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Where and how to buy condoms?

Where and how to buy condomsMany guys and girls are embarrassed when buying condoms in a store. It comes, in general, from the fear of what the others could think and of the reaction of the seller.


I see many people pretending to watch the razor on the shelf next to condoms and then, hop, they discreetly drop a box of condoms in their cart… and then quickly hide it by covering with other products. The problem with this technique is that it pushes for consumption, that drives them to buy things they do not need, just to hide their shame.

Me, I have fun when it’s time to buy condoms because when I’m in front of the cashier, I think “yeah, me tonight, I will have a lot of fun… and you, what kind of movie are you going to watch?”

This is a question of reality : either you choose to accept and to be proud of having sex, or you live it as a shame and you try to hide it. I made my choice.

Anecdotally, it reminds me of an old adventure in which I accompanied a girlfriend in a shop and there I made her ashamed by shouting “take condoms because tonight I’m going to take you harcore (or something like that)!”

I also remember the first time I wanted to have sex : I searched a long time in my parents’ bedroom to find some. But they already stopped the condoms for a long time! So, this is the girl who bought it (she was motivated). And she was really ashamed!


Next, there’s the question of size: if you take small sizes for your tiny penis, I can understand that you do not assume. But if you take large sizes or if, like me, you are average… so there’s really no reason to don’t assume!

If you are afraid that someone you know can see you buying condoms and repeat to your mother, then go ten kilometers away to go to a store located in a neighborhood or village where you know no one. And pray that the other guys around had not the same idea!

Well, I suggest ordering on the Internet if you absolutely do not want to go buying it in person. You should not deprive yourself to have sex nor protect yourself just because of social pressure or a shitty complex! But still, it’s like the guys who do not assume to use the urinal when there is another guy next to them : it reveals a large complex and it would be interesting to work on it.

Then, about the difficult choice: pharmacy or supermarket? I personally prefer supermarkets. Because it’s cheaper and it’s the same product. For the more stingy, remains the solution of going to family planning and stock up on condoms! However there is an advantage to go to drugstore: sexy pharmacists sometimes will go as far as to ask if you need help choosing the condoms (there is a real choice). And btw, they are subject to medical confidentiality.

If it can make you save time and allow you to choose more easily, know that I have not found better than Skyns condoms in terms of quality, durability and comfort.


Girls are too many to be ashamed to buy condoms. It is because cashiers who get bored and who sometimes look at them and say “good evening” with a kinky smile. It would still be nice if people stopped constantly judging! Sex is a natural thing! It’s part of the cycle of life! It should however be well considerate to protect yourself, right?

So, for the girls who do not have enough character to send to hell the idiots and their crappy remarks: they still have the solution to order online.

We must also realize that these vendors will have forgotten an hour later (they see so many people during one day) … in short, in any case, keep in mind that you’re not the first person to buy condoms and you are not the center of the world. 99% of cashiers will not give a shit whether you buy it or toilet paper. Besides, are you also ashamed when it’s time to buy toilet paper?


My final tip: make a pretty necklace with all your used condoms, and wear it proudly when you go out in a club!

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Seduction for men : taboo?

Seduction for men : taboo?Today I will deal with the following questions: why is seduction a taboo subject in France in 2016? Why is it a “shame” to seek pickup advice on the Internet? Why are PUA so hated?


Reason 1 : People do not want it to be said that they need seduction advice. It is supposedly something innate or that we haven’t. It’s always the same question, should you accept passively your fate or should you fight to do better than what you were destined to ? I made my choice.

Many people who read seduction tips do not assume and it gives the impression that it does not interest anyone (few likes, few shares on Facebook). But when I see my visits curve on my blog or when I first talk about it with people, I understand it is not at all the case. I can tell you that it interests thousands of people (who are not very honest).


Reason 2 : It is also a matter of pride. Many men believe it is a sign of weakness to seek pickup advice. But experience shows that intelligent women love men who think for themselves, who are questioning, etc. This is in fact a strength!

I have always said that : assuming it and yourself is a key that leads to success.


Reason 3 : Guys criticize seducers/PUAs and say that they are bastards who just want to “fuck”. This is ridiculous as they are most of the time just trying to shine by comparison… “I’m not like that, I do not only think about sex, well, can we fuck now?” Or, almost worse “I prefer not to learn how to seduce because I expect to meet a woman naturally and everything will happen by itself at a party” (bad faith).

This is absurd: instead of helping women get rid of their social pressure, guys start to suffer in their turn of that damn Puritan conditioning. This is what we call the race to the bottom.


Reason 4 : It is also a matter of jealous. the guys are afraid of having to admit that some are better than them in bed with their dick, they feel their manhood endangered. But the game is there to help men overcoming these feelings of inequality and injustice, not to make fun of our fellow human beings who are still struggling…

A part of the problem is that the gender relations are falsely chaste, we all fear of being thought as something (a hooker, a bastard, a virgin). And we are also afraid to accept our animal side, which is expressed in the sexual drive… we are ashamed because we know that this is something that is sometimes difficult to master! For me, the real courage is to accept it completely (while respecting others, of course).


Reason 5 : There is some legend about what constitutes the seduction community. Many people speak without knowing what they are talking about and are imagining hardcore things or are unfairly assimilating us to street harassment and other horrors.

There really is a real lack of objective information on the subject, so it scares people because they think that it is black magic or hypnosis or I don’t know what. While this is actually just some personal development: we improve to attract more … no one violates nor manipulates, we’ve got an ethic! Btw, learning to communicate better and to dare more, it seems to me more honest than wearing make-up and heels. But when we hear about it in the media, political correctness wants this denigrated. It would be nice if more people thought for themselves instead of being sheep.


Reason 6 : Many seduction coaches (btw the diploma does not officially exist) do it just for bragging and making money. They do not really want to help others, which makes them horrendous. Many are ridiculous, some are bad and just recite what they have read in books. We can say that commercial sites (which are also often the most publicized) discredit the concept.

Moreover, in the everyday life, a lot of guys and women brag but there’s nothing behind. I agree with the saying “who speaks the most does the least” but I would swatch by saying it depends on how those people talk about it. Indeed, some, it is obvious they know their stuff, we can feel it !


Reason 7 : We live in denial, in the repression of our sexual instinct. Our society is too frustrating (especially in big cities where women are seen all day: they are dressed and we kinda ignore them but their hormones act on us anyway). However, people are too afraid to admit it because it would amount to freak out…


Reason 8 : Guys are afraid of having to challenge themselves, of having to question their lifestyle. They are used to always go to the ease of pulling others down rather than pulling them up (a phenomenon unfortunately quite common in our society). Many can’t be bothered to have to make efforts to get out of their comfortable little world so they prefer that nobody has fun sexually to be in the standard and revel in it.


