is frightening!


The condom as contraception

Sometimes girls want to fuck without condoms but do not take the pill. It’s not a good idea because they can be fertilized by the drops of pre-ejaculatory semen. Some do not even know it… in this case, I recommend the morning after pill.

If the girl does not take the pill, no unprotected sex! Except blowjobs… (sometimes society is trying to scare us by saying that we can catch AIDS through oral sex or stuff like that… but frankly I’ve always been sucked without and I’ve never had anything caught like this!) Some wanted to suck me a condom hood but I laughed in their faces: if you’re scared of everything, you will do nothing in life (when I say that our society is hyper-anxiety). And for eating you out, I put a condom on my tongue or not? And a sextoy can give AIDS ? Ahhh, she does not know what to reply now, Marisol Touraine!


It’s the guys who have to wear it

I think it is my role to put the condom, despite the existence of the female condom and all that stuff… because they must already suffer their periods, the pregnancy and everything. We owe them that…

Have condoms with you because it will reassure the chicks to see them. They will say to themselves that you are serious about it. You will score points !!!


The condom as a religion

You should not not believe that the condom is infallible. There’s stuff that pass through, it can break, etc. And it’s not worth doing an anxiety attack if ever it happens (unless you were banging a prostitute in South America – don’t laugh it happened to a friend who did not practice the game – he would not have to pay if he did).

You will not either drop dead if you fornicate unprotected with a girl who has a shit. Must not be alarmist all the time, to those who say “do not play with your life” … I answer “I am willing to make an effort but when it’s your time it’s your time.”

Finally, as always, I advise to stay realistic, going back and forth two or three times without condom in a pussy is not like three or four complete unprotected fucks in the same pussy in terms of statistical risk.

When I told my dad that I was afraid to have AIDS because I fucked a black without protection, he laughed at me, saying that in his time almost nobody put that. We are paranoid !!!

But let’s go to screening all the same : if we could eradicate this shit, it would be cool (too bad there’s not STD that will make our dicks bigger) ! And more important if we have partners we fuck without it often, we owe them that (respect) !

More informations : the awesome lover’s manual !

Sometimes it makes one feel good to feel a girl without condom.