Reason 9 : There is a natural battle, a genetic competition between human beings (we are on Earth to survive and reproduce)… and seduction could help you to improve and make a child with awesome girls. So, your ignorance suits many people : you stay in your place and let them the great girls/guys.


Reason 10 : Historically, the two sexes fear each other because everyone has a power over the other one. Moreover, in year 1, Ovid was exiled by Augustus just because he wrote The Art of Love, a seduction manual. It has thus always been a sensitive and politically incorrect subject (like a clit). Especially in Latin countries (where the game developed the most it’s not by accident) because in Australia or Ukraine for instance, girls flirt and do not always play the “disgusted with the perverse sex.”

Still in ancient times, women had to be attractive and men chose the ones they would like to fuck. Now they must make efforts to attract and thus see themselves being closer to their sensitive side, and that bothers machos.

However, we all know that sex is a good seller, for example in movies or in books: the subject in fact interests a lot of people who veil their faces. This ambient lie puts everybody uncomfortable by making people ashamed of their needs that are yet natural. Perhaps is it simply the fact of speaking of things concretely which is problematic since it is appreciated in fiction but much less when people are directly affected.

One walks on the head when you know what alcohol, cigarette or drugs is almost better seen (in public) than sex. Reminds me of the story of the scandal around stolen photos of Jennifer Lawrence: all the guys said it was disgusting, but they had all it on their phone !!! Moreover, many of the chicks also had watched the photos, even if it only was to compare…


Some do not know the game but actually already have a great girlfriend, are not submitted to women and stay alpha… and everything is for the best in the best of worlds. But this is a rare case and many people are in couple by default (or single and hungry for sex). So I think that they would do well to focus on the seduction community.

In short, everyone is free, but people will not be authorized to protest about not fucking sex bombs if they don’t practice the game…

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The power of implicit acceptation

The power of implicit acceptationThe goal:

For the unconscious, the failure to challenge something is equivalent to the fact of accepting it. Thanks to the extremely simple technique of the no contest, you’ll be able to establish good frames (underlying meaning of things in your interactions). Girls will thus validate you despite themselves!


The realization:

There are two main ways to do this:
– The excuse: it is for example when using humor to say a sentence that would not be accepted without;
– Withdrawal: by canceling the BPD element immediately we avoid it is challenged… but the brain of the target will imagine it all the same.

If that sounds complicated, wait for the examples.


The examples :

1/ “We could go home, I could mass you to relax you”

If the girl is enthusiastic, go straight to the FC. On the other hand, if it looks like she wants to resist: withdraw your proposal.

“Oh no wait, because you look very tense, I do not think I have enough massage oil.”

The girl had not enough time to challenge it, but her imagination will be sought and the idea will make way into her mind. She will now not see you in the same way, she will see you as someone more sexual.


2/ “You’ll be my new girlfriend if you keep smiling like that…”

Here, because there is no direct invitation, you can use the push and pull. It’s free but it will increase your value.

“Oh no, but you love Tarantino’s movies, sorry, we’ll have to break up.”

Thus: she had no time to challenge the fact she will be your girlfriend, and in addition, you establish the frame that you choose.

You communicate a lot implicitly by doing that.


3 / “Phew, my sex is too tough, I’m sick of seeing the girls I fuck fainted with pleasure because they have no strength anymore after 50 orgasms.”

Here is an example of excuse : you use humor for the message to be listened and not sounding ridiculous (otherwise it would be bragging).

And then you will cancel the phrase “hey don’t be shocked, I was just kidding” or “hey smile, do play the tight-ass!” Nevertheless, the idea will grew in her unconscious and she has imagined you as a good lover yet.


4 / “Hey, stop staring at my ass! You want to take pictures, right? I assign the broadcasting rights for 500 € per month if you want.”

By accusing the girl of having a dirty mind, you make her think about these things: you actually puts her dirty thoughts in mind! You lead her to the her dark side… that’s the strength of this kind of jokes.

Finally, remember that you need to do that by being more or less subtle (don’t look like a big asshole) and by saying things in a credible way. I mean that you cannot possibly tease or play the sex god with a trembling voice, while looking at your feet or by being too vulgar…

Good luck !

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Why not going to prostitutes?

Why not going to prostitutesIntroduction

A reader wrote me that that the game is something really complicated! He asked “why not just going to prostitutes?” It’s a good question.


1/ The game is an investment

The first thing to understand is that if you go to prostitutes, it’s in order to have sex. Whereas if you learn the game: it is to have sex, to improve yourself and to have a great girlfriend.

When you know that it is about 50 € per hour if you want to fuck a professional (time-clock), the purchase of any ebook allowing you to pickup chicks will quickly be profitable. The game is an INVESTMENT while the whore is a sumptuary expense.

Currently, if I want to kiss a girl, it does not cost me anything. I do not pay in general not even a drink or anything since I’m making them come over directly and they bring a bottle.


2/ You cannot kiss them

Do not forget that you cannot kiss a prostitute. While with girls we pick-up through the game, we can!

There are plenty of things you cannot do to a whore but that you can do to a lambda girl picked up in a bar. There is thus a much greater freedom of action when you do not pay you intercourses… and, in addition, there is no risk of getting punched in the face by the pimp (the guy who abuses the whore and takes almost all her money – I refuse to encourage such a trade).


3/ We do not really feel wanted

Because one pays, he does not feel what it’s like to be truly desired. Orelsan sums up the situation: “no matter what she does with her mouth, she doesn’t give a fuck.” So, yes, it satisfies a need but I do not think it really gives a good mood. Banging a chick who will not remember us the next day, it’s nothing flattering.


4/ This is not really exhilarating : it’s beforehand won

We do not feel the stress of uncertainty: is she going to reject at the last moment? Is she going to let me do things that no guy has done to her before? Will I be the only one in her life to make her come like crazy? “It’s stronger than me, I always want to feel special in their eyes.”


5/ An increased risk of STDs

The advantage of prostitutes is that they do not give us a headache, unlike an hysterical girlfriend. No tantrums, no whims, etc. €50 is the price of the peace of mind in a sense.

But there is always the possibility that the condom cracks or does not protect us (not 100% reliable). By going to see a whore, we have more “chances” to catch STIs, herpes or any sexually transmitted shit. We do not leave so serene at that level.

I have a friend who was banging whores in Argentina. One day, the condom has cracked, he panicked. He had to tell the situation to his mother who ordered him to take the plane to come in France to access to triple therapy! It’s still a fucking lose story!


6/ We are forced to put on a condom

In addition, we must always fuck with a condom (which will be accounted by a pimp). Whereas if we develop a relationship with a nice girl who takes the pill, we will be able to directly feel the heat of her pussy around our cock : it is priceless.


7/ We are not the price

This is not a very alpha state of mind to want to queue (wait your turn) in order to pay a woman to have sex with her. An alpha male is, however, supposed to be the price in the interaction. This logic seems unnatural to me. “I do all the work, it is her who should pay me!”


8/ They are not all pretty

There are prostitutes who are classy and pretty, but it is not the cheapest. So if I can get better, I do not want to pay to put my dick in a fat hairy girl smelling like shit and speaking a broken French.


9/ The environment is unhealthy

If it is to go cheap whores, smelling like sweat and who have not washed their sheets soiled with the semen of all the customers of the day, no thank you! All this for a stoic and impassive girl or a crazy that simulates… Fuck, the game is supposed to prevent guys from being sex-starved. One could say that whores are for desperate people, while the game is for those who still have hope and will.


10/ A sex therapy

As Gringe said, “whores is like a session with a shrink.” Even better : because they listen and suck. Anyway, the game is also a form of therapy then if we follow this logic. And it is much deeper because relationships are much more sincere because disinterested. Also, it meets more our hunger for affection.



For the record, my brother once went to the whores in Figueras, Spain. It seems they were sexy, and that hygiene was respected. He kept a good memory, but hey, he is not used to fuck sex-bombs. In Amsterdam too, it seems it’s not bad, the prostitutes in the shop windows.

It can be a rewarding experience to do, to go to whores, once in a life. I will maybe if I have the opportunity to do it in good conditions and with a girl who works for herself. The chick will be banged so hardly that she will understand why we talk about priced sex! After all, it is the oldest profession in the world, must be respected.

Moreover, before, the young men were initiated into sex by an experienced prostitute. It was socially accepted. I critique here those who make it a habit, not those who go there once or twice for fun. What I question it’s : those who prefer to pay to go to whores instead of working their game to attract more and sexier women.

That said, there are rich people who regularly hire call girls (or luxury whores) and fuck them. After all, if they are beautiful, experienced, willing, if they do not have 10 customers in the same night, and there is no pimp behind … why not? But hey, you have to pay the price. It is still a privilege of rich people to orgasm in the pretty young girl at the age of 80.

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The oath of PUA

The oath of PUAThe oath of the Pick-up artist

Anxiety does not exist: enjoy the thrill of approaching!

Rejections do not exist: they are only invitations to improvement!

Excuses are not acceptable : one acts when has got alpha male balls!


No “I hope she likes me” only attempts and fuckcloses!

No shit-tests, cockblocks nor bitch shields: only opportunities to have fun and have sex!

No one-itis nor naivety: only hardening by experience!

No soft and premature dick : only hard guys who have read The awesome lover’s manual !


No more invitations to the restaurant or flowers, only creation of attraction, DHV and negs.

No more priority to unknowns just to get laid, prioritize your family and important people.

No more generalizations or “it doesn’t work”, only analysis and work.

No more fatality nor lamentations, only orgasms with sex bombs.

No more handjob or frustration, only threesomes with two chicks.


There is no street harassment, only class and respectful pickups!

There is no “I live with my parents”, only baisodromes!

There is no asshole or AFC, only radiant players!

There is no magic pill, only the theory and the field!

There is neither ego nor luck, only logical results of a personal development!

There is no problem, just the game!


Ignorance leads to fear…

Fear leads to frustration…

Frustration leads to a shitty life.


The game leads to value…

Value leads to seduction…

Seduction leads to sex…

Fuck leads to a great girlfriend.


Do not be a loser…

Do not passively accept your fate if the situation doesn’t suit you…

Be interested a bit in the seduction community…

Be a winner.

For a better world !

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How to better use negs

How to better use negsA beautiful girl, with her physique, can type any lambda AFC. Moreover, in a typical situation, the hot babe thinks on the principle that she is superior. She will therefore, as and as she becomes aware of this, increase her level of requirement. Besides, it is fair, that is exactly what we do when we become better in game: ie becoming more demanding!

Indeed, the hottie cannot fuck every guys who flirt with her in life, she will therefore have to select. For this, a beautiful woman often forges a bitch shield, in order to pull away weak men. The “sluts shield” is a bitchy attitude supposed to discourage the no-balls guys. Therefore, to bang sex bombs, it is imperative to communicate that we are not a lambda sex-starved dude. We must communicate value.

Sorry but you have 90% chance to piss off a woman if you approach her with stuff like “you are hot” or “Can I buy you a drink, beautiful lady?” Besides, most of the guys who act like that find themselves alone after the miss has swallowed the exorbitant champagne you paid for her.

The worst is that by acting this way, she openly shows she does not respect you. But no way, we won’t insult her “pff bitch why do you drink if it’s not to be fucked hard? “It would not at all be ethical nor productive.

The truth is, deep down, they want actually to have sex. But they are not sluts. In addition, they like to draw our attention, no matter what they are saying. They like to feel their power of attraction. It is from these observations that was born the concept of negative hit, or neg, for short. The author is Mystery. The idea is that instead of saying boring things without interest like “miss, you are very beautiful”, it has more impact to say things like “you have beautiful hair, is it real ???”

Or, “you’re tanned, is that mattifying make up?” She may concede that yes and that she would like to spend a week on holiday in the sun. You could then push the envelope “okay, I guess most people like it anyway.”

The idea is she has a little doubt. We compliment her but not totally. Thus, she no longer has control on 100% of the interaction. She feels that you do not put her on a pedestal, unlike other guys. Then talk to her normally without telling her every 5 minutes she is very pretty, so she wantes to prove to you that she is sexy. You will communicate that you have high standards, and she normally will feel she must qualify to you to please you. Anyway, this is what theoretically should be the sub-communication. And yes, a neg is a form of DHV. You show value while making her fall from her pedestal: you restore the order of things. Finally, the frame is not against you anymore!

Maybe she will not understand why you are not a sex-starved like all the others. Good. The secret that gives you so much confidence, it is the knowledge of the game. But it’s a secret!

A neg, it must seem sincere. The problem is to manage the aggressive part of the stuff. The girl should not have the impression that you are trying to humiliate her nor you are a hater. A good neg, it could be a compliment clumsily formulated that reminds her that she is not perfect. The idea, again, is to communicate that, unlike the other guys, her physical appearance does not impress you. This is not a beforehand won for her. So do not practice this technique with girls who do not feel up to you.

Negs ideas :
– “You have beautiful eyes… especially the right one…”
– “You have beautiful teeth… are they real?”
– “You would surely have been a model if you were taller.”
– “It’s cute, your ears move when you talk.”
– “You look sexy from behind.”

The neg is a controversial concept because, uncontrolled, it can make us lose chicks. According to how it is said, such a sentence can be misinterpreted. Demonstrating disinterest is not necessarily a good idea especially with a girl who is not very confident, “Oh damn, but you’re always like this?” Doing cocky & funny without funny either, the goal is really to push the girl to justify herself, not to offend her. It is rather like doing cocky & funny but without showing interest and it is especially necessary to choose with who we do it. It is rather for really beautiful babes, to reduce the value differential she can a priori think that exist between you two. Also, when a moderately beautiful girl is a little too much a pain in the ass, it may be a good idea to prick her ego. Finally, never make your negs sound like an insult, it’s not the point.

What to avoid which could be confused with negs:
– “You’re dumb or you do it on purpose?”
– “Are you my favorite big slut?”
– Making a neg, then saying “boom I owned you!”

Yes, sometimes you have to use these kinds of methods so they finally understand that you’re not a loser, unlike 80% of men. It could help them to come out a little of their monotonous trance of compliments and bootlicks.

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Pick up in an open/closed environment

Pick up in an openclosed environmentSeveral readers have written me that they are too young to pick up in an open environment (street, bar, clubs) but they would like to seduce in a closed environment (eg at school, in their sports club, etc.)

Girls are not holy

The first thing to know is that high school girls are dirty. I have, several times, fucked high school girls, and it was not the most difficult shots in my career. In fact, being older, I was the prize for them: they could then brag to their friends, they could feel validated, etc.

However, the chicks are probably not going to sleep on the same night with a high school guy (one night stand)… because they will fear for their reputation (everyone knows everything in such an environment). Indeed, they are less experienced than older girls and are less confident. Also, because they do not necessarily want to fuck guys half virgins who idealize women.

Anyway, on a late night misunderstanding: why not? But still need to be invited to parties where the “a little shameless girls” go. And then learn how to create opportunities and seize your chance.

Be less direct in closed environment

Personally, I do not advise you to “actively” pick up in closed environment: no crash & burn, no direct game… except perhaps in the end of year parties or in very special festive contexts.

Indeed, when it does not work in this environment, it is a disaster. And when it works, it often goes wrong afterwards. This is why it is often said “no cock in job (no sex on the workplace).”

And then one takes a lot of rejections when one is beginning. But you do not need a loser reputation with people you see every day: “do not shit where you eat.”

The problem of the closed environment

The problem is that in closed environments, people talk to each other. You will therefore inevitably have a reputation. The reputation of the guy who tries with all the chicks and who fails 90% of the time would lower your “social proof”.

You can always test the waters with the girls in mode “I take the temperature” with chicks that you see every day. But be subtle and let them come to you! If they are interested, if they send a lot of indicators of interest, go for it of course! But what I mean is that it is not in this environment you will do mass of cold approaches to desensitize you to rejections!

In closed environment, rather focus on personal development and on having a more magnetic attitude. In open environements the hard-pickup.

How to pickup on your campus

In high school or college, in my day, the guys who seduced the most were not the most handsome but those who had the best “social proof”. They were those who already went out in clubs, those who were part of the Student Unions, etc. It is all about social dynamics.

Chicks of the promo were easily kissed in clubs by guys of their age. But outside, if they kissed one of those guys, it was especially for something more serious. The only advantage of the closed environment on the open environment is when we get to have a good reputation that brings us girls “passively”. Indeed, a girl can easily fantasize about the captain of the football team of her chest.

However, you can change

If your situation does not fit you and you want to change but do not dare because your reputation is already made: it is an excuse. Yes, gossips will notice the change and maybe try to belittle you. But it’s worth it to go through it, when we know every good things the game will bring you. Do not be afraid !

Also, if you do it well, people will not feel that you have really changed. They will just say that you are more relax, or they get to know you better. Do not start saying “I will change after the school holidays” or crap like that … because this is the best way to procrastinate and never get started.

You will become more and more interesting and some girls will be on you (logical result of a personal development process). So if people criticize the fact that you want to improve, they are idiots. Leave them in their shit and prove them wrong!

You can already fuck

If it can cheer you up, be aware that if you are “almost normal”, there already surely are some girls who would willingly make out with you. That said, if it leads to anything concrete or if they are girls you do not like, it’s a bit useless to have admirers. But for confidence, it’s always good… it is still necessary that you learn to identify indicators of interest.

Improvements ideas in a closed environmental

If you pick up in this kind of environment, you have to go in a much softer way. So rather bet on the personal development and the fact of creating attraction passively.

To improve, start with your look (dress yourself better) and your body (eat better, play sports). You will attract more eyes and it will give you confidence.

There are many blogs that will help you find a good style for your age. If you are really lost, you can always hire a relooker. Stay still in a fairly simple style… if not, for once, you may be ridiculous for real.

Attitude is the most important. But do not overplay the “dominant male that makes prizing since he discovered the seduction community” that would be ridiculous. Rather, play it humble and accessible, especially at first. The same rules that make an alpha male sexy in an open environment work in closed environment. Try to become “funnier”, “cooler”… you can also work your analytical ability, your nerves and your ability to socialize.

You will become a “first letter of the Greek alphabet” male gradually. Especially if you are currently very reserved, you are not going to change overnight, otherwise it would sound fake. Take the time to develop your inner game that will eventually pair with your outer game.

Keep it simple

Keep it simple with sexual humor like with clothes: do not use too elaborate stuff otherwise you may only receive as answers puzzled looks. Especially do not take the risk of being a weirdo.

Continue to cultivate your seduction skills until you go out more. You can also work out on the field but when you’re young you’ve much less options. Because a guy of 25 years may fuck 17 years girls and 35 years old women without problems. But a 16 year old guy will struggle already to fuck 18 years girls. All in good time, so.

Above all, do not exercise on a large scale on a land that you are obligated to attend every day. This has too many drawbacks: the girls have more difficulty letting themselves go and you will be hanging a sex-starved reputation. On the other hand, on holiday for example, go for it!

In hindsight

I had friends (girls) in high school and college, I was not sleeping with them, who spoke frankly with me because I was almost sexless in their eyes. If you are also temporarily in this situation, take advantage of this opportunity! They will teach you a lot about the dark side of women, once there will not be other guys around and they can let go and say what they really think (especially as you will learn the good filters through the seduction community).

If I went back today to high school with what I know, I would be a hit, that’s for sure. But at the time, I had no notion of pick-up at all and I would have needed a ass kicking. So I think this is a chance for you to experience the game very young. The skills you will acquire in a closed environment will be useful in an open system too.

You are on the right track but you must adapt the material (the community is especially made for young men not for “children”)!

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What to do after a numclose?

What to do after a numcloseThe purpose of this article is to increase your chances of having a date after taking a number.

Once we took the number of a girl, it is assumed that both parties have expressed their interest. So we do not care if you took the number in direct or indirect mode.

The delay

The first important thing is to send a first text quickly. The day after you took the number, that’s good.

Why ? It confirms the impression that you have given her with your pick-up, it reminds you to her memory.

Structure of the first message

Hey ya (or funny nickname) + questions on what followed that day preferably with humor + quick hint to the best moment of the meeting + formula to say goodbye.

So “Hi little alcoholic. Did you manage to remember where you lived at the end of the party? If you’re nicer than last night and that you promise you won’t scratch me, I will accept to see you again. Kiss. Signed: the really cool guy who gave you a fry last night”


To say goodbye, you have a choice. For example :
– Tchuss (for the offbeat side if it is cool);
– Kisses (only if said it before (mirroring) if not it’s just needy + she will wonder what kind of kiss you’re talking about : it creates tension and makes her imagination work);
– I embrace you (if it’s a classy girl);
– I kiss you without the tongue (if you want to play it provocative);
– Bisous.

These are just ideas for you to understand the concept. Dare! Stand out from the mass! Prefer ambiguous stuff.

For your signature, do not necessarily remind her who you are, or do it in a nice way.

The choice of her nickname

If you tease her on something negative, she must understand that you are joking (or challenging) or it can make you lose one girl stupidly. Like “hello kinky girl, how are you?”

But, when it is soft and harmless, there’s no danger but it’s still a small effect. Like “hey the hot tea drinker, how’s your tongue ?”

Phone or SMS?

I do not think it necessary to call. You can, of course. But my phone game comes down to texts. Except sometimes just before the date, if we can’t find each other, I call her. But I find texting way less intrusive than calls.

Response time

If the girl did not respond 48 hours after your last message, consider that it’s over. So do not stress, because anyway, it’s dead. If she did not respond before the deadline, do not stress, some are long before reacting. Basically: never stress about it.

You should know that for our friends the women, consistency is not something innate. This is not because she was warm around you last night that she will also be warm with you the next day on the phone. Or that she will necessarily want to move the ass to see you again. That’s sad but that’s life…

Suggest a date

I do not often make a date proposal in the first message. I prefer to wait she answers before. Except in an emergency or if we had verbally agreed to quickly meet up at the moment of the numclose. But it’s better to do it when you have made some comfort before.

For writing an invitation, I like this kind of structure:

“So, pretty psycho. Do you feel like sharing a tea, on Friday or Saturday afternoon @ Bellecour? Do you think you have enough conversation for at least one hour? ;)”

How to effectively fix an appointment?

To schedule an appointment, four elements are essential to determine (if not it is just vague) :
– What day ? “Thursday or Friday ?” If the girl never can and does not even justify, it sucks… the sooner you can have a date, the better it is.
– What time or what time of day? “In the evening after work, around 7pm (around is better than at because it less stresses people)?”
– Where ? “I know a nice place where there is good wine, I hope you like it … (if not take into account what she says and propose something else but not 20 times if she says no to everything then too bad for her !)”
– A (false) time constraint: the goal here is that by reading between the lines  she understands that you are preparing an exit door and eventually to frustrate her. She must understand that she will have to assure if she wants sex. “I may have to join a buddy after…”

This is typically the kind of stuff they do so that’s weird from their point of view when men turn their weapons against them… But us, we find it funny!

You do not have to be a leader in this part of the interaction (she can choose the place or the time) but be determined, firm and effective. Firmly determine the conditions of the game, so there is no misunderstanding. For example, give a specific appointment “in front of Garibaldi’s escalators at 20:30…”

Why not adding a little teasing, like “make yourself beautiful” or sexualizing innocently (free interpretationin her mind) “If you’re late, you will have a punishment”?

Prevent flakes (prevention is better than waiting for nothing during 1 hour in the rain)

I send a confirmation SMS a few hours before a date, to be sure she won’t flake me. I send sometimes just simple thing, such a nice message asking if she’s okay.

If she does not answer or if she says she wants to cancel because something unexpected happened, I’m not going there. And I know there’s a 90% chance she lies. On the other, if she says everything is fine, I tease ” tonight, we’ll have fun” or something like that to warm her a bit, but with delicacy.

If it does not answer to your proposition

There’s the girls who are not at all sincere. They prefer to do answer instead of saying they are not interested (well that’s not too much of a problem). But some will even continue to talk to you to inflate their egos, just avoiding questions that do not suit them. For example “do you wanna meet up on Friday night?” If a girl ignores the question or vaguely replies that she will tell you later her decision, that it is a bad start, and the frame is not at all in your favor.

I like to pressure them a little to remind them that I am not a lambda dude “I proposed you to meet up Friday night, you have not answered yet. Someone else proposes me something, I wanted to know what we finally do on Friday before answering. ”

If she still does not answer, thank her for her politeness (irony). If she said no, without giving a reason, send a neg. Exit the interaction with the head in pride (but do not insult her).


This goes without saying : even a not really intelligent girl will prefer a guy who writes her correctly rather than an illiterate.

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Is your game sometimes paralyzed?

Is your game sometimes paralyzedKeyboard jockeys in the PUA language, are those guys who read tons of things about seduction, who publish a lot on forums but desperately lack of experience on the field. These guys have trouble understanding some of the problems that we sometimes encounter when moving from theory to practice.

For example, the problem we will discuss today: the paralysis of a game. After an opener, a few questions (or routines for those who like that), you have got a date. But during it, it’s panic. You do not know what to say or do. Time passes, it’s too late, you look stupid and you lose the girl. Theoretically, it should not happen but in practice this is sometimes the case.


You are sometimes paralyzed, but why?

*It can be a matter of inner game: you are afraid of not knowing what to say or do, you get stressed. From there, it is the decline, a fucking vicious circle, and you crashing.

*It can be a matter of outer game: you have no idea what is a game plan, you do not know how should flow phases between the opener and sex, maybe have not even read a method one day. It takes a lot of practice to succeed in the game, I agree, but you must know the theory too. If you do not know where you are in your game, you’ll hardly know what to do. And if you do not know what to say, the girl will rarely know it for you. Even if she likes you, there’s very little chance that it is the kind of girl who does the work for you. Instead, she’ll maybe just stop being interested in you. Once you have assimilated a good outer game you can afford to go faster because your intuition (shortcut based on skill) will be developed. Meanwhile, do not just use the haphazard techniques you read on forums.

*It can be a matter of emotional inflection: it does not work naturally, you are not able to connect on an emotional level with the girl. Normally, with friends or chicks you have dated, you ended “in the emotional” in one way or another. In short, if you stay at the facts, you’ll quickly be mute : Gwendoline is her name, she is 29 years old, she’s real estate agent, she lives in La Ciotat… OK, so what? This is not what is really important when it comes to seduction.

*It can be a game control question: if ever you face an unexpected objection, a cockblock coming out of nowhere, a chick-test very surprising and unsettling, etc. It is very hard to keep your cool when you lose control of your meta-frame or frame (the meta-frame it’s your personality, the frame it’s your interaction). It can actually lead to paralysis.


How to act against this paralysis of the game?

*Concerning the inner game, you have to be fit. To get back into good dynamic: either make lots of approaches in crash & burn mode or butterfly from group to group in a party or use anchors or be revalidated by your wings, or be hypnotized (I’m considering everything). Generally, the more you work on your strength of will, the less your strength of character will be vulnerable.

If you are in a bad dynamic in your life, you have to solve the problem. Sometimes having succeeded your studies or lifting the driving license is enough to give you a fucking good feeling. But conversely, missing something or feeling bad about your work or your private life may have a negative impact on your game. In fact, you release poorer wave if discomfort, decreasing your success. We can pick-up even in less good phases but it is more laborious. This is easier said than done, I know, but the idea is to engage in a virtuous circle.

If you suffer from the fear and self-fulfilling prophecy of losing your means, you can decide to work your conversational skills in bars or on the street for a few months. Otherwise, make some personal development, if you are not good for approaching people. Read the theory and everything before going to practice on the field in small doses, during enough time to take confidence. There are many interesting books on communication, which will help you definitely (eg VIP Coaching by Constant Winnerman).

If you do not feel like it’s for you when you are hitting on a pretty girl, just remember that you deserve your place with your good game. There’s also the chaos factor that plays in the fact that a pick-up works or not. That ultimately leaves very little place for you as an individual when you approach a girl. So realize that feeling of not being at your place with a sex bomb around has nothing to do with the reality of a pickup.

Being a sucker influence your game so you would lose points. Arrange so to add value to your wingmen and targets. And also of course, fulfill the prerequisite for socializing: washing, brushing teeth, dressing in a correct way that shows a minimum that you are in the game… etc.

I surely forget stuff but the idea is that if there’s a problem, find a solution and then apply. Do not make the ostrich! Accept the challenge and accept to work on it…


*Concerning the outer game, first take notes when you read my books or watch my seminar in order to have easy access to ideas for picking-up. Then make your own game plan, and act accordingly (read my translation of Game Acceleration to know what a game plan is)! No more passive readings, you invest now! It’s not just because you buy a book that all the knowledge of the author is transferred immediately into your brain. You must invest more than that, if not, I would clearly sell it €2,000  and not €20.

In fact, having the equipment in stock, it can compensate substantive gaps. It’s always the famous “fake it up until you fuck it make it.” When you have 10 ideas for each situation, the conversation paralysis must be done on purpose. By working upstream like that, your shortcomings will therefore not be visible and you will become confident. Your attractiveness will become real and authentic after a while! But we all must agree to start somewhere…

By reading books or watching videos (but quality stuff no commercial crap), you will increase your level of confidence that will take your inner game even farer away from further paralysis. But yeah, you must invest and invest yourself a minimum … we have something for nothing in life! We’ve all been there… If it were easy, we’d all be PUAs, we would not be only a few dozen in France who have that title.

I wrote an ebook almost one year ago with only quality ready-to-use lines. Well, I do not ask you to be a parrot, but at least read it to have something to use when you’re not inspired. Thus, you will not be paralyzed. Of course, you must be willing to try the stuff you read too. This kind of stuff is not made to remain only in the books : “You have a boyfriend, well that’s cool, he will press oranges and will serve us the juice in the morning?”.

Of course, you need stuff that are congruent with yourself. But the real you (the one who has balls), not the inhibited version you may now present to women. Most of my stuff is homemade, but before that, I went through a phase in which I used the material of others. And it does not matter, there’s no shame in that. Because if a girl is laughing for ten minutes, if you fail at your last sentence, we probably won’t identify it. And even if she sees it, the first impression will surely be good enough to make her don’t care and be indulgent. Then again, you will understand what kind of stuff works and what kind of stuff is ridiculous. For that, yes, you must test on the field what you read…


*Concerning emotional inflection, it is a very difficult problem. One senses that something is wrong, but not really knows how to make up for it.

We, men, need few things to be OK to have sex. For girls, it’s a little similar, but they are not looking for the same things as us.

Emotions: this is what will make women want. It’s like the fact that they love shoes. We cannot do anything about that, so either you accept and you adapt or you just sleep with few girls in your life (and not terrible ones) or you become a monk.

Finally, now that I understood the thing, I think it is not that difficult to make them feel emotions. It’s just a hand to take. Have fun: tease her, tickle her, intrigue her, push and pull, try to create complicity with her by commenting humorously people around (like if it was you against the rest of the world).

Otherwise, talk about things that make you vibrate like your sport, travels, etc. Do a bit of story-telling about that. Try to train yourself to move from factual to emotional.

Easiest: let her talk about what she likes and what she is interested in, let her qualify. Make small games or magic tricks. Anything that can make her live positive emotions is worth taking. If you have trouble (or fear of) entering the emotional domain, first try to get her in.

Play on the alternation of different emotions, use transgenerational conversation topics like sex scandals, games. Finally, of course, create some rapport : you know, it’s that thing that makes you get along with someone (mirroring, commonalities, etc.)

The girl has to go in her mind from “this boy is vaguely attractive” to “I absolutely want to fuck him.”

Again, sorry but it will take work. Just like your outer game. Read my translation of Ross Jeffries for quality leads.

Ask her if she is happy to see you. Yes, it’s against-intuitive but talk to her about these topics that make you end up fucking together. Think from now more like an alpha PUA than a lambda AFC.


*Concerning the loss of control of the pick-up and of the frame it’s also difficult to manage. The unusual objection, the a bit too bitchy response, the AMOG, the girl very direct who wants to fuck you thought you were just going to take her number and see her again later, etc. Many things can cause us to lose control of a pick-up: what I say is right for an AFC like for a PUA, by the way.

It is of course obvious to we need to put our truck in the track. For this, we must ensure our meta frame, regardless of our school. The main ones :
– She must earn the reward;
– I must demonstrate good value for survival and reproduction;
– Etc.

A frame violently imposed can blow your meta-frame. So make the point with yourself. What is your meta-frame? React according to now. Use default answer, zap the obstacle, DHV, use your stock of lines or techniques, if you have demonstrated enough value you can give her indicators of disinterest to drive her crazy.

You can also consider the reactions of a character that suits you such as the PUA, the little devil on the shoulder, the mysterious guy, the challenger, etc. A lot of usable characters ideas for inspiration are available in an ebook that I give for free when registering for my newsletter.

Do not doubt your meta-frame. When telescoping, only the highest frame survives. You should bring yours with you everywhere. Enjoy some opposition between your respective frames. Instead, if you doubt, chances are you will be eaten (and not your cock).

With a minimum of replicas and techniques in stock, you can go beyond that stage of the destabilization phase (which can be a conscious or unconscious test). You can do it, you can seduce her… if you do not lose your means.

What I recommend is to combine the signals in our head we have a problem of this type with a positive mental dynamics leading to successful reactions. Program yourself like that! Rather the desire to play and the provocation than the allowance and acceptance of failure. Go back quickly in a positive dynamic and anchor this new habit so that the right answers come to you naturally and so you can erase bad habits.

The paralysis of a game, I do not think it’s on the field that we can work on it in depth. It is at home that one is getting ready the more effectively.

As you prepare properly, you will have significantly better results and more fun. It’s hard to know where to start, that’s why I made a plan. Other thing, try to find with what you are ready or not and how get more ready. But in any case, do not do things by halves. It not good, seriously… If you want to be a PUA, go all out and do not skimp on ways !!! It’s called just the will… I’m chewing your work with the best will in the world, but some do not understand that I can’t approach and fuck for them (I’d love to but I can’t do everything for them)…

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The (scandalous) syndrome of the bitch

Today we will talk about the (common) syndrome of the bitch that makes many guys suffer daily even if they can’t name it.


How does it manifests, this shit?

If you are active on the field, you’ve probably had to deal with girls who had this syndrome: a 5/10 that rejects you wickedly, a 6/10 that makes fun of you and lead you down the garden path or a 7/10 that orders you to leave her alone even before you have opened your mouth to talk. In bitches, I also put the 4/10 that prevent their pretty friends kiss… jealous!

Many women are haughty, pretentious and rude in France. I do not know if they realize it but they talk to us most often like if we were shit until we prove otherwise. This is a real social problem. And it is getting worse. So much that, now, when a woman politely replies that she is not interested, it’s very surprising. We’re almost glad to do not be barking over or ignored royally. Basically, not being interested should not prevent a woman from remaining courteous. Like being rejected should not prevent a man from remaining correct and polite. We do not live in the jungle… but the world is not right either.

Normally the bitch shield is a defense mechanism that sex bombs use to not be stressed all the time by wimps. It’s like the Protoss shield that protects they from the first enemy attack: they adopt a bitchy behavior to keep away those who have no balls. But why some 5/10 do adopt bitchy behaviors even if they want a dick in this case? The poor ugly girls already are very lucky that you are flirting with them (even if you just do that during your warm-up phase). And yet… instead of being happy and seizing their chance, they behave like bitches. That’s the bitch syndrome. Knowing that, very often, these girls are not real bitches in fact.

5/10 do not support very well negs, it works better with a hottie who has a bitch shield. Which brings me to the conclusion that these girls do not really have a bitch shield. This is just something that looks like it… like if they wanted to do like the hot girls or like those they see on TV, without thinking.

Snapping women should understand that it does not make them more sexy to play the bitches (I would not fuck Camille Cottin). In spite of that, it makes you want to blow off steam by smashing their ass in doggy style but without respecting them, which is not what they want, I guess. In fact, we say to ourselves she’s ugly, cold and stupid, next! All the girls are not Blair Waldorf…

The problem is that if you do not accept this and you speak like that in a trendy place and you reframe them as they deserve: You might being kicked out by the security guards if they make a scene. Indeed, people will always tend to give reason for women in this kind of situation. You’re just an asshole because you are a guy speaking coldly to a poor defenseless woman.

Be careful not to confuse the bitch syndrome with the fact that maybe you approach like a riffraff, that you are not confident, or you’re dressed like an accountant in the 70’s. If the rejection is what you inspire almost every girl (the cute like the uglies), then you have a problem, not them. If you are a loser, take classes on the blog. ALL the girls do not suffer from this syndrome either… don’t be paranoiac!


Where does the bitch syndrome come from ? Mars or Venus?

We do not live in a Hollywood movie. The girls that are worth 9/10 physically speaking, I do not see even one a month and yet I am on the lookout. Yet girls farting higher than their ass and who are ready to act in a condescending with me, I see every day. I wonder if this is not a fad, a game or a consequence of those fierce feminist campaigns against pick-up artists.

In fact, it’s not just the beauty that is rare. People who feel good about themselves and individuals socially well calibrated are even rarer in France than elsewhere. This is due to our culture that is based on fear and assistantship. Now the bad beliefs of the Average Frustrated Chump and the way of acting of riffraff contribute to the fact that women are as regularly approached in our country as elsewhere. Or even more. And in a way that is often far from pleasant for them. What does enter in contradiction with the fact that women are not confident and strengthen the fact they do not like themselves.

The constant stress and the lifestyle in general in the big cities make so that the French, on average, have a less natural tendency to socialize than girls in other countries.

Finally, the social frame that fact that women are regarded as goddesses who would be the “Super Prize” is very well established.

Of course, other things much simpler can result in a girl who can’t afford on it behaves like a bitch: a guy cheated on her and dumbed her recently, she had a bad day, she’s in a bad way, etc.

The syndrome occurs mainly in young people, students, low social status girls, women who do not have much money, Parisian, people from Aix-en-Provence and the idiots…


What are the root causes of evil?

The two main root causes of the syndrome are:
– Low or fake self-esteem;
– The negative reaction to your approach.

Self-esteem is composed of three things:
– The level of happiness;
– The self-confidence ;
– The well-being.

The following is the description of complex and varied psychological mechanisms behind the bitch syndrome spreads in our female population.

If the girl is ill at ease, she may want to project her malaise and thus prevent others from being happy (her girlfriends like the guys who approach her).

If the girl is not confident, she can narcissistically prefer you to fail. Indeed, the protection of ego, it is safer and easier. If the PUA communicates a strong survival value and replication: the girl who is not confident will not take the risk of being rejected or being dumped. She will therefore take her dose of ego and reject the guy herself preventively.

Of course, it is possible that girls do pretend to have tremendous confidence in them or a very high opinion of themselves while this is not true. Or are in a period when they feel too much confident but it is only temporary. But overall, behind an unjustified bitchy and repeatedly attitude, is hiding some discomfort and a lack of confidence. Or at least something that sounds wrong to that level. Like some manic depression.

The girls may also criticize your pickup while it is not so bad. They can be very creative when it comes to finding ways to make you feel bad. They will try to fuck up your pickup momentum, your motivation, your morale… There are diverse degrees of gradation: it can go from girl who refuses contact and crosses her arms to girls who will directly attack our physical appearance or our approach. The diagnostic element is the disproportionate and unfair aspect of her reaction.

The bitch syndrome can manifest itself even in the case of an indirect approach. Even if you do not show your interest. Often an indirect approach on a Low Self-Esteem triggers this type of reasoning “he is not approaching me because he likes me => one more asshole => I feel bad => I’ll play the bitch to save the face.” To minimize the likelihood of facing these ego reactions, prefer an intriguing opener or a semi-direct one (show your desire to meet her without initially showing sexual interest but do not deny it either).

A bitch syndrome can occur after a long good time. For example, in the ugly girl, once she understood that you wanted to fuck her pretty girlfriend and not her since the beginning.

You may in fact even be dealing with a syndrome of the bitch with a 9 (but rarely, above 8 it’s rather a bitch shied). Do not rely on the physical of the girl. What is happening in their heads is sometimes surprising. Some girls are very hot but are not at all confident. A 9 even cried after I teased her too much. The poor had no bitch shield and saw herself as a 6…


What solutions do we have to survive and reproduce in a so hard world?

Theoretically, we have three possible causes of the syndrome of the bitch, and as much ways of action :
– Low self-confidence;
– Low level of well-being;
– Temporary/superficial boost of ego.

Above all, remember that playing the bitch is a form of test. You will still be judged on how you manage it. By the girl or by people around…

The syndrome is linked to negative emotion that you have caused or whether due to a malfunction in her head. So try to change her feeling or the way of thinking of the girl.

Do not hesitate to ask her directly, to verbalize the discomfort you feel. Why does she react like that when, in your viewpoint, you have been courteous? She will either calm down and understand that she is dealing with an intelligent or she will explode (next in this case).

Try to reframe her negative reaction to bring the communication to more positive things.

Put her more comfortable. With platitudes, your body language or mirroring. The goal is to establish complicity with the girl.


*Low level of confidence:

To diagnose it, see if she is able to look at you in the eyes. If she looks much her feet. If she talks a lot nervously (or is nervously mute). If she makes you weird blame. If she protects her ego. Try to detect any form of narcissism. Analyze if the notion of loss appears in hers speech. Does she have a tendency to flee or an instinctual behavior?

If so, try to put yourself in range.

You can try to label her: “Hey, you do not look in your plate I’m sure you’re a good girl and you do not treat people who have not deserved it so badly normally…”

Optionally, try to make her verbalize what she needs to be reassured (but do not say it’s a lack of confidence that you’re trying to explain). You have to see if it’s at a physical or intellectual level, for example…

“Hey, if I approached you it’s because I like you so do not talk to me like that…” (An indicator of interest often changes the mood of the girl and therefore the issues of interaction).

However, be careful : some chicks are psychologically devastated, they are pathological LSE. If you go against their certainty of being crap, you will not score points, on the contrary. The inconsistency in their mind could make them trip. Prefer listening carefully and direct her to the fact that she has the right to enjoy life too.


*Low level of well-being:

To diagnose it, see if the girls project her unease, complains, manifest anger or sadness, depression.

If so, listen to their problems and sympathize a little (not for hours). Then, offer a different dynamic, a quick succession of emotions, to lead to a more conducive to orgasms universe.

“Hey, your goldfish did drowned or what?” (A dose of teasing fun is always good)

“All you sexfriends have dumbed you on the same day that’s why you’re sulking? Do not worry, we’ll find you some new and better ones! ;)”


*Girls who come to boost their ego through the environment:

To diagnose it, see if the girl is in a competitive environment, has a yard of suitors. Lots of makeup. If in addition, your wingmen tell you they would not have approached her in the street, you’re facing a case of girl who plays above her means…

This is, unfortunately, very common in clubs. I think we should do the opposite of the other guys in these situations: let’s communicate that we are not sex-starved. Try to create a bit of complicity or rapport. Why not giving her a small validation, or on the contrary a light disqualification which would actually be a bait to make her react and try to revalidate ?

“Mmm I feel that this guy over there is on you. You’re a lucky slut… He will offer you a lot of flowers and chocolates …”

“You’re smart, you’ll drink for free tonight thanks to all these losers who approached you…”

In the case of a “spontaneous” confidence that has no particular reason and that is not due to any competition nor anything, you can attack directly asking her to qualify (you challenge her). It works even if she just ignored you…

“Uh… You look very confidence. Is there a particular reason for that?” You will see what  is in her mud pot (no pun intended).


*Girls who come to boost their ego with the situation:

If it’s her birthday, if she is drunk, if she just landed a promotion… More generally, these girls spit us their (pseudo) wellness in the face. They may even believe that they can fuck who they want.

In this case, ignoring the bitchy syndrome is a very effective tactic. Play with it (since in fact they are looking for the welfare they do not really enjoy in their daily life).

Most of the time, listening and diverting the interaction, it’s enough. Except if they are very high.

“Wow looks like you’re having a lot of fun… Are you celebrating the release of the new season of Girls on DVD?”

Then look for the report in her reply to consolidate her need to boost her ego, before moving on a common fun to create complicity. We always come back here, in fact.

The goal is to reduce her to an adequate level of confidence and self-esteem for her to let it go. You must also demonstrate that you are within range in terms of value (not too superior but not inferior). Basically, if she really believes she’s too good for you or if she thinks she is not good enough for you in fact, you have to somehow bring her to a gamable level through your communication.

My final tip: never put comfort without attraction (this is called the nice guy’s trap).

I hope this was understandable because these are difficult concepts to explain, my darlings. Big up! <3